Excerpt from product page

ATTENTION: If you're tired of the never-ending battle of addiction, and you're ready to break free of the binds that are holding you back, then keep reading....

Have you watched as your addiction has taken over your life, robbing you of family, friends, work, money, and other things that you used to hold dear?
Have you watched as all your addicted friends fall 'down the rabbit hole?' Are you ready to CRUSH YOUR ADDICTION, so you don't suffer the same fate - a life totally  ruined, with no hope of overcoming the pain and suffering of addiction?

Are you ready to stop your addiction cold, so you don't end up desolate and depraived?


Addiction is a powerful thing, that brings powerful, strong people to their knees.

Often we don't even see it coming, instead thinking that our vices are a 'once in a while' or recreational activity... only to find ourselves quickly falling into the trap of addiction. We go from having fun to quickly not being able to imagine life with out our substance of choice.

No matter what your vice is, whether it's smoking, shopping, overeating, technology, gambling, sex, violence, alcohol, or drug addiction, the road to addiction is always the same:

Trying something for the first time. Usually, this first experience is very fun, and everyone around you seems to have a great time as well. You think to yourself, "I don't see what the big fuss is about, everyone seems to be holding themselves together well. I won't fall into an addiction trap, I'll keep it simple." And, for awhile, you do keep it simple. You only do your activity recreationally, and don't really notice any changes in your life or lifestyle.
After doing something for awhile, you don't think there's any harm to it at all, so you begin to do it more often. Everyone else seems to do these things frequently, and they seem to be happy and productive, so you think you can too. This is where your downward spiral begins - the more you particpate in your vice, the more your body and mind begin to see the benefits. It makes you feel good! And, you like it. So, you do it more often. But doing it more often comes at a great price...

When you participate in your vice on a regular basis, then your body begins to get used to that 'good' feeling that it had in the beginning of the addiction. However, because you're doing it more frequently, you receive less of the 'good feelings' or endorphins, and so you need MORE in order to feel good again. So you increase how much you're doing it, again. 

Now, in order to just feel normal, you're participating in high quantities of your vice - even if it's sex, violence, or drugs, it doesn't matter. If you're not high on your vice, then you don't feel right - you feel sad, depressed and desperate for a fix. So you do  your vice more and more, until it totally controls your life. Often, this is the point when we find our lives are totally falling apart. Our friends and family may confront us, we lose our jobs. Slowly, everything that we had built up around us begins to fall apart, and is replaced by addicts and their cohorts. These people, who are only out for themselves, prey on our weaknesses, helping to propel us further into addiction and dispair...





RE: Breaking Free of The Chains that Bind

From: David Jones






Dear Fellow Addict,

You're not alone - we are ALL prone to addiction.

It's part of human nature, because our brains are hard-wired to find pleasure. And we find pleasure in all sorts of good things, family, friends, work, knowledge - but it's just as easy to find pleasure in destructive behaviors as well.

Behaviors like smoking, drugs, alcohol, gambling, violence, sex, technology, and gluttony all start out innocently enough, but soon snowball into highly destructive behaviors that take over our lives.

When you're in the throes of addiction, it's hard to find yourself out. Your vices are all you can think about, they're all you want, and it seems like they're the only thing that can make you happy.

However, it doesn't make you happy anymore - your body is fooled and you're just trying to get back to 'normal.'

You don't have to live this way.

While it's easy to get into the habit of addiction, it can be very difficult to get out. Just ask any smoker who has tried to quit cold turkey about the powerful drive of the addiction.

Ask any heroin addict how little methadone truely helps, and you'll understand.

You can finally beat your vices once and for all - though it will take work on your part...

You must commit to becoming an active participant in your life again, and through this you'll gain the strength to overcome your addiction.

You can get your family back; you can become gainfully employed. You can overcome this, and leave this terrible, wretched part of your life behind.

You have the power to change your life around today. You can live life like you've always wanted - and you can do it without your vice.

With just a bit of dedication on your part, you can find that...

You won't have to light up a cigarette when you first get up in the morning, or after every meal, or even when things get stressful.
You won't binge yourself into obesity, because you'll be able to recognize your triggers.

You won't let sex and violence ruin your life, because you'll have the tools to overcome these vices and see people for what they truly are, instead of the caricatures from your imagination.

You won't lose all your money gambling, and instead use those funds to make your life better, and invest for retirement.

You won't be a slave to alcohol, and you'll no longer destroy your relationships with your friends, family, and children.

You won't be driven by drugs, and you'll be able to have a decent life free from the dangers of abuse, and the junkies that come with the lifestyle.

You can finally stop, once and for all, depending on these things just to feel normal - and instead be fulfilled by the real world and the people that  love you.

A little hard work and a little dedication is all it takes to finally transform your life into what you deserve.

It's a rough journey, but you're worth it.

I will always be a junkie - I realize that. It started off when I was young - very young. My sister was a drug dealer in high school, and I was 10 years younger than her.

For some reason, which I still don't understand, she decided it would be funny if she got me high. 

At first I just started out doing alcohol and marijuana. And I thought I was cool, because of all the cool high school kids I hung out with.

They all thought I was funny because I was so young and yet doing drugs. In fact, my friends at school also thought I was pretty cool, because I could get them drugs. 

And, as I got older, the more different types of drugs I tried. I did marijuana still, but I also liked to take pills, and do mushrooms and acid.

Everyone thought I was just so cool, because I had access to this vast amount of drugs.

When I turned 15, though, my sister presented me with a game changer. She called it 'crystal,' but it's known to most of us as methamphetimine.  

And from the very first time I tried it, I was hooked.

I never went through the "just on the weekends" phase you go through with most addictions. Meth is ravaging like that - it takes all your happiness (and all possibility of happiness) and diminishes to one small white line.

And, at the tender age of 15, I was a goner. I helped my sister buy large quantities off the street and resell it. And, when someone ripped her off, I helped her to get her money back, by any means necessary.

Needless to say, I wasn't going to school, or doing anything a standard kid was doing.

I'm not proud of what I did, but this gives you a good idea of what I went though.

When I turned 18, through the grace of my pastor, I was able to quit meth. I went stone-cold sober for about a year and a half, devoting my time to staying sober and helping others who had been in similar situations.

It was during this time I met my wife. We married, and began planning our family. My first child, a daughter, was born in the winter of 2000.

By the spring of 2001, I was hooked on drugs again. I had been working in a restaurant where everyone was addicted to meth, and I quickly found myself back in the cycle. I hid it well.

My wife and I ended up having four children, all in quick succession, and through the entire time I was an addict. 

I was still running with my sister, and still doing her dirty work. I ran her business when she went to prison multiple times. And I was slowly digging my own grave.

In 2005, I was in the lowest point of my life. I was shooting up - literally injecting the drug directly into my arm - in $60 doses multiple times a day.

I never went home to my wife, and I was literally skin and bones. On a whim, we all moved to a town 200 miles away, hoping to start over again...  but all that happened was I found more junkies and got back in my old ways.

I knew I had to quit, but I didn't know how. I knew I was killing myself, I felt awful even when I was on the drug, and even worse when I was off of it. I thought I was stuck, I thought I'd never be able to leave the grip of addiction.

Then my wife hit me with a ton of bricks: she knew what I was doing, and she was leaving with the kids. She told me she was going to move across the country with my kids unless I changed my ways in two weeks.

It was the wake up call I needed. I wasn't willing to lose my wife, or my kids.

I'm not going to lie; I didn't quit immediately. In fact, over the course of the next few years I had several relapses. It was hard, and at times I thought I'd never see the other side. But I did - and I still have my wife and kids.

I worked hard; I was dedicated to overcoming my addiction.

I'm living proof that it can be done, and I know that you can do it too.

Addiction Crusher - Video Series & eBook - $47

Addiction Crusher is DESIGNED to help people like you and me overcome our addictions once and for all. The techniques outlined in this ebook and video series are the techniques I used to overcome my addiction - and they can be used to overcome yours as well.

It's not an easy road, but it's the best one you can take. If you're like me, you've been on the brink of losing everything thanks to your addiction... and you're not willing to give it all up for a temporary high.





It's time to free yourself from the crush of addiction, and included in this product are TIME TESTED techniques to overcome ANY kind of addiction, including:

How to CRUSH Your Smoking Addiction - and how this one technique will ensure that you can finally free yourself from even a three pack a day habit.

How to CRUSH Your Shopping Addiction - and the small daily steps you will need to do to ensure that you'll never waste your time and money on this unhealthy addiction ever again.

How to Crush Overeating - and how notice the behavioral patterns of gluttony and stop them in their tracks

How to Crush Your Technology Addiction - and how to begin living a world that's so technology orientated without being controlled by it.

How to Crush Your Sex Addiction - how to know what the signs are of a real sex addiction, and how to have normal relationships again.

How to Crush Your Violent Tendencies - and how to ensure that no one will ever be threatened by you again.

How to Crush Gambling - how to make yourself stop gambling once and for all, and begin using that newfound money and time on things that make you and your family happy and healthy.

How to Crush Your Alochol Dependence - and how to turn your life around from lonely alcoloism into productive and happy.

How to Crush Your Drug Dependence - and learn the steps you really need to take to get yourself off drugs, and not just trade one addiction for another

Learn the ULTIMATE Addiction Crushing techniques - so that no matter what your addiction is, you can overcome it healthfully, and without putting yourself or someone else in harms way.

And so much more...

If you're ready to be free, and start living a full and healthy life again, then click below:


[Yes! I Want To Be FREE And CRUSH My Addictions For Just $47!](http://1.addictionc.pay.clickbank.net/)

This system worked to help free me of my own addictions, and it can help you to free yourself as well.

It's work, I won't lie. But the pursuit of a real, fulfilling, healthy life is the path you need to take.

So many addicts like us end up dead somewhere. I know I was scared of it the entire time I was on drugs. But, I was able to get off of it, and so can you.

This information has never been compiled in a single, easy to use format before. Everything you've wanted to know about addiction is included in the video series, designed to enable you to make informed decisions about your care and well-being, without wasting time and money on hokey 'remedies.' You'll get the tools to recognize the sympoms of your vices in all forms including:

What really makes a smoking addiction tick - and how to stop it dead in its tracks.
Why your shopping addiction is so powerful, and what you can do to diminish it's effects on your mood and pocketbook.

How overeating is controlling your life, and how to stop stuffing your body once and for all.

How technology is taking over your life, and what you have to look forward to without having your face shoved in a cell phone, computer, or television screen.

What a sex addiction really is - and how to spot the difference between normal sexual relations and deviant behavior.

How violence is taking over your life, and how to free yourself from your angry outbursts without hurting yourself or anyone else.

How to spot even small bouts of gambling - and how the little things add up to big problems with a gambling addiction.

How your alcohol dependence effects everyone you know, and how to begin negating those issues immediately.

What your drug dependence is doing to your body, your job, and your family - and how to make sure that you have the means and wherewithall to get your life back on track

How to spot the signs of ANY addiction - because sometimes we don't see how little things slowly take over our lives.

And so much more...

Stop wasting your life suffering through an addiction, and begin CRUSHING it today!

[Yes! I Want To Be FREE And CRUSH My Addictions For Just $47!](http://1.addictionc.pay.clickbank.net/)


As you can see through my very personal story above, this is the ONLY way I was able to free myself of my addiction. And, as you can see from the testimonials, it's worked for MANY others as well... hundreds of people have tried and succeeded using this product.

It's because of my personal experience, and my customers personal experience, that I'm totally confident in offering you my UNCONDITIONAL 60-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.


As you can see.... If for any reason you're not happy with what you've learned in Addiction Crusher, you can return it within 60 days - no questions asked. I'm so confident that you'll get the same results as myself and hundreds of other people that I'm offering you this unprecedented guarantee.

You have nothing to lose!

Stop wasting your life on your addiction - buy Addiction Crusher today to regain control and become the person you truely are, and living the life you DESERVE. It'll take work, and dedication, but you're worth it!

[Yes! I Want To Be FREE And CRUSH My Addictions For Just $47!](http://1.addictionc.pay.clickbank.net/)


Best of success,

David Jones

P.S. Stop wasting your life away with addiction. Get your family, friends, and job back, and begin living in the present and planning for the future again!

P.P.S. The 60-day guarantee is designed to minimize your risk... you truely have nothing to lose!

Risk Free Acceptance Form:

Yes, David! I want...

I want to be free of my addiction. I don't want to be a slave to my vices any longer, and I'm ready to begin working to regaining control of my life again.

I understand it will take some work, but it's work that I'm willing to do, because I'm worth it.



[Yes! I Want To Be FREE And CRUSH My Addictions For Just $47!](http://1.addictionc.pay.clickbank.net/)



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