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Here’s The Simplest, Most Effective Way To Get Hundreds (Or Thousands) More Of Customers At Your Restaurant Each Year

without starting with a huge customer base, without spending thousands on ads and without using a single tactic that makes you feel uncomfortable.

It’s Not A Gimmick, Hype Or A Fad…

It’s Just A Smarter Way Of Attracting Customers.

What’s the difference between restaurants that are struggling to survive and those that are packed with customers every day and night, just because it’s ‘that restaurant’?

It’s certainly not amazing food. It’s not multi-million dollar marketing campaigns, either. And most importantly, it’s not some ‘secret’ that is out of your reach.

So let me introduce you to Restaurant Marketing 101 (Or ,“If you asked me how to get your marketing really good, really fast, this is what I’d tell you.”)

If you’re reading this, you need more customers. The good new is, Restaurant Marketing 101 can help you. (The bad news is, you don’t have it yet.)

Fortunately, we can solve both of those things for you with a few clicks of your mouse.

I want you to get this eBook in your hands as soon as possible, so I’ll just tell you what’s inside right now.

Here’s What’s Inside Restaurant Marketing 101

Restaurant Marketing 101 is an 78-page eBook that will teach you how to clean up your marketing act fast, so your lovely potential customers will become ACTUAL customers.

Here’s what’s inside.

PART ONE: BIG IDEAS (or getting your head around the only things you need to care about)

In this section, here’s what we cover:

-       The only definition of marketing you really need to know

-       Why people decide to eat at a certain restaurant (this part’s important)

-       Figuring out the goal of your marketing so it actually works

-       What to do with your repeat customer goals

-       Figuring out what’s working and what’s bombing

-       Coming up with a Unique Selling Proposition that actually works

-       Getting clearer on your target market so they’ll, again, actually buy

-       Everything you need to know about branding and nothing you don’t

That covers the first 30 pages or so.  At the end of this section, you will no longer be confused about marketing, and you’ll know the 10% you NEED to get right (so you can ignore the other 90% that’s so overwhelming).

That brings us to…

PART TWO: MARKETING STRATEGIES (or, “Here’s how to not screw it up”)

In this section , we’ll teach you what you need to know (and again, what you can ignore) about:

Offline Marketing Strategies

Online Marketing Strategies

Social Media


Review Sites


There’s another 40 pages or so. Basically, we’re boiling down the most important strategies that you can use for each of these areas, and telling you all the irritatingly time consuming parts of them you can safely ignore.

That brings us to our favourite part:

PART THREE: 50 THINGS YOU CAN DO TO IMPROVE YOUR MARKETING (or, “How to make this ebook pay for itself 50 times over”)

This stuff is pretty self explanatory. And pretty fantastic.

[Here’s the part where you can buy Restaurant Marketing 101](http://1.foodiebizz.pay.ClickBank.net)

Support Email: [chris@foodiebizz.com](mailto:chris@foodiebizz.com)

If you’re ready to eliminate the confusion once and for all, buy Restaurant Marketing 101 today. Sales go up, stress goes down. ‘Nuff said.

[Click Here to Order Our Product For Only $49.00](http://1.foodiebizz.pay.ClickBank.net)

 Support Email: [chris@foodiebizz.com](mailto:chris@foodiebizz.com)

I hope you enjoy Restaurant Marketing 101 as much as we enjoyed writing it.

- Chris and Moran


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