Excerpt from product page

End Excessive Sweating Once And For All



From: Claude Edson

Dear Friend,

I have not been able to free myself from excessive sweating until I
started using these "secret techniques."

I’d like to share with you the exact tested "secret techniques"
that I use to eliminate excessive sweating in as little as 7 days.

The best part is you can do this without any special deodorant, any
surgery, using specialty product or home remedy. And if you act
immediately, you can practically steal it for just $37!


This super effective guide can help you STOP SWEATING by using
NATURAL TECHNIQUES. The reason why you sweat, if it’s not a medical
condition is because of the thoughts you run in your mind in advance
before starting to sweat.

The best way to end excessive sweating is by treating the _heart_ of
the issue. You have to interrupt the destructive THOUGHT PATTERNS so
they never return.


You must change the thought patterns consistent behavior. One little
change in your thought pattern can throw it off guard. This is how you
change it.


This helps you stop sweating by helping your mind to stop thinking
about sweating all together. Once you’re able to stop thinking about
sweating you can end your issues with excessive sweating forever.

This guide explains some very specific techniques that you can begin
using 5 minutes from now to help you end perspiration forever. In fact
if you follow my directions it can work for you in as little as 7

And who wouldn’t like to spend $37 to end hyperhidrosis once and
for all? That’s why you’ll love this training guide.


I just finished writing a brand new 32 page guide on some very
powerful secret I know about putting a stop to excessive sweating once
and for all and staying dry for the rest of my life.

Best of all, it's a digital PDF guide so as soon as you sign up today
you get it delivered to you instantly on the next page.

That means you can start benefiting from _THE SWEAT ANNIHILATION
GUIDE_ just minutes from now!

What strategies will you discover when you get your hands on this
very effective training today?

Chapter 1
What Makes Your Mind Do
Opposite Of What You Want

We are hitting the ground running. I’ll immediately share with you
a secret that keeps you handicap to continuously sweating and how to
stop it dead in its tracks.

Find out when it’s critically important to go see a doctor… If
not, you can be doom with these issues forever..

You don’t need to go out and buy another new product to try to end
the issues. You don’t need to watch your diet. You don’t need to
talk to a coach. Nothing.

WHAT DO YOU NEED? To be able to follow directions and take action.
That’s it.

You’ll discover…

* PHYSICAL ACT OF SWEATING - Why running the same thought about
sweating causes you to eventual sweat without even thinking about
it…. What to do to stop it.
* PERSPIRING OVER A PERIOD OF TIME - You'll learn why perspiring day
in and day out is causing you to sweat years on end...The best way to
take care of it..
* \"SIX AREAS - What six areas play a deadly roll in you excessively
sweating… These areas are causing you to sweat profusely,

And more!

Chapter 2
The Ins And Outs Of Excessive
Sweating And What To Do About It

This is the secret why sweating is happening for no real reason and
what to do about it...

Your body reacts to your mind in a certain way to cause you to sweat
non stop… You can learn why that is… The next step to overcome

You’ll discover…

* TWO TYPES OF HYPERHIDROSIS - Here you will learn which one you
* HYPERHIDROSIS, WHAT’S COMMON?- The common form of hyperhidrosis
that is devastating 3% of the population and you might be one of
them… Find out inside…
* CAUSE OF YOUR SWEATING - Someone may be the reason why you started
to sweat… Learn who?

And more!

Chapter 3
How Does Your Beliefs Affect

This is where we take a look not only at associations but also your
beliefs. Your beliefs play a big role in excessive sweating…

The secret of how to change your beliefs into what you want…

You’ll discover…

* PROGRAM YOUR MIND - How you unknowingly program your mind for the
worse.. The best way to undo it…
* BELIEF SYSTEM- one single thing that can help you tell your true
beliefs about sweating…
* ASSOCIATIONS - Your associations are killing any kind of recovery
you may have from this struggle… Learn how to change this...

And more!

Chapter 4
Your Mind Is Keeping You From
From Good Habits

Learn why your curiosity may have been the beginning of your issues
with excessive sweating..

What does one thought have to do with anything at all?

You’ll discover…

* HABITS AND INVOLUNTARILY - What does your habit has to with you
sweating involuntarily.
* YOUR BRAIN- Do you know how many thoughts your brain can hold? Do
you think 2, 3, 4, 5... The answer will surprise you... Find out the
answer inside...
* SHAPING YOUR HABITS - How are habits shaped? The best way to
control your habits and shape them correctly… You can use this to
change your sweating pattern

And more!

Chapter 5
How to use your mind?

Your mind is set up for survival. Very few us knows how to use our
mind when it relates to excessive sweating or any behavior..

You’ll discover…

* MIND & BODY - Are your _mind_ and your _body_ you? The answer will
shock you…
* THINKING - How do you know what you are thinking about? Have you
ever wondered about that? When I found this out I was amazed and felt
liberated.. So will you..
* EMOTIONS AND INTEREST - What does your emotions or interests have
to do with sweating?
* TALKING TO YOURSELF - How in the world does talking to yourself
help you to stop perspiration?
* CONSCIOUS AND UNCONSCIOUS - What effects do these 2 parts of the
mind have on hyperhidrosis? You will be really enlightened at the

And more!

Chapter 6
Effects Of The Physical Brain

You sweat in uncalled circumstances due to what this part of the
brain is doing… What can you do to stop this from occurring ever

You’ll discover…

* YOUR BODY - The best thing you should do to your body to help your
brain be at it’s best..
* ASSOCIATION AND ANXIETY- How does association and anxiety play a
role? The right way to disconnect the two and keep yourself dry…
* PHYSICAL ACTION - What kind of physical action you can take to
help you stay dry…
* ANXIETY & SWEATING - Sometimes you can’t tell your anxious, how
do you get rid of the anxiety that causes sweating. the answer was
will keep you on your toes on what to watch out for..

And more!

Chapter 7
Beliefs Play A Vast Role

Many of us fail to realize out our beliefs is keeping us from staying
dry…. If you are able to change your beliefs you can get dry and
stay dry indefinetely…

You’ll discover…

* BELIEFS ARE CONTROLLING YOU - How are your beliefs controlling you
and what to do to stop it fast..
* WHAT IS YOUR BELIEFS?- You ever wondered what your beliefs are
concerning sweating? Knowing what this is can help you in a big way
put an end to it... It’s very important you learn this, I’ll show
you inside...

And more!

Chapter 8
What Are Assumptions (Irrational Ideas)?

If you understand what assumptions and irrational ideas have to do
with hyperhidrosis you can learn to keep yourself from applying to
this to your life in a wrong way.

You are using irrational ideas the wrong way. This is what you keep
on sweating uncontrollably…

You’ll discover…

* SOCIAL SETTING - The best ways to use not use assumption and
irrational ideas in social settings…
* HOW WE FEEL- what does your feeling have to do with irrational
ideas? This is will drop your bottom lip to the floor…. As you’re
slowly picking it back up you learn how to fix it..
* SWEATING IS LEARNED- You will find what sweating is actually a
learn behavior…. You’ll be surprise to learn this…
* POSTURE- Why does how you stand affect anything...

And more! Chapter 9
What do thought patterns
Have To Do With Anything At All

What in the world are thought patterns? Why do you need to know about
them to keep from constantly sweating?

The answer will help you be on the road to staying dry the minute you
read it…

You’ll discover…

* CHARACTERISTICS - What kind of characteristics you must know about
thought patterns...
* THOUGHTS DESCRIBED- Your thought patterns have character and can
be predicted, how does this affect you’re sweating? You’ll want to
know this if you want to end your issues with sweating and regain your
confidence again.
* STOP YOUR THOUGHTS- The one thing you can do to stop your thoughts
in its tracks right now

And more! Chapter 10
The Techniques

You’ll learn some specific secret techniques you can apply right
after you read this chapter to begin to end your excessive sweating.

I have used these same exact techniques to help me end excessive
sweating as little as 7 days. You can do the same thing...

The secret techniques are natural and they do not cost anything to
use and you can use them at home at the office. Wherever you are...

You’ll discover…

* FIRST TECHNIQUE- This technique will give you an immediate mind
change after you use it... Find out what it is...
* QUESTIONS - You will learn how powerful some simple questions and
answers can actually help you to end your problems with sweat…
* SPECIFIC QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS- You get very specific questions
and answers to guide you…
* INSTRUCTIONS- You will receive step by step instructions that will
literally give you results the minute after you start using them
* TIME LIMIT - The exact time limit you should be using this
technique, if you don’t know this it could be very time consuming
trying to figure this out yourself.
* THINGS YOU SAY- How does what you say to yourself affect your
hyperhidrosis and you will learn the right thing to say...
* SELF-TALK- How is self-talk affect making you sweat consistently
and exactly what to do about it...

How to combine: The best way to bring the techniques together to help
you end excessive sweating...

And more!

Why You Can Get This Training
For $37 For A Limited Time...

Since I just put the finishing touches on I'm making you a special
offer at the low introductory price of $37.

Plus, since this is a digital guide I don't have much overhead, so I
can pass the savings onto you. But you must act right now to get it
before the price goes up!

This training would be a GREAT deal at $67.

That's why it's an absolute bargain at just $37 if you act right now.
It's simple - I'm showing you secrets that can help you end excessive
sweating forever and regain your confidence back.

Plus, the hours I shave off your "learning curve" by shortcutting the
process for you, also makes this a bargain. You don’t have to learn
what I had to learn...

Finally, the piece of mind of KNOWING you're finally ... And getting
BETTER results than ever before... Is priceless.

Any way you look at it, $37 is a great deal when you act today.


I reserve the right to remove this bonus from the sales page at any
time, should I get too busy with consultations.

You can contact me directly to discuss any issues your may be having
for 20 minutes. What we do here is discuss any problems you may be
having applying the techniques.

I'm committed to you succeeding with my system. I really want you to
be free of excessive sweating. Plus it helps me get to know you better
your wants and desires.

Nevertheless, my time is limited and very valuable. If you are reading
this, that means this bonus is still available. None of my competitors
are offering this. You can only find this here. To get this bonus all
you have to do is email me or respond to the reminders I will sent out
to you.


An incredible edition to "The Sweat Annihilation Guide" this
excellent ebook will teach you how to reprogram yourself from
pessimistic attitudes and bad habits. You will learn how to get rid of
negative attitudes and start filling your mind with positive thoughts.
You can learn to take control of your mind by reprograming your
subconscious mind.

"Do you know that our mind has two major areas? They are composed of
the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind is the one that
feeds information to the subconscious. The latter acts as the
translator to the former. Our subconscious is so full of zip that it
works 24/7, even when we are asleep. However, unlike the conscious
mind, our subconscious cannot tell right from wrong. It just swallows
everything that is fed to it by the conscious without reflection. That
is why our subconscious needs to be controlled.

Learning to control the subconscious mind is necessary for you to
know how to reprogram it. It is only then that you will be able to
achieve true personal development and reach the empowerment that only
your mind can give you."

You can learn to change your thoughts to what you want and desire.
And how to move toward what you want.


I'm so positive this will work for you that I'm willing to make the
following guarantee...

If you try my system for 60 days and follow the exact directions
I’ve laid out in the guide, or if for any reason you are not 100%
satisfied, then simply contact me and I'll return your entire payment
to you quietly and without any question.

click the add to cart button below now and sign up. I'll see you on
the other side!

Click Below To Get Instant Access
For A One-Time Payment Of Just $37!


P.S.You have absolutely nothing to lose because of my 60 days money
back guarantee. And when you consider you'll discover how to stop
excessive sweating forever, this should be a real no-brainer! So get
it now while it's still fresh on your mind!

P.P.S.Can you really continue living your life profusely sweating and
having to deal with embarrassment, lack of confidence, and not being
yourself around your friends and strangers. Well say goodbye to
sweating today when you get your hands on The Sweat Annihilation
Guide. With inflation and demand increasing, I can guarantee that the
price isn't going to stay this low forever. CLICK HERE TO GET IT NOW!

Ecopreneurs Publishing
PO Box 101447, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33310

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