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SimpleSLR Photography Guides by Andy Lim
Simple to understand. Crafted for effectiveness.

[SimpleSLR Hands-On Photography Guides by Andy Lim](http://www.simpleslr.info)

[Hands-On Photography GuideLearn to take better pictures in 4 hours](http://www.simpleslr.info/hands-on-photography-training/) [Portrait LightingAt the speed of light](http://www.simpleslr.info/portrait-lighting/) [Portrait Recipes 1Indoor portraits](http://www.simpleslr.info/portrait-recipes-volume-1/) [Portrait Recipes 2More indoor portraits](http://www.simpleslr.info/portrait-recipes-volume-2/) [Portrait Recipes 3Outdoor portraits](http://www.simpleslr.info/portrait-recipes-volume-3/)

Home » Complete Guide to Portrait Lighting
Complete Guide to Portrait Lighting

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Learn to take better pictures in 4 hours

The first e-book in this 5-book series is the electronic version of Andy Lim’s [SimpleSLR PhotoClass](http://www.simpleslr.com/). Having this e-book is almost like being there at Andy’s class, because the exercises that he takes his class participants through have been distilled here.
Unlike a regular book, it’s designed to quickly get you up to speed with basic photography principles, and provides a platform for you to experiment and refine your techniques. This is not another e-book on photography theory. Instead, Andy provides plenty of hand-holding using easy-to-understand conversational language.
Learn to take better pictures in 4 hours with this e-book!

We start off with a section of ‘Photography Exercises’ to familiarize you with the basic techniques of photography, using a show-and-tell approach. This breakthrough approach has been proven time and again to be effective in getting beginners to start experimenting intelligently with photography. Andy’s approach emphasizes deep understanding, and strives to make photography simple.In the accompanying section called ‘Analyzing The Shot’ Andy takes you through his thought process with the photographs that he has taken, describing how he arrived at the combination of settings used for each shot, and further advice on how you can apply these techniques to your own photographs.

Lastly, great care has been taken to design an e-book that is easy to use, elegantly crafted and most importantly effective in teaching you photography. This e-book is horizontally laid-out, which maximizes your screen area for reading (instead of the portrait orientation that many e-books use). Paragraphs are narrower for easier reading, and diagrams/photos are used throughout to illustrate each point.

[Preview this e-book](http://www.simpleslr.info/SimpleSLR_EBOOK_SampleChapters.pdf) by checking out a few sample pages. This will give you a good idea what to expect when you purchase it.


Learn to light portraits at the speed of light!

These next four e-books in this bundle are for those do not have any basic knowledge of portrait lighting:

The starter Portrait Lighting Guide which covers foundation skills and technical details of portrait lighting.

Portrait Recipes VOLUMES 1 and 2 are detailed lighting recipes for indoor portraits, complete with diagrams of lighting setups.

Portrait Recipe VOLUME 3 are detailed lighting recipes for outdoor portraits, complete with diagrams of lighting setups.

Combined, they will guide you from zero lighting knowledge all the way to experimenting with 24 different portrait lighting scenarios.

From Beginner to Portrait Photographer

The complete set of 5 e-books from SimpleSLR, available at one low price!

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© 2012 SimpleSLR Hands-On Photography Guides by Andy Lim

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