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3 Online audio modules. Download - Stream

Written and narrated by [Mark Aiston (Click for Bio)

This package includes the exclusive "As live" feature
Introduction The skills needed to be an outsndiang MC Pre-function meeting

A good Corporate Host is rarely out of work.


3 Audio Modules

$55 AUD

Online: Download
Written and Narrated by Mark Aiston

Module 1
"As live" Hosting introduction

Module 2
Skills to be a top host (Topics include)
The importance of confidence
Walking to the stage
Your first words
Establishing a personal bond with the audience
What to do when things go wrong

Module 3
Pre-function detail (Topics include)
What is discussed
The running sheet and how to read it
Handling change
What to do when you arrive at the function
Testing the microphone



Become an oustanding MC: Another mediainsider product.

[www.mediainsider.com.au ](http://www.mediainsider.com.au)

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