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You don't have to be a divemaster to master the art of  diving...

Discover Simple Techniques That Will Rip Off Your "Newbie" Label Before Your Next Dive Trip  
Do you want to increase your bottom time, master buoyancy control, quickly equalize your ears and improve all aspects of your diving? With our simple steps, you too, will soon be acting and feeling like the seasoned divers you meet on the dive boats. No one will know that you don't have 500 dives under your (weight)belt!   



Does this sound familiar?

You're on the dive boat and getting ready to go in the water.

You can feel the anxiety mounting as you are about jump in. The divemaster described the site and there is some unfamiliar territory for you. While you are still thinking about that, now you have to try and remember all the things your are supposed to do before you get in the water.

Make a dive plan with your buddy. Do a pre-dive safety check. Put air in your BC. Hold your mask and regulator when entering the water.

The list feels like it could go on and on.

And then you get underwater and have a whole new set of things to remember and work on.

Equalize as you go down. Empty  your BC. Don't hold your breath. Get neutrally buoyant.

And then if you are doing your first night dive, wreck dive, drift dive, etc. - well forget about it. Nervous heaven.

This isn't to mention the anxiety you felt just trying to remember how to put all that gear together. After all, if you are like most recreational divers, you don't get to go diving every week. Each dive is like a new challenge as you try and remember everything you need to do.

From: Dianne Rein

Dear Fellow Diver,

It can all seem too much at times. I know because I have been there. When I first started diving, I was worried about something going wrong during the dive or looking like the “newbie” in front of the other divers.

I didn't want to be the one that couldn't descend, had little control over buoyancy or had to cut the dive short because I ran out of air. And I certainly didn't want to get the dreaded "bends". There was so much to remember and work on, it was a bit overwhelming.

Why did some divers seem so calm, cool and collected? How did they know what to do in all situations? And how did they seem to move through the water without any effort?

All reasonable questions. Since I remember what it was like and I want to help you get past that point, I have put together a straight forward user-friendly course full of tips, tricks and techniques that will help you become a safer, more skilled and confident diver in all aspects of diving.


Introducing “How To Jumpstart The Divemaster In You”:

Practical and Easy to Follow Tips That Will Bring Your Diving to the Next Level and Teach You How to Get the Most Out of Your Diving And Your Dive Trips


Certification classes only go so far. Now that you have your C-Card, you need real life experiences and tips that will help you think and act like a dive veteran even if you don't have hundreds of dives logged.

This is NOT what you were taught in your scuba certification class. That taught you the technical aspect of diving such as how pressure affects our body, the composition of the gas we are breathing, etc. I'll leave that aspect to the training agencies.


 This is the 100% practical real life side of diving. 


It's like having a down-to-earth friend answer all your questions and give you advice.

Throughout the course, I give you my real life experiences and examples in all types of situations. You can learn from my experiences - and my mistakes.

Every lesson is written in plain English - no technical jargon and undecipherable steps here.

There are 8 modules which make up this course. They cover all aspects of diving and leave no stone unturned.

Each module contains extensive tips, techniques and/or lessons on the topic at hand. Every module is strategically created in such a way that you'll see results once you have implemented the techniques discussed.

Each module in this course can stand on its' own, but taken as a whole you will have a full lineup of tips on the real-life, practical steps you can take to improve your confidence and diving skills.

It's Not One Little Tip Or Tactic That Makes
New Divers Look Like Old Pros…

If you truly want to bring your diving up to the next level, then you need to use a course that covers all aspects of diving.

The "Jumpstart the Divemaster in You" course covers all the critcal areas:




Become a Safer, More Confident Diver on Your Very Next Dive and Uncover Ways to Keep "The Bends" Away

In this module you will find:
the 4 most important scuba diving safety rules you must follow on every dive  the #1 mistake new divers make - and how you can avoid it  the 2-items you MUST have to dive safely
13 easy steps to avoid "the bends"  what you need to do before you even think about getting in the water  when is it really safe to fly after diving (we have a full section devoted to this topic for all you dive travelers) 
Every Year Over 1,000 People Are Injured While Scuba Diving. Some Even Lose Their Lives.

You certainly don't want to become part of that statistic. With this rmodule you will be well on your way to becoming the safest and most confident diver on that dive boat.

There Is No Such Thing As No Risk – But These Strategies Take You Close

As divers we know we take some risks. Like a lot of other things about our great hobby the risk of injury or DCI cannot be reduced to zero. But we can do our best to get as close as we can. This module contains

Comprehensive Information That Every Diver Should Know

  This module will:  

have you diving with more confidence on your very next dive 

make you a safer diver - with less chance of getting the dreaded bends 

have you warm and toasty on your next dives (and no, it's not a 10mm wetsuit); and teach you why you NEED to be warm 

make you look like you used that safety sausage 1000's of time before - even if it's your very first time 
have you flying with no lingering worries 

lower your chances of ever seeing the inside of a recompression chamber





Follow Our Simple Techniques And You Will Feel That Wonderful "Pop" In Your Ears Early On Your Next Dive

You'll never again have to make your buddy wait for you or abort a dive because you couldn't clear your ears. With these easy to follow tips and tricks you, too, can start your dive quickly and pain free.


If you ever had problems clearing your ears when you are diving, you know how frustrating it can be.

There you are, excited to start your dive and see all the sites underwater. You jump in, get the good to descend sign from the divemaster and you start to go down.

Then you feel it. The dreaded pain in your ears. Not again, you think. Why can I not get down easily like the rest of the dive group?

This Module Will Show You How To Get Your Ears to "Pop" Quickly and Painlessly

Simple to follow ear equalization techniques that you can try at home to see what works best for you.

We know everyone is different. What might work for one diver, may not work for the next diver. That's why we have several different methods for you to use on your next dive.

In this module you will also discover:

one technique to help equalization problems that noone seems to know about (page 43) 
five methods to use to try and clear your ears 
the single most important step to descending without ear problems 
the proper position to descend that will help with clearing your ears 
what to do if you have a cold - and what NOT to do 
Don't suffer through another episode of ear pain. Learn how to clear your ears so you can stay with the rest of the dive group.

We know it's never fun to have ear problems. Let's face it, diving is too expensive not to be able to enjoy it to the fullest. So after this module you will
be able to safely descend - on the first try  never have to hold up a dive group again  be able to enjoy all aspects of the dive  have a pain free dive 



Want To Spend More Time Enjoying Your Dive And Less Time Fiddling With Your BC? Improve Your Buoyancy Control On Your Next Dive


Nothing can take the pleasure out of a dive like poor buoyancy control.

I know because I have been there. 

However, in my search for perfect buoyancy control, I discovered that there are some simple steps you can take to speed your way to neutral buoyancy.

Once you have your buoyancy under control - look out. You will have a whole different feeling to your diving - you will be floating along effortlessly and seemingly making no movement.

No more reaching for the inflator and letting in air, letting out air. No more fighting to stay down so you can see under the coral head..you know the drill.

You will also realize a wonderful side benefit to neutral buoyancy:

Your Air Consumption Will Improve As Your Buoyancy Control Improves

Talk about killing two birds with one stone.

And I want you to get there faster than I did. Use my experience - and not your air - to end the ups and downs once and for all.

In this module you will discover:
the #1 reason why most divers have trouble getting neutrally buoyant - and what to do to correct it  a critical step you must take while you are adjusting your buoyancy underwater - it makes a HUGE  difference  the most efficient way of determining the proper amount of weight you should wear (and it is not the way you were taught in class)  easy tricks for correctly preparing your BC for descent  why you need to adjust for the effect of your wetsuit at depth and how to do it  12 steps for a safe and controlled ascent (pages 68-73)  diving exercises to practice your buoyancy control (pages 60 & 61) 
Don't suffer through another elevator ride underwater. Get closer to neutral buoyancy on your very next dive.

I wrote this module so you can get off that ride earlier than I did. It has all the tips and tricks that will have you
floating along steadily and effortlessly  enjoying a dive like you never have before   consuming less air so you can stay down longer  looking like a divemaster instead of a "newbie" 



Spend More Time Underwater. Discover Simple Tricks That Will Increase Your Bottom Time And Have You Wringing Everything You Can Out Of Your Tank

Are you fed up with having to cut your dive short or having to surface before the rest of the dive group? Want to stop the angry looks from your dive partner because he has to ascend with lots of air in his tank? Those days will soon be over... 

I remember the moment I decided I needed to learn every single thing I could about air conservation. I had been down around forty minutes when out of the corner of my eye I saw the other divers gathered around a coral head in the distance. 

I didn't know what they found and I was anxious to go and take a closer look. Then I glanced at my instruments and I could have cried, the gauge read 800 psi. My bottom time was over, I needed to turn back and head up. 

Turns out I missed a shark sleeping under the coral head! 

Are YOU missing out on the extra dive time this  course can give you? 

Sometimes In Diving You Only Get One Chance. 

Right after I missed my one chance at seeing the sleeping shark I swore I was going to make sure it did not happen again. 

I have since improved my average bottom time by well over 10%. No longer do I have to cut the dive short. 

In fact, I am usually one of the last divers to get back on the boat. I have even outlasted some divemasters! 

Now I would like to share that knowledge with you.

This section is filled with 100% practical, achievable strategies for conserving your air and wringing everything you can out of your tank. Discover
the proper breathing technique that can extend the life of your tank  the single most effective action to take if you want to stay down longer  how to use the science of movement to decrease air intake   what you shouldn't be doing underwater  the specialist kick that even old hands at diving fail to utilize. I couldn't believe the difference it made.   the surprising position trick that can have dramatic effect on your air intake 
Do you want more dive time?

You need these practical methods 
You will find something here to help you stay down longer. 

Even an extra few minutes could be the difference between a good dive and an extraordinary one. 

If you have ever lost the chance to see something amazing due to an air shortage or even if you just want to get the most out of every dive, grab a copy of these tips today. 

Because we all know; too much time spent diving is never enough.

Follow these tips and techniques and you will:

increase your bottom time significantly 
no longer have to ascend before the rest of the dive group 
make your buddy happy since he will also be able to stay down longer 
get the most bottom time for your hard earned money 
not have to stress out toward the end of a dive because you are running low on air 
feel more confident and enjoy your dive more 





Never Feel Anxious Again - Discover How To Look Like A Pro On (And Off) The Boat Even If You Don't Have 500 Dives Under Your (Weight)Belt
Have you ever felt a bit intimidated going on a boat dive? I know I have. Before I logged hundreds of dives, I always felt a little anxious before my dive. 
It seemed like all the other divers were seasoned pros and I was the only "newbie" .

If you ever felt this way - don't worry. Those feelings will soon be a thing of the past. 

I have "been there, done that." Many times over. Now you can...

Learn from my experiences so you never again have to feel nervous before even getting on the boat.

After reading the tips in this module you will know:
3 things you need to do before even thinking about getting on the dive boat  the single most important thing you can do to gain the respect of other divers  3 things you are NOT supposed to do on a dive boat  the BEST thing to do with all of your gear   what you really need to bring on the boat - and what should stay on the dock  the proper technique for exiting the boat - no matter what kind of entry the divemaster wants you to do  what you never want to do when getting back on the boat  how to exit deep water if you don't have a ladder (page 104)  the best techniques for avoiding seasickness 
Since I remember what it was like to feel like a "newbie" on the boat, I want to help you get past that point - without having to log as many dives as I did.

So don't waste any more energy and time worrying about your next dive - use this module to start feeling and looking more confident on your very next dive.

This module will  
make you feel like a seasoned veteran before you even step foot on the boat  help you walk on the boat with confidence  have you entering and exiting the water like you have done it 100's of times before  give you a stronger stomach so you won't have to be leaning over the side again  have people thinking that you must have been diving for years  - even if it has only been months 





Are You Hesitant About Doing Your First Night Dive? Or Wreck Dive? Are You Unsure Of What You Have To Do In A Drift Dive?

Follow These Simple Techniques And You Can Master All Types Of Specialty Dives

Never feel uncomfortable and/or anxious again when you hear the divemaster describe the dive site.

Wall dive? No problem. Shore Dive? Check. Drift Dive? Easy-peasy.

To get you to that point, this module covers the most popular types of diving you are likely to encounter during the course of your dive career. These include:

Night Diving 
Wreck Diving 
Drift Diving 
Shore Diving 
Wall Diving 
Deep Diving 
Each of these dive specialties has some specific guidelines you need to know.

We cover each type in detail so you will have the confidence and skills to have a fun and enjoyable dive - no matter what type of dive the divemaster throws at you. In this module, you will discover:

who you need to talk to before you consider a shore dive 
one critical criteria your first - and subsequent - night dive sites should always meet 
what you need to be on the lookout for during your deep dive (page 133) 
the most important skill you need for a wreck dive 
the one question you should always be able to answer at any point during a wall dive 
how to slow yourself down during a drift dive - and what you need to do at the end of a drift dive to stay safe 
Each of the dive specialties we cover in this section have their own special appeal and being able to do these dives confidently will make diving that much more relaxing and fun.

There is nothing like speeding along on a drift dive (but knowing how to slow down, of course!). You want to talk about fun? There's nothing like it.

So don't delay in expanding your knowledge of the different dive specialties. It will increase your joy of diving tenfold. After this module you will

confidently be able to do any type of dive 
know the proper procedure for your particular dive 
look like you have experience in all types of diving  
increase the amount of dive sites you are comfortable diving




Get the Most Out of Your Hard Earned Dollars

One of the great things about scuba diving is it always gives you an excuse to travel to some beautiful and fascinating countries/locations.

But there is always work and research to complete before you can finalise your plans and take off. I have traveled extensively to go scuba diving and in this module I share my best tips with you. You will discover

the best way to pack that scuba gear - and how it can help you avoid excessive baggage charges  
what NOT to put into your checked bag 
the most important questions you need to ask a dive shop before you sign up with them 
what you need to know about a dive shop's operations so you have the best chance of an enjoyable dive 
how to determine what to tip the dive crew - and when it may not be necessary to tip 
what you need to know about your dive location - and where you can find that information 
what you need to leave at home when you take a dive trip 
where NOT to go on a dive trip (pages 175-177)
We all work hard for our money so we want to get the most out of every dollar. After this module you will

not have to worry about your scuba gear getting damaged enroute 
know how to breeze through any screening and entry requirements 
confidently pick the best dive shop for you 
never be uncertain about tipping again 




This module may not be the "sexiest" but it may be one of the most important - it covers "Dive Etiquette & Responsible Diving". We all need to be considerate divers and continue to protect what we are all going to see underwater. 

Not that we aren't all perfectly respectful and responsible divers :). However, a little refresher never hurt anyone! Me included.

Let's face it, nothing can ruin a dive faster than some inconsiderate divers.

You have to have encountered some of these annoying specimens - they hit the coral, cut in front of you to see that fish, snap a hundred photos until the animal swims away and you miss it, stand in front of the ladder relaxing while you are trying to get on with a full set of gear, etc., etc, etc.

Once you finish this module, you know you will never be one of those annoying divers that gets the dirty look from other divers. 

Enough said.


So if you want an easy to understand and easy to implement plan for taking your diving to the next level, grab your copy of "How To Jumpstart The Divemaster In You".

I promise you won't have any formulas to look at or technical jargon to decipher – this is going to be fun and entertaining while you learn.

We will help you with all aspects of diving and make it click in your head. There will be many light bulb moments in this course as it all clicks and comes together. I relate many real life stories throughout all the lessons. I tell you what I have observed during my diving career.

You can learn from other people's mistakes.  And from my mistakes. I tell you all about those too. After all, nobody is perfect. But I learned from them and now you can too.

 This is the 100% practical real life side of diving. 

There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Use this plan to quickly master all your diving skills.

Once you finish "Jumpstart" you will be able to: 
Increase your bottom time so you won't have to surface before the others 
Relax underwater so you can really enjoy that dive once and for all

Look like a seasoned diver even if you don't have 500 dives under your belt

Walk confidently on the boat and know what to do

Descend painlessly and effortlessly - and with the rest of the group

Confidently be able to dive any type of divesite

Conquer any feelings of panic and/or anxiety

Have a safe and stress free dive

Stop fiddling with your BC and glide along steadily 

With your copy you will get techniques, tips, hints, in-depth explanations, resources, examples and real life stories that are only available in "How To Jumpstart The Divemaster In You".


    100% Risk Free Guarantee 
I'm so confident that you'll improve your diving skills and enjoy learning from our easy to implement modules, that I guarantee it.

Since I want you to be completely happy with this course, you will receive a
 60 day guarantee! 
I offer a guarantee on all my products . I stand behind my materials completely and know you'll be very happy with the content and, more importantly, the results.

However, for your peace of mind, know that a refund is available anytime for the next 8 weeks by simply emailing me if you are dissatisfied for any reason. 
Your Money Will Be Returned At The Click
Of A Mouse Button If You're Unhappy 
You just can't lose on a deal like this!
Click on "Buy Now" to Claim your copy of "How to Jumpstart The Divemaster In You". By clicking, I confirm that I have read and agree to the legal and safety disclaimers below. 
I understand that I am making a ONE TIME payment of $27. 
    [CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE NOW](https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?i=989331&c=cb&cl=175105)   
(Even if it's 2:00 AM on a Saturday) 

After your order has been processed you will immediately be taken to a download page where you will be able to access ALL of the material ... the main "JUMPSTART" course and all bonus reports. In addition, if have any trouble, you will also receive an email with a download link for your course and bonuses. The course will be in an ebook format in a .pdf file. [(What's an ebook?)](ebook.html) ([what's a .pdf file](pdf-format.html)?)

* Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. Please remember that each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any endeavor, there is no certain guarantee of success. 
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That's Not All.. 


When you place your order today you will receive 3 bonuses that were custom-created for the modules included in the Jumpstart course...

 Bonus #1

Underwater Navigation Tips

Never find yourself back on the wrong dive boat. You will learn how to navigate underwater using simple methods that you can master on your next dive. This report shows you what to look for and how to find your way back to your entry point.

 Bonus #2

Tips on Keeping Warm

Find out how to keep yourself warm while you are diving - and in between dives (and no - it is not a 10mm wetsuit!). You will also learn why it is vitally important to be warm while diving. Don't get the chills again.

 Bonus #3

Gear Maintenance Guide

You have made a big investment in your scuba gear. Now learn the best and easiest way to protect that investment. We will give you foolproof tips for making sure that dive gear will last you for many years to come.



Get Your Copy of "How To Jumpstart The Divemaster In You" Now While It Is Available At This Special Introductory Rate For scuba-diving-smiles.com Readers Only...

Yes, Dianne, I want my copy of "Jumpstart" to improve my skills and confidence while diving. I have read and agree to the legal and safety disclaimers below. I understand that I am making a ONE TIME payment of $27.

Click on "Buy Now" and Claim Your Copy.     [](https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?i=989331&c=cb&cl=175105)      [CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE NOW](https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?i=989331&c=cb&cl=175105)      YOU WILL RECEIVE YOUR COURSE AND BONUSES INSTANTLY 
(Even if it's 2:00 AM on a Saturday) 
After your order has been processed you will immediately be taken to a download page where you will be able to access ALL of the materials ... the main "JUMPSTART" course and all bonus reports. In addition, if have any trouble, you will also receive an email with a download link for your course and bonuses. The course will be in an ebook format in a .pdf file. [(what's an ebook?)](ebook.html) ([what's a .pdf file](pdf-format.html)?)

* Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. Please remember that each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any endeavor, there is no certain guarantee of success. 
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[Disclaimer](disclaimer.html)  | [Terms Of Service](terms-of-use.html) | [Safety Disclaimer](safety-disclaimer.html) | [Privacy Notice](privacy-policy.html) 


Now is the decision point. You can either get your copy of "JUMPSTART" now or not. If you don't order your copy, I wish you all the best in whatever you do and I hope you have some great diving. 

If you do decide to get your copy, you will discover powerful new strategies, tips, tricks and techniques to take your diving to the next level. You will have instant access to the full course and all of the bonus materials. Of course, there is the possibility that you will feel you made a mistake (though I doubt it:)). If this is the case, I have put in place an iron clad money back guarantee for a full 60 days if you are not happy with the material. No questions asked. Nada. Nothing. Just email me with your receipt and your money will be refunded.

Click on "Buy Now" to get your copy of "How To Jumpstart The Divemaster In You". By clicking, you confirm that you have read and agree to the legal and safety disclaimers posted above.

I understand that I am making a ONE TIME payment of $27.

[CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE NOW](https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?i=989331&c=cb&cl=175105) 
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Copyright © 2011 Dianne Rein. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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