M.D.'s Special Report Reveals...
The Invisible Health Destroyer That's
Making You SICK!
If you drink soda... eat meats and dairy products... regularly patronize the local fast food joints... or indulge in frequent desserts, be warned... Your body could be on the brink of acid overload!
This is not just a case of heartburn that you can relieve by popping a Tums. It's an acidic build-up in the cells and tissues of your body that leaves you vulnerable to a whole world of health problems—including cardiovascular disease and hypertension, osteoporosis, obesity, premature aging, diabetes and more.
It's time you learned the truth about this hidden health wrecker—so you can relieve, and even reverse, your most troublesome health problems.
In this FREE Email Medical Alert, you'll discover...
Why acid overload is so harmful to your body—and the series of events it sets off that can keep you sick for years... Your own body's role in acid production—and its built-in mechanism to neutralize excess acidity so you can stay healthy... What's wrong with the normal American diet—and why it shoots your acid levels sky high... The effect of stress on your body—and how it adds to your acid load... The seemingly harmless item that's underfoot in nearly every home—that can send your acidity soaring... And much more!
Meet Michael Cutler, M.D., pioneer in nutritional medicine
Pioneer in discovering and developing new, natural health remedies and safe alternatives from the cutting edge of natural science...
Editor of Easy Health Digest™, the natural health newsletter dedicated to bringing you FASTER, MORE EFFECTIVE natural health solutions that anyone can benefit from—at any age. Medical Doctor, Tulane Medical School. Founder and director of the Total Health Institute Medical Clinic. Practiced integrative medicine at the Modern Health Clinic for Advanced Medicine.
Dear Friend,
Would you ever drink a cup of acid? Of course not! You know it could literally eat you away from the inside out—causing you a tremendous amount of pain and maybe even death in the process.
But consider this... if you follow the typical American diet, every meal you eat is sending the acid levels in your body off the charts.
You might not feel pain like you would if you spill acid on your skin, but this hidden acidity can cause long-term damage that's just as serious.
You see... your overall health is closely linked to your body's pH levels—which are a measure of your acidity or alkalinity. Your body works hard to keep your blood at the slightly alkaline pH of 7.35 to 7.45. When your pH drops below 7.0, you become more and more acidic—and that's where you run into trouble...
Excessive acidity in your tissues allows harmful organisms to thrive in your body—and spill over into your bloodstream. Your immune system's response is to trigger inflammation—which is now widely recognized as the underlying cause of all chronic illnesses.
But that's not all. An acidic pH also causes...
Premature Aging—A 2001 report in the European Journal of Nutrition revealed that "aging corresponds with a low-grade chronic metabolic acidosis." In other words, an acidic internal environment in your body makes you grow old faster. Osteoporosis—Your body neutralizes excess internal acid with minerals it pulls out of your bones. Unfortunately, this wreaks havoc with your body's ability to rebuild your bone matrix—and eventually leads to dangerous bone thinning and osteoporosis. Cancer—There's no doubt about it... cancer thrives in an acidic pH environment. A 1999 study reported in Clinical Cancer Research found that acidosis contributes significantly to the aggressive biology of human pancreatic cancer. That means... the higher the acidity in your body, the faster a tumor grows—and the more it's able to resist medical efforts to contain it. Diabetes—Researchers have found a direct connection between body tissue acidity and diabetes. They discovered that when acid wastes accumulate in your pancreas, it prevents your body from creating proper levels of insulin, a condition that leads to serious blood sugar imbalances. Cardiovascular disease—When blood pH becomes too acidic, it begins to affect the cells and artery lining as a chemical irritant. This hinders circulation and raises your blood pressure. It also prevents your heart and arteries from tightening and loosening properly, which can make you prone to heart disease. And more!
Most people DON'T KNOW that acidic pH is causing their chronic health problems—because their doctors don't know it either. That's why I've written a Special Medical Report to give you the real story of acid overload—and to reveal how easy it is to relieve, and even reverse, your worst illnesses.
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Are you sick and tired of being constantly dogged by aches and pains... and nagged by the embarrassing ailments we all experience as we age?
If you want to feel young again... you need Easy Health Digest™!
My name is Michael Cutler, M.D. and I'm the Editor for Easy Health Digest™. I created Easy Health Digest™ to deliver you weekly breakthrough solutions and discoveries to help boost your energy levels... fight off common health problems... and help you enjoy life on your terms.
And the best news is each weekly issue is delivered FREE and straight to your inbox!
It's called Balancing Body Chemistry, How Reducing Acid Can Unleash Abundant Energy and Healing, and it reveals...
Why your internal acid levels are sky-high—setting you up for any number of chronic illnesses... Simple changes you can make to your diet and lifestyle to normalize your pH levels—and encourage health and healing... How to monitor your own pH levels—so your body can function at peak performance for the rest of your life... 36 delicious recipes to help alkalinize your body—and boost your health... And much more!
You'll also discover...
The Four Acid-Boosting Culprits That Set the Stage
for Chronic Health Problems
The Reason You're Sick...
"The countless names attached to illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause... too much tissue acid waste in the body!"
—Dr. Theodore Baroody, author of Alkalize or Die
It doesn't take much to throw off the delicate acid/alkaline balance in your body—and send your body sailing into a frustrating cycle of sickness and disease. But usually one of these acid-boosters is to blame...
Acid Booster #1: Normal Body Processes
That's right... your own body creates acid as a byproduct of its normal, everyday function.
For example... After you breathe in oxygen, you breathe out carbon dioxide, a form of carbonic acid. Your liver makes bile acids, which are stored in your gall bladder. Your kidneys excrete uric acid. Your muscles make lactic acid. And your stomach uses hydrochloric acid to digest the food you eat.
In fact, every living cell in your body produces acids as a result of its fundamental metabolism.
In my Special Medical Report, Balancing Body Chemistry, you'll not only discover the potentially damaging acids created by your own body—but you'll see the amazing plan your body has in place to neutralize those acids before they can do you harm. It reveals...
The all-too-common digestive problem that reveals a bigger problem—too much acidity in your body... Why an acid pH in your urine is quite normal—and why too much alkalinity can be an ominous sign... Your body's first line of defense when it becomes too acidic—and the important role your lungs have to play... The four most critical minerals stored in your body—and how they help keep your pH from slipping off the charts... Your body's main buffering tool—and why that can be bad for your bones... The number of minerals your body needs for optimum health—and the shockingly low number of minerals you get in the standard American diet... Why Americans eat more calcium than almost every other nation—and have one of the highest rates of bone loss... The easily-lost mineral that's critical for pH balance, muscle and nerve function—and the serious consequences you can endure if it's depleted... Why focusing on the amount of sodium you eat can be more of a nuisance than a help—and what you really should be looking at in your diet... 13 trace minerals that are needed for optimum health—so you can keep your acid levels in check... And much more!
Meat Eaters Beware!
You could be damaging your bones...
Researcher T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., and associates of the China Study reported in their cross-sectional survey of 764 middle-aged and elderly women that urinary excretions of calcium and acids increased when folks ate more animal and nondairy animal protein (meat) but that they lost less calcium and acids when their diets were higher in plant-protein.
In other words, consuming animal meats and milks are inextricably tied to weak bones.
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Acid Booster #2: Your Diet
The typical American diet is disastrously acidic and disease-producing. Every day, we fill our plates with processed, nutrient-poor foods that are loaded with chemical additives and pesticides—and shoot our acid levels through the roof.
That's no way to live a healthy, vibrant, disease-free life.
In my Special Medical Report, Balancing Body Chemistry, you'll discover how to distinguish between foods that raise your body's acidic levels—and foods that help you stay in that healthy alkaline zone. It reveals...
All fruits and vegetables are alkaline, right? WRONG! Why some are actually acidic and should be eaten in limited amounts... The easy way to know which foods produce harmful acid in your body—just follow this simple "root, seed, muscle" rule... The common "acidic" beverage that wreaks havoc on your bone health—increasing bone fractures by a whopping 300 to 500 percent in studies... Why your favorite desserts are big acid-producers—and other negative effects they have on your health... How many servings of fruits and vegetables you need to eat EVERY DAY to neutralize the acid your body makes (if you indulge in acid-creating foods, you'll need to eat even more)... Milk sends your acid levels off the charts—but there are five more reasons it's hazardous to your health... What NOT to do to your fruits and vegetables—if you want the most alkalinizing and nutritional benefits from them... And much more!
The Two Biggest Acid-Boosters in Your Diet
The most acidifying nutrients in the American diet are high fructose corn syrup and table sugar (sucrose), both of which contain glucose and fructose. Researchers reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that an oral ingestion of glucose depresses lymphocyte function almost like a poison. Sugar has also been shown to hamper the immune defense against bacterial infection.
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Acid Booster #3: Stress
In our complicated, busy lives, stress is hard to avoid. Right now, you could be facing...
Job loss... Financial difficulties... Chronic sickness... Difficult family members... Or all of the above!
On top of that, you get stuck in a traffic jam—when you were already running late for your appointment. The hot water heater is on the blink again—and the plumber can't fix it until next week. And your granddaughter—the apple of your eye—just got her nose pierced.
Stress is normal, but here's the problem...
Stressful thoughts and emotions can cause significant physiological changes in your body—releasing a series of events that trigger harmful acid byproducts.
In my Special Medical Report, Balancing Body Chemistry, you'll discover the effect prolonged stress has on your organs and body functions. Plus, you'll learn how to better manage the stress in your life—for a healthier you. It reveals...
Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
"Repressed emotions, excessive anger, 'acid' thoughts, and other emotions can (all) increase acidity."
The unpleasant side effects of stress—and how all of these conditions can easily be reversed... The poor man's free stress reduction technique—how it opens your pores, expands your lungs, gets your digestion moving and more... The surprising effect of stress on your lungs—and how this causes more health-harming acid to build up in your body... The little known root of every chronic illness—and how just changing the way you think can boost your alkalinity levels and your health... And much more!
Improved Health plus Mind-Blowing Weight Loss!
The raw foods movement, which advocates restricting your diet to nothing but raw food, represents the most aggressive perspective on adopting an alkaline foods diet. But it works...
Michelle lost 160 pounds on her raw food diet in a little over one year. Her health improvements included an end to her sleep apnea, reflux, medication, edema, lower back pain, oily hair and skin, heart flutters, chronic bronchitis and pneumonia, depression, fast food cravings, lack of control of eating and intense food cravings. She is feeling healthy and much happier now.
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Acid Booster #4: Your Environment
Outside forces—besides your diet and lifestyle—can contribute to your body's acidity.
Take the carpeting in your home or office, for example. Right now, it's emitting acid-based gases like formaldehyde, benzene, toluene and xylene that tax your body's cleansing and detox channels—and skyrocket your acid levels.
In my Special Medical Report, Balancing Body Chemistry, I reveal the surprising acid-boosters that surround you each and every day, including...
The common over-the-counter drug that sends your body's acid levels soaring—you probably have it in your medicine cabinet right now... The unseen "killer" on your fruits and vegetables— unless you buy organic—that wreaks havoc with your body's pH... Another strike against cigarettes—the negative effect tobacco has on your acidity levels... Why the water you drink—and even the air you breathe—may be contributing to the acid in your body... And much more!
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TWO SPECIAL FREE gifts! ](http://1.ezhealth2u.pay.clickbank.net)
The best news is...
You Can Get This Life-Changing Special Report at Introductory Savings—HALF OFF— Plus Receive Two FREE Gifts!
You don't have to stay in the dark about the invisible health destroyer that's been keeping you from fully enjoying your life. That's why I want to get this urgent Special Medical Report into your hands right away. You will have the tools you need to neutralize the harmful acid levels in your body—so you can relieve, or even reverse, your most troublesome health problems and live a healthy, vibrant life.
So I've made arrangements for you to receive Balancing Body Chemistry, How Reducing Acid Can Unleash Abundant Energy and Healing for only $19.95—HALF off the published price.
That's right. You pay just $19.95 for the digital download copy (yes, right off your computer, right now). [Order your digital download today](http://1.ezhealth2u.pay.clickbank.net)!
What's more, during this special introductory offer, you also receive two FREE gifts...
FREE GIFT #1: Eating for Healthy Alkaline-Acid Balance—A $19.95 value, yours FREE!
It's a scientific and medical fact...
...If you have a health problem, there's a good chance you have too much acid in your body.
In this free bonus report, you'll discover...
The risk of a typical Western diet—why the foods most people eat zap energy, break down health, and trigger premature aging... Suffering from headaches, illness, colds, allergies and viruses? What your body is trying to tell you... Warning: 126 acid-forming foods, including some categorized as "health" foods... Natural breakthrough: 130 alkaline-forming foods that'll supercharge your health and longevity... The perfect diet—no expensive food plans, no impossible-to-keep regimen—and you lose weight and gain health in no time flat... How to make sure you see a huge improvement in your health—safely, easily and affordably... And many more little-known secrets for reducing acid levels!
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Did you know that 92 million people are taking vitamins—and most of them are taking the WRONG kinds? What's more, they're doing more HARM than good to their health!
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Don't put up with chronic illness one moment longer!
You can neutralize the acid levels in your body... regain your health... and enjoy a full, vibrant life... [Order Now](http://1.ezhealth2u.pay.clickbank.net).
The late Dr. George W. Crile, cofounder of the Cleveland Clinic, once said...
"There is no natural death. All deaths from so-called natural causes are merely the endpoint of a progressive acid saturation."
For you, that's actually good news. Because there are steps you can take—starting today—to balance the pH in your body... maintain a normal alkalinity... and enjoy better health.
Order Balancing Body Chemistry, How Reducing Acid Can Unleash Abundant Energy and Healing today and discover how to:
Defeat the real culprits behind the excessive, damaging acid in your body... Safely and naturally relieve—and even reverse symptoms—for your most troublesome health problems... Maintain a balanced, alkaline pH for a more healthy, enjoyable life.
[Order your digital download copy copy today!](http://1.ezhealth2u.pay.clickbank.net)
Yours for healthy living,
Michael Cutler, M.D.
Editor, Easy Health Digest
P.S. Remember, when you order your digital download copy of Balancing Body Chemistry for just $19.95—HALF OFF the published price—you also get two FREE GIFTS—Eating for Healthy Alkaline-Acid Balance and Unleash Unlimited Energy in Your Body. Plus, if you order today, , I'll also rush you a FAST RESPONSE BONUS: Natural vs. Synthetic: The Shocking Truth About Vitamins!
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