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[Don’t travel without it!](http://healthytravelabroad.com/2011/07/don%e2%80%99t-travel-without-it/)
Posted on July 22nd, 2011

The purpose of this book is to encourage you to join the over 63 million Americans who travelled abroad last year. Almost half of them ventured overseas with chronic illnesses. We believe that with excellent planning and preparation, you should not hesitate to join them. There is no experience as exhilarating as visiting new places and encountering different cultures, food and customs. You’ve seen the pictures and beauty of people enjoying foreign places.The ... [read more](http://healthytravelabroad.com/2011/07/don%e2%80%99t-travel-without-it/)

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[Should You Travel Abroad?](http://healthytravelabroad.com/2011/07/this-is-a-post-title/)

Over 63.5 million US residents travel abroad annually. These travelers feel good and are eager and financially able to travel to far away lands. They travel at all ages a... [read more](http://healthytravelabroad.com/2011/07/this-is-a-post-title/)

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[Ask Your Uncle Sam](http://healthytravelabroad.com/2011/07/just-another-feature-post-2/)

To help reduce the number of destinations from which you can choose. You can access a directory of travel medicine providers from the International Society of Travel Medi... [read more](http://healthytravelabroad.com/2011/07/just-another-feature-post-2/)

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Join over 30 million Americans who ventured overseas with chronic illnesses. We believe that with excellent planning and preparation, you should not hesitate to join them. Our book shows you how.

Why this book?

There are droves of books and websites about international travel. Many are excellent; some advice is questionable. Few discuss travelling abroad with chronic illnesses and, even fewer, provide information about what to do if you get sick while in a foreign country. Our intent is to assemble reliable and accurate information for you in one place – this book. We will give links to respected websites, so that you can get additional information.


An invaluable resource for anyone planning a trip abroad. Don't leave home without it!

- Mike Lampiris, Arizona

I travel to Europe three or four times a month and always discover something new. Can't wait for Volume II.

- Jack Agnew, Utah

[July 2011](http://healthytravelabroad.com/2011/07/)
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[Don’t travel without it!](http://healthytravelabroad.com/2011/07/don%e2%80%99t-travel-without-it/) [Should You Travel Abroad?](http://healthytravelabroad.com/2011/07/this-is-a-post-title/) [Ask Your Uncle Sam](http://healthytravelabroad.com/2011/07/just-another-feature-post-2/)

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