Excerpt from product page

“How to Beat Flying Phobia
Without Weeks of Special Education,
the Need to Practice Breathing Exercises
Or Expensive Visits to the Therapist!”

Want to break past your terror of getting on an airplane? Like to get over your fear of ending your life in an airplane crash? Wishing to leave your anxiety about flying behind you forever? Stop just dreaming of that perfect vacation on a tropical island beach!
Flying Phobia Master™ delivers you from fear…

This new and entirely safe product with zero negative side effects allows you to eliminate your fears amazingly quickly and easily. With Flying Phobia Master™ you can leave your fear of flying behind and enjoy visiting those you most want to see, in calm and comfort.

If you have any serious degree of worry, concern, anxiety or apprehension about flying, as an estimated 20% to 40% of Americans do, then this may be the most important message you read all year.

Did you know that Jennifer Aniston, Cher, Michael Jackson and Whoopi Goldberg have all had a fear of flying too? You’re in good company!

Understanding the Most Popular Cures for Fear of Flying

We’ve studied the marketplace in depth and discovered that there are two basic approaches available to you for trying to cure your flying phobia (also called aerophobia or aviophobia).

These are:

1) Education – this is by far the most common and popular approach and is often augmented with “desensitization through exposure”. “Exposure” is accomplished using flight simulators, virtual flight simulation or actual practice flights with a coach or therapist.

2) In-person Therapy Sessions – these involve various psychological approaches, sometimes augmented with very specific drug therapies.

Both of these approaches claim to produce good results yet both of them require a significant amount of time and money in order to accomplish these results.

It also requires effort, discipline and practice to master the required techniques and to apply them every time you need them.

Take a minute to finish reading this page right now and you’ll see how all these methods work. This way you can choose your next steps with a more informed mind and a better grasp of your alternatives.

This will help you no matter what you decide.

The Education Cure

Since the education cure is by far the most common and frequently used approach, let’s start with it.

The most typical fears associated with fear of flying are:
Anticipatory anxiety In-flight anxiety Physical reactions like shortness of breath, dizziness, trembling and so on Panic attacks Inability to put your fears into perspective Blaming others Catastrophizing like “I’m losing control”, “I’m going to die” and so on Claustrophobia Fear of losing or giving up control Fear of turbulence or bad weather Fear of losing composure or “making a scene” Fear of heights Fear of crashing Fear of being over water Concerns about accidents or from deliberate attacks The security screening process Not understanding the activities associated with a normal flight Loss of control from being dependent on technology or people Underlying issues from past psychological or physical trauma You arrange your life to limit the amount of flying that you do You avoid flying altogether You become easily angered by others when you fly You dread invasions of privacy Not comfortable being around strangers And more…

This is why the educational cures are so extensively comprehensive and time consuming. Depending on your specific fears, there will be a heck of a lot you need to educate yourself about. This takes time. Study. Work.

Evidence from the Research

The research indicates that “educating yourself to a cure” is very difficult because there are so many things you might be afraid of. So, you must become educated in a broad range of topics that many people don’t have the time to fully educate themselves about. And certainly not in the short window of time you typically have before needing to board a plane.

The leading educational products offer up to 11 DVDs, 2 hours of individual telephone counseling, additional lessons to take on the plane with you, and an assortment of product selections ranging in price from $100 to $600.

These options force you to choose which fears you educate yourself about first, or ever, in order to save yourself both time and money. Choosing among half a dozen different and unfamiliar products can be difficult and confusing.

Particularly when you’re already afraid and you have so much riding on the outcome.

The principles underlying this approach are based on the assumption that once you intellectually understand how things work:

– how anxiety works,
– how well trained the pilots are,
– what the safety regulations are,
– what goes on in the cockpit,
– how pilots navigate,
– how the planes are maintained,
– what the air traffic controllers do,
– what the aircraft mechanics do,
– what the airport security measures are,
– and so on…

that you’ll no longer be so afraid.

The theory is that your intellectual knowledge, when you discipline yourself to remember it, will help you. If you combine this with your practice of proper breathing techniques then this will enable you to control your fears and anxieties and get you through the flight.

Flight Simulation

More elaborate approaches to educational cures augment knowledge-building with flight simulators or virtual reality therapy. Both of these methods enable you to practice facing your fears by simulating them.

The use of simulation is based on the proven principle that the brain can’t tell the difference between real and imagined reality. This is a proven principle as has been repeatedly demonstrated in many fields.

The promise of simulators is that continued exposure to what you fear will eventually desensitize you to it. Some people have found this effective.

Still, the number of people with flying phobias who are drawn to pay someone a lot of money to artificially recreate the exact conditions that frighten them… remains understandably low.

It’s a costly approach apparently designed for the bolder, more adventurous phobia sufferers and for those who have tried everything else and are desperate for help.

In-person Therapy Sessions

Lots of therapists offer individual and group sessions to talk you through your fears and, potentially, the psychological scars and traumas that may underlie them. Results typically vary widely with the skill and talent of the individual therapist consulted.

You must make your phobia known to the therapist and likely a few others close to you who want to know where you’ve been for the last hour.

This approach requires that you find a talented practitioner near you, schedule appointments, drive to and from their office, develop trust and rapport, and work through your issues gradually.

Many psychiatrists also augment talk therapy with drug therapy. It’s part of their training to do so. Apparently, Xanax and Paxil are commonly prescribed to treat the fear of flying, but withdrawal symptoms can reportedly be severe.

The drugs by themselves, of course, mask the symptoms of fear. Most drugs are designed to mask or suppress symptoms. They’ll do nothing to help you overcome your fear of flying in the long term and may lead to a chemical dependency with unforeseen side effects.

Summing up the Two Main Cures

The history of psychotherapy itself demonstrates that some people get over their problems rather quickly once they become aware of them, and many if not most people, can be aware of their problems for decades without fully getting past them.

Some people actually learn to use their understanding of their problems to keep to them alive, to keep their hard-won understandings energized. They keep talking about their painful memories as something that remains important to them.

How is your fear of flying affecting your life today?

Do you avoid flying completely?

How intense is your fear or anxiety on a scale from 1 to 10? (You can use this number later to get a rough idea how long it will take you to cure your particular phobia, so take a moment to reflect on this... Everyone is unique.)

How many opportunities to see new and different places are you giving up because of your fear?

How many visits to family and friends are you sacrificing when you continue to put up with your problem?

How many people would you visit more often than you do, if you didn’t want to avoid flying unless you absolutely have to?

How many more exciting vacations and trips to famous pleasure spots might you enjoy?

Do you find yourself making up reasons you can’t fly someplace when really you’re just apprehensive about airplanes?

Do you waste time and money driving long distances? How many hours or days have you spent on the road that you could have spent with loved ones or business partners if you felt more comfortable flying?

How does your avoidance of airports affect the other people you’re close to? Does your family wish you could get over your fear of flying too?

Would you feel better about yourself if you could make a breakthrough and overcome your chronic fear of flying? Would your self-esteem and self-respect go up?

Do you sometimes feel depressed that you keep giving in to a fear so many people around you have no trouble with? Do you secretly find it embarrassing?

If these questions get you going then you’re about to read an offer you can’t possibly refuse because you’ve got nothing to lose and so much to gain that it makes no sense not to give it a try as soon as possible. Keep reading…

Serious Problems with the Education Cure!

One particularly insightful study by Lucas van Gerwen and Claudia de Zeeuw, “The obstacles of air travel for passengers” (year unavailable) asserts some very clarifying insights we summarize here as follows:

Air travel safety has dramatically increased over time while anxiety over air travel has not similarly declined The actual objective facts of a situation do not affect your feelings nearly as much as your private inner thoughts and interpretations about them Fear of flying is actually a result of more basic and primal fears that we all have, like claustrophobia, fear of heights, lack of control, and fear of crowds.

This suggests that the whole idea of getting over your fears by educating yourself about them is doomed to failure.

They draw several very striking conclusions:

Fear of flying is not the result of the actual level of danger or safety of flying. (This implies that the educational approach to a cure of flight phobia is fundamentally flawed and cannot possibly remove the root
of the fear.) A third of the passengers on any given flight, that means the actual passengers on the traveling airplane, have some fear of flying. This fear is most intense during take-offs and turbulence. (This implies that many of the people who have willed and disciplined themselves to tolerate flight because they need to, still
suffer painful stress and anxiety over it. They are not, in fact, “cured” or relaxed.) The continual fight to “try not to be afraid” is an exhausting battle that ultimately cannot be won. (This may explain why statistics measuring the effectiveness of the education cure indicate that fear levels gradually creep back
up over time somewhat. Perhaps the ongoing need for applied discipline, focus and breathing becomes tiresome. This, however, is only guesswork and there may be many other

“Our efforts to avoid our thoughts and feelings only give us more of these thoughts and feelings.” – Belloch, Morillo, & Gimenez, 2004, Behavior Research and Therapy

The New Cure – Flying Phobia Master ™ (FPM)

[ ](https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?i=988153&c=cb&cl=183202)Flying Phobia Master™ addresses a previously unmet need. We have spent considerable time and expense to develop an alternative cure that we guarantee is quick, easy, safe, effective, affordable and completely private or we’ll give you all your money back.

Instead of addressing a multitude of separate fears, Flying Phobia Master addresses the fear of flying as one single issue and tackles it head on with a simple two-step solution. No options to choose, no packages to select, no compromises to make, FPM is a single product with a single price – and it delivers results.

Understanding and using this product is so simple and straightforward that no service or support is needed. Simple, brief instructions tell you everything you need to know. You don’t have to schedule any telephone therapy sessions either. We’ll respond to any email questions you send us, of course, but we’ll be surprised if you have any.

By the time you finish reading this page, you’ll know everything you need to use this product effectively.

Applying Proven Methods to Flight Phobia

Guided imagery is a scientifically proven method to deal with all types of anxiety, mental issues and fears.

It’s based on the idea that when you imagine the things you want to have happen in just the way you want them to happen, you can have a realistic experience of things going just the way you want them to.

This kind of experience then serves as an inner resource that you will automatically and unconsciously draw upon for feelings of confidence, calm, relaxation and a sense of well-being.

At its best, this process is strengthened by the use of pre-written scripts where the exact sequence of images, phrases and the precise words used have been carefully tuned and refined for maximum effect.

Carol Drury, PhD, in the introduction to her 2009 article “What Is Guided Imagery or Visualization” ([http://cdrury.com/?tag=phobias](#)) explains that:

“Imagery can relieve pain, speed healing and help the body subdue hundreds of ailments, including depression, impotence, allergies and asthma.

The power of the mind to influence the body is quite remarkable. Although it isn’t always curative, imagery can be helpful in 90 percent of the problems that people bring to the attention of their primary care physicians.”

Wow! That’s quite a statement. This was certainly a surprise to us back when we were first entering this field. The use of imagery has an astounding range of power and curative abilities that the majority of the general public remains completely unaware of.

Drury goes on to suggest that imagery serves as a link between mind and body.

She suggests you picture slicing a wedge out of a juicy, fresh lemon. You make the first cut and a fine spray of juice squirts in your face, just missing your left eye. Thank goodness ‘cause that would have burned like crazy.

The strong tang of lemon citrus overwhelms your nose as you make the second cut. You grab the dripping lemon wedge, bring it to your already-watering mouth and suck. The sharp sourness shocks your tongue as the acidic lemon flavor explodes in your mouth and rolls down your throat. Your whole mouth quivers in a pucker of needles and tingles. That’s tart!

If you got a clear sense of that biting lemon flavor then you’re probably salivating a bit right now. This is how visualization readily affects the body.

Dr. Drury concludes:

“Imagery is the language that the mind uses to communicate with the body. You can’t really talk to a wart and say ‘Hey, go away,’ because that’s not the language that the brain uses to communicate with the body. You need to imagine that wart and see it shrinking. Imagery is the biological connection between the mind and body.”

Who is the brains and talent behind Flying Phobia Master™?

Lynn Miles (B.Ed, Cert. Hyp. Psych) is a professional guided imagery therapist who has been in successful practice for nine years.

She earned a certificate in hypnotherapy and psychotherapy from the National College of Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy, a very highly regarded independent training college in the UK since 1977.

Miles has written and published many articles on hypnosis, hypnotherapy and personal development. She explains the foundation of her tested and proven approach as follows…

“Hypnosis is really an overall ‘delivery method’ that allows us access to the unconscious mind, where phobias develop and reside. Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) basically focuses on using language that the unconscious mind can easily and accurately understand and accept.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps us change the limiting beliefs that underlie most phobias. And guided imagery enables the unconscious mind to really experience what it needs to in order to overcome and release any pent up, excessive fears.”

A spokesman for Flying Phobia Master™, Mike Miller, sums up the development of the product as follows:

“We’ve taken Lynn’s brilliant guided imagery scripts that are based on her expert and artful blending of hypnosis, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to start with.

Then we’ve enhanced these meticulously crafted scripts, making them even more effective when creating our final product recordings. We’ve done this by weaving in our special brainwave entrainment music that assists the brain in quickly achieving a more receptive trance-like state.”

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What the heck do Brain Waves have to do with it?

[ ](https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?i=988153&c=cb&cl=183202) The billions of neurons in our brains send electrical impulses back and forth constantly. We’ve developed machines that can read these electrical impulses to display graphs we call brainwave patterns. We can actually measure the frequency of the electrical signals involved, usually in hertz (Hz), a measure of how many brain cell impulses are firing or cycling per second.

From experimenting with the aid of these brain reading devices, we’ve discovered that our brains exhibit different rates of “oscillation”, or firing cycles per second, depending on what’s going on.

There seem to be four basic, common states of brainwave activity, Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta. Where scientists come up with their naming conventions we don’t really know… But as long as it sounds unfamiliar, difficult and complicated, well then, good enough.

We’ve incorporated music that helps ease your brain first into Alpha waves (relaxation and visualization) and then Theta waves (deep relaxation and meditation) to strengthen, complement and reinforce the effectiveness of our guided imagery performances.

If you want to learn more about these brain wave patterns, please read the descriptions below, paying particular attention to Alpha and Theta waves. Alpha and Theta brainwave states are the ones we’re going to use to help you overcome your fear of flying.

The Four Main Brainwave States

1) Beta: Normal wide-awake and alert state of mind

Beta brainwaves are associated with normal waking consciousness. This is where we typically function so there’s nothing we need to learn here, except that while we want to have plenty of strong beta brainwaves when we’re at work or trying to concentrate, there are times when beta waves can hurt us.

Beta brainwaves are also associated stress, paranoia, worry, fear, hunger, irritability, depression, anxiety, moodiness, insomnia, and excessive mental chatter. In other words, when we’re in the grip of our fear of flying we’re squarely in the territory of beta brainwaves… and we want “out”.
2) Alpha: Calm, relaxed, unthinking, in-the-flow, receptive state of mind

Alpha brainwaves are associated with the relaxed state of mind you can sometimes find yourself in upon waking from a very restful night’s sleep (remember them?) and dreamily beginning to enter the waking world again.

Alpha brainwaves are also associated with creativity, solving problems, self-hypnosis, mental re-programming,
peak performance, learning, memory, effortlessness, peace, and comfort.
3) Theta: Deeply relaxed, meditative or trance-like state of mind

Theta brainwaves are associated with an extremely relaxed state of mind people often achieve through various forms of meditation and breathing techniques or on the edge of sleep.

Theta brainwaves are also associated with waking dreams, stress relief, and recalling long-forgotten memories, hypnosis and self-programming using pre-recorded guided imagery suggestions, flashes of creative visualization through vivid imagery, openness and connectedness to other people, heightened problem-solving abilities, insight and intuition, increased motivation, and superior ability to learn.
4) Delta: Deep, dreamless sleep

Delta waves are associated with deep sleep while your body is regenerating and healing itself and resetting its internal rhythms. It does this while you are totally unconscious and not dreaming.

Delta waves are also associated with renewal, healing, rejuvenation, and strengthening of the immune system.

We’ve incorporated special music that helps ease your brain first into Alpha waves (relaxation and visualization) and then Theta waves (deep relaxation and meditation) to strengthen, complement and enhance the effectiveness of our guided imagery recordings.

Click the button to begin your cure in just minutes from now:

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What’s so good about Flying Phobia Master™?

[ ](https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?i=988153&c=cb&cl=183202) Here are some of the advantages you get with Flying Phobia Master™ over every other solution out there we know of:
An effective solution that works regardless of the unique and varied combination of specific individual fears that have led to your fear of flying. One single product that offers a complete solution so you don’t have to figure out which version of the product is best for you. You can keep your suffering from flight phobia to yourself. No one needs to know you ever had it. You can avoid the time and expense of in-person therapy or counseling. You get a solution that works quickly enough to be practical and appealing even if you’re fretting about flights you already have scheduled. You get a solution that is very easy to use. It doesn’t require a lot of effort, study or practice and you don’t have to develop any new skills. This way, you don’t have to study and remember information you have no real passion to learn in the first place. You get a gentle solution that doesn’t require you to take the brute force approach of directly confronting your fears repeatedly until you
become “desensitized” to them. This approach is harsh and might drive your fears more deeply underground rather than root them out. You can avoid the time, expense, and logistical complications of working directly with a professional therapist. You can avoid the need for strong drugs and their potential negative side effects including possible dependency issues. Since we’re newcomers breaking into an already-established marketplace, we’re introducing our product at such a low price that you can easily afford to try us out.
What’s included with the Flying Phobia Master™ product?

Flying Phobia Master™ is a simple two-step solution packaged as two separate and complimentary audio recordings designed for use in sequence.

Audio Recording One: Pre-Flight Stress Relief

This is an MP3 recording of guided imagery and brainwave music you use to reduce your anxiety about the flight you’re planning to take. You listen to this at home once a day before you take your flight to reduce your stress and anxiety about your trip before you board the plane. This recording plays for about 40 minutes.

Audio Recording Two: In-Flight Stress Relief

This is an MP3 recording of guided imagery and brainwave music you use to reduce your anxiety about the flight you’re in the middle of. You listen to this right on the plane one time, or as long as long as you need, to reduce your stress and feel calm and confident. This recording is also about 40 minutes long.

Remember to bring some sort of an MP3 player with you on your flight. This might be your computer, your smart phone, or any device you’ve loaded the file onto in advance of boarding the plane.

Remember to wait until the Captain says it’s okay to use your electronic devices. There’s a short period of time around take-off when their use is typically prohibited. So don’t worry about this. Just be prepared for it so it’s not a shock when they ask you to turn off your device. You’ll be able to turn it back on soon…

That’s it. This is the whole program. These two professionally produced, scientifically designed and artfully executed multi-layered recordings are all you need to overcome your flight phobia. You’ll get more detailed instructions and suggestions when you download Flying Phobia Master™.


You’ll never need anything else.

How am I supposed to Use the Flying Phobia Master™ recordings?

You can listen to Audio Recording One as often as you like in the month or couple of weeks before your planned flight. On average, listening to Recording One at least once a day for two weeks should be enough. If your fears are mild one week should be plenty and even the most severe cases should yield to a breakthrough level of relaxation in 30 days.

Listening to Recording One will most likely prove therapeutic for other areas of your life as well, in addition to preparing you for the dreaded flight. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself more self-confident and relaxed in other situations that used to make you nervous. You’ll find this a welcome side-effect of using Recording One.

Recording One contains a "CRC" session, meaning "Calmness, Relaxation and Confidence". This includes a guided imagery section where you create a safe, beautiful, peaceful haven in your mind. You can draw on the qualities of this energy whenever you want to feel calmer, more relaxed, and more confident.

Recording One also helps you re-frame the language used unwittingly by airlines which is guaranteed to make a nervous flier increasingly frightened.

You can listen to Audio Recording Two a day or two before your actual flight. You can also listen to Recording Two in the departure lounge and during the flight itself, whatever you like.

Recording Two helps you relax, and using guided imagery, allows you to see the flight going well. You can see yourself going all the way from arriving at the airport to landing at your destination without any issues at all… feeling relaxed, happy and looking forward to whatever you have flown to your destination for.

Remember, the unconscious mind cannot tell the difference between something real and something vividly imagined. The use of all of your senses triggered in your mind by the guided imagery helps you to become fully immersed in this thoroughly pleasant experience.

How is it packaged? Two audio CDs shipped? Shipping charges extra?

Flying Phobia Master™ is delivered as a pair of digitally-enhanced MP3 files which are available for download immediately after payment.

You don’t have to wait for anything to arrive in the mail and there are no shipping and handling charges to worry about. Our whole approach is built to help you fast.

How long do I need to listen before I feel comfortable getting on an airplane?

The question of maximum benefit is different in each case because every person is unique. As a general rule of thumb, we advise listening to Recording One most days for at least two weeks before the flight, although in many cases one week will do the job. Since there’s no way to know in advance, however, we recommend two weeks just to be safe.

The more severe your phobia, the longer you should use Recording One before your flight. Someone who just doesn't like flying very much and simply wants to feel better about it would probably feel the benefits they want after listening to each recording just once.

Similarly, someone who is seriously phobic and would rather not see a therapist in person, should use Recording One daily for about a month before the flight. Then use Recording Two daily for two or three days before the flight and again during the flight if you wish to.

For many people, your first flight after using the recordings will be surprisingly comfortable and you will experience a dramatic reduction in your levels of anxiety. This experience in itself will help you feel much better about future flights and you may never need to use the product again after that first flight.

The experience of listening to these recordings, however, is an extremely positive and enjoyable one so you may choose to listen to Recording Two just before or during many future flights even though you don’t feel a need to. In any case, the bulk of the work will be done once your first flight is successfully completed.

If you are a particularly phobic traveler, you may need to repeat the use of both recordings several times before you really feel fine on airplanes, but this definitely applies to a small minority of people.

And even if you fall into this extremely fearful category, you should feel a distinct improvement every single time you fly. After your first flight, you will probably only need to use Recording One for a single week before your next flight. And you should be fine using Recording Two just the day before and during your flight.

Quite obviously, these recordings help you achieve dramatic improvements very quickly even if you’re an extreme case.

Everyone will show improvement each time they fly. Pretty soon you’ll just use Recording One the day before your flight and Recording Two on board the flight or in the departure lounge before hand.

Still, these recordings will always remain a useful resource you can come back to if you wish.

How long can I expect my results to last?

Once you’ve finished the program and completed your first flight, your improvements should last forever.

Review and Summary of Major Benefits:
Fly without fear Travel to distant places fast Avoid the hassles and expense of having to drive very long distances Save money (it often costs more to drive long distances than to fly) Increase your Self-confidence Improve your social life (you can fly with family and friends and not feel left out) Enjoy air travel rather than fearing it Visit distant friends and relatives without anxiety, and more often Visit places you’ve been unable to travel to before and always wanted to Gain the satisfaction of having overcome a huge personal challenge
Our 100% Money-Back No-Questions-Asked Guarantee:

If you're unhappy with our product for any reason you have 60 days to return it and get a refund. That’s a full three months to get 100% of your money back. No questions asked. We’re not kidding about this. You have no risk. You can’t lose.

Here’s What You Should Do Right Now:

Click the [ Add To Cart](https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?i=988153&c=cb&cl=183202) button to begin your cure in just minutes from now:

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[Special Limited-Time Offer ]

Our two-stage, twin audio program normally sells for $99 but for a limited time, we’re making our early-adopter customers a very special offer.

We believe our product is good enough to dominate the market, especially at this $99 price. But for a limited time, we’ll let you have your copy for only $49 with one condition.

You have to tell us how it worked for you and what you liked about it. If you promise to send us your honest opinion about how well you liked it and how effectively it worked for you… we’ll give you half off.

And don’t worry, we’re not asking you to be dishonest. If it didn’t work well for you then just tell us that. Tell us about your problems or difficulties. That’s fine. You still qualify for this discount.

But if you take us up on this offer then you CANNOT just return the product without telling us clearly WHY you’re returning it.

If you’re willing to give us your honest feedback without fail, then for a limited time we’ll let you have it for only $49.

We’re making this seems-too-good-to-be-true offer for a limited time for one good reason. We’re brand spanking new to the market so we need to accumulate a lot of good testimonials about our product quickly.

So hurry, because as soon as we’ve collected enough testimonials to put all over our website and use in our marketing campaigns, we’re going back to our still-exceptionally-high-value price of $99.

So the choice is up to you. If you’re willing to give up the “No Questions Asked” portion of your money-back guarantee and instead promise to explain why you love our product or why you hate it when you return it, then your price is only $49. We’ll still give you all your money back if that’s what you want. For half off, you’re just promising to tell us why.

If you’d rather not be bothered with having to email us your review and just want to buy it right now and be done with it, then you can retain our “No Questions Asked” return policy and pay the standard $99 price.

It’s entirely up to you. Choose your preferred option right now while you’re excited about your new possibilities. Don’t resign yourself to the continuing painful drama of dreading air travel even one more time. Download your cure immediately and you can be listening to these seemingly magical recordings only minutes from now…
[ ](https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?i=988148&c=cb&cl=183202)
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P.S. Don’t continue to suffer endlessly… Think of the possibilities...
You have nothing to lose but your fear of flying…



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