
Excerpt from product page


Attention: If you are using Wordpress, then this will be the most important page that you have ever read. Period.

Introducing WP Pipeline - The Most Essential Software To Save You Time, Ensure Your Security And Give You Back Control

Imagine you wake up tomorrow and find that your Wordpress sites have been hacked

Imagine you wake up tomorrow and find that all your Wordpress sites are down

Imagine you find that you actually have no backups for any of your sites

Imagine you need to update your plugins across all of your Wordpress sites

If this has not happened to you yet then it is likely that it will do soon. And what will you do then?

If you have more than one Wordpress blog then you likely fall into one of two camps.

The Normal Blogger:
You only ever upgrade your blogs when you login to post and sometimes not even then.
The Ideal Blogger:
You keep all of your blogs up to date regularly. You always install the latest security patches, versions of plugins and themes.
If you fall into the second group, then I am surprised and you are amongst the top 2% of bloggers. Or more likely, you already own a copy of WP Pipeline ;)

If you fall into the first group, then this will be the most important letter that you have ever read.

When you login to your blog to make a post, do you see the warning at the top of you blog and ignore it? Or perhaps you take note of it, but are in too much of a hurry to deal with the warning at that point as you are desperate to get the task done at hand.

That's how I used to be also.

Until disaster struck and I lost a blog that was making me around $3k a month.

It was a set and forget blog that made money from AdSense. The search engine rankings were so strong that I didn't even need to do any linkbuilding. I literally left it to run and smiled whenever I checked my AdSense account.

Anyway, one day I noticed that I hadn't made any money from it that day so went and checked the blog. There was a large notice on it saying that I had been hacked by the "Killin Eegles". Not a big problem I thought as my webhost had a backup.

Well, actually it turned out that they didn't have a backup. And nor did I either :(

Upon investigation, it turned out that they had been able to hack in because of an upload vulnerability in an old plugin that I had. In the next version of the plugin, the vulnerability had been fixed.

A monthly loss of $3k is hard to swallow, but there wasn't much I could do apart from start the blog again and hope that Google gave me the same love that they had done before.

It was an expensive lesson. But what I did learn was:
Always keep an up to date backup Always keep your plugins, themes and software up to date
Trust me when you say that you do NOT want this to happen to you. It is a real slap in the face after you have worked so hard on a site.

You know and I know that you 'should' be regularly updating your plugins and themes on your Wordpress sites. And also the actual software itself. But are you actually doing it?

And if not, then why not?

I know the answer!

The task of doing it becomes so huge that you know you should be doing it but just don't. And therefore you hold yourself at will to any hackers or any other problems that may come up because of your neglect.

Let me tell you two fictional stories of problems and solutions that people have had with Wordpress and its management:

Name: Andy Bacon
Age: 24
Niche: Auto Blogging

Andy is aged 24 and makes money by auto blogging. He currently has 57 blogs which bring him in around $30 a day from AdSense and $13 a day from being an Amazon affiliate.

Just this month, he has broken the $1,250 mark in profit and is pretty pleased with how things are going.

He plans on creating more blogs, but as he has a full time job, he finds it hard to find the time to create them while fitting around his busy social life. His girlfriend enjoys being taken out for expensive meals and going to the theatre but doesn't really like it when he spend up to 5 hours in an evening creating a new blog.

Andy takes his girlfriend Catherine away for a long weekend and when he gets back on Sunday, he checks his Amazon and AdSense income.

This is usually the favorite part of his day by far, but he has a shocking surprise when he checks the last 3 days of income.

On Friday, instead of bringing in over $40, he has made $33. Although this is 20% less than average he also knows that income can go up and down.

On Saturday, he brought in $22. At this point he starts to get a bit worried.

When he checks Sunday's income, he finds that he has brought in $5 from AdSense and only $3 from Amazon.

At this point he knows that something is wrong and starts to check his sites one-by-one.

Everything looks fine on the first few that he looks at. The home page is loading fine and the posts also look fine. The AdSense and Amazon ads are showing up well.

By the 5th, he is quite stumped. He knows that something is wrong as income and stats are way down, but he doesn't really know what.

On the 5th site, he decides to take a look at the WP Admin and a message shows up telling him that 6 of his plugins are not up to date. This includes the plugin that he uses to autoblog.

He takes a look at the settings and finds that for the last week no new posts have been showing on the blog.

He updates all of his plugins, themes and Wordpress version and like a magician has swung a magic wand, his blog has now filled up with all of the posts that should have been there for the last week.

Andy breathes a sigh of relief and then realizes that he now has to do exactly the same thing 57 times. eurgh. And perhaps more importantly, he now wants to make sure that he avoids this happening again.

Andy hears of some software called WP Pipeline. He sets it up and imports the details of his blogs. In total it takes him about 5 minutes. He then presses one button to update everything across all of his blogs.

Andy breathes a sigh of relief as he realizes that all he has to do now is login to WP Pipeline if he ever wants to check on the health of all of his sites.

While Andy is using WP Pipeline, he also uses the backup feature and schedules that all of his blogs will be backed up once a week. He also creates a new autoblog in 30 minutes and realized that he has not only saved about 4 hours, but also that Catherine will be happier that he can spend more time with her!

Name: Warren Hadley
Age: 53
Niche: Local Marketing

Warren is 53 and is self-employed. He has around 20 clients which he services by doing web design, development and marketing. Five of those have Wordpress sites.

Warren understands the importance of keeping his clients' websites up to date and as part of his package offers a service where he receives a monthly payment of $15 to keep them up to date and secure. Four of his clients takes this service as it saves them having to keep an eye on their website and don't really 'understand' these things.

Warren receives a call late one friday night on his cellphone. It is the 'fifth' client. It briefly enters his mind on how the client obtained his cellphone number but his thought process quickly moves on. The client is in a massive panic and speaking at what seems like a thousand words a minute.

Warren was actually expecting this call, as he had also been monitoring their website with WP Pipeline and noticed that the version of Wordpress that they had been using was not up to date and that in the last few hours had actually been hacked.

He had also been ahead of the curve and kept a backup of their blog incase the inevitable happened.

Warren calms the client down and says that he will deal with it. Within about 30 seconds, everything was back to normal and Warren spends the next 59 minutes and 30 seconds catching the end of a rerun of ER. The next day Warren sent a hefty bill to the client and suggested that he joins his monthly servicing contract. Within minutes, the bill is paid by Paypal and the first month's payment is also included.

1. Security

Awful things can happen if you don't keep your blog software and plugins up to date:

Ever heard of hackers?

Let me tell you how hackers work with Wordpress. First they find a vulnerability or in hacking speak 'a black hole'. This is a bug within the software itself or within a plugin.

The next step, is that they find all other blogs that have this vulnerability and get to work.

It could be that they just act maliciously on your blog by replacing files with their signature files.

It could be that they replace your AdSense or Amazon affiliate code with their's so that you lose income.

It could be that they then use your blog to send out millions of spam emails.

The best case scenario is that you have a backup and get your blog back up quickly.

The worst case scenario is that your hoster shuts you down or that you are blacklisted by Google and penalised by the search engines.

But let's look at the next step:

Usually, the vulnerability is patched fairly quickly. So, the plugin developer releases a new version or Wordpress release a new version of their software.

Then, what the hacker does is to search for blogs that have NOT updated as they know that those blogs are still wide open to perform their evil magic.

In short, the quicker that you upgrade to the latest versions, the less chance you have of being hacked.

And if you think that it wouldn't happen to you, do a search on google for Wordpress Blog Hacked and you will see over 3 million reports of other people having had it happen to them.

Once again, a MASSIVE way to be almost certain that it doesn't happen to you is to make sure that your plugins and installs are up to date.

This is what WP Pipeline can do for you.

2. Save Time/Money

Hopefully by now you realize the importance of security and keeping your Wordpress blog up to date with the latest software and plugins.

The next step is to find a way to put this into action without spending hours every day or paying someone else to do it.

WP Pipeline will update all of you plugins and themes for you. It will even make sure that your Wordpress version is up to date. WP Pipeline will do this across every single blog that you have.

WP Pipeline will also save you time and money by:
Backing up all of your blogs Creating new blogs for you Cloning your blogs Deploy single or multiple themes or plugins across all of your blogs by clicking just one button
3. Control

Something that is extremely important if you have just one blog or if you have a thousand blogs is control. Or using another word, organization.

WP Pipeline will help you with this organization by:
Letting you know exactly what blogs you have Having all of your usernames and passwords in one central location Informing you when one of your blogs is down Informing you when plugins, themes or software needs updating
Due to the time which it usually takes to have this control it is something which you probably let slide which means that your blogs are not up to date and probably not performing as you want them to.

By setting up WP Pipeline, in just a few minutes, you will have an overview of all of your blogs.

Introducing WP Pipeline:

Manage All Of Your Wordpress Blogs From One Location

WP Pipline is a Wordpress plugin which takes about 5 minutes to install. If you can install a Wordpress plugin and point and click then you can start using WP Pipeline in just a few minutes.

Update Wordpress Versions, Themes and Plugins

When any of your blogs need to be updated, you will be informed on your dashboard. You can then choose to just update that blog, or update any blogs that need to be updated.
update each blog individually update all of your blogs by clicking just one button update just the themes update just your plugins update just your Wordpress installations
Deploy Wordpress Themes and Plugins

If you want to upload a new theme or plugin to one of your blogs or to multiple blogs, then you can do this in just a few clicks from your dashboard. You can also deactivate plugins or themese in the same way. This works the same way with either single themes or plugins or multiple themes and plugins.
choose any of the themes or plugins from the official Wordpress depository choose any themes or plugins you have purchased or created which are on your computer install on all of your blogs or just those that you select
Create New Blogs

If you want to create a new blog with a particular set up, then you can do this from the main dashboard in just a few clicks. You are able to create and save multiple profiles which are based on blogs that you already have. This is particularly powerful if you want to set up a large number of blogs with the same setup.
Create a clone of an existing blog Create a totally new installation
Activate and Delete Themes and Plugins

Sometimes you no longer want to use a theme or a plugin on your blogs. By clicking a few buttons, you can deploy this across all of your selected blogs.
Activate/Delete a theme or plugin on just one blog Activate/Delete multiple plugins on a blog Activate/Delete just one or multiple themes and plugins on multiple blogs
Blog Grouping

You will often find that you have different kinds of blogs that you want to put into groups. Or perhaps you have different clients and want to keep them separate.

WP Pipeline enables you to create as many groups as you like and put all of your different blogs in different groups. You can then pull up just the group of blogs which you want to manage.

User Management

This is an incredibly powerful feature which allows you to have multiple users to your dashboard. Each one can have different permissions on what they are allowed to do and what blogs they have access to. This is very useful if you have clients, employees or even if you want to sell certain blogs and give them temporary access.
Give different permissions to different Wordpress users Restrict access to certain blogs to certain users Restrict access to groups of blogs to certain users
Backs up your blogs

From one central location, you can set up scheduled backups for your blogs so that if tragedy does happen, then you can easily restore the backup.
on demand or on schedule sends files via email, ftp, AWS or locally
Blog Management

WP Pipeline makes it extremely easy to add or delete blogs from your dashboard.
Add blogs individually Add multiple blogs via the import function
Central Plugin and Theme Directories

You probably have a lot of plugins and themes that you have bought or use regularly. WP Pipeline will enable you to keep a library of all of these plugins and themes so that you can easily find what you want.

"WP Pipeline is the essential tool to have if you are using Wordpress"

You really only have 2 options:

Either you can regularly pay someone to:
check your plugins are up to date check your Wordpress installation is up to date check your themes are up to date

You can buy this software which will do it all for you.

Well, actually there is a third option.

But you don't really want to go down that route.

That is when you do NOTHING.

Did you know, that in 93% of cases when someone's blog is hacked the reason is directly connect to the fact that they haven't kept it up to date?

If you don't mind losing all of your work and any income that your sites may lose you, then yeah...go down the third dark tunnel.

But if you want a fast and easy way to make sure that you are protected and have the greatest chance of increasing revenue and traffic then you MUST take one of the first two options.

Let's just take a look at option 1.

It takes approximately 10 minutes for someone to login to a wordpress dashboard and make all of the updates.

(And this is if they even know that they need updates.)

If you have 5 blogs, then this is about 50 minutes.

But let's round down to 30 minutes to be very conservative.

That's approximately 26 hours a year that you have to pay someone.

And that is JUST to keep your blogs up to date. And you probably have more than 5 blogs!

However, if you go for the second option, then:

1. You will be notified whenever you have to update any of your blogs.

2. All you have to do is to click ONE button and all of your blogs will be totally updated with the latest version of your themes, installations and plugins.

And then if you decide that you want to put a new plugin on all of your websites, all you need to do is to choose the plugin and once again just click on one button.

If you value your time, your money and also your piece of mind, then this is the way to go.

The cost of this software is a fraction of the cost of what you would have to pay if something goes wrong.

The cost of this software is a fraction of the cost of the time or money that you would have to spend if you were to manage each of your blogs manually.

You Now Have 2 Choices
Be at risk of inactive blogs. Be open to hacking attempts. Be unsure if your blogs are up to date or not. Forget your access passwords.
Purchase WP Pipeline. Start instigating some proper management of your blogs. Have the knowledge that if something is wrong with one of your blogs then you will know about it. Have the ability to update your blogs by pressing just a few buttons from a central location. Ensure that your blogs are backed up. Save hours or days of work every month.
Which choice sounds better to you?

WP Pipeline brings this control back to your hands and at an extraordinarily cheap price.

Imagine if you could control all of your Wordpress blogs from one central control panel.

Imagine if you could update all your Wordpress versions, themes and plugins across all of your blogs with just one click of a button.

Imagine if you could clone, backup or create a new blog with just a few clicks.

Imagine if you could deploy plugins and themes across all of your blogs with just one button.

Imagine if you never had to remember a username or password again!

Imagine if you have peace of mind that all your blogs are running as they should be.

Well, that is EXACTLY what you can do with WP Pipeline.


Q. Will it slow down my blog?

A. No it won't slow down your blogs. Your blogs will perform all their operations, including remote operations, as normal and will never "hang up" waiting for the Master Control Blog.

Q. How to I install it?

A. Installation is as simple as installing a plugin.

Q. Is it safe?

A. The plugin uses standard WordPress authentication (login) to access remote blogs. It does not create any "back doors" or non-standard access that can be exploited. All stored passwords are encrypted with a government standard encryption.

Data is encrypted
All URLs, usernames and passwords are encrypted It uses RIJNDAEL_256 encryption, generally know as AES. AES has been adopted by the U.S. government and is now used worldwide.
Think what it feels like to wake up one morning and find that all of your websites are not about what you had written but are linking out to sites that are selling viagra and guns. (A great pairing btw;)


One of the key things from WPIMC (and POI) was the local business end. Lot of people seeing it as a tool to either increase or even start a new revenue stream by offering a service.

Do you want to hype up the No Monthly Fes angle?

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HELPDESK: http://www.easycashbynumbers.com/helpdesk/index.php 

This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by WordPress, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by WordPress.

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