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You’ve got a double chin haven’t you?
And it looks downright ugly I’m sure.

... I bet you stare in the mirror at it.

I bet you wish you didn’t have that second extension of your face...

You know, that completely useless, permanent roll of fat below your chin, and no matter what you do, it’s always there.

Always staring back at you in the mirror.

Always on your mind.

Now frankly, I don’t care how big or small your double chin is, or even if you have a triple, hell even a quadruple chin. I just don’t care.

And you shouldn’t either.


Because all that matters is that you’ve found this page, and you actually want to do something about it. Most will accept it, and get on with their lives, forever in shame. But you’re different, I know you are.

You’ve taken the first step by reading this, and knowing there is something you can do to remove this problem once and for all.

Now listen to me when I say this:

I’m not talking from the perspective of one of them....

You know, the men and women that you envy, those chisel-jawed people, with the well-defined features. Those who even if they put on a bit of weight, are still sporting a well-defined profile.

Those who effortlessly look great on nights out, on dates, on any occasion.

Not at all.

I’m talking from the perspective of one of you, someone who suffers with an - to put it honestly ... ugly double chin.

This is me about 3 years ago:


You're looking at someone who was conscious to even slightly tilt their head down, because of worries that the rolls of double chin fat will get even bigger.

I was embarassed to go out. Was self-concious of my face, and on a downward spiral to depression.

Now, let me make a correction: I'm not someone who suffers from a double chin... I suffered.

Trust me, I’ve been there. Thinking along the lines of….

“There’s no way I can have that jaw line”

“No matter how much weight I lose, my double chin is always there!”

and the worst...

“My double chin is here to stay”

Well I can tell you now. This is all NONSENSE.

And secretely you know it.

Yeah we have different genes, and yeah, some might have absolutely no double chin naturally, and you know what....

Good for them.

Now sorry to break up this cycle of self pity and no action - but here's a newsflash for you.

You are not someone else, you are YOU.

So stop wishing you look like someone else.

Stop the madness!

Start deciding on what you want.

You need to ask yourself:

Do you want your double chin or not?

If you want to keep your double chin - then stop reading, and leave now.

Because I don't have time for you.

Want to BLAST THE HELL out of it? Then read on.

The truth of the matter is our head is on show 24 hours a day, no matter where you are, or what you are doing, our head is what defines us.

You can easily cover up a bit of belly fat, or arm fat, or leg fat, but face fat - no you cannot. And you know if you try you’ll look downright stupid.

So YOU need to do something about this.

I want you to take a look at me now (taken 4 days ago):


And before you start asking:
No it isn’t an expert photoshop job No I haven’t been dieting or exercising No I haven’t been using any machinery or fancy equiptment whatsoever
What you should be asking is...

How on earth did you do that?

My double chin is gone, and its gone for good.

This was 2 years ago, and admittedly my weight has gone up and down a bit. But my double chin has never returned, not even a fraction, and I can safely say, it never will.

I finally have perfected my method, and am fully ready to tell YOU exactly what it is.

All I have been doing is following my TRIED and TESTED double chin blasting techniques that anybody and I mean, anybody can follow, for just a few minutes a day.

"These Techniques Are So Powerful That Once People Saw The Results I Was Having...
They BEGGED Me For My Secrets!"

When you wake up, before you go to sleep, at work, in the car. Who cares, so long as you do it and follow exactly what I tell you.

Trust me, when you start seeing the results I saw years ago, you won’t want to stop.

Now. I want you to stop reading and find a camera. Digital camera, on your phone, whatever.

Now take a photo of your face, make sure you get that nasty double chin completely in view.

Save it as “The Old Me”

Because you're face is going to change. And fast. So differently that even when your family, friends and work colleagues are telling you "You look great", "Have you been working out", you just won't believe it yourself!

It’s time to blast your double chin.

Here’s what my tried, tested (and tested again) - Double Chin Blaster Techniques will do for you:
Completely annihalate any stubborn chin and neck fat for good Reshape and tone your face Define your jaw line to the MAX Tighten your face skin Increase blood flow in the face
Now you can benefit greatly from
Increased confidence Younger, healthier looking face Appearance of HUGE fat loss More attractive face due to defined jaw line
Enough talking. More action.

Claim your own copy of the complete
Double Chin Blaster techniques guide
(worth $595.95 to clients)

Just $27
One Time Fee - Instant Access!



So you're probably asking... How does it work?

Did you know the fat found around your chin is one of the LAST areas of fat to be removed from your body.

So unless you fancy losing ALL your body fat to remove your double chin, then you need to do it another way. You need to somehow exercise just the area you need.

Sounds impossible right?

Well actually no. Not when you know how.

For decades, the big names of hollywood have been closely guarding and practicising these techniques - bit of a coincedence that nearly every big hollywood star has a chisseled jaw don't you think?

"Your face will look younger, sexier and slimmer without doing a SINGLE SECOND of cardio work or dieting!"

It all is done through a series of simple yet powerful exercises that tone and tighten the surrounding muscle - as well as burn fat localized to the face.

These exercises and techniques are unique and extremely effective.

I am living proof of just how effective these techniques are.

They are designed for you to do when and wherever you want ... whether at the office or in the car, no problem!

You wanna know the best bit?

All you'll ever need is 2 things:

Just 5 minutes of your time a day (c'mon, that you can do!)

... and the Double Chin Blaster techniques.

That is it.

No fancy equiptment, no hidden catches, no weird contraptions.

Just 5 minutes of your time a day.

In just one week from now you will see a face in the mirror that you never thought you could have achieved!

Don't delay - take action now.


Claim your own copy of the complete
Double Chin Blaster techniques guide
(worth $595.95 to clients)

Just $27
One Time Fee - Instant Access!



PS..... I know for a fact you're going to love my guide so much that I'm backing it with a rock solid 60-day money back guarantee - if you're not happy with the guide for whatever reason - just e-mail and ill return every single penny you paid!


James Hall

The Double Chin Blasting Expert






Shoot me an e-mail [james@doublechinblaster.com](mailto:james@doublechinblaster.com) at any time for support!



Disclaimer: If you stick at the exercises and plans laid out for you, there should be no reason why you cannot make significant improvements in your appearance. However the results I have attained in my appearance are my own results, and I can't say for certain you will have the same by following my guide.
The name James Hall is the pen name of Jan Klaueser.

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