[](http://gethiredsystem.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/How-much....png)Dear Job Seeker,
My name is Rob Berry, and I have been the Vice President of Sales for 5 major corporations, the founder of one of the first public GPS companies in the world and the President of an online internet company.
In my career, I have hired HUNDREDS of employees, and thoroughly understand the hiring process and why companies hire certain individuals over others.
Using this knowledge and experience, I have developed a personal system that I have used time and time again to help get myself and other people hired. It is truly amazing how easy it is to bypass the entire Human Resources department and recruiting hassle, and communicate directly with the decision maker or CEO of ANY Size Company.
The “Unthinkable Success System” is proven, and guaranteed to get results.
The answer to that question is a resounding….Absolutely it Can!
That’s 10 1/2 months FASTER then the current national average time to get hired!
I know it sounds too good to be true, but this is real! It works like gangbusters. And for me, and every person I have personally shared this system with…it has worked EVERY time!
The “Unthinkable Success System” will work in every market, with any job position that you’re seeking…from seasoned executives to entry level positions, it doesn’t matter.
Virtually nothing in this system has ever been shared with the public and is literally responsible for every job that I have had in the past 15 years! All 4 top paying Executive Jobs with companies of my choosing.
And YES…it even works now, in this dismal economy.
As a matter of fact, it works NOW….BETTER then EVER, and you’ll see why once inside the system.
Inside the “Unthinkable Success System“, I will share with you…
The 5 biggest mistakes that you are currently making in your job search. How to get started today and have CEO’s contacting you within days, if not HOURS. How to laser target companies that are hiring, but are NOT running ads. Why job boards like Career Builder, Monster, and JobSeekerAdvantage.com are a total waste of time, without the right approach! The EXACT BLUE PRINT THAT I USED TO GET A 52% RESPONSE RATE FROM CEO’S. How to discover the CEO, President and Executive Staff’s email address without making a single phone call. Tips about what to include on your resume, that you have been told NEVER to include. The 2-Word Subject line that is GUARANTEED to get your email opened and read! How to rid yourself of FEAR… because “YOU” are an unknown asset! How to avoid being blindsided by ‘CRITICAL HIRING ISSUES‘ that could immediately disqualify you from consideration, or even get you fired during your first week! How to demand respect from the HR department and hiring managers. And much more…
Here are a few REAL ‘Decision Maker’ responses I recently received out of a handful of emails sent out :
“Rob, I really enjoyed our meeting today, and as discussed, I have to tell you that I responded to you because you really STOOD OUT. You went above and beyond…went the extra mile to introduce yourself and talents to me. I’m always seeking top notch talent and I have to say, more than likely, if you went through our normal process, we never would have met. You can work for me anytime you are ready to commit to our success. My door is open to you.”
Lee Olsen, Senior VP of Sales
Getting a 52% response rate from CEO of companies who aren’t even officially ‘hiring’ is simply UNTHINKABLE!
(results will vary if you don’t use each and every tip, exactly as instructed in this program)
1. Here is an email response from a CEO, received within 24 hours of my initial email:
2. This CEO called me directly within 3 hours of receiving my direct email to him. We spoke for over an hour. Below is a follow up email from that CEO, telling me to let him know if his VP of Sales doesen’t contact me asap after he instructed him to. This all happened just 24 hours after my original email was sent:
3. Here is an example of the CEO reading my email and immediately passing it down to the VP of Sales for them to follow up with me asap.
4. Here is another CEO that passed my email directly to the SVP of Sales, check out her response!
5. Here is an email response from a CEO that is requesting an interview with me without even speaking with me! This was his response to my initial email.
6. Not every email will result in success…but it is nice to at least get a response! In this case, I emailed her back and asked if she knew of any companies that were hiring. At this point, I have nothing to lose and you never know…..
7. I received an automated response from this CEO. This is great! I now have his personal cell phone number that I will use wisely!
8. This CEO is interested in me and starting a conversation, he also is intrigued as to how I got his email address….(he is thinking: hmmm, this guy is pretty sharp).
[](http://gethiredsystem.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/email-81.png)Let me ask you a question…
Are you sending hundreds of resumes out and only getting the automated email back saying they will contact you if they are interested?
If so, you are wasting your time…and the Unthinkable Success System will tell you EXACTLY why.
“I went through the “Unthinkable Success” program. I found a company that I would fit in with, but they were not hiring. I sent Rob’s emails and I have an interview next week with the CEO! This is for real and I’m amazed.”
Lewis R., Atlanta, GA
So by now I ‘m sure you’re wondering…
Well, let me ask you the question again:
How Much Would an EXTRA 10 1/2 Months of Income, Be Worth to You and Your Family?
Let’s just take, for example, the 2012 average gross salary in the United States of $51,413 (source: USAToday.com).
10 1/2 months of a $51,413 salary would be $44,986!
So, applying the strategy exactly as I teach you inside this system, could LITERALLY be worth almost $45,000 to you….based on the average median income in the US!
Even if you were to pay thousands of dollars for this information, it would be a steal.
The good new is however, you won’t have to pay anything close to that.
Because of the LIFE & INCOME changing power of this system, numerous friends and business colleagues have suggested that the system not be sold for anything less than $297, and frankly I agree with them.
But here’s the deal…
I feel for all the people that are currently unemployed and struggling to provide for their families.
I feel for those that have worked hard all their lives, only to now find themselves laid off and not knowing where the next rent or mortgage payment is going to come from.
I feel for the college graduate that worked his or her back side off to get their degree, and who is now loaded down with piles of student loans and having to deliver pizzas because they can’t find a REAL job.
And since it’s hard enough to even scrape together the funds to pay the light bill when you’re in this type of situation, there’s no way I could add more stress to your bank account by asking you to invest $297, so…
I Decided to Make it Affordable for Everyone.
Since I want to help as many people as I possibly can get hired…
I decided that, moving forward, I would charge $79.95 for this life changing information.
BUT as a…
Special, Limited Time Introductory Offer, I’m Going to Let You Take Full Advantage of this Powerful System Today For Only
Our UNTHINKABLE 60 Day, 100% 'Get a Job or Get Your Money Back' Guarantee
Yes, you read that right! I’m so confident that the techniques I teach you will get you hired, I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is. If you can honestly show me that you took the steps outlined inside the Unthinkable Success System, and you haven’t landed a job within 60 days of purchase, I’ll gladly give you back every penny of the purchase price! How’s that for a fair deal? And here’s the special twist. I’ll still let you keep everything as my way of saying Thank You for putting your trust in me.
[](http://gethiredsystem.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Did-you-know....png)Yes, almost a full year!
I can’t begin to imagine being unemployed for a year.
There is absolutely no reason that anyone, using my UNTHINKABLE techniques properly will not be hired on average within 14 days.
You may get hired within the first week…it could take you 30 days.
Either way….you’ll be building a career and banking salary week after week, while your competition continues to email resumes to an endless number of ‘uninterested’ companies, while going deeper and deeper in debt!
And to make sure you ace every job interview you get using my system, I’m also going to throw in a very valuable BONUS for you…
What to expect form and how to the most out of every interview. Keeping the past from haunting you by being prepared when ‘uncomfortable’ issues arise. Things you must ask the interviewer in EVERY interview. Engaging your interviewers in a flowing 2 way conversation. The 2nd job interview – dos and don’ts The importance of the thank you letter, and what to say. Showing confidence throughout the interview process. Setting the proper expectations. What you must know and do when crafting your resume and cover letter. Posting your resume online – good idea or waste of time? How to have the utmost poise in your interview so that YOU will be the hands down choice
I invite you to join me on a journey that will GET YOU INTERVIEWS THIS WEEK, AND GET YOU HIRED – FAST!
Click the button below, get started right now, and land your dream job faster than you ever dreamed possible!
YES! I want a copy of UNTHINKABLE Success System for Getting Hired in 14 Days right now! I understand that I’m getting INSTANT, direct download access to the system manual in PDF format (viewable using the free Adobe Reader) immediately upon purchase via our secure member area!
YES! I fully understand that this course is backed with a 60 day guarantee. This will give me more than enough time to put the system into practice and apply the methods as soon as today as I can see real results within days! All I have to do is send an email requesting a refund and I’m entitled to a full and prompt refund. I am serious about getting my dream job because I deserve better, so I’m ready to place my order now!
PS: Your $79.95 $37 investment [here](http://gethiredsystem.com?xb=http%3A%2F%2F1.globaldb.pay.clickbank.net%3Fsku%3D1344612388&keepThis=true&width=630&height=440) today is a business purchase to help secure your employment. While I strongly suggest you check with your accountant first of course, the purchase price should be 100% tax deductible. I think you’ll agree, a nice little added benefit!
P.P.S – Keep in mind… once you download the UNTHINKABLE SUCCESS SYSTEM to your computer, you can use it as many times as you like — for the rest of your career to land the job you want with the company you want. It’s the LAST technique you’ll ever need to get a job, and get it fast!
P.P.P.S – Remember… for a limited time you will receive a Valuable Free Bonus – “How to Ace Any Job Interview” This information will arm you with everything you’ll need to ace every interview you schedule using the UNTHINKABLE Success System! (A $27 Value)
[Click Here Now to Land Unlimited Hot Job Interviews and Get Hired Within 14 Days!](http://1.globaldb.pay.clickbank.net?sku=1344612388)
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