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Scientist & PhD Dr. Rothstein

After 25 years of intense lab work and research on all topics related to health of the human body I was not surprised. Learning the truth regarding cell phone radiation effects on the brain was what I suspected all along. We all have concerns about cancer and tumors in general from everyday living but now through cell phone usage these threats have a significant chance of increasing. Knowing how to educate and protect yourself and family is the most important step you can take to help avoid the possible risk of cell phone radiation exposure. B3 Labs has produced an amazing tell all survival guide that is a must have for anyone using a cell phone.

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Patricia L.

I am wife and the mother of 3 beautiful children and was concerned about the headaches and pains I was feeling after using my cell phone. I had read about others having the same symptoms but these people seemed like cell phone addicts. I don't use my phone more than 5-10 minutes a day with running after the little ones and keeping the house together I have no time for chit chat on the phone. A friend suggested I get this Cell Phone Radiation Survival Guide to educate myself on this whole phone radiation thing and maybe pick up a few tips to relieve my pain. Honestly, I thought it was B.S. but for $29.95 it was worth a shot.

First off wow the facts are pretty scary but I was able to implement a few simple suggestions and now my head no longer hurts after being on the phone. The other thing I learned was how to protect my kids and that was the best thing of all. We live in a world of cell phones and it will be unavoidable for them not to have one but now I know how my angels can use one safely.

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Scott W.

As a businessman in NYC I have no choice but to be on my cell phone all day long. I never feel sick and my energy levels are great but more and more I have been hearing about people saying cell phones give off radiation. I am no rocket scientist but when I hear the word radiation I get nervous. Cell phones have not been around that long and now we live on our phones 24/7. I am concerned about the future studies and research that will prove phones are harmful and do not want to wait and find out when it is too late and I could have prevented a problem. After searching on Google I found your Radiation survival guide and read it right away. SH*&&T this is serious stuff and I want to throw my phone away but I know that is not realistic. Instead I have the information in the guide to adjust a few small things and now I feel much safer using my phone.

as featured in

the facts they don't want you to know

For years, telecom companies have been downplaying the radiation dangers associated to cell phone use. Every cellular phone produces radio waves that emit radiation, which is targeted right into our brain when we talk on the phone. This exposure to radiation is very serious and is being linked to more and more cases of brain tumors and cancer.

Once Upon a Time

Do you remember when smoking was considered to be safe? Do you remember who was covering up that story? BIG TOBACCO.

Welcome to the world of BIG TELECOM. Billions of dollars are at stake, and they are not taking prisoners.

"World health organization" Scientists Prove...

Recently, the WHO (World Health Organization) released news that using a mobile phone may increase your risk for certain kinds of brain cancers. This conclusion was determined by a group of 31 scientists from 14 countries meeting at the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (WHO/IARC). The group, classified cellphones in the carcinogenic category 2B, similar to chemicals like the pesticide DDT and gasoline engine exhaust. In slightly clearer terms, that means cell-phone radiation is "possibly carcinogenic" to human beings.

CEll phones are a necessary evil

Cell phones have become an important part of our lives and they are no longer just a luxury item. We rely on our cell phones everyday for work, emergencies and to stay in touch with our family and friends. Every time we use our phones we expose ourselves to harmful and dangerous radiation that enters our brain.

Arm yourself and protect your family

The Cell Phone Radiation Survival Guide -- A new publication from the B3 Labs -- outlines the dangers you and your family face when using your cell phone and contains key information on how to get long term protection from phone radiation. This information could save your life.

Families with infants and young children may be in even greater danger. Learn about how even minimal exposure to cellular telephone signals may severely impact the successful development of the brain of infants and young children.

The Cell Phone Radiation Survival Guide is a must-read for anyone who uses a cellular telephone for more than a few minutes each day, or has infants or young children who may be exposed to

The fact is....

Insurance companies won't even cover cell phone companies for claims made by consumers regarding possible sickness and illness from cell phone use.

Most cell phones come with a notice that says' do not hold closer than one inch from your body.

Order the Cell Phone Radiation Survival Guide today and get our FREE BONUS manifest "cell Phone Radiation Protection Secrets". This bonus will show you 10 simple steps you can take right now to protect you and your family

cell phone radiation survival guide!

Discover the truth about cell phone radiation

Top Secret facts cell companies hide from you

Learn how radiation is produced by all phones

Urgent knowledge to protect you & your family

Guidelines to reduce cell phone radiation

Exclusive insider tips on long term prevention


Learn 10 simple steps you can take right now to get immediate protection from cell phone radiation and other radio waves from wifi networks and cell towers. This is a must have addition to the cell phone radiation survival guide.


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for much longer.



Regular Price $59.95

Supplies are limited and we are not sure how long these books will be available to the public. The cell phone companies are fighting to keep this information from you and will do anything in their power to stop it from getting out.

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Scientist & PhD Dr. Rothstein

After 25 years of intense lab work and research on all topics related to health of the human body I was not surprised. Learning the truth regarding cell phone radiation effects on the brain was what I suspected all along.

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Patricia L.

I am wife and the mother of 3 beautiful children and was concerned about the headaches and pains I was feeling after using my cell phone. I had read about others having the same symptoms but

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Scott W.

As a businessman in NYC I have no choice but to be on my cell phone all day long. I never feel sick and my energy levels are great but more and more I have been hearing about people saying cell phones

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Supplies are limited and we are not sure how long these books will be available to the public.
The cell phone companies are fighting to keep this information from you and will do
anything in their power to stop it from getting out.

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ONLY $27.00 - Limited time offer

regularly $59.95

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