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Damin Altizer's Complete Player Development Curriculum

Players and Coaches,

Thank you so much for your purchase of my Complete Player Development Curriculum. You'll find it attached below where you can print it, take notes and use it to help yourself or your players come closer than ever to achieving basketball dreams!

If you do have any questions or comments please contact me at damin@YourBasketballTraining.com and I will respond to you as soon as possible with an answer or response.

Thanks and Enjoy,



You may need to right-click the following links and select "Save Link As" to download the file to your computer.
[PlayerDevelopmentCurriculum.pdf](http://s3.amazonaws.com/kajabi-media/attachments/13073/PlayerDevelopmentCurriculum.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJQJ7TPUNH4FUNP6A&Expires=1347370577&Signature=G%2BPaDhpVBS8EOJFSakNv22Xr4gE%3D) 1.4 MB

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