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This is a story of a life-long study and research into depression ... and a battle to hold it at bay … and how as a result you too can be finally cured!

What To Do If, With All The Medication & Advice, You Still Can't Escape The Pain and Darkness Of Depression

Get the whole and accurate picture and finally beat depression for good

You'll either click away from this web site, losing out on a special rare opportunity to finally get rid of depression for good … OR… you'll keep reading and learn the way to overcome your depression and have everything you want in life.


Dear Friend

Often, no matter how hard we try, or how many things we read or hear, we get stalled… almost stopped in our tracks (every single time). ‘The Good Life’ seems to be happening all around us… but somehow we aren't moving with it anymore. Or we’re sinking deeper into depression and relying on the drugs.

... The road ahead seems dark, with no light in sight.

What can you do?
When the way ahead seems so fraught with doom and the “Black Dog” of depression has locked its jaws on your ankles? When you are experiencing feelings of worthlessness, guilt, and/or helplessness? When you suffer from insomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping? When you experience loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable, including your sexual life? When you can hardly push yourself into important daily activities? When you experience persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" feelings, fatigue and decreased energy?
When you have found yourself coerced into, and caught up in, a world of continued medication and don’t like it?
These are common challenges many of us face... AND you can easily recognise these symptoms whether you have been to a doctor or not… making life stressful, distasteful, and sometimes downright unbearable.

Do you ever find yourself wishing for a “magic wand” to make everything better permanently?? It's OK to wish for a happy life, free of worry, anxiety and depression. In fact, wishing…, dreaming ... hoping... … are all important parts of life that can bring you closer to what you truly desire.

So, it’s more than OK; - it’s YOUR RIGHT!!

You’ve Probably Seen the Lists of Depression
Symptoms Scattered Online …
Frequent sadness, tearfulness, crying Overwhelming Feeling of Hopelessness Decreased interest in activities; or inability to enjoy previously favorite activities
Persistent boredom; low energy Social isolation, poor communication Low self-esteem and guilt Extreme sensitivity to rejection or failure Increased irritability, anger, or hostility Difficulty with relationships Physical agitation or lethargy nearly every day Diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness, nearly every day A major change in eating patterns; Excessive eating or dieting A major change in sleeping patterns; Insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day Fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day Desire to ‘run away’ from it all Thoughts of suicide or self-destructive behavior Alcohol and Drug Abuse
And you know you have one or several of these symptoms …

The medication either doesn’t work, or you are AFRAID of the possible side-effects …

But What IF You Could…
Permanently remove the burden of worry, anxiety and helplessness from your life forever... even if you've tried everything else!  When it seems impossible... Transform your life right before your eyes and regain all your passion with total emotional freedom and excitement that you once had. Knowledge is power! Get it back!! Magnetize your desire for a better life, attract your desired dreams and create a life of abundant happiness and success FOREVER!  Discover the one sure-fire method to help you find the strength necessary to manage your day to day tasks and also your future goals. Discover how to think and feel in a brand new and positive way that opens up the path to unlimited abundance. Emotional Attitude is the key!  What if you could completely regain your concentration, ability to remember details and making decisions as you know you are capable of doing? Take back life and reclaim your long lost happiness and joy... More fulfilling and electrifying life experiences are right around the corner! Re-DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE; strengthen your motivation AND CREATE THE LIFE YOU DESIRE AND DESERVE.  Attract happiness, joy, great relationships like a magnet BECAUSE you are no longer a victim to depression and its symptoms! 
Today You can do all that...

The solution to your most pressing depression problems—even the ones you've battled for years— is much closer than you realize.

I know it's true. I'm pure living proof! And so are so many of my ex-clients and readers of my research and findings.

Singer, composer, poet, Leonard Cohen said, “The term clinical depression finds its way into too many conversations these days. One has a sense that a catastrophe has occurred in the psychic landscape.”

And it CAN BE a catastrophe that can bring anyone to their knees... it almost happened to me.
The most depressing thing about depression itself is that you get the feeling of “it won't ever go away.”

I know you don’t want to be depressed... I know you want to live a full and happy life, but you simply can’t ...


It’s not your fault...

Have you ever stopped to think about WHY you can’t overcome your depression?... .. so that you stop doing things you know are negative or dangerously harmful and start living life, doing things that you are certain will improve your overall life ... health, career, finances, relationships?

If you can relate to anything I’ve just said… and you don’t know WHY you do (or don’t do) the things you do (or want to do)… you’re not alone.

In fact, you’re in the same boat with 95% of people who suffer from your condition.
You’ve just been a victim of some clever lies that have completely bound you to fear, anxiety, and total belief that what has happend to you can only be managed using conventional medicine. – PLUS all the other “quick fix” solutions you get shoved down your throat by BIG SHOT Business people who are trying to sell you their latest product

It’s a shame you didn’t know the truth earlier...

Let’s blow the lid off this one... shall we?

Learn The Depression Facts That Doctors
Don’t And Won’t Tell You

I don’t know you, but somehow I feel that I do... Just like you I’ve stared depression in the face. (It’s not a pretty sight). I’ve stood at the edge of the precipice – you know the feeling ... and conqured that headlong pull toward melancholy and depression.

…. AND today I want to share with you a special secret, that no one has dared to tell you – the secret of the bulding of the myths about depression: myths that can lock us all in the prison where antidepressants seem to be the only answer.


But it’s more than that...

Did you know....

In the same way that a virus scan and sweep on your computer frees it up to run perfectly, the ‘mind virus’ sweep allows you to return to wellness and a healthy life attitude?

The ‘virus sweep’ refers to Breaking the Seven Deadly Myths about Depression:-

Myth 1 … It’s a disease: The pharmaceutical interests have cemented that idea in society and in you, and how to get around the idea

Myth 2 … Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance: This has never been shown to be true, but is a clever deception that even doctors thoroughly believe.

Myth 3 … Depression resides in the brain: This ties the two preceding myths together and victimizes you, making you depend only on medical solutions

Myth 4 … The “label” is important: ‘Owning’ the label also locks you into dependence and how to break free

Myth 5 … Depression is a permanent condition: Western medicine and pharmaceutical interests have “pathologized” normal emotional experience in order to have you believe it must be ‘managed’ chemically forever. And break free.

Myth 6 … Depression can only be dealt with by a professional: The growth of a depression industry that serves doctors, psychoanalysts, pharmaceutical company shareholders, but DOES NOT SERVE YOU WELL!

Myth 7 … That you have to understand the cause; A hundred years of psychotherapy has ingrained in us the idea that we must analyze everything to death (in order to understand that which may not be possible to understand!). And discover the truth about subconscious memory.

And the OTHER myth … Depression is a genetic problem: There has NEVER been any scientific findings that indicate ANY mental or emotional conditions are predetermined genetically. This may APPEAR to be so, but is not true - break free of this bind!

I know some of the above information may seem shocking to you… I too was astonished at the amount of misleading information that has been spoon fed to us over the years….

…. AND all in an attempt to recruit you and me… along with millions of others into a dangerous drug culture.

Did you know? …
Medications can actually shorten your lifespan. 
International drug regulatory agencies, including the U.S. FDA, warn that Psychiatric drugs, including antidepressants, antipsychotics and stimulants can and do cause worsening depression, suicidal and homicidal behavior, mania, aggression, depersonalization, diabetes, hallucinations, heart attack, stroke and even sudden death. In 2006 the FDA announced that they received 51 reports of sudden death from ADHD drugs such as Adderall.

I am not saying all this to tell you all medication is bad, but to alert you to the possibility that you may very well be taking medication that you could can do without; and MAY be doing you more harm than good.
But you may not actually be depressed! 
There are many types of depression... you may experience Major Depression, Dysthymia, Bipolar disorder, Postpartum Depression... How do you really know?

Harvard psychologist, Dan Gilbert, says that you 'synthesize' your happiness. He says that you have a 'psychological immune system' that helps you change your views about your world, in order to feel better about the world in which you find yourself.

In the way that Gilbert says we synthesize our happiness, then it may often be that we synthesize our depression – or at least, fall victim of misinformation that makes any normal sadness ten times worse than it needs to be. Over time, society has gradually moved away from the much healthier idea that normal everyday “ups and downs” in life can be dealt with in commonsense ways rather than give our power over to the symptoms.

As far back as Ancient Greek times – and before – it has been known that an inner attitude to misfortune is what determines our “getting stuck” in depression and anxiety. Epictetus said “Men are disturbed not by things, but by the views which they take of them”.

But I’m certainly NOT saying your depression is not real – far from it – I know your symptoms are real and painful.

What DRIVES those symptoms, though, may very well be the product of becoming absorbed in the falsehood of the myths about depression. And you can change that with this help!

So the question is... 

Do You Really Need To Take Drugs To Get Rid Of The Symptoms Of Your Depression?

Keep reading and you will discover how my own battle with the depression dragon took me through a journey to uncover a BIG LIE (In fact a big SET OF LIES) – And discover the awesome truth that has allowed me to help hundreds of people who are struggling every day with “The Black Dog” in all its forms ... just like you.

But Before We Go any Further …

Who am I and 

Why Should You Listen To ME?

Just like you, I have suffered from bouts of depression more than once in my life... I’ll tell you the story in a bit. But first I feel it is important that you understand why I’m in a qualified position to help you, other than how I overcame depression.

I have been an affective neuroscientist (a person who studies the formation of emotional and “feeling” responses in the very early stages of human development – BEFORE cognition and speech - i.e. in the first 10 months of our experience) for 30 years and have developed a form of ‘selective’ psychotherapy that deals specifically with emotional and mental issues, especially depression. This approach of mine is called Clinical Affectology and has been perfected over 20-odd years. I am recognized as an international leader in the “new and revolutionary” aspects of emotional psychotherapy, and I’m an Advisory Council member of the International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry.

I’ve delivered training courses for my revolutionary approach in Sweden, Netherlands, Germany and Greece (and Australia, of course). Most students have been psychologists. I’m a past Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer at the Australian National University.

I have been absorbed in the study and clinical approaches of what the Japanese call “the Anxiety disorders” (of which depression is one) since my early formal studies in Bukkyo Zen philosophy in the early 1960s. I mention that only because it involved studies in Morita Therapy (specializing in Eastern “anxiety-based” disorders, and their treatment within the Japanese concept of the “quiet therapies”). That’s all in the distant past (more than 40 years ago), and my whole life has been devoted to determining how our culture has been duped by the information mythology that is perpetrated by pharmaceutical companies throughout the world.

BTW, I don't Mention my Experience, Qualifications and Accomplishments to Impress You, But Rather to impress UPON YOU, the Value of what I am about to share with you today

I have not studied depression as a mere passing interest. On the contrary, it is the one issue that points up the effectiveness of medical myth-building in our everyday lives. I have studied what it is that makes people WANT to fit in with a tribal story that depression is a disease that cannot be healed, just managed by drugs. This is the crux of the highly successful clinical work I do, and that success is dependent on my clients getting to understand that “depression” is with all of us, all of the time, to lesser or greater degrees, and the more we “buy into” the myths, the more stuck we get in a habit of depression and a dependency on the medication.

I suppose over the years (and I stopped counting), I’ve seen thousands of clients who have been helped through psycho-education means as much as traditional psychotherapy. That is, that I realized long ago that LEARNING ABOUT the ‘disease-mongering mythology’ of western medicine was the very thing that helped people break the shackles and return to normal experience.

Why You Must Be Extremely Cautious
When Seeking Depression Advice

I hadn’t spent too much time in my life worrying about depression or any other emotional problems. After all, I was a therapist and a meditation teacher! I didn’t “do” sad. My clients did, but not me.

Then one day I realized that I’d been brooding over a recent glitch in my life and the brooding had gotten worse without me paying much attention. The more I tried not to brood, the worse I became. I employed all my well-versed strategies to get myself out of it, and no dice! Nothing seemed to work.

After several months when my work started to suffer and I seemed to have lost the drive to get out of bed, let alone get on with a productive day, I thought I’d better get some help. Hard going for a professional psychotherapist to admit to being ineffective in self-help, but there you have it.

My physician immediately diagnosed me with major depressive disorder and prescribed medication. What? Depressed? Me? After all, events that had sparked my emotional downturn had been difficult enough, but not major enough to bring me to Death’s door!

As I pondered this diagnosis and started on the pills, I was struck by how easy it had been for me, supposedly an intelligent and aware professional, to be hooked into a perception of myself that I did not believe I had before. I felt like a victim; of what, I wasn’t sure.

But I was lucky. Even though I was starting to suffer terrible side effects of the antidepressants, I was not yet steeped enough in those effects to have become dulled to the need for them or otherwise.

I clearly remember a moment when I threw my arms up and said “Wow! I’ve had a double hit of something that has changed my life for the worse. In the first place, a wise doctor has told me that I have depression, and at least, for a while I believed her. On top of that, I am now taking these pills that are supposed to make me feel better, but they are actually making me feel worse – much worse. And worst of all, my sense of confidence and self-worth has plummeted!”

For me that was a big deal. I made the decision to research the drug issue; to find out what this stuff was doing in my brain, who said it was useful, and what the facts were about the claims of it being “the right way.” I hit the books. I tried the (at the time) fledgling internet. I studied everything I could get my hands on that spoke of depression and antidepressants.

What I learned over the next few months astounded me. 

I gradually came to a realization that we are in the midst of a growing depression industry where money rather than individual health was the motivation. That didn’t surprise me, since I’d known for a long time that the psychopharmaceutical industry was in the business of hauling in cash. AND that their unspoken motto was, “We are in the business of sickness; not health. Without keeping the idea of illness to the front, we will not flourish and make money!”

But the extent and subtlety of the strategies of the drug companies and medical profession alike shocked and sickened me.

As I investigated further, I had the distinct feeling that the simple act of becoming aware of these things was significantly changing the way I felt on a day to day basis. I felt as though the information that I was discovering was having some sort of clearing effect on my belief processes about myself, and in a single moment those beliefs changed to ones of “I am not a victim; I have the power to ride life’s waves; I have been sold a story that has made of me a casualty of that story.”

From the moment I realized that changing my beliefs about what had been said was “my condition; my depression” the way was opened up to me to get better. And I did. A lot better. And fast. I threw away the pills that had been making me feel so bad and entered a path in my life where I came to understand that the current society’s acceptance of the myths about depression was the very thing that was the root cause of so much misery and doubt.

I discovered that the simple act of clearing the weeds from that path freed me to grow in strength and wellness. So, my thinking turned to wondering about the strategies that were employed by drug companies to convince people that ordinary everyday ups and downs in life could be interpreted as mental disease. After all, my own experience had not been brought on by the events I’ve talked about – or at least, not in large part – but by the impact of my diagnosis and the drugs I “just had to have.” What was going on in the back rooms of pharmaceutical companies and advertising agencies that was so convincing to the public?

Those investigations and their appalling discoveries convinced me to document my findings in the form of a book that tells of just how belief systems can be manipulated; that those beliefs have an incredible impact on whether we ARE depressed, BECOME depressed and STAY depressed.

So, this book is in effect my journey of discovery that set me free to simply be OK with myself, no matter what, and to lift the veil of depression once and for all. It is less about my therapy work and more about the tool of “information, realization and clarification” that is the essential driver of all good therapy.

Like me, you are built to self-correct and to self-heal. It’s your RIGHT! With the way cleared, the progress becomes automatic. And this CLEARING THE PATH is what I want to share with you.

Can you trust what you read here?

Look around the Internet at all the so called depression cures available. Go into bookstores and review the numerous books on the topic. And you know what - you will NOT find an author who has both faced depression himself, and formulated the kind of scientific studies I’ve conducted on the topic, outlining the most reputable research from leading research data and personal studies.

You’ll either find books by someone who tells you “how bad my depression was and how, by using these amazing methods I healed myself.” – and they have an interesting story – but never back up what they did with proper research studies that take away the “how I did it” to “How I did it ,and how others overcame depression too” .

.... How can you trust everything they say without the research? How can you base your whole solution on a personal “fluke”... THEIR fluke, not yours!

Or you may find a university academic as the author of a depression book. And often these “depression” books are actually really well written, well-structured and well researched. However, there are sometimes two glaring downsides:
The books can be impossible for the everyday person to understand, much less put any teachings it might contain into practice Rarely will you find that the author has dealt with the complexity of depression states themselves … In that case, how can they truly appreciate what you are going through?
There are hundreds of studies that in many ways influence the information inside this book. This may well be one of the most personal, easy to read and thoroughly researched depression solutions ever.

Put it another way: Imagine if you could sit down with the leading depression researchers who have thoroughly, and in an unbiased manner, studied this subject for over a decade.... and ask them for their most effective… most conclusive studies on how to beat depression for good without medication or any stressful method? Well, you don't have to now! I have done the research for you. 

This book carefully looks at the facts and helps lead you along your own commonsense path. It is the ONLY kind of book that works within your exclusively unique “self-realm.”

What lies within these pages is more than a decade of careful development of WHAT WORKS for the majority of people based on my UNIQUE and REVOLUTIONARY method of re-balancing your emotional and mental patterns – in turn based on what you believe about yourself.

By breaking open the myths and learning the truth about the DEPRESSION INDUSTRY, you not only free yourself of confining and imprisoned ideas, but you can use what lies within your powerful subconscious to move onward and upward!

Many of my ex-patients have likened the process of re-learning the truth to a virus sweep on your computer.

.... Without clearing the junk, the machine continues in its ever-slowing and crippled way. Without clearing what I call the “mythconceptions” about depression, your mind, your quality of life and the dangers of taking chemicals continue on their downward spiral.

Do You Depend On Antidepressants
To Get You Through The Day?

Do you believe that antidepressants are safe?

One of the most common statements I hear from the public is “but depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain,” and they say this with much conviction, almost inviting argument. This is a clear and dangerous case of the effectiveness of the myth-building of the pharmaceutical company propaganda. In my book, you can learn how the chemical imbalance theory has NEVER BEEN PROVEN. There is simply NO data that supports this so-called truism. But people cling on to it.

So, if there is doubt about this claim, then why is it that we are so casual about introducing toxic chemicals into our bodies and brains that are supposed to manage a chemical (neurotransmitter) problem that simply does not exist? Wait! Did I say “toxic”? Yes, “toxic” and by definition, “poisonous.” Eli Lilly, the founder of the drug company of the same name said in the late 1800s, “Any drug without toxic effects is not a drug at all.” And this is a quote that bears some thinking about.

So the fact is that many people are on antidepressants and don't need them... and they may be damaging beyond repair!

We have been totally sold a bill of goods by the drug companies regarding the NEED for medications.

In my book, I explain the way in which drug companies have used a system of propaganda developed by Edward Bernays to convince you that you NEED drugs to counter a problem that may not be as bad as you think, but they have skillfully strengthened in your belief. In other words, drug companies no longer market drugs; they market the idea and mythology of disease – in this case, depression.

Medicine has totally become a BIG business where treating an illness or disorder with a lifetime of medications is far more profitable than a one-time inoculation. It's a sort of "job security" measure for the big pharmaceutical companies and the rest of the depression industry.

You are not supposed to be a victim. I sincerely doubt there is anything wrong with the neurotransmitter functioning of your brain. You have been told that putting toxins in your body is the only thing that will improve your health... IT WON’T.

Would you like to be FREE? I mean REALLY Free? Do you even know what that means?
I didn't.

When I was diagnosed with depression, I thought I had only one way out.. and that is what the doctors told me... this was not comfortable for me, an established psychotherapist…

I’m not necessarily saying to ditch all medication, far from it, because sometimes sudden withdrawal can be dangerous.

I believe that medication is thrust upon people who suffer from depression far too easily... simply because of ignorance of the subject.

Believe it or not, many doctors appear to have a lack of understanding of the depressed mind and therefore the only solution they have come to know is to make risky chemical experiments with their patient’s brains, using a “try this” approach to toxic drugs.

One of the important sections of my book explains and helps you realize just how intricate and complex the human mind and body is and how close to the surface the power for change may be. And yes; I’m talking about YOU! And I’m talking about YOUR power to make positive change for you.

The truth is that every human being is different in the complexity of who we have grown to be. We have our own stories and paths to take for self-betterment. ... yet we are all similar in the way in which our resources work towards rebuilding our strength and ability to fight depression

Unfortunately when an author directs you to ‘do it this way’ and ‘this worked wonderfully for me’, then this is disrespectful of your uniqueness. AND their advice for YOU, based on their advice for themselves, may be terribly WRONG, and even harmful to your quest.

But unlike those generic “I have the secret” claims of other books, this book carefully looks at the facts and helps you lead yourself along your own commonsense path. The tips and advice leading you to “join your own dots” are clear and powerful. It is the ONLY kind of book that works within your own exclusively unique “self-realm.”

This book will show you exactly what there is to question about the drug culture that surrounds depression – how it has formed – how it has grown – what are truths and what are not – what the dangers are – where the money goes.

But first…

Who Are YOU? … and Why are you HERE?

I can’t know what has drawn you to this site, but as an affective psychotherapist – Clinical Affectologist – there are some fairly good guesses to be had. Seeing that you’re here, you probably fall into one or more of the following categories:-
You’ve suffered clinical depression for a long time and you want to be emotionally and mentally well again - completely You’ve suffered clinical depression for a long time and believe that you can be at least somewhat better and happier than you are at this moment You have decided to see a therapist to try to deal with your depression and this site has been recommended for you to visit Someone you love, or is important to you, suffers depression and you want to understand more about their condition and perhaps how you can help You’ve been medically or psychiatrically diagnosed with depression but you don’t altogether believe the diagnosis You have not been diagnosed with depression but think there’s a chance you ‘have it’ and want to know more. You suffer depression and you believe that there are better solutions than medication – this may be because you find your medication to be bothersome or you are not a strong believer in mind drugs You suffer depression and you take antidepressants, are satisfied with medication – but believe that there is more to understand
… If any of the above sounds familiar to you, then you’ve landed in the right place.

Look, I don’t claim to have all the answers…. at least not yet, but my battle with depression which took me down an amazing journey of discovery through scientific research study, has brought me closer to the truth…more than anyone has been able to do.

AND today I want to share this information with you so that you are finally free from the chains of the depression that has threatened your very existence.

I do not want to convince you…BUT look at it this way.

What have you to lose?

According to the Greek sage and Stoic philosopher, Epictetus, who was born a slave at Hierapolis, Phrygia (present day Pamukkale, Turkey)… “Only the educated are free.” 

And that quote deserves to be repeated:

“Only the educated are free.”

Do you want to be free? If you sit back and do nothing because you feel your situation is hopeless or that you have done your best... then you might as well close this website.

BUT… The fact that you have stayed with me this far, says that you are different…

You are not one of those people who curl up under the desk and give up because someone made you believe your situation was hopeless…

Oh no… You want to magnetize your desire for a better life, to attract your desired dreams and create a life of abundant happiness and success FOREVER!

What is the alternative? A life of misery?

You choose…

You’ll Receive These Ten Permanent Benefits After Reading This Book – And Many More!

The PRISON of depression that you’ve been living in will be broken open… FOREVER. You’ll be FREE to live your life happily – and just as importantly – normally.
You will experience FREEDOM from doubt worthlessness, guilt, and/or helplessness? – Imagine how exciting life will be for you and your family around you.
You’ll BE A VICTIM NO LONGER. Only the truth can set you free! Without question clearing yourself of beliefs and misinformation instantly BREAKS THE CHAINS of imprisonment from a lifestyle overshadowed by this era’s most common emotional disaster!
A life of normal emotions that come and go NATURALLY without you getting stuck in the downside.
You’ll SAVE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS on what otherwise could be a lifetime of medication dependency and long – exhausting talk therapy … Think of all the productive things you could do with the TIME SAVED.
You will experience Freedom from insomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping… Your life will be exciting, full of energy and abundance
As you ‘get better’, so will all your RELATIONSHIPS (Including your love life). People respond best to those around them that are happy and free from the blues… and similarly you too will begin to feed off the same energy, bringing about a cycle of love and happiness every day.
You will experience amazing IMPROVED PHYSICAL HEALTH. It’s a proven fact that long-term use of mind medications has a negative impact on the health of your body… Now there is a safe way to get rid of depression without harmful medication.
You will enjoy IMPROVED MENTAL ABILITY free from persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" feelings, fatigue and decreased energy. It’s a proven fact that long-term use of mind medications has a negative impact on the way your brain and mind functions. MAKE BETTER DECISIONS ABOUT ALL ASPECTS OF YOUR LIFE.
You will enjoy IMPROVED RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR WORK. It’s a proven fact that long-term use of mind medications has a dulling effect on your professional agility and drive. You’ll FUNCTION BETTER IN ALL AREAS OF YOUR JOB.
And much more….

This program is much more than just your ordinary “cure your depression program.” This is your little roadmap… your step-by-step blueprint to having absolutely everything you want in life.

It's been used all over the world to empower people to live the lives they were created to live.
The same principles you will find inside have been used by thousands to transform their life from a total depressed and helpless state to a life of joy and abundance

Believe me, the facts revealed within these pages, and the path of self-rediscovery, have the power to change your life forever! The secret is that you already have the secret. Weed the ground around it and allow it to FLOURISH!

All this and much, much more when you download “Beat Depression the Drug Free Way; Getting Better by Breaking the Myths”

My book does not stop there! It shows you without question that clearing yourself of beliefs and misinformation BREAKS THE CHAINS of imprisonment in a lifestyle overshadowed by this era’s most common emotional disaster!

It talks about and compares the usefulness or otherwise of the many therapy “types” that are available today, including ElectroConvulsive Therapy (ECT), psychopharmaceutical approaches (antidepressant drugs), and many others that may not be as safe an effective as they are cracked up to be. This information alone, may save your life!

Here's what a few others say the program has done for them:



I could not resist sending you a quick message to say THANK YOU!!!

After reading your book, I am definitely at last back in touch with my strength, a bit wobbly at first, but powering on and currently fighting the good fight.

Suffice it to say that your years of work and the information that the book presents in a real and helpful way is the real thing – it’s the REAL DEAL!!


Kelly O.
Sales Consultant
Los Angeles



I have one thing to say about this book:

It’s the right path out of ignorance about the depression hoax!

Olivia S.




I could not put your book down.

After years and years (and lot of tears) of trying to understand my depression and trying to find answers to the big question, ‘how can I deal with it?’ I can honestly say that what has been presented by you has released me! I was skeptical at first, wondering just how ‘reading about some facts’ would help me, but it’s true.

The knowledge I now have, thanks to your book, has opened the way up for me to be more at ease with everything that is going on in my life. I feel much more content to ride the waves of life’s ups and downs.
You are right; knowledge IS power. Thank you, Ian White!

Agapi K.
Athens, Greece




Ian’s book fostered in me a different understanding and awareness of my condition that dawned a new way of relating to depression.

This new sense of awareness allowed me the confidence to question the relationship I had with my treating doctors and eventually, to commit to tackling my depression without medication. After twenty years on antidepressants and after reading this book, I successfully withdrew from medication and have remained drug free for eighteen months.

Jane W.




When I read the book’s Table of Contents I was impressed. The list of chapter titles, many posed as questions and challenges, sparked a feeling of camaraderie.

I wished there had been something like this book around for me before my doctor put me on the pills that led to my long and bumpy journey ‘in and out’ of medication.

Dean L.




White purposely avoids a dogmatic stance. Rather, he lays out the facts and allows them to speak for themselves…… If you follow the dots and connect them, you'll get better.

You’ll learn that, if you can become free of the myths that bind us, you have within yourself whatever it takes to heal.

I first met Ian White in Denver in 2002 on his way back to Australia after conducting therapy work with folk in Kansas City. After spending some time in discussion with him, he struck me as being somewhat of an ‘out-rider’ to the world of psychotherapy, having developed, over decades, his particular method of affect-oriented therapy. His passionate dedication to the study of the human emotional subconscious has informed his clinical work and the conceptual arrangement of this book.

In his years of work as a Clinical Affectologist, White has learned that if we get a clear idea about what depression is and what it is not, if we can dispel, through the light of truth, the myths that have been perpetrated on us, we can get better. Over time, we can get much better.

This book reveals the facts about how mainstream psychiatry, drug companies and a complicit media, have built, distributed and cemented those myths in place in our modern culture. So White has written a book to help people question those myths and decide for themselves what makes sense, what is true.

He purposely avoids a dogmatic stance. Rather, he lays out the facts and allows them to speak for themselves. If you are suffering from depression or have in the past, this book will help you recover, not by giving you a pat formula to follow, but by helping you get a clear idea about the nature of depression and the best ways of healing from it. It can be a somewhat painless avenue to recovery. If you follow the dots and connect them, you'll get better.

Along the way, you'll learn of the importance of how you feel about yourself, your beliefs about yourself, and how drastically those beliefs impact on your health. You'll learn how to become aware of how your subconscious operates in the maintenance of, and variances to, your depression states. And you'll learn that, if you can become free of the myths that bind us, you have within yourself whatever it takes to heal.

Dr Al Galves PhD
New Mexico
Author, Lighten Up: Dance with Your Dark Side.

Executive Director
International Society for Ethical Psychology & Psychiatry




Ian White’s book is a revelation to anybody who is reluctant or hesitant to tread the path of antidepressant medication and endless hours of talk therapy. (Or for whom that has already failed.)

I, for one, am eternally grateful for White’s dedication to the pursuit of an alternative solution to the handover of personal control to strangers, overworked medical practitioners and pharmaceutical companies. My experience has been one of the development of a profound sense of “okayness” and a fundamental understanding that I alone am responsible for me on every level.

This book successfully establishes the fabric of commonsense and caution into the subjects of emotional instability, diagnosis and medication in a way that makes sense and offers real hope. For those looking for information and enlightenment, here it is!

Leane B.
Terrigal NSW




I can’t rave enough about this book; it has turned every idea I have been given about depression on its head.

I have suffered "clinical" depression on and off for the past 15 years of my life. I've been to psychiatrists and psychologists over this time, given countless coping strategies and taken a variety of anti-depressants. However the strategies haven't worked and the medication has either produced mania and angry outbursts, or a lethargy that made functioning on a daily basis a chore. Although I had become resigned to spending the rest of my life medicated, I still had a nagging sense that I wasn't being told the truth about the drugs and depression.

The professionals’ advice just didn't add up. From the very beginning of this book I was struck by how very different Ian's ideas were (about depression) than anything I have ever been led to believe. The findings revealed in this book can be confronting and uncomfortable to acknowledge but at the same time, they just make total sense.

This book has completely shifted my thoughts about blame, and as a by-product, my entrenched guilt and the constant see-saw between self-loathing and self-pity. Ian White's book shows an integrity rarely seen concerning depression and the drug companies drive to drug us and keep us drugged. There are no hidden agendas, no professional ego stroking – Ian's message reveals our inner ability to be O.K. right now with who we are.

I have been steadily reducing my medication since reading this book. Instead of the dreaded fear I've experienced in the past with "getting off the drugs", I feel liberated and happy. I can't rave enough about this book, it has turned every idea I have been given about depression on its head. Every day I now work towards a life anyone who has suffered depression for years yearns for, one of self-empowerment. I have been struck by a sense of calmness and joy with the knowledge that I can "ride the waves" whenever they come – and I don't need to be medicated to do it!

Zilmeah T.
‘Special Needs’ Schoolteacher



Listen: I know how difficult it can be to fight depression – to stay focused on your vision of a happy and exciting life. To be courageous enough to stand up to years of deceptions from even your own doctor who tells you that you only need drugs to get better. I have walked in your shoes and I have conquered it.

And I want to pass this gift on to you. What we have to share in "Beat Depression the Drug Free Way; Getting Better by Breaking the Myths" is a system that really works wonders. I, and a host of my past clients, am proof of this.

But more than that.

You can rely on the credibility and reputation of the research data from some of the world’s leading scientific journals and research studies ever conducted.

Everything in "Beat Depression the Drug Free Way; Getting Better by Breaking the Myths" – and I mean everything – is backed by solid, credible research, AND by hotlinks to sites that back the facts about the myths.

“You simply won’t find a book, on the internet or anywhere else, like "Beat Depression the Drug Free Way; Getting Better by Breaking the Myths", that is authored by someone who has faced and conquered depression... combined with over a decade of research uncovering the untold truth about depression...

… We’ve done all the hard work for you…

And finally we have packaged all this together into a Depression-FREE lifestyle that’s easy for you to follow and integrate into your everyday life without complications or the side effects of the dangerous medication you may be taking.

"Beat Depression the Drug Free Way; Getting Better by Breaking the Myths" is a complete knowledge system you can use to balance everyday emotions and CURE what has been your depression understanding for good… PERIOD.

It’s easy to follow. Anybody can be free of depression forever. And it is exciting too!

Best of all you have absolutely ZERO financial risk. All the risk is on MY shoulders.

Here’s what I’m prepared to do…



I know without a shadow of a doubt that in "Beat Depression the Drug Free Way; Getting Better by Breaking the Myths" is what you need to change your life and finally get rid of your depression for good

It worked for me and countless others. But I want you to try it and see for yourself
As they say "The proof is in the pudding" So go ahead and try it.

Take a full 60 days to prove it works like I say it does

.. and if it doesn't work for you, simply send me an email and I'll refund your purchase price. You have my word on it.


I'm Going To Make It Super-Easy For You To Break Free From The Chains OF Depression

My goal is simply to help you get better, so I'm going to even go the extra mile to make sure you can get your hands on this amazing opportunity, without having to dig deep into your pockets, or break the bank to get it…. I’m going to give you a chance no one else has ever given you to finally get better at so low a cost that you'd be insane not to at least give it a try.

If you act now.. I mean right this minute, then you can be one of the thousands who can grab the full program for merely $47 $27…

Now, compare that to the potential fortune you might otherwise spend on either medication or unending talk therapy.

People have paid thousands of dollars for advice on how to beat depression. YOU DON’T HAVE TO.

I’ve delivered training courses for my revolutionary approach in Sweden, Netherlands, Germany and Greece (and Australia, of course). Most students have been psychologists. I have perfected my system for over 2 decades So when I tell you that you're receiving a huge value at a very small price tag, believe me— it's true

Besides… How much have you paid so far to get better and it still didn’t work?.

The major drug companies have created an incredible propoganda machine aimed at building a sweeping mythology about depression. Lies and distortions of the facts that have been intentionally tailored to have you and me and all of us believe the things about depression that draw us into the vortex and funnel us down into an unhealthy dependence on doctors, therapists and drugs.

This is your chance to finally be free…

In addition to this amazing book that will help you break free from depression, I have a special gift for you.


No matter how puzzling life’s problems might be, and how mental-emotional problems like depression can slow you down and render you dormant, the problem is that “that damned sand doesn’t stop spilling through the hourglass!”

Since life is NOT a rehearsal, then there’s no time to lose.

I have included a special bonus to help you kickstart your healing within just 5 minutes, ok.. maybe 10 minutes… But the fact is that today, in less than 10 minutes, you can regain all your passion with total emotional freedom and excitement that you once had and finally be on your way to reclaim your long lost happiness and joy.

VALUE: Priceless

Order Right Now and You Will Get Access
to This Special Magical Bonus!

There is one thing I know about you that you do not know, and that is that you are already PERFECT. But we are not here, you and I, to do the impossible, and that is to have me heal you.

There is no other healing than self-healing and giving your perfect self, wings to fly. But your problems (symptoms) are most likely to be either caused by wrong beliefs about yourself, or worsened by the misinformation that abounds in our society.

Misinformation leads to a cementing of unproductive beliefs about who you are that in turn affect your health and well-being, particularly in the areas of anxiety and depression.

So we are here today to turn around the destructive beliefs born out of the wrong information you have been given, so that YOUR PERFECT SELF can take a deep and fresh breath of air.

Once cleared of the damaging viral information, your belief system about YOU changes. You are what you believe and as we work to re-invigorate those beliefs about your own power and subconscious resources, I will do what all good therapists should learn to do; and that’s GET OUT OF YOUR WAY while you make for yourself the clear and joyful life that is your right …
… a right that has been taken away from you by the myths.

All crippled birds want to fly again. Fragile people want to feel strong again. I can’t carry you into the sky, but help repair your wings and allow you to fly with a good balance of strength, happiness and peace in your life.

But in order for me to do all this, you need to be willing!

You at least owe it to yourself and your family to get better… and I know you can.

So what are you waiting for?

Click the order button below and let’s go on a thought-provoking, yet exciting ride together… a ride to happiness, joy and abundance… a life free of worry, anxiety and all the negatives that go along with depression.

Run the virus sweep on your belief system’s hard drive.

Free your resources to take the path of a better life.

Be ‘at one and comfortable’ with yourself.

Download this book, which is, in reality, a ‘Course in Contentment.’


YES Ian! I am Ready To Get Rid of Depression For Good and Get Balance Back into my Life!

Click the Add To Cart button below and let’s get started.
Remember what Epictetus said; “Only the educated are free." 

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Looking forward to seeing you inside!

To your happiness!
Ian White

P.S. The changes you will see with "Beat Depression the Drug Free Way; Getting Better by Breaking the Myths” are nothing short of miraculous—yet they're GUARANTEED to work for everyone who follows the plan to rediscover the truth… and that means YOU! [Click Here](/order/) to take the first step to a life free of depression

P.P.S. Don’t miss out! Order your copy of "Beat Depression the Drug Free Way; Getting Better by Breaking the Myths" right now for ONLY $47 $27 and get access to the 10 minutes miracle bonus that can help break you free from depression for good

For product support, please contact us at: [support@beatdepressiondrugfree.com](mailto:support@beatdepressiondrugfree.com)

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