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Dear Online Business Owner,

These days, it's no longer enough to have a fantastic,
information-packed website. Your market is looking for interactive,
hands-on learning opportunities, and you can rest assured your
competition is providing just that in the form of live webcasts and
virtual events.

Yet with all the hours you're already putting in just managing your
business, it can seem an impossible task to learn (and master) another
marketing tool. There just aren't enough hours in the day.

But I've got good news for you...

My four-part video series will walk you step-by-step through the
process of planning, scheduling, hosting, and profiting from webcasts,
quickly and easily. It starts at the very beginning and holds your
hand every step of the way. And best of all, it's ready whenever you
are and you'll be able to work at your own pace.


Webcasts offer a lot of benefits, not only for your customers, but
for you as well. They're flexible, interactive, memorable, and most of
all, your market will love them. Let's take a look at what a
well-planned webcast can offer you and your customers.

Perhaps the ultimate benefit of a webcast is the ability to host or
attend from anywhere. No traveling out of town, no hotel stays, and no
need for a new wardrobe. Just turn on your computer and you're ready
to attend - or even host! Customers will appreciate the ability to
learn from you without the need to buy a plane ticket, and you'll love
that you can host an event for dozens of people without booking an
expensive meeting room.

The best webcasts are interactive, memorable, and position you - the
presenter - as an expert in your chosen field. In this way, even free,
lead-generation webcasts can have a fantastic ROI, growing your
followers and helping to increase your profits through sales on the
"back end."


Tackling your first webcast can be a daunting experience. There are
so many details to plan - who to host with, when to schedule, how
often to send reminders, and let's not forget the format. Add to that
the fact that webcasts are live, and you might just find yourself
putting this profit-pulling event on the back burner...again!

Stop selling yourself short! You CAN do this. You just need a guide
to show you the way. And that's exactly what my four-part video series
is designed to do.

In these videos you'll discover everything you need to know about
hosting popular, profitable webcasts, including:

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