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[ Talking to Your Kids about Sex Kit ](/component/content/article/89-ttykas-package)


Who me?

Talk to my kids about sex?

I have no idea how to even start.


The prospect of talking to your kids about sex can make even the most experienced parent feel tongue-tied and uncertain. Some parents avoid the topic and simply hope their child picks up the necessary information. Other parents struggle with what to say and when to say it.


Now there's Help: Talking to Your Kids about Sex, A Kit for Parents.

An uncomfortable topic made simple.

Parents who think they ought to address the subject of sex with their kids are correct. Here’s why:
Studies are showing that kids, whose parents talk to them about sexual issues, experience a protective effect Kids who have open conversations with parents about sexual matters are less likely, later in life, to hold attitudes about sex that include violence, objectification, and/or disrespect for self or for the opposite gender. There is help! You don’t have to do this alone. But you do have to do something if you want to prepare and protect your child.
We hear from concerned parents every day. They know that kids are seeing and hearing sexual content at younger ages than ever before. They wonder what to do.


Their concerns are valid. Consider the facts:
Elementary-aged children hear about sex from age-mates, often as early as 2nd grade. 75% of 5th grade students know something about sexual intercourse and oral sex; they have learned it from peers, the media, and the internet. (Much of their information is incomplete or incorrect.) Most kids want to know what their parents think about sex and sexuality but they don’t believe their parents are open to talking about it; kids pick up on social cues and notice that sex is one of those topics most people avoid. Over 80% of 8-16 year-old children have viewed porn online. Between 20-30% of middle school youth are sexually active and by the time they are in high school 46% report they have had sexual intercourse. The rates for oral and anal sex are increasing in the youth population; young people believe (wrongly) that sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are not transmitted with oral and anal sex. STDs can be transmitted that way and sadly, STDs are pervasive in sexually-active teens.

You may be thinking, “My child is young. He/she won’t be sexually active for a long time!”  That may be true but what you need to know is kids who get information in advance benefit. Early education along with trustworthy information builds the foundation for healthy attitudes and for safe practices, for later, when people do become sexually active. You really should start giving your child healthy messages about sex now.

Your child has already picked up a lot of information about bodies, sexuality, being male, being female, and relationships. He/she has learned from many sources, including school, TV (and other media), friends, internet sites, and you, his or her parent. Some of the information your child is taking in is high-quality information, some is low-quality information, and some of the information is just plain wrong.

Just as there are gaps between the boxes in the drawing, below, there will be gaps in your child’s knowledge and understandings about sex and sexuality. This is normal. However, as your child walks the path of adolescence, he or she may fall through one of these cracks and end up in a negative space – a place filled with harsh and undesirable outcomes related to sexuality and relationships.

Gaps in understanding and skills exist here:

Wouldn’t you like to protect your son or daughter from these negative outcomes?

Would you sleep better at night knowing that your preteen son or daughter was prepared to deal with the bombardment of sexual messages he or she will encounter?

Would you like help figuring out what to say, when to say it, and how to get started?


What if you had a guide to help you teach your kids about sex in an age-appropriate and respectful way?

Would that make your life easier?


You can relax.

This program, Talking to Your Kids about Sex, will take you by the hand and guide you and your family through the content and conversations you need to have about sex and sexuality. The program offers:

Guidance for parents Protection for kids Flexible lessons so you can adjust for your child and for the values you want to teach Highly-accessible content

Best of all, this program will take the pain and discomfort away. Included in the Talk to Your Kids about Sex package are stories, in audio format, which you can listen to with your child. The stories are entertaining yet sweet; they naturally broach the subject of sex. You, the parent, can simply listen along with your child. You don’t have to start the conversation, the program will do it for you, yet you will be in complete control of the content and the value statements you share with your child. That’s more good news!

Who put this program together? Talking to Your Kids about Sex was designed and written by a seasoned parent, medical professional and family-life specialist with over 30 years of experience. She knows what she’s doing. She has helped hundreds and hundreds of families. Her name is Amy Sluss, you can look her up and find out more about her, if you want, but here is what you really need to know:
Parents trust her Organizational leaders trust her AND hire her year after year to address families they care about. (She works with Girl Scouts, Soroptimists, National Charity League, schools, youth programs, and churches.) She is an author and an acclaimed family-life presenter who has worked with families for over 18 years. She has an amazing ability to take confusing and complicated information and make sense of it (that’s what she does in this program!). On top of all of that, she has a heart of gold and a sense of humor.
Your can trust her. She will help you.

Consider what parents who have used the program have to say.

“As a single Dad, I find myself in the position of being both the Dad and the Mom to my teenage and near-teenage daughters. The information that I learned from this program was invaluable to me. It will allow for me and my daughters to experience an even closer relationship than we already have – one with open communication and shared experiences. After all, there is no bond like the bond of a father and his daughters.” – Michael Bedard

"I have always been open to questions my kids have had about sex but as they have become teenagers, the questions have dried up as they have become less comfortable with the subject. This program helped open up the conversation again. We were able to revisit some things and bring up new topics like dating and premarital sex. The conversation was uncomfortable at first but became easier as we listened to the stories on the cd and responded to the questions. Thank you Amy for this important work.” ~Nicole Browne

Talking to Your Kids about Sex, the program for families, will fill in the cracks and gaps so that as your child traverses the road of the teen years, he or she will be on solid ground; we want your child to stay safe from negative/undesirable outcomes related to sexuality and harmful relationships.

How, exactly, does this program, Talking to Your Kids about Sex, fill in the gaps? The program addresses four distinct areas that your child will need to master:

1.       Basics of sexuality: how bodies work (this is the anatomy lesson, what most people call the birds-and-the-bees conversation).

2.       Self-understanding and self-acceptance (kids need help accepting the person they are).

3.       Healthy versus harmful relationships (relationship skills, how to tell if a relationship is a high-quality one or not).

4.       Safety skills (how to avoid addiction to pornography, relationship violence, unwanted pregnancy, STDs, and other negative outcomes related to sex and relationships).


Talking to Your Kids about Sex is more than a book. It’s a program that delivers useable tools that help families teach important facts, values, and lessons in all four of those key areas (above).

The comprehensive and trustworthy nature of the program has been noted by parents and organizational leaders. That is why programming leaders, parents, and even pastors purchase this program, Talking to Your Kids About Sex. The program helps teens/preteens gain:
Self-understanding. Confidence in self. Healthy understanding of sex, sexuality, and sexual expression. Communication skills for building healthy relationships with peers, the opposite, sex, and with parents. Accurate and trusted information to keep the teen safe from violence, self-degradation, sexual predators, and unhealthy relationships.
Parents win too. They get:
Trusted source who has taught hundreds of families (probably thousands by now). Step-by-step guide that takes the fear and uncertainty out of talking to kids about sex. Ready-to-use messages to share with young children, preteens, and teens. Confidence that they have prepared their child so that he/she knows what to do when the culture bombards him/her with sexual content (and that will happen, it’s only a matter of time).

You can trust the words of these community and organizational leaders:
“We all know we should talk about sex with our children more but we don’t know how to do it. Amy Sluss is here to help. Not only does Amy cover the content, she makes people feel comfortable and confident that they can handle it too.” –Mary Machi, mother and youth leader

“Amy Sluss presented her professional and inspiring Coming of Age series to our middle school program. Parents and students alike gathered and learned. Participants were pleased, staff was pleased, and I was pleased. I highly recommend this program and Amy's work."  – Rev. Padraig Greene, Parochial Administrator, Catholic Community of Pleasanton

“Thank you for leading this wonderful event.” – Kerry Barcellos, Programming Director, Girl Scouts of Northern California

“This is just the kind of quality programming we want to offer.” – Liz Rogers, Director of Faith Formation, Catholic Community of Pleasanton

“This is the beginning of a very long relationship! Every church should offer this program.” – Cheryl Blea, children’s ministries director, Valley Community Church, Pleasanton, CA
Talking to Your Kids about Sex is popular with preteen and teen families. However, if your family is like most families, your children are exposed, at increasingly young ages, to references and content about sex. The content comes through music lyrics, friends, TV shows, internet content, and even playground banter and chatter at school. If you’ve been able to screen your child from most of those references and images, good for you!
But as your child grows and spends more time away from you, her world will change. As they go through the preteen and teen years your kids will encounter more and more content about sex, especially in the media and in the school and after-school social environment.

It’s best if your children hear the truth from you first. This program, Talking to Your Kids about Sex can be used by families of all ages.

What do you get?

First off you get a 100% guarantee. The content and usefulness of the Talking to Your Kids about Sex program pack are guaranteed. If you are not satisfied you can have your money back. That’s how strongly we believe in our product and in the value offered in this program.

The program includes:

1.       Instruction pages for parents

2.       Interview with family-life specialist and author, Amy Sluss RN

3.       E-book, Talking to Your Kids about Sex, Beyond “The Talk”

4.       Stories for Families audio program

5.       Three sets of posters with key messages for you to print and hang up in your home

You can have all of these tools in your hands in a matter of minutes. Just click here to purchase the package. Minutes later you will be set to download the documents and audio program. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to access the text files. The audio is in mp3 format so you can listen on your computer or through any personal audio device.

It’s time to act.

Ever since your child was born you have been protecting and guiding her/him. Investing in this program, Talking to Your Kids about Sex, will help you continue the job. Your child’s future will include becoming a mature adult. He or she WILL need to learn how to become a sexually mature and a sexually responsible person. Give your son or daughter the guidance needed.


Invest today. The program is just $49.95. That’s less than it costs you to take your child out for dinner and a movie.

The program gives you and your child a lifetime of grounding in postive sexual attitudes and information.

Isn’t your child’s future worth it?


[CLICK HERE TO BUY](http://1.fab2bfem.pay.clickbank.net)

Remember, the program is 100% guaranteed.

And it was written by someone who cares about families and about the health and well-being of your child.

You can contact us for questions. Just This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

For those of you who want more details, here is a bit more about what the program includes. You will receive:

1.       Parent introductory packet: Gives parents an overview of the program with suggestions for how to use the materials. Direct and to-the-point instructions; four pages long.

2.       Interview with author and family-life specialist Amy Sluss: 23 pages of engaging conversation to inform, give confidence, and inspire parents.

3.       Three sets of posters you can print then hang up in your house: Messages and quotes speak for themselves and are handy ways to imprint messages to family members.

4.       Audio program: Stories for Families. This 28 minute audio program is a collection of stories you listen to with your kids. Questions and prompts follow each story to encourage conversation.

5.       Ebook , Talking to Your Kids About Sex, Beyond “The Talk.” This popular book is 89 pages and packed full of activities and content to help you get the job done. Table of contents follows.


Table of Contents E-book, Talking to Your Kids about Sex, Beyond "The Talk"


Getting Started

Why you should talk to your kids about sex

Realistic expectations

What we know

How to use this program

Common Mistakes and Parent Fears

Five common mistakes parents make

“I’m not comfortable talking about sex”: Identifying your own fears and misgivings

“I’m concerned for my child”: Common parent fears for their child’s well-being

Goals and Objectives

What I want for my child

Consider your teen’s goals

Suggested learning objectives for healthy sexual development by age group

Preschool years: My body is good

Elementary years: How are babies made?

Preteen and middle school years: Is my child ready?

Teen and high school years: Is everybody doing it?


Real Life, Real People

Conversations by age group

Preschool and elementary years: How are babies made?

Other conversations to start in late elementary school

Preteen and middle school years: Is my child ready?

Teen and high school years: Is everybody doing it?

Other conversations for various age groups

Take advantage of teachable moments

Real-life situations

Stories for Families

About stories

How to use these stories

Story 1: The Family Tree

Story 2: As Comfortable as a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

Story 3: Inchworms

Story 4: The Bride and Groom

Story 5: My Mother’s Gift

Story 6: Are You Talking to Me?

Values, Intimacy, and Relationships

Identify your values

Lessons and values to consider teaching

Seven types of intimacy

Relationship skills

Activities for Families


A note to teens

Activity 1: You Think Parenting Is Tough? Try Being a Teenager!

Activity 2: What Are We Waiting For?

Activity 3: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Activity 4: If It Feels Good, Do It!

Activity 5: When It’s Good, It’s Very Good; When It’s Bad, It’s Awful

Activity 6: I Never Thought It Could Happen to Me

Activity 7: Fact or Crap?

Activity 8: Yes, No, Maybe So

Activity 9: A Lost Art: Letter to a Loved One

Appendices and Resources

Appendix A: Pro/Con List for Becoming Sexually Active

Appendix B: Sex at Its Best; Sex at Its Worst

Appendix C: Fact or Crap Answers



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