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Thank you for choosing OptimizePress. OptimizePress is based around
using pages and templates for your site rather than a typical blog
layout. Follow the steps below to get started:
1) Login to Wordpress
2) Click The PAGES tab
3) Click \"ADD NEW\" to create a new page
4) Select a Template style from the templates drop down on the right
side of your screen
5) Use the build in admin fields to customize your page (please refer
to the User guide for more information)
6) Click PUBLISH to save and publish your page
7) Go To SETTINGS > GENERAL > READING > Select a static page from the
dropdown for your home page (this will normally be your sales letter
or squeeze page)
8) You're done! Continue creating amazing looking pages using the
simple OptimizePress interface
If you require additional support with this please refer to the User
Guide and FAQ (accessed from within your Wordpress theme admin)
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