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We've Done The Hard Work For You.
Just Agree To Our Simple Arrangement Below,
And We'll Literally Reprogram Your Mind For Wealth.
(Just Imagine Yourself With The Millionaire Mind)

The Result? Read Below:

From the desk of Joe Vitale
Star of the blockbuster movie "The Secret"
Wimberley, Texas

Dear friend,

Before I drop the bomb and tell you how we're going to "reprogramming your mind," let me make sure we're seeing eye to eye. So take this in: There's a really good chance you don't actually know why you're still struggling... even to just get a taste of real wealth. I really have "seen it all," so I'm going to ask you to trust me on this.

Let me explain...

I Bet You Think You Have It Bad...

Truth is, I tasted "rock bottom" in a way that'll turn your head upside down..

I want you to imagine yourself in my shoes... not with the wealth and abundance I have today... but as the homeless man I was in the late '70's, wandering around Dallas, Texas, living dollar to dollar on the charity of others.

Oh yes, I wanted to be more... and I tried. But I didn't have a lick of confidence in my future. Yet still, as I'm sure you can relate, I could almost taste the wealth, the success, that delicious freedom money can provide...

No, you're not homeless, but you and "homeless Joe" likely share something in common. And deep down, you're self-aware enough to know this:

Like You, I Was Dragging Around
This Three-Headed Horse,
Stealing Wealth At Each Turn.

But I Had It Worse...

Three heads... three thieves of wealth... and nothing but struggle and failure to show for it. I thought I didn't deserve wealth. I Didn't respect myself. And I secretly hated money as a result. I have a feeling you can relate.

The culprit? Deep within my mind, buried in my subconscious, I had a clog AND a gaping hole... BOTH of them:

1. First, I was FULL of self-doubt, procrastination, self-sabotage, self-loathing... you name it. All the usual junk... but on a massive scale.

2. I was also LACKING the basic tenants of true wealth... the information and perspective that ALL millionaires have... even if they're not aware of it.

Can you relate?

The result failure after failure, let-down after let-down, and a hopelessness that brought me to my knees. And for a long time, I had absolutely no idea how to fix it. Sure, I knew it was possible. But I was completely lost...

But Then I Found It...

Here's the critical point... and I want you to really think about this:

Wealth isn't just about having a bank account busting at the brims, or the immense luxury of getting what you want when you want. Sure that's nice, but this is what you secretly begin to feel:

Wealth makes you effective. Money is a tool... and when you have it, you can make more of a difference... in the lives of those you love, and in the lives of those you can now help.

Wealth puts a spring in your step. It's not hard to imagine: the stress of money (the bills, the debts, the limitations) weighs you down. Take that away, and suddenly you're lighter on your toes, even smiling uncontrollably

Wealth gives you a special confidence. Think about it: Right now, reading this letter, you want wealth. I mean, you really want it. And you know it's not always "easy." Now, imagine yourself in the near future, having your first taste of wealth, knowing what you overcame to get here... will that not make you a bit stronger on your feet?

Wealth is like your life's "spring cleaning." As soon as I could confidently say "I'm wealthy," I realized how much mental junk I'd been carrying around for years. But the next step surprised me: I realized suddenly how effortlessly I could just throw away that mental junk... as simple as throwing a food wrapper in the garbage.

Wealth makes you fearless. Overcoming your mental hurdles to get that first bit of wealth in your pocket changes your mental chemistry. How "impossible" does becoming wealthy feel right now? And how afraid of failing again and again are you? Put that wealth in your pocket, and suddenly you realize how thin most of your fears actually are. You'll feel unstoppable...

Wealth gives you new appreciation for life. Yes, surrounding yourself with luxuries is a lot of fun and truly rewarding. But you're not shallow person only interested in the bling and flash of wealth. As I said before, money is a tool... and when you have it in your hands, you suddenly discover new possibility after new possibility you never once considered. You have those moments where you just can't stop smiling...

Wealth helps you stay healthy. It simple: If you're stressing constantly about money problems... if you're constantly coping with let down and struggle... you're body begins to deteriorate. As soon as you clear these blocks, suddenly your body returns to its proper health... and you don't have to worry about this personal stress shedding years off your life...

Wealth is as important to your well being as staying healthy or focusing on being positive. Wealth is the glue that can make relationships stronger. Wealth is potent enough to erase stress and increase your longevity.

In other words, if you care about improving your life and becoming what you're capable of becoming... in ANY way... you MUST focus on becoming wealthy. Period.

How Did I Break Through? How Did I
Go From Homeless To Millionaire?
(Read This Carefully)

Ask yourself, what do all wealthy people have in common? What did it take to rise from financial struggles to becoming set for life?

How did I go from broke and homeless... to living a life full of luxuries and joys that people lust after and desperately crave?

It wasn't luck. It wasn't finding the secret step-by-step recipe. It wasn't any of the crap that people try to shove down your throat.

Simply said, it was the mindset. It was the wealth mindset!

Opportunities to strike it rich are all around us. It's almost as plentiful as the air we breathe. But it means NOTHING if you don't have the wealth mindset that empowers you to transform an opportunity into a concrete reality.

Think of it like this: How did Steve Jobs develop the most successful, desired, and often expensive computer... when plenty of his competition were making more powerful computers at lower prices? How did Oprah turn her passion for helping others... into an empire, reaching millions of people every day? How did I go from flat-broke, homeless, and desperate... to a multi-millionaire with a rich and fulfilling lifestyle beyond my wildest dreams?

It's the wealth mindset... it's the wealth mindset!

What Is The Millionaire Mind?

When you too command the Millionaire Mind, you'll see opportunity at every corner... simply waiting for you to grab it. You'll find creating wealth as effortless as tying your shoes. You'll have a sharp mind capable of knowing what to do... and when to do it.

When you command the Millionaire Mind, plagues like self-sabotage, procrastination, self-doubt will be mere memories of the past. You are free from the shackles that steal wealth with ease. You are free to live your life with emboldened confidence and conviction.

When you command the Millionaire Mind, the "have to do's" will become "want to do's." Not only that, you'll wake up each day wanting to take another secret peak at your bank account. You'll have no problem "multi-tasking." You'll have no problem setting up multiple passive streams of income.

When you command the Millionaire Mind, life becomes a joy ride. You'll live life on YOUR terms. You'll treat yourself how and when you want to treat yourself. You'll treat your loved ones in ways that will shock and enthrall them. You'll feel like you're walking on water... floating through life's many pleasures...

There is no end to what you can do when you command the Millionaire Mind. BUT, this isn't a simple luxury! This is a REQUIREMENT if you want to become wealthy. You CANNOT slip by this step! But, as you'll see, you're going to enjoy the process. Here's why:

I Worked Hard To Figure This Out...
But You Don't Have To. Here's Why:

I'm no fan of over-the-top hype. I'm not here to insult your intelligence. But trust me when I say that what I'm sharing with you today is unlike anything else out there. Here's why:

Until today, people who understood how important the wealth mindset was... people like me back in Dallas... had to work HARD to successfully achieve it.

Think about it... First, you have to get rid of all your negative beliefs and habits. Think again about those three thieves of wealth... I had to truly believe that I deserved this wealth. I had to love myself enough to accept my potential. I had to get over that secret feeling that money was somehow bad. I had to start thinking like a millionaire... and keep thinking like a millionaire.

It was one intense struggle! I can't tell you how much willpower I put into making that all happen. Are you capable of doing the same thing... the hard way? Absolutely. It's a challenge, but you can do anything if you put your mind to it.

But it doesn't stop there. Then I had to study the minds of millionaires out there. I needed to know what they knew... how they saw the world in front of them... what an opportunity looked like and how to achieve it. I read book after book, hour after hour. And finally it all clicked.

But here's where I can put a smile on your face and give you a sigh of relief...

You don't have to struggle like I did... like the thousands of truly wealthy people out there. In fact, it doesn't matter if you've tried to get the right mindset before. It doesn't matter if you've failed again and again. It doesn't matter if you think you're permanently weighed down by "baggage." It doesn't matter if you secretly don't have confidence you're capable of doing all of this.


Because, with the help of ancient techniques and modern technology, there is literally a way to "hack" into your brain and rewire it for you. Yes, there's a way to literally cleanse your conscious mind AND your subconscious mind... and implant the wealth mindset directly into your brain.

Once you have this mindset, there will be work to do to build that physical wealth... but getting this mindset won't take any work at all... not anymore. Not if you're equipped with what I'm giving you today.

I want to introduce you to someone...

Meet The Man Behind The Curtain...
The Man With "Special Powers"...

...The Man That Will "Reprogram"
Your Mind For Wealth...

This is the guy you want on your side. Some call him a miracle worker. Some call him "too good to be true." But nobody can deny the thousands of success stories he leaves behind him.

His name is Steve G. Jones. He is a clinical hypnotherapist, a master of Neurolinguistic Programming, and one of the most dedicated people I've ever met. His knowledge on the conscious and subconscious mind, on the ins and outs of human psychology, is staggering.

And he puts it all to good use... he takes people like you and uses the most advanced hypnosis techniques in existence (stuff you've never heard of) and literally "reprograms" people's minds. And all they have to do is lie back and close their eyes. In other words, some people spend a lifetime trying to "fix" their mind, to "heal" their subconscious... when Steve can do that for you in a matter of hours.

Yes, I can't deny it... it does seem too good to be true... but then again, nobody ever believed we'd be able to fly. And here we are...

So what does this have to do with you?

I've partnered with Steve with one goal in mind... and one goal only. Our mission was simple: Create the "mind hack" anybody can use to achieve the true wealth mindset once and for all... so they can focus on the important stuff... becoming wealthy.

Want to see the result?

Introducing Wealth Trigger 2.0: Reloaded... The Breakthrough Program That Virtually Hands You The Wealth Mindset You Need To Create Money On Demand... All On A Silver Platter...


Want to unlock the wealth mindset within you... without years of struggle? Want to taste true wealth... without another let down? Want to "defy all odds" and strike it big... while you're still youthful enough to enjoy it? Want to remove the largest obstacle in your path... without straining a single muscle? 

Welcome to Wealth Trigger 2.0: Reloaded. In this revolutionary program (yes, it's revolutionary) Steve and I are giving you the "plug-and-play" tool you need to instantly transform your mind today... with its self-doubt, self-sabotage, procrastination, and ingrained negative beliefs... and its gap in understanding the path to true wealth and the ingrained millionaire mindset... into a sharpened, experienced wealth magnet, armed with all the tools and the mindset that millionaire wield every single day as they add even more money to their impressive bank accounts.

Do you need to struggle like I did? Do you need to read every book that might hold the "key" to wealth like I did? Do you need to study the advice of every millionaire you come across? No, no, and no.

Instead, Steve and I have worked together to model the perfect wealth mindset... the same mindset responsible for literally billions of dollars in combined wealth... and plugged it into a "mind machine" that will literally rewire your brain on autopilot.

You see, there's a reason Steve and I collaborated on this program together. I know the ins and outs of the true wealth mindset. And Steve knows the science of implanting that blueprint directly into your mind. It's the killer combo... the one-two punch.

Here's What You're Getting Today

So the burning question... how does this all work? Are we going to be hooking you up to a machine? Are we going to slip you a pill? No, there's more to it than that...

First, we're going to work on your conscious mind. I've distilled the secrets to my wealth... to the Wealth Mindset... down to simple, digestible nuggets of gold. In a multi-part audio training, I'm going to help seduce your conscious mind to see and digest basic tenants of wealth that you will hold close.

Not only are you going to have aha! moment after aha! moment, but this will also prepare you to let Steve work his magic. (By the way, what I'm sharing in my audio training are truly nuggets of gold. You will want these audios close to you)

Second, Steve is going to give you step-by-step instructions to creating the perfect hypnotic brain-transformation program designed specifically for you... designed specifically so you can create money on demand...

In other words, these 12 modules will literally hand you the tools you need to reprogram your mind for wealth... this is exactly what you need to claim the ONE REQUIREMENT for wealth... the true wealth mindset.


Let's take a closer look at what you're getting immediate access to:


How to erase the feeling that you don't deserve money (more common than you think)

What leaders consider the most potent tool you use to transform your life

Why you don't truly love yourself (and how to change it)

The unconscious block that steals from your wealth left and right

A simple realization that can change everything

Why money is NOT the root of all evil (and why you secretly believe it is)



Why wealth is critical in your life, your relationships, your health, and more

The secret luxuries only the wealthy experience

The role the Law of Attraction plays in your success (and why your idea of the Law of Attraction is probably incorrect)

The part of your mind that holds the most power

Why your brain is screaming for you to reprogram it

The secret blueprint of the true Wealth Mindset

How to experience wealth... even before you become wealthy



The secret to getting the laziest people to take action now

The hidden definition of "Action" (and why it matters)

One short sentence that contains the secret to success

The one mindset shift that makes wealth appear...

How to multiply your ability to get things done

The one question you must ask yourself

A simple trick to ending procrastination and boosting motivation



The importance of goals (and the one mistake almost everyone makes)

The Millionaire's Law of Adaptation

The missing piece to align your body and mind system

How to almost magically create inspiration in your life

Why failure holds the keys to success

How to find the right mentor

How to find the fuel to concentrate on multiple goals



How a simple decision transformed one man into an Internet millionaire

How to "let go" to achieve wealth

How one woman pulled $10,000 out of "nowhere"

The homeless blues guitarist that became a best-seller

How one man "pulled the Wealth Trigger" without even realizing it

The little-known "Remembering Process"

How a computer-illiterate woman created multiple streams of income



The three simple steps to attract wealth (proven, proven, proven)

The hidden psychology of money (and what you need to know)

The "speedy" secret behind millionaires' constant success

The real place money comes from (if you where it is, you know how to get it)

The 4-word mantra that alone can evolve your brain

How to invest money the right way (even with no experience)

What's considered one of the greatest money-making secrets in history


What hypnosis really is (and why most people have it all wrong)

Why hypnosis contains the ability to reprogram your mind (especially with skeptics)

The anatomy of "programming yourself from the ground up"

Why it might seem "Too Good To Be True, when it's in-fact simple science

Why reprogramming your mind "forces" you to act on financial opportunities

The 5 parts of a reprogramming session



How to retrieve the "truth" about your barriers right from your subconscious

The simple "weird" tool that acts as a scientific "truth teller"

The 8-point checklist to prepare for Wealth Reprogramming



See immediate results with specially-designed post-hypnotic suggestions

The "trigger words" that create unstoppable action (once you have the true Wealth Mindset, then you have to use it!)

The advanced "Alarm Clock Trigger" method

The simple discovery of a scientist, Dr. Watson, that makes the reprogramming process unstoppable



How to overcome any resistance in your subconscious to guarantee the wealth mindset becomes set in stone

How to make your subconscious do all the work on autopilot so you can just sit back and let the transformation happen without effort

Even if you're incredibly skeptical and your subconscious mind is stubborn, this simple technique will bypass it all and give you the change you need

How to effortlessly transform your idea of what's possible in the world... suddenly becoming wealthy will be as real as sleeping or eating breakfast



How to use your new wealth mindset to actually help control other people (very helpful in your path to create true wealth)

Discover the influential power of "Waking Hypnosis"

How to embed the proven science of Neurolignuistic Programming directly into your mind, equipping you with an unstoppable persuasion tool

Experience the mind-altering ability of wielding "embedded commands"

How to use simple gestures, facial expressions, and words to influence others in a completely natural and ethical way

How to master embedded commands even if you're shy or cautious

The simple transformational power of Phonological Ambiguity



How to control your internal "Wealth Thermostat"

Say goodbye to the last of your fears and hesitations about creating true wealth and abundance in your life

Destroy all your mental barriers once and for all (even if you learned them when you were a child)

The "Movie Theater" technique for creating the finishing touches on your Wealth Mindset

How to put your new-found Wealth Mindset to work


I Know Exactly Where You Are Today (Does This Sound Right?)

In fact, I understand the deep anxiety and desperation that money troubles can cause better than most people out there. I've researched every book, every expert, every technique available on creating wealth from scratch. But more importantly, I walk the walk. I'm a wealthy individual who made it happen. I enjoy the luxuries and the freedom. And I know exactly how I got there. In other words, I know the blueprint of the wealth mindset like the back of my hand.

Steve knows the hard science behind reprogramming the brain. Steve has literally helped thousands of people with everything from gaining rock solid confidence and losing weight, to quitting smoking and release negative habits. Steve's been interviewed widely and featured on national TV. In fact, he's so in demand... with such a stellar track record... that people now pay as much as $24,000 for ONE private session with him. All I had to do was lay out the blueprint, and he developed a way that anyone... including you... can literally reprogram your mind and implant the wealth mindset you need to achieve that wealth. Yes, even you are destined for wealth... all through the killer combination of a no-fail wealth blueprint and the power of self hypnosis.

All you have to do is...

Pull The Wealth Trigger And Watch What Happens (And It Happens Fast)...

Just imagine...

Command the same wealth mindset that's made thousands of millionaires millions of dollars... all in a matter of days

Finally... live life free of self doubt, self sabotage, limiting beliefs, procrastination... and watch your world transform with every step

Wake up knowing wealth is knocking at your door, even if you've struggled for years and convinced yourself it's "too good to be true"

Develop this millionaire mindset without reading hundreds of books, spending years studying the masters, and trying (and failing) to get the "breakthroughs" you need...

Transform the path to wealth from a mere dream... a "someday" event... into a concrete reality you see clearly coming your way

Discover how to pinpoint the personal obstacles that hold you back and then melt them away using simple self hypnosis...

Free yourself forever from the dangers of financial struggles. Never suffer the inability to pay bills, afford healthcare, or help out friends and family in need.

Find out the greatest money-making secret in history (not hype... once you hear it, it will make perfect sense)

How to take those opportunities for wealth that are glaring at you... and transform them into reliable "print on demand" money-makers

Finally experience the clarity and conviction every millionaire possesses (you'll look at the world around you in a completely new light)

Hold the financial power capable of helping those in need and providing support for other's dreams (in other words, wealth equals personal fulfillment)

Take on any money-making opportunity with ease, confident without a shadow of doubt, ready to make money on your terms

And do all of this with absolute ease... just plug it in and watch how fast your mind transforms...


At the beginning of this letter, I asked you to imagine yourself in my shoes... as a broke, homeless man. Now I want you to imagine yourself in YOUR shoes, sitting next to me as I am today... two people sharing the joys and freedom of true wealth.

Imagine letting your mind float freely from dream to dream, possibility to possibility. Imagine doing all the things you'd like to do... and knowing, with a quiet smile on your face, that you can. Imagine how light you'll feel, how effortless life will feel, how free you are to be exactly who you want to be.

Imagine your close friend coming to you for help, in need of desperate financial assistance. Imagine that quiet smile as you take out your check book and write the check that allows your friend to walk away relieved and thankful for your generosity.

Imagine Waking Up One Day And Deciding On A Whim...

"I want to see the Eifel Tower in person... tomorrow." Imagine calling your travel agent, getting a last-minute ticket, and that quiet smile on your face as you pack your bags, with butterflies in your stomach... because you'll be in Paris tomorrow.

Are these cliches? Sure. But, deep down, you can't deny you'd love every moment you had the power to make any of these cliches a reality-on-demand. All of this is what I experience every day. That quiet smile I kept mentioning? That's painted on my face every day.

I love life. I love living life on my terms. And I know you will too. And, as a man of integrity, I wouldn't be here implanting these dream visions into your head if I didn't know in my heart that you were about to take the step you need to take to get you to the wealth you deserve.

So what's the cost? Are we talking a monstrous price tag for a program with such life-transforming power? Well, Steve charges $24,000 for one in-person session with him. I charge up to $10,000 for one phone session with me. And people pay it. Because it's a rock-solid, proven investment.

If I asked for $1000 for this program, would you hesitate? Think about it: You want to be wealthy. You SHOULD want to be wealthy. Now, you know deep down that the next step is claiming the true wealth mindset. You know deep down that developing this mindset on your own can take years, thousands of hours of study, sweat equity, and struggle... just like it was for me. But you know that as soon as you have this true wealth mindset, you will have exactly what you need... you will have wealth on demand... just as I do.

I've got a lot of money in the bank. Would I have paid $1000 for this opportunity? In a heartbeat. In an absolute heartbeat. Why? Because this here... what we're handing you today... is the key to the same wealth mindset I command today... the same wealth mindset thousands of millionaires and billionaires quietly rely on... the same wealth mindset that took me years to develop. But because you've got the famous Steve G. Jones and me on your side, you get it all implanted in your head... your brain reprogrammed for wealth. I laugh when I think about it... do you even realize how lucky you are?

Well, here's the good news. Brace yourself... all we're asking today is a $47 investment. That's it. That's all you pay to get the entire package handed to you on a silver platter.


FREE BONSUES: Turn Your Mind Into An Unstoppable Money Magnet (Over $347 Worth Of Jam-Packed Wealth Tools)

Your success is my first priority. Period. That's why Steve and I have put in hours and hours of work into creating the perfect program that's guaranteed to hand you the wealth you deserve, no matter who you are, where you are, how inexperienced you might be.

So to put you over the top, I've decided to include some bonuses that will whip you into shape and transform you into the money magnet you're destined to be... easy as 1-2-3.

Get The Original Wealth Trigger Program Free! (Originally Priced To Sell At $197!)

The original Wealth Trigger program was a blockbuster hit. Thousands of people got their hands on this revolutionary program that laid the foundation for an incredible path to wealth.

And even though Wealth Trigger 2.0: Reloaded contains everything you need, the original Wealth Trigger program contains invaluable information and techniques we didn't have room to include in the new program. But luckily for you, you get it included, free of charge.

You'll discover:

How Joe Activated The Wealth Trigger - Here I will show you exactly how I activated the Wealth Trigger in my life and how it's changed every single moment from that day.

The First Key To Trigger Activation - Discover the first step in preparing the trigger to be activated within so you can see how powerful in really is.

The Secret Hypnosis Weapon - Here I'll introduce you to a powerful hypnosis weapon that can be used to reformat your entire subconscious mind so you can begin attracting wealth.

Three Elements of The Law Of Attraction - Learn the three steps you simply cannot skip when harnessing the Law of Attraction to your advantage.

The One Thing You Must Do - Chances are you're missing this step just like 99 % of the people out there trying to attract wealth and remaining broke.

Thought Transformation - Here I'll show you exactly how to transform any negative thoughts that hold you back into positive one's that fuel your success.

Job Attraction - In this part of the module, I'll show you the exact steps to attract a new job that will put cash in your pocket right away.

Career Attraction – Here you'll learn how to attract the career that you've always wanted and how to move rapidly up the corporate ladder.

Opportunity Attraction – Opportunities are all round you. Now you'll learn how to quickly identify and capitalize off of them.

Shattering Your Limiting Beliefs – Now you can crush those thought barriers that once held you back so nothing gets in your way on the road to wealth.

Leveraging Your Strengths - Part of attaining wealth is learning to use what comes easy to you. Here I'll show you how to identify and capitalize off of your natural strengths and abilities.

Visualization 101 – Without a vision, nothing is possible. Here you'll learn how to create the vision of abundance so it can be realized in no time flat,

Turn Key Confidence – The confidence to move forward is often enough to take you to the next level. Here you'll learn how to turn it on almost magically.

Intention Directing - Discover the secret to directing your intentions in ways that will serve you rather than hold you back.

Real Goal Setting – Here you'll learn a simple but powerful way to set goals so they actually come to fruition instead of falling by the wayside.

The Truth About Self Hypnosis - Here Steve will share the facts on self hypnosis and how it will change your life if done correctly.

Sensory Identification - Because we all relate to the world differently, Steve will show you how to quickly determine your best method of learning new information so you don't waste time.

Inductions - Here Steve will show you his exact method for entering the first stage of self hypnosis.

Deepenings - Here you'll learn the secrets behind entering the seconds stage of the trance.

Custom Wealth Script - Here you'll discover the exact five step blueprint that you can use to create your own custom wealth script so you can attain what's important to you in life.

Power Wealth Scripts - Here Steve will share three scripts that will infuse your finances with power including Unlimited Wealth, Find your Passion and Abundance.

Trance Termination - Here you will learn how to end your hypnotic trance the "right" way so your results remain intact.

How to Record Your Own Session - In this part of the module, Steve will show you a step by step process to record your own session which you can use forever to strengthen your mind.

Hypnosis Without A Recording - In this four step process, Steve will show the secret to hypnotizing yourself without a recording. Now that's power!

And Much Much More!

Total Value: $197... Yours Free!



Unstoppable Wealth Powerpack

(Normally sold for $150)

Steve is a master hypnotist. This should be obvious by now. But I want to make something clear: Steve has the power to transform almost any aspect of your subconscious mind!

So think about it: What else do you need to make your new Wealth Mindset an unstoppable money magnet? How else could you use the power of hypnosis to transform your life from top to bottom?

It's all through what I call the "Wealth Powerpack." In these 5 audio hypnosis programs, Steve will reprogram your mind to achieve even more wealth. You'll receive:

Power Your Mind To Achieve Unlimited Motivation

Power Your Mind To Achieve Unlimited Confidence

Power Your Mind To Achieve Unlimited Wealth (Only heightens the power of your new Wealth Mindset)

Power Your Mind To Discover Your Passion

Power Your Mind To Discover Abundance

Inside this rare training series:

No longer let lack of confidence prevent you from overcoming fears or from getting what you richly deserve in your life

Discover how to get in touch with that part of you which is ready to create riches, love, and happiness in your life NOW!

Feeling lost, unfulfilled, in a rut? Unleash yourself to move forward & discover (or rediscover!) your passion!

If you just can't seem to get motivated, get yourself moving and achieve unlimited motivation with hypnosis!

Ignite that fire within you and become tuned in to your destiny!

Finally have the confidence to be able to achieve what you want - whether it's something simple or something complex... Be unstoppable! Be a WINNER!

Accomplish & bring into this world everything that you haven't yet done, but want to get done!

Learn to use the Law of Attraction to get what you want and live in blissful abundance!

And more!

Total Value: $150... Yours Free!



Sleep Easy... You Are Protected
By The Strongest Guarantee Possible


I Don't Know If I Can Be Any
Clearer Than This...

You want to become wealthy... you need to become wealthy... and to do this, you MUST be equipped with the true Wealth Mindset. Without it, you won't succeed. Period. It's proven, and there's no argument that can change that.

Thousands of people who attained wealth, myself included, spent years of research and sleuthing to figure out how to achieve this for ourselves. We worked, we studied, we sweat, and we got there... but it took a lot of hard effort. We did NOT have the opportunity you have today.

Instead, you can take the easy route... and if you don't, well, I don't know what to say. This is your chance to have your mind reprogrammed for you... and you get to walk away, with almost no effort at all, equipped with the exact same wealth mindset that I have. I worked hard for it... but you don't have to.

All you have to do is say yes. So do it. Do it! Say yes to the missing puzzle piece that's held you back. Say yes to a change millionaires would have died to have at their disposal... including me. Let Steve and I do the work for you... all you have to do is say yes! Remember, I risked everything to get where I was am today. I risked my health, my sanity, my personal respect. But you risk nothing... you can have all of this... and it's all backed by a 60-day, no-questions-asked, iron-clad guarantee.

All you have to do is say yes. Just click the button below and you'll get immediate access to Wealth Trigger 2.0: Reloaded... the only program in existence that hands you the wealth mindset you need on a silver platter. Here it is... on a silver platter. So take it. Click the button below to get immediate access... risk free... and watch the rest unfold before your very eyes...[]


YES JOE! I'm Ready To Reprogram My Mind To Become The Unstoppable Wealth Mindset... Once And For All!

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I've done my part. The rest is up to you. If you walk away, you will lose it all... you'll have to walk the same path with the same struggles that I had. Is it worth it? The answer is obvious.

I'll see you on the other side

Joe Vitale

Steve G. Jones

P.S. What's the secret to true wealth? It's not the next big step-by-step opportunity. It's claiming the true wealth mindset for yourself. It's what I have... it's what all wealthy people have... and without it, you won't budge an inch. You'll still struggle, you'll still fail. But you don't have to. World-famous hypnotist and neurolinguistic programming expert Steve G. Jones and I are literally going to reprogram your mind... we're going to implant the true wealth mindset straight into your brain... and there's nothing that can stop it... not your fears, your self doubt, your self sabotage...

P.P.S. If you want to savor life's true potential with true wealth in your pocket, then join me. Now's your chance to get the missing puzzle piece. I was once homeless and penniless... much worse off than you are today. And I built myself up from nothing... with hard work, a lot of elbow grease, and sheer determination. But guess what? You don't need that. All you need to do is let us do what we do best... let us reprogram your mind for you... and you can walk away with the taste of wealth fresh on your tongue...


If you have any questions, comments, or feature requests, [Contact Us ](mailto:support@wealth-trigger-reloaded.com)


Statbrook Associates LLC
1771 E. Flamingo Rd., Suite 115A
Las Vegas, NV  89119
(Tel) 702-430-1196

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