21st Century Pentecostal Handbook on Speaking in Tongues!
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If you are a New Believer then you absolutely need this! And if you are new to being a Christian or are simply new to using the Gifts, then you too absolutely need this!
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Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Seven Keys to Overcoming Obstacles to Receiving the Baptism
Seven Keys to Overcoming Obstacles to Speaking In Tongues
Seven Questions Believers Ask God about Christian Tongues
Getting the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Speaking In Tongues
The Process of Entering Into the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
1 Corinthians 12 and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
1 Corinthians 13 and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
1 Corinthians 14 and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Is Speaking in Tongues Fake?
Holy Spirit / Holy Ghost Confusion
How-To Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
How-To Go About Receiving the Speaking In Tongues Phenomena!
(Click [HERE](#Volume_1_Excerpt) to read sample excerpts from Volume One.)
Christian Speaking in Tongues Introduction
How to Get Baptized in the Holy Spirit Revisited
How to Be Baptized in the Holy Spirit - Revisiting Tongues
People Speaking in Tongues Glossalia!
About Christian Who Speak in Tongues!
How Christian Speaking in Tongues Is Done!
Speaking in Tongues Explanation!
Speaking in Tongues Definition!
Speaking in Tongues in the Holy Spirit!
Is Christian Tongues For Me?
Prayer To Receive Christian Tongues!
Gold Growth Nugget Christian Tongues!
Can Deaf Mutes Get Christian Tongues?
Is Christian Praying in Tongues of the Devil?
Speaking in Tongue and Physical Healing!
Speaking in Tongues Never Comes! Is It Not For Me?
(Click [HERE](#Volume_2_Excerpt) to read sample excerpts from Volume Two.)
How Does the Holy Spirit Communicate?
Tools of the Holy Spirit
Various Anointings of the LORD
How the Holy Spirit Talks
The Holy Spirit and You
Waiting for a Sign from God
Spiritual Discernment
Incomplete Healing
Holy Spirit Intimacy
Primary Hindrances to Success
The Comforter and His UnComfortability
The Holy Spirit is Talking to You!
Being Specific in Prayer in a Whole Way
(Click [HERE](#Volume_3_Excerpt) to read sample excerpts from Volume Three.)
Ministry During Services!
Shifting Gears!
The Blood of Jesus as a Tool For Ministry!
The Holy Spirit Responds to Old Man Attacks!
Battlefield of the Mind!
Ownership and Responsibility!
Battlefield of the Mind Exercise!
Operation of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit!
A Special Word from Frank Barabba!
(Click [HERE](#Volume_4_Excerpt) to read sample excerpts from Volume Four.)
Do I have a demon?
The Crucifixion of the Old Man
One’s Lifestyle
How Do I Know If I Have A Demon?
The Weakness of Demons!
Demons Feed Your Flesh as Bait!
The Logistics of Demons
How Do I Get Rid of a Demon?
The Blood of Jesus
That’s Not Me! Help!!!
How Demons Attack
(Click [HERE](#Volume_5_Excerpt) to read sample excerpts from Volume Five.)
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[]Excerpt from Volume One - Pentecostal Handbook
I doubt that anyone in Christendom, much less those who have previously participated in some form of Church Bible Studies program - has not heard of, read and studied out Chapter 13 in Paul's First Letter to the Corinthian Church at Corinth.
The precepts and teachings of 1 Corinthians 13 lie at the root of the Lord's Official Two Commandments given first to His 12 Apostles and then hand-me-down through the generations to us today.
1 Corinthians 13 opens in Verses 1-3, with Paul telling us that it is imperative that we, like him - keep our priorites straight when it comes to our lifestyles and our Gifts fro the Lord.
God is Love. He comes first.
God is Love. He comes before His Gifts to us.
God is Love. He comes before us possessing His Gifts.
God is Love. He comes before us operating in His Gifts.
If our understanding of God as LOVE is mis'understood, then our receiving, possessing and operating in the Gifts of God become as a white sepulcher - pretty on the outside and hollow and decaying on the inside.
Please note that Verses 1-3 do NOT say to flush the Gifts of God down the toilet in order to elevate the LOVE of God in the lives of those who are participating in your Bible Studies session.
NO! This would be wrong, period!
Verses 1-3 indicate that in order to experience Christian Intimacy in its highest realm of God's Love, we Believers must not only receive and possess, but must widely use said Gifts of God for His glory in the lives of His children, our Brothers and Sisters in the Lord.
To covet Love and willingly forsake the Gifts of God, is to forsake part of the very nature of God!
And please remember here, that "Gifts of God" includes "People Speaking in Tongues!"
And these "People" are referencing those sitting around you in your Church Bible Studies gathered-together group.
Verses 4-7 summarize the character of LOVE - the Love who is God and the Love He expects us to have towards one another.
We are to be kind to one another, patient in all things.
We are not to walk in a love that thinks more highly of itself than it ought.
We are expected to be prosperous enough to have our own needs abundantly supplied, with the expectation that the overflow be used to help the poor; though this prosperity is come to naught if the nature of God's Love is not transparent to prosperity's measure.
Love does not react in anger out of spite, nor does it waste its time meditating and coveting evil upon wrongdoers.
Love does not take pleasure in sin, but does take great joy in Truth expressed to God's glory.
God is Love. God cannot fail, therefore Love cannot fail.
Love cannot fail, therefore we cannot fail when we discipline our lifestyles as an extension of the Holy expression of God's Love for the world.
To mal'align God's Love indexed to our spiritual well-being, is to mal'align our spirits with His destiny for us and for our children.
This standard must be emphasized to all who are participating in your Bible Studies session.
Remember: Our God is a generational God.
What happens to us with what we choose to do or become, has a significant affect on what our children are forced to experience in their own lifestyle walk with God.
If we walk across the street hand-in-hand with God, our children will follow - walking across the street hand-in-hand with us.
If we refuse to turn the other cheek and choose to walk around the block to get to the other side of the street, then our children will at first, default to said long-distance path to God. This path will cause them great anguish, hurt and pain.
Chapter 13 in Paul's Letter says that God wants us to choose Him first, and simply avoid the pain of dis'comfort by walking across the street directly, with Him.
It's shorter, quicker and leads to a greater happiness than we have ever known!
Verses 8-10 are covered in-depth, not in the next Bible Study Topics section, but in the one that follows the next one. We'll wait for it to discuss these pertinent verses of God's Word.
Verses 11-13 tell us that there are many things concerning God's Word that we do not and cannot understand at this time. All revelation however, will consummate on that Day when we meet our Lord and Saviour face-to-face.
Verses 11-13 are telling us that even though there be understanding which is future, that there is a remnant of understanding available to us now, as we grow more and more in the Word of God and His Christian Intimacy He made available to us, as we transition daily from children to solid Spiritual sons and daughters.
Verses 11-13 tell us that --
--God has hope, which is future.
--God has faith, which is now.
--And God has charity, an extension of His nature as the epitome of Spiritual Love personified.
SUMMARY KEY: So we know from this study that …we Believers are to love the LORD our God with all our hearts, mind, soul and strength - and we are to love our neighbors as ourselves.
We are to covet Christian Intimacy with God's Love, placing all His Gifts, all our earthly emotions and all of our aspirations concerning prosperity in second place to His Love.
Beam me in Scotty! I are ready Now~!
[]Excerpt from Volume Two - Pentecostal Handbook
Is Pentecostal Tongues for you? Please consider the following scenario.
You've heard of Pentecostal tongues of fire and you want more of Jesus and His Spirit of Holiness, but have no idea how to get this MORE that drives your spirit to thirst so much.
What is the best course of action for you?
It matters not the particular church or denomination you regularly attend.
The LORD's Baptism of the Holy Spirit and subsequent Pentecostal tongues is not limited or restricted to only Pentecostal Churches.
Pentecostal tongues was labeled as such because this Baptism of the Holy Spirit was first initiated at Pentecost in the Book of Acts, and believers down through the centuries who have experienced the same such tongue phenomena - have always been referred to and categorized as "Pentecost" Believers.
Anyone who loves the Lord Jesus Christ can ask for and expect to receive the Book of Acts Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the Pentecostal tongues prayer language that follows it.
In fact, in recent years studies have shown that Pentecostal tongues have burst out of the PentecostalChurch confines, and are regularly manifesting themselves in numerous Prostestant Churches, as well as Catholic Churches on occasion.
Churches that don't believe in and most certainly don't allow tongues to be spoken, may be able to keep the move of God from manifesting inside the Church building - but they can never stop the move of God in the hearts and bellies of thirsty and hungry Believers.
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a God Thing.
Pentecostal tongues is a God Thing.
Those Believers who recognize that God is involved in Pentecostal tongues through the spiritual baptismal experience, will cherish the experience once received - as being one of the heights of full Christian Intimacy that can be experienced by Believers here on Earth.
[]Excerpt from Volume Three - Pentecostal Handbook
Let's discuss for a bit - how you and the Holy Spirit interact together to get things accomplished for the LORD.
The Holy Spirit resides, yea even abides, in our spirit; however, this residing, yea, even this abiding, does not limit Him from directly using the extensions of our spirit, i.e., our soul and body, for the purpose of communication.
Yes, the Holy Spirit tells, albeit, instructs our spirit …and our spirit tells, albeit, instructs, our soul and our soul tells, even commands, our bodies to be obedient and under the authority of our spirit.
However, the Holy Spirit is not limited to this default, chute “method” of communicating to us.
If the Holy Spirit wants to tell us something, He is not limited to going through “our spirit, which tells our soul, which tells our body”.
If the Holy Spirit wants to tell our body something, He may go directly to our body.
If the Holy Spirit wants to tell our soul something, He may go directly to our soul.
Point Being: The Holy Spirit, being God, is omnipresent.
The Holy Spirit, being omnipresent, is not restricted to using the Chute Method.
This is another foundation stone.
Why does the Holy Spirit use the Chute Method so much?
The Chute Method is the default method the Holy Spirit uses. He communicates from what He is, to what we are.
The Holy Spirit is ALL Spirit. We are spirit, in origin.
Therefore, the Holy Spirit speaks from what He is (100% Spirit) to what we are (spirit, in origin).
We are spirit in origin. We have been given a soul, and both our spirit and soul are housed in a container called a “body”.
The Holy Spirit, abiding in your spirit, easily relates to you, Spirit to spirit.
Your spirit easily relates to your soul, and your soul easily relates to your body.
Therefore, the Chute Method is the default standard used by the Holy Spirit to teach and train up a Believer in the way he should go.
The Chute Method allows the Believer to learn and walk in authority and confidence of who they are, In Christ.
And all of this is good.
However, this document is not about you learning to walk in authority over your spirit and soul and body.
It is about you looking at You, through the eyes of the Holy Spirit.
And the Holy Spirit can talk to your body without going through your spirit or soul to do so. He can also talk to your soul without going through your spirit to do so.
Let us continue and review for a moment. You may want to take a moment and stretch; maybe grab something to drink and nibble on. We have only just begun!
[]Excerpt from Volume Four - Pentecostal Handbook
You’re in the side church office waiting on the Lord for direction, totally prepared through prayer and fasting to be used by God today.
You are focused on inwardly listening to the Holy Spirit for what areas of needs He would like to minister in today.
The service begins in 15 minutes.
You are expecting the Holy Spirit to use one of His normal standard ways of speaking to you.
After all, isn’t this what I have led you to expect? But this time, something different happens.
Note: This entire section applies to laymen in the pews, too!
When the Church gathers together for a praise gathering, it is the Body of Christ in its entirety, which is gathered together by representation.
Each member of this Body has a part to play in the service, even to the point of sitting quietly and interceding the entire service.
The member’s part and responsibility will vary from service to service.
Sometimes sitting quietly interceding, other times laying on of hands, often being a Helpmate to those in need of assistance.
All are expected to praise the Lord in worship and adoration. The Holy Spirit will talk to anyone in the pews or the platform, who is listening.
Suddenly, thoughts begin running through your mind; thoughts that it doesn’t take a Greek scholar to know are NOT from God.
You ask yourself, “WHAT is going on here?”
You are holy. You KNOW you are holy, so…so these unclean, perverted thoughts can NOT belong to you.
You are at peace with God, so these thoughts of violence and vengeance do NOT belong to you.
You are pure, so these sexually impure thoughts DO NOT belong to you. You know who you are! So if you know who you are, you know these thoughts do not belong to you.
So if these thoughts do not belong to you, they must belong to someone else!
Note: It’s as if the thoughts of someone else’s mind are being revealed as images in your mind.
You, yourself, are not thinking these thoughts in and of yourself, but these foreign thoughts suddenly appear as if out of nowhere.
THEREFORE, …you know that since these demonic, sexually impure, violent and vengeful thoughts do not belong to you, they MUST belong to someone else. Who is this “someone else”?
Well, what are our options?
There are only three groups of “someone else’s” left: someone else who is in the green room with you, the audience (local and web) you will be facing in 15 minutes, and the audience down the road who will be listening to your recorded message.
Assuming the church office is empty but for you, that leaves just two options.
Remember #1, God already knows the End from the Beginning, the Future from the Past.
The Holy Spirit can reveal to you, in this moment, either the thoughts of people in the immediate audience, or the thoughts of other people, that will be taking place “in the future”, when certain persons will be listening to your recorded message.
Remember #2: You’ve prepared yourself. You’ve asked the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the needs of the people. You have an answer – just not the answer you were expecting.
The areas of need are not always physical. There are also needs relating to the spirit of man and to the soul of man.
It is the Holy Spirit’s intention to minister to the whole man.
It is the Holy Spirit’s intention to minister to the whole man, just as it is His intention to use the whole, collective Body of Christ in these LAST Days, to bring in the Harvest.
This is contrary to demons, who want to tear us apart by ministering to part of us, albeit, the old part of us.
Now, a little balance, understanding and insight are required here. Well, maybe a tad bit more than “just a little”.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Please Fasten Your Seat Belts. We’re going to be experiencing a little turbulence up ahead!
Point Being: Holy Spirit Thought-Drops “in your mind” in the Present can, in actuality, be thoughts that take place “in others” …in the Future, and are being revealed to the servant of God in the Present by the Holy Spirit, for the purpose of Future Ministry; Present Ministry referring to those who will be listening to you shortly, and Future Ministry referring to those who will be listening to distributed recordings down the road.
This was such a mouthful that perhaps you’d better consider re’reading it once or twice, slowly, just to solidly get the drift of what was just said. The next few pages are predicated on the fact that you fully understand the implications in this statement.
Note: These thoughts in others may be their old man thoughts attacking them or just may be fresh, new thoughts that they are being teased with by their flesh or demonic influence.
So don’t go “expecting” those in need of Gifts to actually be in the immediate audience. It may or may not be so. Roll with the punches accordingly. (Now if you are in a service and no recordings are done, you Know that that “someone else” is present!).
So what do you do with this as a minister, when you speak forth a Word Gift and no one responds? …the “are they or aren’t they here?” question. …the “am I right or am I wrong?” question. What do you do with the leftover Gift?
Well, let’s look at the facts:
You prepared yourself.
You asked the Holy Spirit. You got an answer.
You acted on that answer.
If you had not prepared yourself or you did not know who your Father was, then the question would remain unsettled.
So, for openers, you assume the intended Gift recipients are in the immediate audience and if no Believer responds to receive, then you minister to those who will be listening “down the road”.
It will only take a few minutes to accomplish this; compared to if the people were actually right in front of you.
Note: “He sent His Word and healed them”. The sending of the Word plus faith will always manifest healing in the future.
Each new person who listens to a recording of this service, will be a candidate to be a Receiver of a Gift of God that was “sent” to them through this present service.
The “Word on tape” does not return void. It is still the Word. It affects lives. It changes people. People change. The Word never changes.
Point Being: Your Holy Spirit-induced Gift message is not limited to a one-time event or a one-time audience.
This is where you thinking “eternal” is important.
From the Holy Spirit’s side, there is no time; hence, no time restriction. If He sees something in the Future that He wants you to know, He will tell you in the Present; because He is ALWAYS in the Present! Even when the Holy Spirit is in our Future, He is in our Present! ..because He is in His Present. (You may want to chew on this thought for a bit here.)
It may or may not be His intent that provocative action be taken on your part, but at the very least, He expects you to take it to the Lord in intercession, in preparation for that time to come.
It may be that you’re interceding for an interceding intercessor, who will be standing in the gap on that day in the future! Isn’t it just like God to do this? …support building blocks of the Body with building blocks of the Body.
On the other hand, when push comes to shove, it is also possible these wicked mind-drops are even now taking place in the Present, in the hearts of some of those who already are, or who will be, in the audience.
So, what is God saying? It’s clean the Temple time! …time to take out the trash. It’s been too long between car washes! Maintenance’ville, dead ahead.
(…and No, I am not talking about certain people! I’m talking about separating the trash from the trashed; about separating the trash’or from the trash’ee.)
[]Excerpt from Volume Five - Pentecostal Handbook
Demons will push and prod the flesh in an effort to establish bad habits, but the flesh does not have its own intellectual capacity, separate from who we are.
Demons do have this capacity. They use this capacity to feed the flesh and use it as a tool to attack us over and over again.
It is not the flesh that is repetitive in a destructive purpose; it is the demon.
Demons are easily predictable in nature and scope.
Demons torment repetitively to the point of occupation. The flesh on the other hand, is static, a constant (does not change), and it too is entirely predictable in nature and scope. It lusts!
This is why Believers can overcome the flesh and keep it under subjection.
The flesh does not change its nature or its ways; selfish yesterday, selfish today and selfish tomorrow.
We, on the other hand, have “changed” our nature and our ways.
We are new creatures In Christ, and as such, have the authority, the power and the ability to keep the flesh under subjection.
If there is any creativity at all inside demons, it is in how many different ways they can come up with to say the same thing; using different scenarios and external influences.
Though this is not really being creative, as it is simple for them to see what doors we have left open and to walk through them one at a time.
While this repetitiveness is the demon’s strength with unBelievers who have no defense, it is their weakness with Believers, because Believers have wisdom to discern the presence of demons through the repetitiveness.
Demons lose with Believers because demons can only operate on one track with one train of thought, albeit, the repetitive obsession. They can’t stop talking the same talk. They can’t stop singing the same tune, the same theme song.
And it is this trait that shouts loud and clear to the Believer, that “there is a demon in the house!”
Remember: Demons consider the logistics of movement. They are a very regimented conglomerate.
Dogs they may be, but they do have the militaristic, killer instinct.
If internal reinforcements are not available or of no consequence, then demons will look for the closest external support; said support being an available dwelling place “outside” of that person.
The closest, potential person is usually the person whose hand is doing the praying. So it’s a good idea to be prayed up before church begins.
Many church scholars wonder why it is that churches seem to be always praying for the sick and casting out demons all the time!
When if what they were doing was really working, the church, for the most part, would be disease and demon free by now.
Bottom Line: It may be that the demons are playing “musical people” with the sicknesses and torments, i.e., when cast out, they come forth but don’t really go anywhere but the next pew over; said manifestation forthwith, occurring later.
Legion had three options for their destination: other people close by - including Jesus, the abyss of darkness and the pigs. Jesus and the people around Him were ruled out by Jesus’ presence. The abyss was ruled out by the fear of the demons to go there - reason being that with the absence of people, they would be forced to torment each other. That just left ye ole unclean, gluttonous pigs.
And we know from history that not even the flesh of pigs wanted to put up with indwelt demons.
The pigs chose to die rather than knowingly be indwelt by demons.
Believers too can choose to die: to themselves In Christ. Make a command decision; the pigs did.
We want demons cast out, O. U. T. of the Body of Christ ! ! ! …Let’s Do It!
We know what the demons are doing in the pews when an altar call for open prayer goes out. They are gripping the person’s hands and feet tightly, sending distraction after distraction the Believer’s way; screaming in the ear: “Not on my watch, not on my watch!”
The demons want the person to stay hidden.
Why? Because the demons have their backs against the wall and are fighting for their homes. They’re desperate!
It’s not just a house to them.
It has become a home.
The continual, spoken Word of the Believer is as a hurricane to them, seeking to disrupt their comfort zones and force an evacuation; devastating to their pride of life.
To stop the repetition and the “it’s gone, then back; gone again, then comes back again” syndrome, Believers must destroy the thought-tunnel which houses the unclean thoughts.
Believers are trying to build houses of clean thoughts and doing right things; houses wherein only the Spirit of God dwells; houses that will stand when storms come and beat against the house.
Demons are trying to build an apartment complex, wherein dwell many different types of spirits; said goal being to cause you to become schizoid and take possession of unclean thoughts and to do wrong things.
Schizoid: Inner conflicts that exhibit outward contradictions. Bible term: Doubleminded.
Don’t allow Satan to use his hordes to convince you to convert your house into multiple apartments, where you only live in one of the apartments and you have no idea who is residing in the others.
Tear down the walls and take your house back! Rebuild the walls with a sword in one hand and a shovel in the other.
Once the repetition has been detected and its origin recognized, it is the responsibility of the Believer to get rid of the demon.
Depending on how long the demon has been present, assistance by a brother or sister may be required to break the thought-tunnel and fully step out of the ditch that was custom-designed for you.
I repeat – the ditch was custom-designed for you! That means “it naturally fits”.
The biggest mistake of Believers in this instance is to wait and do nothing, thinking all will just go away if they continue being “spiritual, I daresay, religious” with others! In essence, hiding.
As time goes by, the abiding demons will seek to slowly erode your foundation of faith, until you just don’t “feel” like continuing on this “dedicated” 100% commitment to worship and love.
Then, the rubber meets the road.
You either step on the brake and look for a Rest Area, or you repent and hit the gas pedal. If you step on the brake, Satan will have won this round and reward you with fleshly endeavors; you know, like the ones you experienced before coming to the Lord.
On the other hand, if you repent, cast out the demons and rekindle your communion with the Lord, then you will be in His loving arms again, walking together along the road to Emmaus, with His Words burning inside of you.
So as a parting thought, I encourage you to position yourself daily, for Intimacy Fellowship with the Spirit of Holiness within and against those spirits of darkness whose only claim to infamy is the discrediting of said Intimacy Relationship between the Eternal God and His children.
Friends, we can love God…because He first loved us!
And when situations evolve such that it seems we cannot go on alone, then understand that you are only one single member of an Eternal Body of Christ composed of a multitude of like-believing members.
This means that if you are an elbow in said Body, that if you need additional assistance lifting a matter from off your shoulders, you have many Brother and Sister members who are forearms, biceps, triceps and the lot, who are more than willing to answer the call from the wings to jump in and become strong, staunch, solid pillars of support for you.
When you are in good standing in your membership with the Body of Christ, of whom Jesus is the Head, then by virtue of the Word of God…
Stop always trying to do things alone. You are in Christ! Use this membership tool to both BE and STAY F-R-E-E~!!!
With this food, you will have more than enough!
Use this food to do greater works for Jesus than you have done in the past.
Understand Friend - that one day sooner-than-you-think, you will be standing before the Lord who will be sifting through the Books of Works looking at the godly works listed under your name.
With this Pentecostal Handbook and its Sequel in hand, you can now not only stack the deck by making sure you have a larger quantity of works for Jesus to behold - but you can pre-qualify the quality of said works. I think we both want this - don't we?
Thanks again for working so hard for Jesus,
Learn More, Lose Less and Live Longer - with Frank Barabba - Revelation Ranger!
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In your service - In His Service,
Frank Barabba
Revelation Ranger™
R :):) <)))>< R
And the Last shall be First!
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Psalms 23...He prepareth a table before me, in the presence of mine enemies - I shall not lack!
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21st Century Christian Lifestyle Handbook!
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