Discover the Universal Laws of Seducing ANY Women, Anywhere Around the World, and
Making Her Begging for More!
Hint: It's NOT What You've been led to think ...
Dear friend,
Before you read any further..
Let's get something clear: I am NOT a pick up guru.
I'm not, by no means, a superhero pick up artist that seduced movie stars, and I did not sleep with thousands of supermodels.
I'm just a guy like you.
I'm not exceptionally good-looking or have a boatload of money. Far from it.
I don't even have a big social circle .. In fact ... I hate social circles and much rather hang out with few close friends instead of going in with a big entourage.
But I couldn't care less about all that.
Because I KNOW .. that whenever I want, I can just go out and come back with a HOT girl that wants to sleep with me.
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't always like this.
5 years ago, I was totally clueless when it comes to girls.
I was the a complete nerd, good at math and physics but when it comes to social dynamics I SUCKED..
I was so clueless that even when a gorgeous Russian girl WANTED ME...
And managed to get me alone with her, in her basement..
So you can imagine how amazed I was when I first heard about seduction.
I remember the day as if it was yesterday.
I was surfing in an internet forum .. and from one link to another I landed a site with articles about seducing and attracting girls.
The stuff that they wrote there...
I was amazed at how different the stuff there was different than what I thought was right. And I read anything.
Finally, the pieces of the puzzle began to come together...
I started to realize why some girls went away the moment I opened my mouth, and I why some girl were simply drawn to me by a mystic force.
And I started reading anything...
I started reading all the popular seduction books.
I read Mystery's "Venusian Arts", Neil Strauss' "The Game", Gunwitch and many more.
I just couldn't stop myself from just going out and starting to test the new 'lines' on the girls around me.
I started going out to clubs, sometimes every day.
I was practicing and approaching dozens of girls, every night.
I had some success. Some girls were interested in me and I managed to get some sloppy makeouts with them...
But I lacked the control over my sex life. It felt like I was getting "lucky".
The deeper I dug into seduction, the more I realized that most of the material out there is simply not enough.
These seduction "Gurus" give you a taste of the tools, but don't show you the full picture.
Do you know why?
The big majority of the gurus out there deliberately don't show you the full picture, stopping you from reaching success.
They want you to get only a taste of success, due to luck rather than technique.. so you are still desperate. And desperate people buy more products.
Every other day, they promote another crappy product promising you "the holy grail of seduction" that will get girls to your bedroom with little effort.
They sell you dozens of DVDs for every possible pick up situation, instead of giving you the universal mindset that will keep you ahead of the game anywhere.
It may be shocking to hear, but if you think about for a second you'll see that I'm right.
I don't know about you, but when I see a seduction guru launch 10 DVDs every year, this shows me that this guy is much more interested in making money then in actually helping guys get laid.
Truth is, you don't need dozens of DVDs and big seminars to learn to meet women.
The stuff you must know to get laid anywhere is mostly INNER GAME: Attitude
To get women, you need 3 things:
Attitude: How to Project Confidence
Technique: The Mechanics of the Approach
Mindset: Universal Truths about Women that You Must Know
You don't need thousands of DVDs for any situation and don't need to spend hours analyzing 'social situations'.
That stuff can be thought in just one ebook. But nobody will tell you that.
Note that you need ALL 3 things to be successful with women.
Just technique with no attitude and you are a social robot.
Just mindset with no technique leads to frustration as you project a bad vibe.
Just attitude ... and you are a mental masturbater: knows the theory but gets no results.
Lucky for me, I didn't have to learn this stuff on my own. One day I was workout out at the gym, I met a guy that was simple a magnet to the hottest girls there.
I met .. a natural.
This guy was naturally attractive to women.
As if he had a special aura around him that magnetically attracted girls to him.
I remember how the hottest gym instructor begged him for his phone number just minutes after they met.
For him, seduction wasn't something he would deliberately calculate, but just something that simply flowed from his attitude.
And the funny thing is, that this guy didn't do anything that the pick up community tells you to do:
He was NOT manipulating girls
He was NOT showing off
He did NOT use negs
He did NOT use qualifies
Instead, he was totally direct and dominant in his approach.
And he got results.
I was determined to get him to teach me. It took some convincing, but he finally agreed to teach me.
For a whole month, we used to go out when he told me his way of handling women and their mindset.
We used to go out 4-5 times per week, not to clubs as I was used to, but to the local shopping mall and train stations, and pick up girls there.
My attitude shifted enormously - Instead of approaching with questions and openers, I started to approach directly. And started to get laid.
It took me almost a year, but with his help, I found out the universal principles that work around the world.
I've tested these EXACT methods in Budapest, Moscow, Tel Aviv, Los Angeles and women react amazingly well, regardless of location.
These seduction techniques are not based on social game, which differs from country to country, but based on biological triggers that make women feel immense attraction to you.
It is not something she can control .. but simply actions she is programmed to like in a man.
And I am going to share them with you.
I am sick and tired of all the bullshit that is in the seduction community - or as it is called now - the seduction industry.
I am sick of all the gurus that want to take your money, giving you nothing in return but bullshit courses that teach you to "demonstrate higher social value".
We all know it is bullshit and only works on shallow, infantile girls. These are not the girls I am after.
What I will show you is my closely-guarded secrets, that will show you how you can get real women without spending thousands of clothes, shoes and bottle service (or as these scamming gurus call it: "lifestyle").
But first, it's time to realize several universal truths about women:
Feel free to test it and you'll see.
The way I see it, clubs are by far the WORST place you can pick up girls.
Girls in clubs expect to be approached, so their bitch shield is much more active.
In clubs almost everybody approaches women, whereas in day time it takes a real man to approach an attractive women.
Clubs Are A SCAM.
Clubs are a device that society invented to charge money for the right of meet women.
Society "allows" you to approach women in clubs, but puts many obstacles in your way.
Clubs require you to spend money on fashionable clothes, bottle service, drinks and pay a hefty entrance fee.
All this accumulates to a lot of cash you could have spent on stuff that give your life value and make you sincerely happy, instead of just showing off.
And lets no forget that you still need to compete with the rest of the guys on the dancefloor..
Each girl you approach has already been approached dozens of times by drunken slobs, and her bitch shield is up.
Even if you are the greatest guy in the world, she already assumes you are just like the rest of the guys you approached her, so you'll need to work extra-hard just to prove that you are OK.
A big waste of time and money.
After practicing clubs for a while, and then switching to day game, I reached a very powerful conclusion:
The same girls that would reject you viciously on the dancefloor, would be super sweet to you during day time!
I can tell you that not only day game is much better place to meet women, there are simply many more girls in an average mall than in a club!
However - approaching girls in day time is also more challanging.
In the club many people get drunk and use the cover of darkness and chaos to talk to women, in daytime you probably won't go out drunk..
So will need to muster up the actual courage to approach her in broad daylight.
Don't worry, we'll cover this issue in detail in this ebook. After reading this ebook you'll know to DESTROY any fear you may have.
Let's move on ..
Remember how many times you saw a gorgeous girl going out with an ugly slob, thinking "why the f*@! is she going out with this loser?"
The reason is simple:
Women judge men differently than how we judge them.
While our attraction trigger usually fires for physical appearance, women look for a certain character or attitude in a man.
Some women call it "being a man", others "a man that I feel safe with" - bottom line, they look for SELF CONFIDENCE.
The key to a meeting and attracting women is not in the words you say, but in the vibe you project.
You need to project a confident vibe, that naturally magnetizes women.
And I will show you how to project this vibe in 3 easy steps!
This was proven in various researches, feel free to check me out.
This is something that most "pick up gurus" never talk about, as they emphasize the importance of social value and other bullshit.
But truth is that 80% of your success is determined in the first 2 minutes of the interaction (and the 10 seconds before you approach).
If your delivery sucks and you project a bad vibe, all the techniques, "negs", and pick up lines in the world are not going to help you.
You are simply doomed to failure before you even open your mouth.
This is why it is crucial that you master a proven and consistent way to approach well.
In this ebook you will discover:
The Proven Body Language to Project Confidence (including one subconscious mistake that 87% of men do without noticing)
Easy Way to Project a Calm Vibe
The Best Approach Technique that 95% of Men Don't Know About - and Will Make the Girl 3 Times Less Likely to Reject You!
The Ultimate Way to Enter a Super State with High Energy!
The Subconscious Mistake 87% of Men Do, that Projects Fear and Destroys Your Approach Without You Noticing It!
How to Create the Ultimate First Impression in EVERY Approach!
A Step-by-step Way to Fix Your Body Language for Good!
How to Pick up Girls in Groups with Maximum Precision and ZERO Cock-Block!
A Step-by-step Way to Fix Your Body Language for Good!
Basically, after reading this ebook you will know the mechanics of approach woman inside out.
You will be able to approach girls calmly, with maximum confidence and relaxation.
And it doesn't matter if the girl you are interested in is alone .. with 2 or even in a group of 10 other people..
You will have the tools, ability and mindset to approach her and sweep her off her feet!
After you master the principles presented in this ebook, women everywhere will start to look at you differently ..
Even women who are used to ignore you will suddenly find you much more masculine, dominant and much more sexy!
Direct Seduction Blueprint (R) is full system of approaching and seducing girls in day time.
You will discover the correct way to approach girls ANYWHERE with amazing success rate...
Regardless of how you look or how much money you've got in the bank!
If You Want to:
Take Control Over Your Sex Life
Sky-rocket your Self Confidence
Get More Sex, and More Women
Get Over Your Ex, Making Her Extremely Jealous
Explode your Self-Esteem and Confidence
Get the Power to Choose Your Women, and Not the Other Way Around
Never Get "Friend-Zoned" Again, and Hook Up with Your Friend!
Than this course is for you!
Direct Seduction Blueprint will show you the real way to spark attraction at a women, without saying a word! (Hint: it DOESN'T involve busting her balls).
You will become dominant and calm in your social interactions, being able to handle every test that women put you through totally relaxed.
The Direct Seduction Blueprint focuses a great deal on inner game: the attitude you need to seduce women with. This is what makes all the difference.
Seducing women is not about looks, money or a "secret word" that makes women fall for you instantly.
It's about being a man, having a winning attitude.
And the best thing? You will learn how to seduce girls naturally, without spending money on clubs, clothes, cars, social circle or anything like that.
When you are approaching in daytime, the women doesn't know your social circle.
She has no idea whether or not you have friends, and it doesn't even matter. In a club it may appear strange to see a lone guy, in daytime it is perfectly fine.
I don't have a big social circle, and it never stopped me from having a great sex life.
After you master the art of seduction, you will see that many things you thought you need, now seem pointless.
I see a lot of people spending hours in the gym, or going to theater classes hoping to meet a girl. They may lie to themselves but deep down inside they know they do it to get laid.
Hell, some people I know even signed up to do a master degree just for the social life that college provides! That's not for us, and not for you.
That is because you are a man, and a man takes what he wants without hesitation.
Don't get me wrong, if you enjoy the gym or theater classes - go for it!
But doing it just to get girls is a waste of time and effort, and is simply ineffective.
It is much easier to get to the point and actively seduce girls, whenever and wherever you desire!
NOW is the time to take control of your sex life for once and for all.
Get ride of your excuses and repeat after me:
No more "waiting for the summer to meet girls"
No more "when I have money, I will meet a girl"
No more going back home alone from the club.
No more crawling back to your ex.
No more being stuck in the friend-zone.
No more excuses.
It's time to become dominant, powerful and connect to your inner alpha male.
Take full control of your sex life and choose the girls you hook up with, and not the other way around.
Become a man that naturally attracts women into his life.
Become a leader that is confident, dominant and powerful.
Face your fears and destroy them, and start to succeed.
Become a confident man that is able to reach his goals easily!
All is possible when you have a system that you follow, that virtually guarantees your success!
The Direct Seduction Blueprint has everything you need to know to succeed:
The A to Z of Approaching and Seducing Girls
Attract Women Without Money, Car, Job or even a Social Circle
Learn the Universal Attitude that Attracts Women
Become More Dominant and Confident
Discover the Most Efficient Way to Improve your Self Confidence
Powerful Trick to KILL Approach Anxiety
The PROVEN Method to Approach Women and Get Amazing Response!
The Best Methods to Project Self Confidence with Ease
Super Charge your Sex Life Forever
Master the Ability to Approach and Seduce Women Anywhere and Anytime!
How to Tell if a Women Is Really Into You or Just Wasting Your Time
The Simple Test that Tells you If She's Ready to Kiss
When To Call a Girl after Getting Her Number, and What to Talk About
How to Naturally Transition from Opener to Normal Conversation
One Simple Trick You Can Use to Get the Girl to Look at You TOTALLY Different!
3 Behaviors you MUST Avoid to Get Her Into Bed
One Deadly Technique to Boost your Charisma with 300%
This package is so packed with information you are guaranteed to learn many new things that will bring your pick up results into a whole new level.
These techniques work for ANYONE.
It doesn't matter if you are fat, bald, young or old - you will use these techniques to attract amazing women into your life!
These seduction methods are based on subconscious biological triggers that have nothing to do with looks, money or social status.
It is using the way women are programmed, what they universally desire, to make them feel irresistable attraction to you.
And not to mention the effects this will have on your general well-being:
Imagine how you will feel when you have 3 hot women that want to have sex with you, just a phone call away..
Imagine how you will feel, when you simply know that you can go out, whenever you want, and meet a new gorgeous and smart women that will instantly like you..
Imagine how relaxed and happy you will become, when you will have this part of your life sorted..
Will you be a more confident and relaxed man?
Will you feel better about yourself and your self-esteem will rise?
I bet it will!
It is no secret that most of the people that achieve their goal in this field, usually continue on their quest of self-development and go on to achieve business goals and make their fortune.
The self confidence that you will acquire after reading and applying this course will serve you in any endavour you will attempt in your life.
Now you must see just how valuable and life-changing the information I'm giving you really is.
Take control of your sex and love life for just $57.
All you need to know to become the dominant, alpha male which chooses women is just ONE click away.
IMPORTANT: There are NO upsells, and no monthly payments. You will NOT be rebilled again.
This is strictly a one time purchase.
We are NOT here to scam you and will not bill you monthly like most of the pick up gurus out there. These people just care about your money, and care very little about your actual success.
We want you to succeed and achieve the success you deserve and are 100% honest with you.
This is also why we have priced this amazing package with the very affordable price of just $57.
If you've read this page, you must know already that the knowledge and insight in this package are well-worth more than $500.
Think about all the money you have spent in clubs, on entrance, drinks, table service ...
Think about all the money you've spent on dates with girls that didn't like you and were there just to dine for free..
Think about all the money you've spent on online dating sites and blind dates that were doomed from the start.
Where did it get you?
Well, since you are, I can assume that you want more.
Is $57 a high price to pay for the secrets that will supercharge your sex life..
And allow you to seduce any women without wasting your hard-earned cash on clubs, dating sites and expensive clothes?
I don't think so.
In fact, this is a great investment that will save you a lot of money that is now being wasted on clubs, clothes and dates.
If you are smart, and I think you are, you will see the great opportunity here.
We are here to help you, and will give our 110% to make sure you achieve your results.
So, we also give you ...
You can email me with any questions you may have about the system. Anything from how to approach women, proceeding to seducing them and even what subjects to talk about.
I love to help people and if I can make a positive change in your life that will make me feel great.
So, Think about it: for the price of just one night out, you will get the course that will change your life, forever.
And if that's not enough:
I've decided to make the decision even easier for you..
You are fully protected by a full 60-days money back GUARANTEE.
We are so sure that the Direct Seduction Blueprint (R) will rock your world and change your attitude on women and seduction, that we let you try it RISK-FREE:
This means that, if for any reason, you don't find the Direct Seduction Blueprint (R) worth of your money, you can return it within 60 days and get your money back.
In fact, if you are not satisfied, we don't want your money! Just send us an email and we will buy this package back from you.
And that's a promise!
Do not waste any more time and claim Your Copy NOW:
Special Price: Only $57
You will instantly be sent the Direct Seduction Blueprint (R) ebook,
even if it is 2 A.M. at Christmas morning!
P.S. I am not gonna tell you that this page is gonna go down soon.. because it's not. I don't lie to my customers and I think this is an insult to your intelligence. I just want you to know that when you wish to really achieve success with women, this course is here for you.
P.S.S. Remember that you are fully protected by 60-days money back guarantee, and I take all the risk! If you don't find this course mindblowing feel free to send me and email and you'll get your money back.
P.S.S.S. Are you still reading?! [Get your copy]( and go out to meet new girls!
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