Excerpt from product page

Attention Men and Women: If you are struggling to lose the last 10 pounds AND battling stubborn fat stored in your “problem areas” like your love handles, stomach or lower body…

Discover How To Use These Top Secret Metabolic Mash Ups to Bust Through Your Fat Loss Plateau and Sizzle the Last 10 Pounds of Ugly Fat

Warning: This method is addictive and helping thousands of men and women break the dreaded fat loss plateau. Plus, you will receive a FREE Workout that helped me lose 12% body fat in less than 3 months. Prepare for incredible results.




[Click here to order for only $29.00!](http://1.flakv.pay.clickbank.net)

I have an extremely shocking, personal story to share with you, but first let me ask you a few questions.

Are you:

Frustrated by slow fat loss results, or even worse stuck at a dreaded plateau? Extremely busy and have ZERO time to do MORE long cardio sessions and would rather be spending the time with friends and family? Sick of doing ineffective “toning” workouts and machines with inexperienced, goofball trainers at your local gym? Tired of the same boring, not to mention sweaty spinning classes, where the room temperature is making you sweat more than the workout? Already motivated to workout, but don’t have the EXACT blueprint to get you faster fat loss results? Suffering from “paralysis by analysis” – overwhelmed by so much information, you are not sure who to listen to or what to do next? Discouraged and annoyed by overuse injuries that re-appear every time you do more cardio? Fed up with waiting in line at the gym for spinning classes or an available treadmill or elliptical, just so you can do your mind numbing cardio?

..then this may be the most important letter you ever read. You will discover a powerful conditioning solution that you can plug into YOUR favorite fat loss program today and feel results in less than 14 days.

Plus, I’m going to reveal the top three discoveries that helped me lose 41 pounds of stubborn fat from my love handles and stomach:
The One Exercise to Avoid If You Want to Lose Stubborn Fat How To Maximize Results in Less Time The #1 Secret To Break Through the Fat Loss Plateau (without dieting)

Dear Frustrated Friend,[](http://fatlossaccelerators.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/KateLinkedin_sm.jpg)

“Hi, I’m Kate Vidulich, Exercise Physiologist and creator of Fat Loss Accelerators. My fat loss programs and workouts have helped hundreds of people lose up to 27 pounds in 8 weeks, training less than 2 hours a week.

I’m a scientist so I have spent the last decade researching, testing and obsessing over the most effective, time efficient methods for accelerating fat loss in a safe, affordable way. I hold an Honors degree in Science, majoring in Health & Exercise Science from the University of NSW in Australia.

In fact, I have discovered a highly addictive combination of exercise that accelerate fat loss results and designed over 31 different fat loss workouts that only require one weighted resistance, a small workout space and your body.

From getting high-powered executives motivated to lose 33 pounds in 9 weeks to reshaping bodies of moms for family beach vacations, I’ve spent the last six years helping hundreds of men and women transform their lives and bodies. My advice has been featured in Reader’s Digest, Shape Magazine and other worldwide fitness publications that helped thousands of readers just like you, break through frustrating plateaus that were slowing fat loss.

But First, I Had to Break My Own Fat Loss Plateau

I wasn’t always lean and athletic looking. In fact, I actually used to be in terrible shape. Throughout college, I spent years on the evil, dark side. I drank excessive amounts of alcohol, stuffed myself with sugar and trans-fat laden fast foods and skipped workouts, which destroyed my physique, confidence and self-esteem. Basically, I had EVERY unhealthy habit on my resume and I was making myself sick.

This is terribly embarrassing to admit. Shocking in fact.

I was an Exercise Physiology student and I blatantly ignored my own advice.

How I Lost 41 lbs

I used to be fat.

Just like you, I was ashamed of my body and hid behind oversized clothes for many years. I drank loads of beer, ate fries and devoured Haagen Dazs ice cream. But my favorite snack was candy. Anytime of day – I munched endlessly on sugar. This serious addiction was controlling my life. I never took responsibility for my grumpiness and my wild mood swings constantly irritated my family and friends.

I was sick of feeling guilty and lethargic.

One hung over morning in 2009, I saw the scale tip 182lbs – this was the moment. I had officially reached my heaviest weight. This was a major turning point in my life where I had to make a change, or I would develop Diabetes.

This party was killing me.

It was officially over. I set a goal to lose 30lbs before Spring of 2010. I was determined to do this or die trying.

But it was so tough. I really struggled initially. My first workout was so difficult; I clearly remember I couldn’t run for 3 minutes without stopping. As I was running into the wind on West Side Highway, my knees were aching and I could feel my body fat wobbling with every step.

I was totally disgusted in myself. I felt so ashamed as I remembered how I athletic I was in my younger years.

This was my rock bottom. I thought I would fail again, as I had many times before. Like you, I tried the latest gym classes, elliptical, fat burning supplements and detox fad diets, which was terrible! After one day, I was so hungry I ate a whole pizza. Certainly, I thought I was destined to be fat forever and it was my own damn fault.

I was really angry I let this happen to myself.

At this stage, I faced my two options: fail again, or switch it up a gear into hardcore, fighter mode.

Now I had nothing to lose. 

My methods for fat loss training were far from pretty, more like downright torture at times. I was fighting for my life. Barre classes and Weight Watches just never appealed to me. I was the girl that would go hard or go home.

I didn’t lose 20 lbs in 20 days on a Reality TV Show. My fat loss took consistency even though I didn’t take a slow and steady training approach. I could see my body changing, my arms and shoulders were looking defined and athletic and my people were noticing. Perseverance with my new plan saw a steady drop in weekly numbers 5lb, 3lbs, 2lbs … then nothing.

Nothing. This ugly fat was stuck on my stomach. It had been over 3 weeks.

Still NOTHING. At this point, my fat loss was stopped dead on a plateau. I still had 6 pounds to go to reach my goal weight. I figured it was my diet, but no matter how many calories I cut or cycled, still nothing was changing. The last pounds of stubborn fat were clinging onto me for dear life…I felt so frustrated.

I Lost 12% Body Fat, This is How

I stumbled upon a textbook that used an advanced training method known as workout complexes to condition high level, elite athletes. On paper, I was certain I was tough enough to handle it. This workout combo seriously kicked my butt. As I lay on the gym floor in a pool of sweat, I knew this was the game changer.

After just a month of adding these mini-workouts to my program, not only did I reach my goal weight of 150lbs, I kept going. I dropped to 141lbs for a grand total of 41lbs weight lost. Most importantly, I maintained my new weight by going to the gym less. Plus, my niggling back pain disappeared, as did my overuse injuries from running. My arms were more defined and looked really hot.

I developed a whole new outlook on fat burning workouts.

I confronted my demons when I went into battle against stubborn fat, sugar addiction, depression and guilt – and I won.

And so can you.

This method is proven to melt away the ugly fat. I’m not the only one who has used these fast fat-burning workouts; busy people like you have used these to blast through plateaus:

Busy School Teacher Loses 31 Pounds

“Kate’s transformation has been an inspiration to me.

Two months before a big birthday, I called on Kate to help me get back in shape. As a busy school teacher, I am constantly running after children and I was struggling to keep up. When I started working out, I weighed over 73kg. With the help of Kate’s online coaching programs, I lost over 14kg and kept it off. I feel like I’m in better shape now than I ever was in my twenties.

To be honest, I don’t really enjoy working out. I spent so many years doing the same cardio at the gym and I was over it. Kate created a program for me to do in my flat with dumbbells and body weight exercises. I hardly did any cardio and surprisingly lost more fat than ever before. The workouts Kate designed were challenging and tough, but really easy to follow. I found myself looking forward to working out and it didn’t take up all my free time. Kate is really dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.

Thanks Kate, I feel amazing without ever being deprived of a life.”

Petah Andronicos, School Teacher, London, UK

You have already lost a lot of weight on your own, which deserves a big congratulations. Now, there is an ugly plateau standing between you and you goal weight. The last 10 pounds must go.

I know you feel concerned about this, and I felt this way too.

I was frustrated, confused and angry. To come so far and not see results from your hard effort is disappointing.

Through my whole fat loss experience and life transformation, I learned two valuable lessons:

1)    It doesn’t matter what your reason is to make a change:

Whether it be for pure vanity, insecurity or health, we all reach a point where we must take action on our goals, and personally the reason is incredible

2)    Whether you are young or old, male or female, athletic or a casual at the gym:

We ALL want to lose fat FAST and we aren’t exactly sure how to go about it


It doesn’t matter if you’ve made mistakes

and been stuck doing long cardio workouts

that don’t get you results.

It’s NOT your fault.

You have been lied to.  A lot.

We’ve all been subjected to this bad advice from the same sources. The Internet, latest fitness magazines and even Joe at the office repeats this same bad advice – without even realizing it’s wrong.

The fitness industry is totally mystifying, with the same people giving bad advice selling crazy ab gadgets, super charged supplements and fat burners.

Listen, no supplement or crazy gadget will ever do the hard work for you. You must take control.

FACT: One Exercise To AVOID

Let’s face it: Cardio is not the best fat loss tool. You have been training for a while so you already know the deal with this type of cardio. Traditional long slow workouts are sabotaging your efforts to lose the stubborn belly fat.

Listen, I made this huge mistake. In attempting to break my fat loss plateau, I changed my exercises and followed politically correct information available in fitness magazines; I figured I had to do way more elliptical. The long, slow boring cardio.

Heck, I went extreme. I even signed up to run a marathon – secretly hoping the annoying 10 pounds of fat would melt off my body. The treadmill and I were spending over six hours a week together. I can tell you from first hand experience, you lose muscle and can possibly GAIN fat with excessive endurance training.

You are like me, an action taker willing to do whatever it takes. I was ready to do ANYTHING to achieve my goal.

Need more proof to put the final nail in the cardio coffin? For the closet science geeks out there, like me, check this one out. Warning: the following study is shocking.

SCIENCE FACT: Researchers in Denmark compared two groups of males for 13 weeks, one performed 30 minutes of aerobic exercise per day to burn 300 calories and one performed 60 minutes per day to burn 600 calories.At the end of the 13 weeks, the 30-minutes group lost 8.8 pounds of fat and the 60-minute group lost 8.4 pounds of fat.

Reference: Rosenkilde, et al. (2012). Body fat loss and compensatory mechanism in response to different doses of aerobic exercise – a randomized controlled trial in overweight sedentary males. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. Aug 1

See, totally shocking results. Seriously, wouldn’t you expect to lose twice as much fat from double the amount of exercise? No. Are you kidding me? The proof is right there. You get the same, lousy fat loss results whether you do 30 minutes or 60 minutes aerobic exercise.

Clearly, to accelerate fat loss you do NOT want to waste your time doing more of this one exercise.

But hey, if you want to continue doing slow cardio, then go ahead, be my guest. That’s totally cool with me if you want to spend 20 hours a week on the elliptical and continue seeing the same, slow results. Traditional cardio is the easy choice compared to my workouts.

Actually, you should really stop reading here because this program is not for you. Please stay in your training comfort zone.

If you want your body to be lean and athletic, you need to train with Fat Loss Accelerators.


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FACT: Now You Can Train Less & Lose More

Look, it’s a vicious cycle.

Way too many magazines, TV and the Internet make us feel the fat problem is our fault. That we should do brutal 90 minute workout sessions of pure insanity, which look amazing on the infomercial, but forget to mention the time it takes away from your family and that you will feel completely exhausted, have aching joints and be sore as hell for weeks.

Let me explain…

This is a simple way to change your view towards exercise volume and fat loss results.

Increasing exercise volume does not increase the rate of fat loss.

More cardio is not the solution.

Society today makes us feel that having or doing more is better. Thinking of your exercise volume as you would a savings bank account is a dangerous scenario. You see, in a savings account, the more money you accumulate, the more you are rewarded interest (well, I know you received a lot more before 2008).

Training for fat loss is NOT like this. You will save time with this method.

This recent scientific study is the proof:

Canadian researchers tested long cardio (30 minutes treadmill running) against bodyweight cardio workouts (4 minutes exercise: 8 rounds of 20 seconds of jumping jacks, squat thrusts, mountain climber or burpees with 10 seconds rest).The researchers concluded “extremely low volume bodyweight interval-style training” will increase cardiovascular fitness equal to regular cardio while giving you GREATER improvements in muscular endurance.

SCIENCE FACT: 4 minutes of bodyweight exercise worked just as well as 30 minutes cardio.

Reference: McRae, G. et al (2012). Extremely low volume, whole-body aerobic-resistance training improves aerobic fitness and muscular endurance in females. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab.

What is the #1 Secret To Break Through the Fat Loss Plateau?

Intensity trumps volume.

I have more news for you: This conditioning method will burn fat and build muscle at the SAME time. Simply changing your diet will NOT build a lean, athletic body. That’s right, you have to train hard to get the definition once you lose the belly fat.

Plateau breaking workouts take all your willpower, energy and pushes the boundaries:

Less Training Volume + More Intensity = Fast Fat Loss



Finally, the Workout Solution that GUARANTEES you will break any stubborn plateau, burn fat and build a lean, athletic body without marathon training sessions. You don’t even need to start a whole, new program. Simply, a Fat Loss Accelerator is a short series of compound exercises you can plug into your current program to raise the intensity. 




 [Click here to order!](http://1.flakv.pay.clickbank.net)

It’s my fault you are stuck on this plateau and I didn’t tell you about this sooner. I know you are ALREADY motivated, why not put your effort into something that works? Why not try something that is cool and smart, rather than doing dull cardio workouts on a machine at the gym? Perhaps you read the wrong fitness magazine or took advice from an inexperienced trainer, but if you are only doing cardio to break your plateau, then I’m afraid to say you won’t see fast results If you still don’t believe Fat Loss Accelerator workouts can help you break the plateau and burn fat fast, just ask folks who added this to their program:

Working Mom Gets Her Confidence Back!

“When I first started training with Kate, I could not do a push-up. Not a single push-up. By the time I reached Week 8, I was doing walking push-ups, T push-ups. I couldn’t believe it.

As a busy working mother, I was surprised I could get results with such short workouts. I also travel frequently so it was very helpful to have a program I could do in the hotel gym. I was already lean but I wanted more muscle definition. Now I have a defined, athletic body. The biggest thing working out regularly has done for me is given me a sense of purpose. I feel confident and great about myself, thanks to Kate.”

Jennifer Rogers, Account Executive,  New York, NY



[Click here to order!](http://1.flakv.pay.clickbank.net)

Training With Fat Loss Accelerators, You Can Expect To Sweat:

I would be totally lying to you if I said “Hey mate, this method is an easy way to lose fat”. That’s what magic pills are designed for. Which by the way, don’t even exist. You thought interval training was hard. This style of training is even HARDER. However, it is short.

The cold, hard truth is shorter workouts are not easier. It is very challenging, and that’s why this program is not for everyone.

But I know you love to train hard and get stronger. Wouldn’t you rather spend that valuable time with your family?

This powerful conditioning method is the hottest solution for accelerating fat loss that you can add into YOUR favorite training program today. That’s right, you don’t have to start over. Now you can finally destroy the plateau that has flat lined your progress and lose the ugly fat on your love handles, stomach and thighs.

Coaches and athletes around the world are using this superior training method to condition Olympians, elite athletes and MMA fighters to build athletic, lean bodies.

NOW you can train like the athlete you are to compete in the world’s greatest competition – life.

Like I said before, this training method is definitely NOT for beginners.

This Powerful Training Method is Used by Olympic Athletes,

but is it Right For You?

I will be completely transparent and honest here. This training method is more physically and mentally demanding than interval training. Before you learn anymore, I guarantee you this program will ONLY benefit if you are:

Already motivated to challenge yourself like never before and enjoy training hard Willing to step out of your comfort zone and not only be proud of the body you see in the mirror, but feel more energy in every day activities like playing sports with your kids and climbing the stairs Prepared to put in as much energy as possible and push it to the limit every time

Who These Workouts are NOT Designed For:

[](http://fatlossaccelerators.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/X.gif)If you like to do the same workout, week in week out that doesn’t make you sweat or breathless

[](http://fatlossaccelerators.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/X.gif)If you hate to train hard and prefer to watch lame, tear jerking talk shows while you workout

[](http://fatlossaccelerators.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/X.gif)If you like to chat on your phone and send emails during your training time. Please stay on the bike or elliptical

[](http://fatlossaccelerators.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/X.gif)If you think this is a magic solution


I know you are wondering what a Fat Loss Accelerator looks like, and if it’s right for you. 

Here’s an Example and a FREE Fat Loss Accelerator Workout

You Will Find Inside…

Fat Loss Accelerator # 14

Equipment Options – Barbell. Perform each of the following in order with no rest, and without putting the weight down. At the end of the circuit, rest for 90 seconds. Repeat for 5 rounds:

A) Barbell Push Ups x 6

B) Squat Thrust x 6

C) Romanian Deadlift x 6

D) High Pulls x 6

E) Front Squat x 6

F) Push Press x 6

As you can see, a Fat Loss Accelerator takes minutes compared to interval training workouts. It takes courage to step out of your comfort zone.

But if you are ready to “bring it”, like I was when I lost 41 lbs, then my Fat Loss Accelerator Workouts are just what you have been looking for.

Let me be clear about the specifics of “bring it”. Intensity is ESSENTIAL. This will only be more effective than an hour of elliptical if you come out of the gates swinging, fired up to give it all your energy and work your ass off to dominate the workout. You only get one opportunity.

This is YOU vs stubborn fat, fighting to the death.

Please bring your “A” game when you train with Fat Loss Accelerators, otherwise, you will not succeed. Drinking caffeinated beverages help you get in the zone.

Remember: You have to dig deep.


[Click here to order!](http://1.flakv.pay.clickbank.net)

What If I Just Do More Spinning Classes?

Yes, I agree that interval training is totally awesome for fast fat loss.

But hang on, aren’t you already bored with this type of interval training? 

Listen, I took up spinning. Not only was it boring, I was literally going nowhere.

People were sweating ON me.

It was really disgusting.


Don’t you want a faster, more exciting way to lose belly fat?


I know you feel skeptical about cutting your workout time short, and initially I felt that way too shaving a whole 30 minutes off my training time. But the workouts are intense. Seriously intense. If you are still undecided about saying farewell to the elliptical, even with the proof right here staring at you, read what my client Heather has to say:

Skeptical Spin Addict Transforms Her Body

“Earlier this year, I decided to make a change to my workout program on Kate’s advice as I wasn’t getting the results I wanted. I felt really skeptical about doing less cardio, especially spinning classes. I always enjoyed it, but I kept getting terrible hip pain that became unbearable. I was getting frustrated because I couldn’t workout at all.

Kate created a strength training program for me, and switched the cardio for short, intense exercise circuits. I was pleasantly surprised that I lost 5lbs within the first two weeks, my hip pain disappeared and overall I felt so much better. But the best thing is, I no longer have to spend hours at the gym.”

Heather Davis, Financial Advisor, New York, NY

Let me be clear, my Fat Loss Accelerator Workouts are harder than regular interval training, but you will done in half the time. Do you want to do boring interval training like everyone else?

Let’s be honest with each other.

This is not for everyone. Only those who are ready to step out of their comfort zone and take action on creating an ideal outcome.

You’re not like everyone else.

If you’re ready to take action and smash this plateau, and not everyone is willing to invest in themselves to achieve this; I have created a blueprint for you:

Here’s What’s Included in the Fat Loss Accelerators Package:

Component #1: 31 Fat Loss Accelerators Workouts (Value $67)

This is the master manual that contains 31 workouts you can simply add-in to your favorite training program today. It includes exercise descriptions, step-by-step instructions, reference photos; everything you need to lose the last pounds of stubborn belly fat. You can print out a copy and take easy “reference cards” with you to the gym. Get ready to break your stubborn fat loss plateau and discover the power of intensity.

Component #2: Unlimited, Priority Email Support for One Year (Value $127)

As a “limited time” component when joining today, not only will you gain full email access to me as your personal fat loss coach, but this will ensure that your questions and emails are the ones I respond to first… for ONE whole year. My regular contact inbox is overflowing with literally hundreds of emails each day, you will be provided with my special “PRIORITY clients-only” email address, which receives the highest attention of my incoming mail. I definitely won’t be able to provide offer this for long, so order today.

Component #3: Pre-Release Access to Future Products (Value $49)

You will have special access to exclusive test groups for new upcoming programs and products. A few of these are already in the works, and you will receive private access to these before they are released to the general public.

Component #4: Lifetime Updates of The Product (Value $67)

This is the best solution to break your stubborn plateau. However, we pride ourselves on excellence, so there is always room for improvement. As updated versions of the product are released, you will be the first to receive the latest edition of updated information.

I’m giving you a plug-in system that you simply incorporate into YOUR favorite workout program.

Consider this: If you were to hire me for one-on-one personal training using my Fat Loss Accelerator workouts and programs for 8 weeks at 3-4 days/week, you would be looking at investing up to $3,600. As you can see above, it would totally be the worth every single dollar.

When sold separately, the total value of the Fat Loss Accelerator components is $310.00.

But with this Fat Loss Accelerators Package, you can get EVERYTHING you see above for only $29.00

There’s only one catch: You need to act NOW on this offer to secure the Pre-Launch price of $29.00.


(Special Pre-Launch Price)


[Click here to order!](http://1.flakv.pay.clickbank.net)

But What If This Doesn’t Work?

Then It’s Completely FREE! No questions asked. Seriously. That’s just the way it works.

Our 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

Try Fat Loss Accelerators for the next 60 days with absolutely no risk.

As a down-to-earth and fair Australian, I am proud to always keep my promises. No questions asked. If you try my program for 60 days (yes, a whole 60 days) and decide it’s not for you or you are not getting the results you expected, I insist you get a refund – every single dollar.


You are Fully Protected.

I’m going to be completely transparent here. I appreciate there are plenty of great programs out on the market. But how much time and money are you willing to invest to figure that out? There is no risk with this package. Try Fat Loss Accelerators for 60 days. If you don’t fall in love with it, you get your money back. This removes all risks. You now have nothing to lose.

Alright, let’s get cracking.

Train Hard,

Kate Vidulich


Author, Fat Loss Accelerators

P.S. If you are doubtful about investing in yourself and committing to this kind of effort, you are not ready. I completely understand. It takes a special individual to take action on a program like this.

P.P.S. You have nothing to lose. There is NO RISK at all for you to try the Fat Loss Accelerator Solution. If you are not 100% satisfied, I insist you ask for your money back and I’ll promptly refund every single dollar.

P.P.P.S. You need to act now on this to secure the Pre-Launch offer price of $29.00.

When sold separately, the total value of these Fat Loss Accelerator manuals is $310.00. But with this Fat Loss Accelerators Package, you can get EVERYTHING you see above for only $29.00

Now is Your Chance to Burn More Fat in

Less Workout Time


Get Started Now (Instant PDF Download)



[Click here to order!](http://1.flakv.pay.clickbank.net)

If you have any questions about the Fat Loss Accelerators Workouts, please email me at [info@fatlossaccelerators.com](mailto:info@fatlossaccelerators.com).

Please allow 48 hours for a reply.

Fat Loss Accelerators is an INSTANTLY DOWNLOADABLE series of e-manuals.  No physical products will be shipped to you. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download all components onto your computer (no shipping costs or waiting). The format for all manuals is Adobe PDF, which can be viewed on PC, Mac, tablet or smart phone.

Frequently Asked Questions                       

Question: How long will it take to get my product?

A: You can download the product instantly in PDF form and save it to your computer, meaning you can started in the next five minutes. No physical products will be shipped to you.

Question: What if I am not currently on a workout program?

A: Fat loss accelerators are not a replacement for your strength training, more a complement to your current program. You don’t have to start over, but if you need an individualized main workout program, email me and we’ll set up a comprehensive assessment.

Question: Can I use these as my primary workout?

A: Absolutely. You can choose a Fat Loss Accelerator that has 5-6 exercises and use this on a “cardio” day. As an addition to your workout, I would advise to include it at the beginning of your workout when you are fresh. This will definitely get you warm before a lifting session.

Question: What if the Fat Loss Accelerators are too hard?

A: Start conservatively. Take a longer rest between sets or reduce the number of rounds initially. Exercises can always be substituted.

Question: Are Fat Loss Accelerators only for men, or can women do them, too?

A: Listen, this workout manual is for folks who enjoy training hard, and are looking to chisel a lean, athletic body. Men AND women can benefit equally. In fact, women tend to be my hardest working clients – especially the brides. I’ve never seen anyone training harder than a women getting ready for her big day!

Question: How soon can I expect to see results?

A: Depending on where you are with your current training, you should notice results in the first two weeks. By the end of the first month, you should make noticeable changes.

Question: What equipment do I need for these workouts?

A: The workouts are designed with barbells and dumbbells primarily, so you will need access to those. While a gym membership helps, you CAN do these workouts at home. Basic home gym equipment will cover it and no fancy expensive gear is necessary.

Question: What if there is an exercise I’m not familiar with?

A: No worries. There is a full description with photos at the end of the workouts. Check them out and familiarize yourself with them. If you are still unsure, send me a quick email or get a Certified trainer to check your form.

(Note: In accordance with the FTC, it is required that we identify what a “typical” result is. The truth is hard to swallow: most people never do anything with the products they purchase. So their typical results are zero, most of the time. It is up to you. I’ve lost over 41 lbs and I’ve worked with clients who have lost over 30 lbs using these workouts. They were willing to take action and put in the hard work and effort.)

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Copyright © 2012 Fat Loss Accelerators

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