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Job Hunting Secrets Revealed - How To Get Your Dream Job & Name
Your Own Salary Book - eBook

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Learn how to get any job and any salary, at any age... with the
amazing secrets and discoveries in this just-released book that is
dramatically changing peoples lives, literally overnight.


Rediscover Your Passion 5
Become Unstoppable 9
Exercises 12

Create a List of Companies 14
Research the Companies and Narrow the List 16
The Customer is Key 19
Developing Skills 19
Create a Mastermind Group 21
Exercises 22

Starting in the Middle 24
It's All About Marketing 26
Conveying the Dream on a Resume 26
Presenting the Dream with Your Appearance 29
The Interview 31
Exercises 34

Mutual Acquaintance 36
Employment Agencies 37
Letter of Application 38
Advertise 39
Be Creative 41
Exercises 42

Individuality 44
Uniqueness 45
Replacement Difficulty 45
Creating Need 46
Quantity 46
Attitude 47
Specialized Knowledge 48
Motivation 48
Salary Negotiation 50
Exercises 51

Grateful for the Opportunity 52
Reevaluation 53
Thank You 54
Don't Be Impatient 56
Exercises 59

If At First You Don't Succeed... 60
Refining the Plan 61
...Try, Try Again 64
Exercises 66

Exercises 73



Interview Questions 82

What Is Your Ideal Position? 85
What Don't You Like About Your Current Position? 86
Research 86
Skill Development 87
Market Yourself 88
Create the Opportunity 88
Improve Your Current Position 89


"We were not sent into this world to do anything
into which we cannot put our heart."

_-John Ruskin _


The road to success begins with passion. You are looking for the job
of your dreams, not the "it's the only job I could get" work most are
willing to settle for to pay the bills. Passion never disappears - it
may ebb or subside, but it never goes away. It is usually found in
statements that begin, "I wanted to be a...," "I've always regretted,"
or "I always thought I'd make a great...." If you can complete any of
these sentences you're on your way to landing the job of your dreams
and earning the salary you desire!

It is amazing how many people will spend years toiling away at a job
they dislike just to "pay the bills." In most cases they only took the
job as a temporary way to make some money and feed their family.
Little do they know that they are selling themselves short.

Going to work everyday hating what you do is a terrible state of
existence, but there is a way out. It all begins with identifying
possibilities - realizing that you have the capability to do anything
that anyone else has ever done. Why do we insist upon limiting
ourselves, stifling our creativity, worrying about what other people
will think about our decisions? This is your life, it's time to go out
and start living it!

If you do not limit your possibilities with arbitrary constrictions,
and accept anything as possible, the whole world opens up and
unlimited opportunities are revealed. But not only must you see the
possibilities, you must believe that you can achieve anything you set
your heart on. If you don't believe in yourself, then why should
anyone else?

Once you decide to take control of your life and emotions, and
refuse to settle for less than you want out of life, dreams are
changed from illusion to reality. You have the ability to make as much
money as you want. There are jobs that exist, or that can be created,
that will fulfill you, and you can take steps to get there. But you
must never settle for anything less than exactly the life that you

The first step to getting your dream job and the salary to go with
it is to pinpoint your passion, which may require a bit of creative
thinking. Pinpointing your passion is a lot more than just defining a
job you think you would like to do. It's about figuring out what you
love to do and turning it into a career.

One of the most effective techniques for generating new and creative
thoughts is a process called mind mapping. Mind mapping as described
by Tony Buzan in The Mind Map Book is a way to flowchart your
thoughts. It takes the first grain of a thought and expands on it
until all possibilities are identified. It helps you to quickly
generate new ideas and encourages creative thinking through
association of thoughts. It is free form thinking with each new idea
generating another related idea, and so on and so forth. This process
will be used throughout this book as a means of brainstorming new
ideas quickly and efficiently.

Once you have used the mind mapping process to generate new and
creative ideas it is time to get specific. It's not enough to have a
vague idea about what you want to do with your life. Many people
continually say "I would like to make more money" but they never
define exactly how much they would like to make. They say "I would
like a better job" but they never define exactly what that better job
is. The research on this subject has been conclusive, people who have
a clear set of goals are much more successful than those who don't.

Here are the initial steps that are absolutely essential for your

* Look deep within yourself and find your dream. What do you love
doing more than anything else? What did you want to do when you were a
kid? What makes you happy in life?

* Specifically identify the kind of position that will fulfill your

* Determine exactly how much money you want to make

* Define what sacrifices you are willing to make

It is important to understand that the items on this list are
directly related to your passion and are not related to need or other
people's opinions or any perceived limitations. Every successful
person in history began by following their dream and their passion,
and the rest virtually takes care of itself.

You know you have found your passion when several things happen:

* You find yourself incredibly excited by the thought of pursuing it

* Thinking about it makes you happy and brings a smile to your face

* Time seems to "fly" when you are thinking about it or doing
related activities

Once you have determined your passion you must allow it to grow and
give it a chance to survive. So many people never give their dreams a
chance. They say, "I could never have that," or "...be that," or
"...do that," because that's what they've been taught. Forget what
anyone else ever told you that you should do, or what you cannot do,
and simply follow your passion. When you are passionate about
something you will happily put in the effort it takes to be

However you can't just sit there with your passion, you must take
action! You must decide right now to commit yourself fully to your
passion or it will never be actualized. You must make a plan and take
definite steps to make your passion a reality. This book will show you

People will tell you that pursuing your dream will require a lot of
hard work. That is partially correct. You will certainly face
challenges and hurdles and pursuing your passion will require effort,
but this effort won't be "hard" work. You are probably already aware
that doing something you enjoy is always easier than doing something
you don't enjoy. People will also tell you that it will require a lot
of sacrifice, and again that would be partially correct. You may have
to choose at times between your long term goal - your passion - and a
short term pleasure; but it is not really a sacrifice to choose the
bigger payoff.

Mahatma Gandhi is an example of a man who was willing to give up
everything to pursue freedom for the peoples of India. He endured much
physical and emotional pain in pursuit of his dream for the citizens
of his country. Some of us would believe he was willing to give up too
much. But Gandhi did not see his life as one of suffering, because
pursuing his dream was worth any sacrifice.

Gandhi wrote, "Suffering, cheerfully endured, ceases to be suffering
and is transmuted into an ineffable joy." If you have found your true
passion, identified your big dream, the actions needed to achieve them
will never be seen as a sacrifice or as suffering. Instead, you will
be living a life of joy.


Once you have identified your real life's passion, it is time to
stoke the fire. To pursue a passion requires a belief in yourself that
cannot be extinguished by people or circumstances. You must be willing
to face challenges and difficulties. You must have a burning heart
with passion, and an icy resolve that cannot be melted by negative
words or criticism.

The world is full of people with big dreams and passions that are
never fulfilled. You cannot allow yourself to become one of these
people. You must cultivate an unstoppable attitude right now, in the

People will try to dissuade you from following your passions. Some
will do it out of caring - they don't want you to fail and get hurt.
Others simply don't want to be left behind when you become successful.
Regardless of their reasons you must refuse to take their words to
heart. You must have faith in yourself and your ability to achieve
anything. I am sure you have heard the story of the little engine that
could. You must become that little engine, always think you can, THINK

You will face challenges and obstacles. You may face a series of 10
interviews to get the job you want. You may need to go back to school.
You may get tired. But always keep the end goal in mind. Keep your
passion in front of you. There is one universal rule, if you persist
you will succeed, and if you give up you will fail. By definition this
is true - you have only failed when you give up trying.

Some people say "that sounds great, but I have to feed my family."
Yes, that is true, and you may have to do other work in addition to
pursuing your passion in the beginning. But you cannot allow yourself
to get stuck in a position you don't want. Never lose sight of the
goal - to make your passion your career. Work towards it everyday. If
you make that a priority, believe in yourself, and continually move
forward you will eventually succeed - and when you do, you and your
family will live a life of abundance.

Don't wait until you achieve your goal to start seeing it as a
reality. You must start seeing the achievement of your dreams as real,
not as imagined thoughts. Picture yourself doing exactly what you
want. See yourself as successful.

Remember, what you think about expands. If you think about negative
things like "I don't have enough money" or "I hate my job" or "I don't
like this" then that is exactly what you will get more of. The reason
for this is because thoughts are the precursors to action. Every
action you take begins with a thought. So if you are focused on what
you don't like you will act in ways that bring more of that into your
life. Only focus on exactly what you want. In this case you want the
job of your dreams, so focus on it every day and you will find
yourself consistently moving towards the fulfillment of that dream.

To be successful you absolutely must become unstoppable. To be
unstoppable means to persist and move forward regardless of what
circumstance you find yourself in. It means NEVER, under NO
CIRCUMSTANCES, will you give up the pursuit of your passions. Many
people give up when success is just around the corner - don't let this
happen to you.

In order to become unstoppable you must:


Have faith in yourself that you will achieve your goal

Practice visualizing your dream as already being reality

Refuse to fear the unknown

Be persistent and refuse to accept defeat

Always stay focused on the end goal and do not waver


Following are some exercises to help you identify your passion. Do
the exercises and refer back to what you write throughout the rest of
this book. These are the first steps towards getting the job and
salary you want.

Exercise 1: Do a mind map exercise to unlock your deep dreams and
desires. Take a piece of paper and write in the middle "What is my
passion?" Now put a circle around it. Draw at least 5 lines branching
out from that idea, and on each line write an idea that you associate
with the idea "What is my passion?" Now draw lines from each of those
ideas and write down everything you associate with them - words,
memories, people, places, things - anything that might help to create
a picture of the life you wish to lead. Let the ideas flow freely.
Don't restrict, edit, or censor yourself. Let associations be added
unhindered. You cannot make any mistakes here, just keep writing! When
you have filled up the entire page, you will see that you have a
picture of what you value in life.

Exercise 2: Write down exactly what your passion is as briefly and
concisely as possible. Look over the mind map created in exercise 1.
Some of the ideas should stand out more than others. When you find
your passion you will know it. It will excite you. It will make you
feel happy. If nothing stands out at this point, go back to exercise 1
and keep mind mapping until you find something you can really be
passionate about.

Exercise 3: Now, do another mind map exercise. This time the goal is
to figure out what jobs are consistent with your dream. In the middle
of the page write "Dream Job" and put a circle around it. As in
exercise 1, start branching out from this idea. As you do this
exercise, keep referring back to your dream statement in exercise 2.
The jobs you write should be consistent with your life dream.

Exercise 4: Write down how much money you want to make. Write down
an exact amount.

Exercise 5: Write down your dream as if it is already fulfilled.
Write the statement in a way that makes it clear you see yourself as
succeeding. Have it next to your bed and let it be the first thing you
read when you wake up and the last you say before going to bed. The
goal here is to reprogram yourself for success. This statement should
be as emotionally charged as possible. It should get you excited.

Exercise 6: Now write down everything that is in your way of
pursuing your dream and getting exactly what you want. Include those
items that indicate a lack of self-confidence or self-doubt. You can
include people who may discourage you from going after your dream,
people who are not positive influences, perceived limitations or lacks
of talent, education, etc. Anything that is a challenge should be
listed. Now, on a separate piece of paper, write a statement that
affirms the opposite of each item you wrote in the first list. For
example, if you wrote down "I don't have the talent to be X" on the
new piece of paper write something like "I have the ability to develop
any skill and talent I set my mind to developing." The statement
should nullify the original statement, and MUST be positive. The goal
here is to eliminate all obstacles. Once you are finished with the new
list of positive affirmations, post it beside your bed and read it
every morning and night as well. Rip up or burn the original list of
perceived obstacles, they have no control over you now!


_"I would rather fail in a cause that will ultimately triumph than
to triumph in a cause that will ultimately fail." _

_-Woodrow Wilson _


Once you have put your dream into words, it is time to begin making
a plan. A plan is not just a written list of goals and objectives. It
is a vision with scope and context. You know what you want to achieve
for the ultimate goal has been defined. Getting there takes planning.

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