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[](http://controleoveragressie.com/files/2011/07/DSC0010.jpg)Are you interested in Personal Development?

Hi I’m Jeroen Terpstra, trainer/coach in the field of Personal Development, Agression Management and Leadership Training. I’m also a psychiatrist by trade.

For years I have wondered why so many books on Personal Development were so complex or lacking an easy to follow structure. Being a great fan of the Age of Enlightenment, I also wondered why so many mystify becoming free. Becoming your own person, free to make your own choices, and to command full ownership of the consequences. So I made up my mind to write an Easy Guide to Personal Development.

It is an e-book (in [PDF](http://www.adobe.com/products/reader.html) format) which can be read on virtually any computer, smartphone or tablet. It contains the 7 steps that are needed, in my personal experience, to grow to that desired Freedom of Mind and Passion we call Enlightenment…

E-book will be delivered by e-mail within 24 hours after purchase

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For $14.95

[CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE](http://1.bellator27.pay.clickbank.net)

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What it contains:
A 7 step method to create cognitive, emotional en physical freedom, i.e. Enlightenment Easy, no nonsense explanation on why these steps are so important Clear examples to guide you through the steps Several Personal Development tips than many consider ‘secrets’
What you will get out of it:
A sure-fire framework in which to grow A clear, yet personal, direction in which to develop yourself A powerful way to balance yourself A powerful method to tackle any challenge An endless resource of motivation


For $14.95

[CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE](http://1.bellator27.pay.clickbank.net)


Kind regards,

Jeroen Terpstra

Bellator Illuminare International (ControleOverAgressie.com)

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