From: The Classified Files of Army Major Tim Gorman (ret)
Article Marketing Warrior
Date: ")
"You da man Tim"
"I've learned some of my most effective tactics from Tim. When is comes to article marketing Tim is the go to guy. He over delivers and provides so much value it's insane.
Tim's Article Marketing product is top notch. He goes into great detail when answering questions unlike any other article marketer I know...
This package is a true no-brainer for anyone who is sick and tired of struggling with article marketing or even for someone who is not struggling like myself. I still get pointers that I never even thought about before...
You da man Tim."
-- Dean Shainin
[Secret Ezinearticles Manifesto](
This is the only proven article marketing system guaranteed to unleash a monsoon of targeted traffic and cash generating Soldiers that will exponentially grow the money your website generates. You can be sure, these Soldiers won't quit....Period!
This complete training course shows you exactly how to:
Write Articles That Consistently Funnels Targeted Buyers & Subscribers To Your list with Click-Thru Rates As High As 94%!
How To Easily Grab Multiple Top 10 Rankings In Google Within Days, In Many Cases Hours! How To Take Advantage Of Article Syndication Strategies And Guest Blogging Opportunities! How To Avoid The Mistakes Most Article Marketers Make Causing Them To Lose Thousands Of Dollars! And Much, Much More.....
Once you have fully trained and released your Article Marketing Soldiers using my methods, you will have an unbeatable Army waging war with the search engines in order to drive buyers and subscribers to your websites with money in hand!
What you are about to see is the mind boggling statistics from MY PERSONAL article marketing account with
This is where I have successfuly used my own squad of highly trained Article Marketing Soldiers to seek out, engage and neutralize search engines allowing me to dominate any niche I choose to enter!!
My first article marketing campaign began in 2005, and the results I generated were downright amazing even by internet marketing standards. But that was when I barely knew what to do.
Since then I've been perfecting my Article Markeing Soldier training program. Now these super trained operatives outperform the competition just like my own team of Special Forces operatives.
These guys work for my online business 24/7 and 365 days a year. And my program will teach you how to do the same... If you want to make money while you sleep this course is for you.
"he is The Man when it comes to article marketing"
"I have known Tim for several years and he is The Man when it comes to article marketing. Way too many people in this weird Net marketing world fake their knowledge and pretend to be doing well when they're not. Tim is a true master of the article marketing biz.
He mentions speaking at the System Seminars in 2007 and 2008 and that is where I met him since we were both speakers at these fine events. He did indeed speak to standing-room-only crowds and gave away incredible amounts of knowledge.
What he has offered in this package will cover just about anything you can ever imagine about article marketing and if you are SERIOUS about promoting your biz with articles you need to get this fine package. Now!
There are courses that costs hundreds of dollars that don't cover anywhere near this much knowledge."
-- Sydney Johnston
[The Auction Queen](
Below are some snapshots for a typical traffic generating campaign using the same methods my Article Marketing Soldiers use to wage war with the search engines on behalf of my websites.
These results were obtained from less than 90 minutes of actual work each day. In fact, this system is so powerful that if I wanted to work several hours a day my generated income would have been much, much higher based on the traffic my articles could deliver!!!
Snapshot Of My Articles Generating Hundreds Of Thousands Of Page Views:
My articles continue sending my traffic... Even in my sleep. This system will show you exactly how to generate article page views and reader click-thrus sending visitors to your websites over and over 24/7.
Snapshot Of My Articles Generating Thousands Of Visitors (Click-thrus):
You can achieve the same type of results for your article marketing campaigns by using the closely guarded secrets I teach in this highly confidential article marketing training course.
Snapshot Of My Articles Generating Click-Thru Rates As High As 94%:
Those screenshots don't include the traffic generated from my articles at other sites such as,, from my guest blogging opportunities and from my syndicated articles.
This free and highly targeted traffic is responsible for big affiliate commissions from Clickbank, Commission Junction, Amazon, Google Adsense and four figures a month I make from selling my own products all generated from my Army of loyal Article Marketing Soldiers.
Need more Intel before making your decision?
Smart thinking trooper, below is a small sample of what you'll quickly discover in just a few minutes when you download my covert top secret article marketing training modules revealing the methods that I have successfully used for years to completely dominate niche after niche:
"MODULE 1 - Article Marketing Pre-Orientation Training"
Introduction To Article Marketing - A Comprehensive And Detailed Explanation Of What Article Marketing Is And How It Can Be Used To Accelerate The Growth And Profits Of Your Online Business.
Article Marketing Lessons Learned Over The Years- 11 Different Article Marketing Lessons I've Learned Over The Years That Have Impacted My Article Marketing Campaigns. Take Advantage Of My Years Of Article Marketing Knowledge And Experience With These Lessons Learned And Increase The ROI From Your Own Article Marketing Campaigns.
Mistakes Made By Most Article Marketers- A Detailed Breakdown Of The 12 Most Common Article Marketing Mistakes Made By Novice And Veteran Article Marketers Costing Them Thousands Of Dollars In Lost Profits. Ignore These At Your Own Risk!
This Module Is 62 Pages Long
"MODULE 2 - Article Marketing Basic Training"
What Article Marketing Is And Why It Is So Powerful - Finally Get To The Truth On Why So Many Top Level Internet Marketers Are Turning To Article Marketing In Order To Increase The Profits From Their Online Business.
How To Write A True Traffic-Pulling, Profit Generating Article - Nothing Left Unrevealed To Include, How To Write Your Title, Keywords, Summary, Body Content And Resource Box Info In Order To Win The Battle For Article Marketing Superiority! 10 Different Types Of Articles Are Revealed With Ways To Scope Out Thousands Of Examples For Each Type Of Article.
How To Successfully Combat Writer's Block - 9 Different Methods Revealed Which Will Help You Defeat The Dreaded Writer's Block. This Section Comes With An Action Worksheet, Several Hundred Article Generating Topics And Software Which Can Be Used To Find Tons Of Content To Assist Your Article Writing Efforts!
How To Write Quality Content Faster - If You Intend To Effectively Compete On The Article Marketing Battlefield You Must Be Able To Keep Up With Your Competitors When It Comes To Rapidly Creating High Quality Articles. Here Are My Top Strategies And Tips To Help You Accomplish That Objective.
This Module Is 120 Pages Long
"MODULE 3 - Article Marketing Intermediate Training"
Niche Research Article Marketing Style - Niche Research Is Vital To The Success Of Any Article Marketer's Campaigns. This Section Provides 7 Free Ways And 3 Minimal Cost Ways To Identify Profitable Niches Just Waiting To Be Exploited For Maximum Profit Potential.
Website Keyword Research - I'm Sure You Already Know The Value Of Keyword Research. This Section Covers Free And Minimal Cost Methods I Use For My Keyword Research To Include An Actual Case Study In Order To Further Illustrate My Cutting Edge Strategies.
This Section Is 55 Pages Long
Domain Name Selection - Believe It Or Not, Choosing A Proper Domain Name Can Be One Of The Most Important Things You Do To Ensure The Profitability Of Your Website. This Portion Of The Module Goes Into Great Detail Explaining How To Go About Choosing A Profit Enhancing Domain Name For Your Online Business That All But Guarantees Your Online Success.
Website Development - I Personally Guarantee That You Have Never Seen The Information Contained In This Section Before.
For The First Time I Reveal How I Setup My Profit Producing Websites By Showing You The Structure Of My Base Website, Forward Operating Bases (FOBs), Perimeter Defense Systems (PDSs) And My Receive-Transmit (RETRANS) sites.
I Also Lay The Groundwork For A Case Study That Will Be Part Of The Free Monthly Updates That Come With The Article Marketing Soldiers Course.
This Section Is 33 Pages Long
"MODULE 4 - Article Marketing Advanced Training"
Clandestine Article Marketing Strategies - In This Section I Reveal Four Of My Most Secretive Article Marketing Strategies.
Doppleganger Alpha Reveals The Exact Steps I Use To Obtain Multiple Rankings For My Websites On The First Page Of Google's Organic Search Engine Results For The Keyword Phrases I Target.
Doppleganger Bravo Reveals The Search Parameters Strings I Use To Find Articles That Have Received Lots Of Page Views So I Can Reverse Engineer Them For My Own Article Marketing Campaigns.
Doppleganger Omega Reveals The Strategy I Regularly Use To Find And Exploit Prolific Authors On Other Article Directories.
Doppleganger Zula Provides Classified Information On Using Two Different Techniques To Spy On Your Article Marketing Competitors. Technique One Focuses On The Author And The Second Technique Focuses On The Niche.
Artimorphisis - The Art Of Leveraging Your Articles - Article Marketing Is More Than Merely Writing An Article And Submitting It To An Article Directory. That's Outdated Old School Article Marketing From 5 Years Ago And It's No Longer Profitable.
If You Want To Make Thousands Of Dollars From Your Articles And Generate Thousands Of Visitors To Your Websites You Need To Effectively Leverage Every Article You Create. This Section Provides Eight Different Ways To Harness The Power Of Every Article You Write As Part Of Your Article Marketing Campaigns.
How To Generate More Page Views For Your Articles - Traffic Is The Lifeblood For Any Suucessful Website. With An Article Marketer, It All Starts With Page Views.
Find Out What The New 5 Step Article Marketing Process Is Along With Innovative Free Methods That Can Be Successfully Used To Instantly Increase Your Article Marketing Pageviews.
How To Increase Your Resource Box Click Through Rate - Once You Get A Reader To View Your Article You Need To Convert Them To A Website Visitor Using Your Resource Box.
Avoid Costly Mistakes By Dissecting Examples Of My Worst Performing Resource Boxes And Learn How To Properly Construct Website Visitor Generating Resource Boxes By Examining My Best Performing Resource Boxes.
Actual Examples Of Five Different Resource Boxes That Have A Click Thru Rate Ranging From 58% To As High As 94%.
This Module Is 91 Pages Long
"MODULE 5 - Article Marketing Additional Skills Training"
SEO And Keyword Research - This Module Focuses on Providing Additional SEO Information To Include On-Site Optimization For Keywords And Off-Site Optimization For Your Website With Examples From Market Samurai And The Paid Version Of Word Tracker To Identify Profitable Keyword Phrases For Your Article Marketing Campaigns
Niche Research For Profitable Markets - Learn A 4-Step Process To Generating Profitable Niche Ideas That Leave Your Competitors In A State Of Battle Shock And Fatigue. Learn How To Implement The 8-Step Niche Blueprint For Success To Ensure Complete And Utter Domination.
How To Find Guest Blogging Opportunities - Guest Blogging Is Hot And Represents One Of The Core Article Marketing Compentencies That You Must Master In Order To Truly Succeed As An Accomplished Article Marketer. This Portion Of The Module Serves As A Primer By Providing A Proven Checklist For Guest Blogging Success.
Outsourcing Secrets - Failure To Successfully Implement An Outsourcing Campaign Can Impeded Your Article Marketing Campaigns Growth. This Portion Of The Module Provides Incredibly Detailed Information On The Proper Methods To Hiring A Writer, Working With A Virtual Assistance And A Designer.
This Section Is 92 Pages Long
Article Spinning The Right Way - In This Section I Reveal The Human Factor I Consider When It Comes To Spinning An Article And How To Preperly Spin An Article For Maximum Effectiveness. Discover The Difference Between Mirror Content, Duplicate Content, Garbage/Shallow Content And How It Impacts Your Website's Online Success.
Classified Methods To Increase Article Page Views - Like It Or Not You Will Find That There Are Many Article Marketing Competitors That Utilize Classified Techniques To Artificially Inflate The Page Views For Their Articles.
This Section Cuts Through The Fog And Provides The Reasons Why These Methods Are Used And The Secretive Techniques The Top Underground Article Marketers Employ To Generate Thousands Of Page Views To Include Information On Trend Riding, PPC Exploitation And The Artificial Viral Effect.
Article Reverse Engineering Methods - This Section Teaches How To Reverse Engineer High Ranking Articles In Order To Use That Knowledge To Create Your Own Articles With An Improved Chance Of Getting Them Ranked On The First Page Of Google's Organic Search Engine Results.
A Complete Analysis Is Conducted On An Existing High Ranking Article In Order To Provide A Real Life Example/Case Study For You To Follow Along With And To Ensure Your Success And Profitability As An Article Marketer.
Utilizing Pen Names - Make No Mistake Pen Names Are A Valuable Commodity In The Article Marketers War Chest. Learn The Pros and Cons To Using Pen Names With An Emphasis On The Main Reasons To Use Pen Names And The Mistakes Most Article Marketers Make When Deciding On Whether Or Not To Incorporate Pen Names In Their Article Marketing Campaigns.
This Section Is 54 Pages Long
"MODULE 6 - Article Marketing Classified Secrets"
CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL - This Information Has Been Identified As To Secretive In Nature To Revealed On This Page.
The Only Details I Am At Liberty To Release To You Is That This Module Features Four Seperate Sections Providing The Most Extensive, Up-To-Date And Cutting Edge Information On The Following Topics:
How To Beat Google's Algorithm Updates - 62 Pages Long
Article Marketing Syndication Strategies - 72 Pages Long
Article Marketing Guest Blogging Strategies - 57 Pages Long
Press Release Strategies - 52 Pages Long
"BONUS MODULE 7 - Article Marketing Deployment Plan"
Article Marketing Deployment Plan - This Module Provides The Entire Day By Day Breakdown For A Sample Article Marketing Deployment Plan. This Plan Shows A Complete 40 Day Article Marketing Cycle In Support Of A Website In Order To Have It Ranking On The First Page Of Google, Generate Thousands Of Visitors And Dollar!
Additional Article Marketing Deployment Plans Will Be Released On A Regular Basis After They Are Battle Tested And Confirmed Ready For Deployment.
This Module Is 26 Pages Long
"BONUS MODULE 8 - Article Marketing Swipe File"
Article Marketing Swipe File - A Complete Article Marketing Swipe File Containing Hard Core Information Making You A Devasting Article Marketer Able To Crush All Of Your Competitors.
This Module Reveals The Following Information:
10 Article Starter Ideas
Hundreds Of Article Title Ideas
Thousands Of Niche Specific Article Titles - You Will Never Find This Information Anywhere Else
Hundreds Of Article Marketing Power Words And Phrases
An Article Editing Checklist
Dominating In 5 Simple Steps
This Module Is 52 Pages Long
" BONUS MODULE 9 - Monthly Article Marketing Classified Updates"
Monthly Article Marketing Soldiers Classified Updates - This Is Perhaps The Most Important And Valuable Module Of The Entire Article Marketing Soldiers Course. Every Buyer Of The Course Will Receive FREE Monthly Updates To The Article Marketing Soldiers Core Material.
This Cutting Edge Information Will Keep You Up-To-Date On All Article Marketing Related Information Ensuring That You Continue To Effectively Form Your Article Marketing Soldiers And Train Your Them So You Can Effectively Deploy Them With The Objective Of Seeking Out And Crushing The Enemy!!
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This is a complete traffic generating, income creating article marketing system that generates thousands of dollars every month for me even while I sleep. My unique strategies to create income using nothing but articles has helped hundreds of marketers achieve their dreams of leaving the rat race far behind.
My Article Marketing Soldiers system is exactly what you need to finally start making money online today with articles.
Listen, if you are still having doubts about what this course can do for your article marketing campaigns then trust me when I tell you, that I have been where you are, I know the frustrations of not being able to make money with an online business and I know what its like to work into the wee hours of the morning day in and day out.
I designed this system so that anyone, from a new Internet Marketing recruit with no battle experience to a seasoned article marketing veteran, will be able to quickly apply what I teach and be able to drive more traffic to your website then ever before and make more money then you thought possible.
"Every aspect of article marketing is covered"
"As far as I'm concerned, Tim is the man when it comes to article marketing. Not only that, but he is incredibly helpful and when it comes to his products he over delivers in a BIG way. I don't think 'over delivers' does this particular one justice though. It's probably the most in-depth guide to anything I've ever seen here in the WSO forum. This is an absolutely RIDICULOUS price for everything offered. It almost doesn't feel right that for that measly sum I have all this information from someone who is a master of his craft available to me.
I bought Article Marketing Lifeline last year and was blown away by it. I have applied some of what I learned, but nowhere near enough. This is bigger and better and I am soaking up the information every single day. There is absolutely masses of information and tutorials on every single aspect of article marketing within.
Tim shares all his strategies and explains why he gets the results he does and how a lot of people are making mistakes that will hinder their ability to get eyes on their articles, traffic to their websites and money in their pockets. Every aspect of article marketing is covered. On top of that there are monthly updates. I really don't know what more you could want from an article marketing guide. This has it all.
Thanks Tim, and for anyone sitting on the fence about buying this, just do it! You won't regret it."
-- Liam Hamer
[Warrior Forum Member](
"He has clearly demonstrated his expertise in article marketing"
"I was happy to purchase Tim's product during pre-launch. Whenever Tim Gorman says anything about article marketing, people--including me--listen. He has clearly demonstrated his expertise in article marketing.
I am still working my way through all of the different modules of this course, but I have already picked up some excellent strategies that I am implementing. The problem with article marketing is that people either do too little and give up, or they do too much without a strategy. Tim's course gives you the knowledge and skills to analyze your own niche and lay out a strategy that will make each and every article more effective.
Using a military style analogy, if you want every bullet to hit the mark, then a sniper rifle is better than a machine gun. This course can move you beyond spray and pray so you can take out the competition and be victorious in your business."
-- Art Turner
[Warrior Forum Member](
"This course is going on my writing reference shelf as one of the classics"
"I got Article Marketing Soldiers just a bit ago. I have been a freelance SEO writer since 2008 and I have personally written over 500+ articles along with ebooks, online courses, manuals and a ton of website content.
So I thought I pretty much knew just about everything there was to know about web writing, especially article marketing.
I was wrong!
I am only on the second module of Tim's course and I have been discovering new insights and techniques to improve my writing skills on almost every page. I have ten pages in my legal pad covered with notes and new ideas scribbled along the margins.
I have even gone back into my EZA account to "fix" some of my under-performing articles based on just a few of the ideas I got from Article Marketing Soldiers.
This course is going on my writing reference shelf as one of the "classics". There's only a handful of article marketing guys and gals that I follow here on WF and Tim Gorman is one of them."
Thanks Tim!
-- Chancer
[Warrior Forum Member](
The simple truth is, it could take you years to figure out the information I'm providing in this power packed article marketing course.
But instead of getting all stressed out and completely frustrated trying to figure everything out on your own, you can now have all this classified information at your fingertips that covers every angle of creating a profitable article marketing campaign!
I know for a fact that there are many expensive $97 article marketing courses out there that will give you some nice, rehashed information without providing the real secrets you need to succeed.
Frankly, some of these reports deliberately leave out the key details, those that really MATTER and makes the difference between a profitable online business and a failing one!
Even worse, if these outdated methods do work, the learning curves are often too steep and probably only work for a handful of experienced marketers who are already making money online.
For that very reason, I took it upon myself to painstakingly create my full article marketing training manual in a simple to follow manner so that even if you are a complete newbie, you will understand it. I explain with screenshots, illustrations and examples so that nothing is missed out.
By now, you are probably asking yourself just how much is this classified, cutting edge, underground information going to cost me?.
Listen, I REFUSE to charge you $127, $97, even $67 for this course....Instead, today
Take up the challenge of training and leading your own squad of Article Marketing Soldiers... To Win Big in the Affiliate Income War for only...
Only $97 $37.00!
Yes, Tim! Give Me My Instant Access To The "Article Marketing Soldiers" Classified Training.
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Orders Made Through Clickbank - 24/7 Instant Download Access
To Your Success!
PS - There's really no time to lose. My "Article Marketing Soldiers" system is a simple to duplicate traffic/income generating system that is extremely powerful for those who use it. Plus, there is really no risk involved since this is backed by a full 60 day 100% money-back guarantee.
PSS - You have struggled long enough. It's time to really supercharge your sales and finally take action on something that really works well! Make things happen for you and your family now!
Don't Delay Your Basic Training Any Longer - Click To Download Now!
"Tim's product was superior in every way"
" I also purchased Tim's product during pre-launch. I've taken other article marketing courses including one from an "expert" that cost $97 so I didn't expect to learn much more from Tim's product - and I didn't learn much more - I learned a lot more! There was no comparison. Tim's product was superior in every way.
The term over deliver under delivers on what you should expect. You will be shocked. 7 modules of instructions (12 downloadable files - 2 are being up dated Due To Recent Google Algorithm Change so a total of 14 files) and monthly updates. I highly recommend Article Marketing Soldiers to anyone who is or considering article marketing.This is absolutely a must have. Well done, Tim!"
-- George Author
[Warrior Forum Member](
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