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Go Independent.
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=>Buy the eBook:
Go Independent. Â How-to start a Trucking company The Smart Way.
*Special Bonus -Â Video Series*
Learn how you can get your motor carrier authorization and run with the big dogs. Â Included with the eBook purchase you get access to the companion video series where the eBook is explained in detail.
 => Learn how to get your DOT# and your authorized MC# <=
*Additional Bonus - MCC Resource Documents*
Get My Secret MCC Master Checklist Spreadsheet. Contains every single step you need to get your authority for Common and Contract Carriers.
Stay Compliant I'll give you the links to all the regulations required to operate in North America.
Driver Qualification File. Â One of the requirements of an authorized trucking company is to maintain adequate records. With your purchase you will also receive a sample driver qualification file.
Truck Maintenance logs and forms. Keep your truck on the road. Â Log incidents watch your operation.
Welcome to TruckLicense.net. I started this website because I wanted to help people get into the trucking industry and show them what I found to be true. I am also raising money to get my truck "The Senator" back on the road. [Read more about my story...](http://trucklicense.net/my-story/) [](http://trucklicense.net/my-story/)
I did it. You can too.
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