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We believe… health is the key to achieving your goals and fulfilling your dreams.

Without good health, it is nearly impossible to achieve your goals. Good news! Your body was created to be well and to heal itself!

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See why Healthy for Life University is right for you.

We believe… the body was designed to heal.

So why does the world’s most advanced country have such poor health?
The U.S. is #1 in heart disease rates. The U.S. is #1 in cancer rates. The U.S. is #1 in diabetes rates. We are #40 in childhood health. Our kids are developing ADD faster than anywhere else. We are developing allergies faster than any other country.
We believe… it’s time to focus on real healing and prevention, not just managing symptoms once they happen.

Healing is possible… and it’s surprisingly simple!

We believe… disease resolution and prevention are better than disease management.

Science has proven, and people all over America have experienced, that:
Chronic disease can be reversed. Most medications can be reduced or eliminated. Pain can be eliminated through lifestyle and therapy. Disease is, in the vast majority of cases, not caused by genetics. The body and its cells have amazing regenerative abilities. Our immune health and ability to fight disease is directly determined by how we live our lives.
Prevention and reversal are the only real solutions.

Prevention — Always the Best Medicine
Over 90% of disease in our bodies is classified as preventable. All of the top causes of death in the U.S. are classified as preventable: Heart disease Chronic respiratory disease Cancer Influenza and pneumonia Stroke Nephritis and nephrosis Diabetes Septicemia Alzheimer’s disease Source: World Health Organization Most preventable disease is developed over years of challenges to the body through lifestyle.
The key to prevention is to learn how to live today before our daily behaviors and choices cause us disease tomorrow.

Resolution — Your Body Can Heal!
The top symptoms in the U.S. have been proven to be able to be resolved. People being “managed” with medications can, through lifestyle, eliminate their dependency on drugs and truly resolve their health problems and restore their health. Disease management may have a place in health care, but it should never be the first choice, primary focus or the only option. The world’s top physicians and scientists in the natural health community have stated that, “we are our own best healers” and that, “the body has an innate ability to heal itself.” What do they know that we don’t?
Healthy for Life University teaches the keys to preventing and reversing costly health problems for good. Get started today!

What is ?

Healthy for Life University is a foundational, complete lifestyle and health education course. Healthy for Life University is specifically designed to help you develop a step-by-step lifestyle plan to accomplish everything you want in your health. This course will help everyone, no matter where you are in your health, to reduce your dependency on medications and take control of your health.

Includes electronic versions of these products!

This course has 12 lessons that are designed to be completed over a 12-week period. The lessons are available to listen to or watch online, or download to your iPod!

This course includes e-versions of:
Course Workbook
Beautiful, full-color guide that walks you through the steps to becoming healthy for life. Reference Guide
Recipes, Meal Planning, Food Guide, Natural Family Care Guide. Journal
Track progress and know the score with this handy journal. Premium Online Membership
Online access to lesson video and audio library for all 12 lessons, Q&A footage and comprehensive recipe database. Recipe Database
Extensive collection of recipes. Q&A Video From Each Lesson Audio Library of Lessons
Audio library of each lesson. Listen at home or in your car! Video Library of Lessons
Video library of each lesson. Includes bonus Q&A footage. Additional Video Content
Additional footage, including class facilitation from each lesson. Newsletter Subscription
Recipes, videos, slide shows and interviews with industry professionals. Price [Buy the eCourse](http://1.hfluniv.pay.clickbank.net/) $149
The 12 Lessons

Lesson 1 — The Awakening
Learn awe-inspiring facts about the complex and wildly intelligent human body and some of the most recent discoveries in science that change the way we think about the body.

Lesson 2 — Nutrition And You
Become an expert on the foundation of nutrition: macronutrients. This lesson will teach you what they are and how your body interacts with food at the most basic level.

Lesson 3 — Shop Till you Drop
Everyone wants to know how to find the freshest, most nutritious foods for themselves and their families. This class will teach you everything you need to know about food growth, processing and sourcing to ensure that you are getting the best quality food for the least amount of money.

Lesson 4 — Prepared and Dangerous
We will tackle a daunting task for many people striving to make lifestyle changes: meal planning. We will demystify working with whole foods and help you become an expert at choosing foods, developing your meal and eliminating dieting forever.

Lesson 5 — Top Chef
Develop a routine and rhythm with cooking and food preparation. Also, learn how to use familiar recipes to recreate the meals in your home and gain recipe inspiration from easy-to-find sources and plan foods for when you’re on-the-go.

Lesson 6 — Smart Supplementation
Become knowledgeable about what supplements to take and why. This class guides you through identifying how supplements are made and which are essential for your body.

Lesson 7 — Your Environment
Learn how to optimize your living environment and minimize the things that are jeopardizing your health. From hygiene to cleaning products, you will learn many little-known facts that will improve your health.

Lesson 8 — Movement
Finally — a lesson to break down and simplify the ever-confusing world of exercise. Whether you need to have a workout routine at home or you have access to a gym, learn the most important things about exercise, movement and your body’s structure.

Lesson 9 — Natural Family Care
This class takes us back to the old wisdom our parents and grandparents once knew. Discover options for addressing health concerns in your home and how to identify health professionals who use natural methods to resolve symptoms.

Lesson 10 — Renew Your Mind
The single greatest oversight in health is the lack of understanding of the relationship between the mind and body. No matter what your health goals, this lesson is always a student favorite and opens the door to an entirely new world of understanding around health and disease.

Lesson 11 — Medicine Revisited
Get an inside look at the health care system and health insurance and learn how to reduce spending on “sick-care.” Learn about all of your options as a patient and focus on redirecting your spending to products and services that will keep you well and help you accomplish your ultimate goals.

Lesson 12 — Bringing it all Together
Bring all of the easy-to-implement steps from each class together. We finish by developing your plan for prevention, which helps you implement what you have learned into your daily life.

[Buy the eCourse](http://1.hfluniv.pay.clickbank.net/)
“It just makes so much sense, but why isn’t anyone telling us these things?” — Allen “Healthy for Life University armed us with the tools, information and resources to provide a healthy lifestyle for our family.” — Brad and Shannon “I wish we came across this twenty years ago because it’s a lot easier to prevent something than to cure it.” — John “Healthy for Life University has allowed me to just be a dad and not worry if my son is going to suffer through an asthma attack today.” — Phil “I haven’t needed to take my anti-depression medication in months.” — Erin

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Healthy For Life University | Copyright © 2012. All rights reserved.
3350 100th St. | Urbandale, IA 50322 | Toll-free 877-535-6158

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