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Why Is It So Hard To learn Spanish?


Because 99% Of Teachers, Classes, Courses and Programs Are Backwards!

This may be a sweeping statement but it is true!!! Have you ever met someone who said it was easy to learn Spanish??  I am willing to bet that the answer is NO...

Why should learning a new language be hard when language comes totally naturally to the human brain?

Here is another sweeping statement: "Talking is as natural as Walking and your brain is in fact wired up to make it extremely easy to learn language!"

If this is true then why is it so hard for an adult to learn a new language? Most people say its  because your brain can't learn the way it used to.


The truth is that the reason new languages are hard for an adult is that the teaching techniques being used are wrong! They don't use the natural tendencies of your brain, they don't make use of the inherent wiring that makes language easy and effortless for humans but instead they go directly against these tendencies making it almost impossible to learn.

If you have tried any of the methods being espoused out there then you probably know how useless most of them are already!

The old classroom method is slow, time consuming, expensive, frustrating and usually fails completely, if you keep going for more than a few weeks that is. Yes most people give up pretty quick...

The new interactive methods are expensive, seem like fun at the start but end up becoming boring, monotonous, time consuming and frustrating about as fast as the classroom.

Getting a personal tutor is even more expensive and usually fails just as fast. Who can afford to get personal lessons every day??

Audio courses are usually extremely boring, very repetitive, hard to concentrate on and fail to deliver results.

All the methods out there are slow, FRUSTRATING and expensive ACCEPT FOR OURS!

Before I go on and explain why our method is far superior to any other method I want you to know that it is also one of the cheapest methods out there. Our entire program which will have you understanding and speaking French within weeks with absolutely no effort is only $88 and you can download it to your computer as soon as payment is made. You don't have to wait for slow shipping methods, you can have the entire course downloaded within minutes and you can get started learning Spanish today... And to top it off the entire program is 100%, money back guaranteed!

Other programs that don't even work will cost you into the hundreds so read on and find out why our system works and why it will have you understanding and speaking Spanish in no time and with almost no effort at all...

Ok. If you have read this far then you obviously want to learn Spanish and you want it to be easy. You don't want to waste money on methods that don't work, you want results and you want them fast...

Well we can guarantee results and I am about to tell you why!

The biggest pitfall for adults is that their brain has lost the ability to hear phonetic sounds that are not used in their native language.

As babies we have the ability to hear millions of sounds, all the sounds that make up every language or possible language on Earth. After only a few months the babies brain adapts so that its hearing of the sounds in its environment becomes amplified while its hearing of sounds that it does not regularly hear becomes weaker. Their brain is already wiring itself to specialize in the language it is hearing.

By the time the baby becomes an adult its brain has become so specialized in its native language that it cannot even distinguish many of the sounds used in other languages.

Have you ever been told a word from another language and tried to repeat it? You think you are repeating it perfectly but the person who understands both languages keeps telling you that you are saying it wrong. They can clearly hear your mistake but to you it sounds like you are saying it right. You cannot understand why they keep trying to correct you when you have been copying them correctly...

The reason for this is that you cannot hear the difference. Your brain is not wired for it, yet.

So your brain is specialized in your native language and you cannot recognize the sounds of your new language.

This at the start looks like a problem but it is actually a godsend. You see it is not that you have lost your ability to hear different sounds that is a problem, it is your brains ability to specialize and adapt, get better at hearing certain sounds that we can use to our advantage and which is totally natural and effortless!

Your brains natural tendency is to put more resources where they are needed. So if you start playing guitar the part of your brain that controls your fingers will get more resources, it will grow and become more complex. The same goes for sounds; if you start hearing different sounds, the part of your brain responsible for hearing will expand and grow so that your hearing becomes more precise for those sounds you are hearing.

Now another problem for adults is that their brains do not have the same resources as babies and so it takes longer and more practice to get the brain to adapt and specialize. Well this seems like a problem at first but we have found a way around this too - Brainwave Technology.

With our technology we can digitally re-master music so that it causes your brainwaves to be effected. By doing this we can intentionally induce a brainwave state in you that makes your brain like a babies brain. Production of all the necessary hormones and chemicals needed for restructuring the brain is greatly increased which makes it possible for your brain to restructure extremely fast, just like a child's brain.

Ok so we have just overcome the greatest barrier for an adult who wants to learn a new language! What next?

One of the other benefits of our brainwave technology is that it also induces an extremely relaxed state of awareness where learning and memory functions are greatly increased. This means that you can learn and remember things with much less repetition. When in this brainwave state, what you hear goes straight into long term memory which is where language is stored. In ordinary awareness everything your hear, read or learn is filtered through short term memory and analytical processes and much of it never reaches long term memory. In this normal state which is what every other language learning system relies on; learning is slow, repetitive, frustrating and requires tremendous effort.

With our system learning is effortless, fast, un-repetitive and relaxing. It is automatic just like it was when you were a baby. You just sit back and listen and your brain starts to become re-structured/ re-wired for the new language...

So How Does It Work?

Firstly you just sit back and listen. You do not need to put in any effort.

The relaxing music you will be hearing has been given powerful brainwave entraining characteristics so your brain will be automatically put in the perfect state for learning. This state has been shown with clinical trials to increase retention up to 30 times.

Your brain will be releasing growth hormone and other neuro-chemicals vital for learning and restructuring your brain in large quantities and you will feel extremely relaxed and content. It is a great feeling and you will love it!

While in this state you will hear a short story which is spoken a few words at a time in English then in Spanish. The voice is very pleasant and very clear in both English and Spanish and the stories are fun and entertaining.

By using a story we are making use of another natural tendency of the human mind. You naturally remember stories with no effort. When you hear a story you easily remember it because all parts fit together into a whole. You can't remember one part of a story without it triggering your memory of all other parts to the same story.

Because you naturally remember the stories you can very quickly move onto the same story in Spanish only and you will understand what is being said because you remember the sequence of the story.

The story's are filled with the most important words for communication. Once you have completed the 8 stories you will be able to easily converse with Spanish people and your skills will develop naturally. Once at this point your vocabulary will expand quickly because your brain will already be wired for the sounds that make up the Spanish Language and you will have such a comprehensive base of words.

Each story is around 10 minutes long and that's all you need to do each day. Just sit back for 10 minutes a day and allow your brain to become rewired for Spanish and within months you will be conversing with ease!

If that doesn't make a lot of sense then I don't know what does!

How Do Babies Learn Language?

1. First they hear people talking. There is no effort, they just hear people and get used to the certain sounds that they are hearing. Their brain actually changes structure to accommodate the sounds of the language they are hearing.

2. Now they begin associating certain sounds to certain objects, actions and emotions. This is where the baby or young child begins to think in a way comparable to an adult. Without words thought cannot become complex. So with the words they know they begin to think.

3. Now the child begins trying to express itself with sounds and words. The child knows what he is saying and can understand his parents well before he can be understood by others.

4. The child

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