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[ THE WIZARD’S OUTRAGEOUS SCHEME FOR STOPPING SMOKING ](http://stopsmokingwiz.com/the-wizards-outrageous-scheme-for-stopping-smoking/)

Wednesday, July 13th, 2011 at 1:01 pm  
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“How WIZ Got To Be Number One!”
(Day Three–Weds.–7-13-11)

Dream #1
I finally get a
deposit ready to

give the banker–
who is nearby.

After the deposit’s
been given him–it dawns

on me that I
have just picked up

another check and so
proceed to get in touch

with an old friend
who is somehow

helping me with this. She
arrives with a trailer.

I meet her at
the door and go

over to my car to
get the check–but then see

plainly that the
car the check is

in is not the car I
have somehow driven out

in…So my friend
has to re-do

the trailer device that
she has unhooked…I am

so sorry and

for the inconvenience
I have caused her–and go

back inside and
note the banker

and an associate
of his in another

room–busy with
what they’re about.

Dream #2
I’m talking with someone
about how I do some

writing: I say
someone gets a

theme and then proceeds to
methodically work

on all of the
subthemes involved.

I get an idea
and simply deal with it

out of my own
sense of what is

appropriate as well
as what’s “material”

for me to put
in the writing.

Dream #3
I can only recall
one phrase out of the dream:

…”Name Joints are the
Name Joints Section…”

Dream #4
I just recall being
on my way back from a

place–hearing there
is some flooding–

and see a road ahead
that I’m supposed to take–

looking pretty
flooded over.

I don’t know how I get
from there onto a field

that’s totally
white–its surface

neither snow nor sand–I
really don’t know what it

is–but I seem
to be able

to sway on it–and it
sways with me…No one is

in sight, and it’s
an awesome place.

[ “How WIZ Got To Be Number One!”(2) ](http://stopsmokingwiz.com/how-wiz-got-to-be-number-one2/)

Tuesday, July 12th, 2011 at 1:07 pm  
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Day Two–Tuesday–(7-12-11)

Dream #1
My wife is concerned with
the fact that she can’t go

to bed and sleep
when I do–at

eight thirty p.m….She
is visibly upset;

and I attempt
to console her…

She’s exasperated
that it’s ten already,

and she hasn’t
been able to

get to sleep…We head towards
the kitchen–with my arm

around her waist–
to comfort her.

Dream #2
I’m in a tavern just
observing a guy talk

about all of
his involvements…

Not only has he this
tavern, but he runs a

food service at
another place–

owned by a friend of my
son’s…I am surprised that

he’s involved there,
since it’s always

been my impression that
this friend and his parents

their enterprise

all by themselves–without
other people involved.

So what I guess
I realize

is that sometimes what has
the appearance of one

entity that’s

something is in fact not
actually the way it

is…While I take
in all of this,

a little boy pushes
open a couple of

tall wooden doors
and looks out on

the world outside…It is
something I remark to

my wife about
who’s next to me.

I am standing on a
sort of boarded up hole

in the floor and
am now told by

the proprietor, “You
don’t want to fall and ruin

your Birkenstocks!”
And I turn and

say, ‘No, I surely don’t
want to fall on my ass!’

(I’m startled by
how I respond.)

Dream #3
I’m observing a guy
who’s involving himself

in a couple

he has no credentials
to be doing…In one

scene I see him
posing like an

examining doctor
using some massaging

device on a

woman’s bosoms…At last
there’s a conversation

he has to have
with someone–where

he is on his cell phone–
standing outside his car–

starting to tell
the person on

the other end that he
has done some things…as he

I did has been

already committed”)–
and I think leading up

to some statement
of apology,

but with the conclusion
that nothing really bad

has occured that
has done much harm.

Dream #4
As I arrive at the
office, two fellows are

waiting to see

men…I tell them they each
have fine minutes with me.

When they protest,
I say, ‘Look…I’ve

got a lot of stuff to
do–I wasn’t planning

on discussing
insurance now.’

One guy comes into the
conference room where my

whole office force
is assembled

for something…and this guy
sits down right in their midst.

Then he asks, “Do
you need any

guns?” Apparently I
have some sort of thing I

have guns involved
with, but not real

guns–just ones that somehow
simulate the shooting…

He has real ones…
(No interest.)

[ “How WIZ Got To Be Number One!”(1) ](http://stopsmokingwiz.com/how-wiz-got-to-be-number-one1-2/)

Monday, July 11th, 2011 at 12:17 pm  
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Day One–Monday–(7-11-11)

For becoming more and more aware–through love–of How WIZ Got To Be Number One–Today I’ve improved in My Instinctive Force–with the right guidance from on point dreams:

Dream #1
I have a one line dream:
“Who is Lois Harkins?”

That’s not a name
I recognize.

Dream #3
There’s something about my
parent’s search for candor.

(Either a wake-
up thought or dream…)

Dream #2
I seem to be looking
for a file on stopping

smoking…I am
sure I have one–

But I’m not sure where I
placed it…I peruse a

cabinet or
two–and even

seem to cruise along a
street looking for some signs.

En route I see
some scorched trees, too.

[ “How WIZ Got To Be Number One!” ](http://stopsmokingwiz.com/how-wiz-got-to-be-number-one/)

Monday, July 11th, 2011 at 12:01 am  
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I am hereby going
to introduce a new

method in the
art of seeking

a goal…It follows quite
closely with the method

that I show you
in “The Wizard’s

Outrageous Scheme…” (that I
strongly urge you to opt

my pursuit now

–instead of showing you
how to stop smoking–will

show you how WIZ
has got to be

Number One (of all the
stop smoking programs that

are out there for
folks to learn from).

So if you are at all
interested in my

pursuit, it will
start tomorrow.

Hopefully, you’ll see how
nocturnal dreams work in

conjunction with
Seven Forces

to honorably achieve
the goal that I have sought.

‘Till tomorrow…
It’s Humbler Acts.

[ Hints About The #1 Stop Smoking Secret ](http://stopsmokingwiz.com/hints-about-the-1-stop-smoking-secret/)

Thursday, April 21st, 2011 at 12:51 am  
[Comments (8)](http://stopsmokingwiz.com/hints-about-the-1-stop-smoking-secret/#comments)

I am certain that few people understand the dynamics in stopping smoking…

What they have been doing ever since smoking got to be Public Enemy One is to grasp at some straws that seem vibrant without any understanding of the overall truth–which is complicated in the abstract, but can be made quite understandable–using the method that I’ve developed informally…

I invite anyone who is interested in becoming a “butt kicker” to dare to get involved in two newfound secrets.

I guarantee you’ll find relief from your smoking habit and be challenged to be a free person from that habit.

Recent Posts

[THE WIZARD’S OUTRAGEOUS SCHEME FOR STOPPING SMOKING](http://stopsmokingwiz.com/the-wizards-outrageous-scheme-for-stopping-smoking/) [“How WIZ Got To Be Number One!”(2)](http://stopsmokingwiz.com/how-wiz-got-to-be-number-one2/) [“How WIZ Got To Be Number One!”(1)](http://stopsmokingwiz.com/how-wiz-got-to-be-number-one1-2/) [“How WIZ Got To Be Number One!”](http://stopsmokingwiz.com/how-wiz-got-to-be-number-one/) [Hints About The #1 Stop Smoking Secret](http://stopsmokingwiz.com/hints-about-the-1-stop-smoking-secret/)

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