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[Binary Shift - Binary Options](http://www.binaryshift.com/)

Learn Binary Options and Trade


[Trade Rush Technique](http://www.binaryshift.com/trade-rush-technique/)


Follow the step-by-step below to start making money using this TradeRush technique.

First. If you have a TradeRush account go to step 2. If you don’t have a TradeRush account, Go to [TradeRush.com](http://tracking.traderush.com/20518) by clicking here it will open a new window. TradeRush is one of the most reliable and easy-to-use trading platforms on the market, so we recommend everyone use TradeRush to begin trading Binary Options.

2. The goal is to choosing the correct market direction in Binary Options trading either Up or Down. (If your new I encourage you to get our [Binary Options ebook](http://www.binaryshift.com/binary-options-trading-guide/) here.)

This Technique helps you determine an option’s market direction by identifying two key market conditions. When these two market conditions occur at the same time the trader has up to a 89% chance of winning.

First, browse the options and find an option that is currently ABOVE its value compared to its value for the period of time shown on the graph.
Take a look at the example of the Gold binary option below – You can clearly see that the option’s value is currently higher than it has been for the current period of time on the graph indicating that this option meets the first condition.


Second, check and see if the MAJORITY of traders are choosing the DOWN (PUT) position on the “Popularity” Index for this option.
The “Popularity” Index is located to the left of the graph. As you can see in the example below, the option is currently trading ABOVE value and the majority of traders – 54% – are choosing DOWN (PUT).


[](http://www.binaryshift.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/3.png)When you find an option which meets these two conditions, immediately invest in the option. In order to invest (1.) Click the DOWN/PUT button, (2.) Enter in your investment amount and (3.) Click APPLY. Our research has shown that when these two conditions occur at the same time, there is a high statistical probability that the asset in question will finish BELOW its current value in the near future. [[Continue reading]](http://www.binaryshift.com/trade-rush-technique/#more-346)

[Trading Options Tip](http://www.binaryshift.com/trading-options-tip/)


Here is an easy trading options tip that many people miss and can give you some leverage. The first thing that you need to do is open and account with the only platform that offers 60 second options at the moment, and that is a trading platform called [Trade Rush](http://www.binaryshift.com/TradeRush).

Once you login to your account Click on the tab circled in the image below that says “Binary Options” for this strategy were going to select “EUR/USD”
You’ll see a column that says “Popularity” *NOTE THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT” The popularity column shows you a trader insight; you should ALWAYS go with the highest percentage. This is means a lot of investors are predicting the one with the highest percentage is going to win.

In this instance, it’s saying that you should select PUT with means that the currency exchange from Euro to US Dollar is likely to go down.
Remember go with the highest percentage. Now click on the “60 Seconds” tab I’ve circled in red below and select EUR/USD from the dropdown menu on the right hand side.


Then on the drop down menu on the right that says “INVESTMENT” select your starting trade of $5. Then select PUT which means it is going to go down and then hit START when you do this is will give you a couple of seconds to cancel or approve the trade in case you have made a mistake, after 3 seconds your trade will start and a 1 minute timer will appear below your trade. [[Continue reading]](http://www.binaryshift.com/trading-options-tip/#more-287)

[Binary Options Trading Charts](http://www.binaryshift.com/binary-options-trading-charts/)

The significance to traders of using candlestick charts is that they can understand more fully the underlying sentiment of the markets. Binary Options Trading Charts, for a first time student of candlestick charting is probably fairly confusing as … [[Continue reading]](http://www.binaryshift.com/binary-options-trading-charts/)

[Choose The Right Binary Option Trading Platform](http://www.binaryshift.com/choose-the-right-binary-option-trading-platform/)

Binary option trading is easy to understand and is an excellent, thrilling and a potential way of investment for both novice and old traders. Since the terms and conditions of this trading system are quite simple, many corporation houses and … [[Continue reading]](http://www.binaryshift.com/choose-the-right-binary-option-trading-platform/)

[Binary Trading strategies](http://www.binaryshift.com/binary-trading-strategies/)

The Reversal This is based on the concept that if the value of an asset moves in one direction, it is unlikely to remain there and will soon move back towards its original position. An investor should therefore buy a Call option if the price has … [[Continue reading]](http://www.binaryshift.com/binary-trading-strategies/)

[How to Binary Options](http://www.binaryshift.com/how-to-binary-options/)

Many people are asking what and how to binary options. The attractiveness of fixed risks and rewards has led to binary option trading enjoying an explosion in popularity. The inherent simplicity of having just two possible options and two possible … [[Continue reading]](http://www.binaryshift.com/how-to-binary-options/)

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Binary News

Follow the step-by-step below to start making money using this TradeRush technique. First. If you have a TradeRush account go to step 2. If you don't have a TradeRush account, Go to TradeRush.com by clicking here it will open a new window. … [[Read More...]](http://www.binaryshift.com/trade-rush-technique/)

Here is an easy trading options tip that many people miss and can give you some leverage. The first thing that you need to do is open and account with the only platform that offers 60 second options at the moment, and that is a trading platform … [[Read More...]](http://www.binaryshift.com/trading-options-tip/)

The significance to traders of using candlestick charts is that they can understand more fully the underlying sentiment of the markets. Binary Options Trading Charts, for a first time student of candlestick charting is probably fairly confusing as … [[Read More...]](http://www.binaryshift.com/binary-options-trading-charts/)

Binary option trading is easy to understand and is an excellent, thrilling and a potential way of investment for both novice and old traders. Since the terms and conditions of this trading system are quite simple, many corporation houses and … [[Read More...]](http://www.binaryshift.com/choose-the-right-binary-option-trading-platform/)

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