[ Douglas J. Martin ](http://theweeklysalesbeast.com/)
[ The Weekly Sales Beast](http://theweeklysalesbeast.com)
The World’s Leading Sales Educational Resource
Sales Professionals and Entrepreneurs
Finally, an affordable tactic that brings sales skill development and attitude empowerment directly to you…
… in about the time it takes to drink a cup of coffee.
(and for less money)
You already know that staying on top of your sales game requires a strong work ethic, great organizational skills, commitment and drive. It also requires professional sales skills development and strong internal motivational attitudes. Two tough components to acquire in a no-time world fraught with business challenges and disappointment.
The Weekly Sales Beast tackles the two toughest challenges Salespeople and Entrepreneur’s face! Skills Development and Motivation. And I do it in the most Unique way!
Like you, I’m a professional entrepreneurial salesperson out in the trenches everyday. I found I had a gift for being able to reiterate my selling experiences through humorous story telling, driving key sales lessons along the way. As a hobby, I would journal them and, from time to time, send them out to a client or two. Throughout my selling career and from lectures I would do, I gathered a small following of salespeople who began asking for copies of my stories. Many suggested I write a book – but I’m not an author; I’m a salesman who tells great stories. So each week, a few hundred people would get an email with my latest musings and a solid sales lesson.[](http://theweeklysalesbeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/motivate.jpg)
The feedback I received was beyond encouraging. The incoming commentary really reinforced what I was hoping to achieve. To have a conversation with a salesperson, about selling. I wanted to bring my readers into my situation so I was speaking with them, not to them and share what I’ve learned about selling in an authentic and humorous manner.
Ultimately I had to make a decision as to how to manage my story lessons and The Weekly Sales Beast was born. A series of weekly applicable sales lessons you can implement or avoid in your own territory or marketplace.
Each piece I write in The Weekly Sales Beast tackles a single aspect or situation most frontline sales people encounter, and always something I’ve experienced personally, somewhere in my selling career. As a subscriber, you’ll benefit from my experiences while you relate it to your own.
The most unique sales educational product in existence.
You’ve probably seen too many data-dump sources in the sales world where tips and systems are bulleted out and are nearly impossible to duplicate, initiate or substantiate. Quickly filed away under “I’ll never look at this again”. The Weekly Sales Beast is different; it’s NOT a dry and academic read. It’s a 5-minute mentor. Each week, a thousand word story arrives in your email box in a clean non-commercial design that will take you 5 minutes to absorb, not including the time you will spend laughing.
Life Changing? I think Not.
Subscribing to The Weekly Sales Beast won’t transform you into anything more than what you already are, a good salesperson or dedicated entrepreneur. It won’t make you rich overnight; it won’t change your life forever. You don’t believe claims like that anyway because you live in this crazy new place called the real world. What it will provide you with is ongoing reinforcement that even though selling is a tough job, and it is that, others have walked in your shoes and have learned a few [](http://theweeklysalesbeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/istockphoto_288691-sky-is-the-limit.jpg)[](http://theweeklysalesbeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/balance.jpg)lessons along the way.
You will feel connected and you’ll be amused as I scribe the lighter side of heavy selling each week. The knowledge I share may open your pressure valve a little or simply make you slightly better in certain situations. But most importantly, you will know that you are not alone in your challenges.
So, for about the cost of a cup of coffee each week, we’ll spend five or six minutes together in your head, talking about what I love to talk about, selling. There will be a feeling of empowerment and a renewed commitment to your mission, and we’ll do it together, each week.
Empowerment and Knowledge for the price of a coffee?
Ask yourself this. If you could share time with a sales master every week for under $3.00 and learn from that wealth of experience, would you do it? Of course you would. It is the single best business investment you will ever make – investing in your own growth and development. And the best part is, I’ll be with you EVERY week. This is NOT a single shot download that quickly gets forgotten, we are partners along a long and evolving path. Your path to enhanced success.
The Weekly Sales Beast is absolutely worth 3 bucks but WAIT – THERE’S MORE! (I love that line made famous by the late great Billy Mays)
Subscribe through this page and you will also get something rather unusual, my phone number and personal email address. There are times when we all encounter a weird sales challenge, a personality issue we can’t wrap our heads around, a positioning situation that needs a slightly different perspective, or you simply need a kick in the pants. Pop me a line or give me a shout. We’ll hash it out.
[](http://theweeklysalesbeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/istockphoto_8352989-relaxed-businessman.jpg)[](http://theweeklysalesbeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/business-man.jpg)And that’s why I’ve chosen to sell subscriptions rather than open the floodgates to anyone who has a computer. I’d far rather surround myself with sincere professionals, who understand and appreciate the value of professional development.
I’d be delighted to have you join me. Your initial subscription charge will be $39.99. You will then be charged $9.95/month for 11 months after your initial payment has been made. You’ll receive a total of 52 Weekly Sales Beast story segments. You could easily spend more on a deluxe coffee at Starbucks.
Once your subscription has been approved through ClickBank, you’ll receive a Thank You page with a PDF download of The 10 Best Beasts ever written, then each week I’ll email you the access link to new edition which can be read in any browser.
Subscriber Bonus: 10 Free Nuggets of Knowledge
Sign up today and you will immediately receive, the Ten Best Beasts Ever Written. I know you’ll be anxious to start devouring the Weekly Sales Beast content, so I’ll send my favorite 10 stories instantly upon completing your subscription. That will hold you over until the regular delivery cycle appears on Sunday evening.
The best sales professionals and business people in the world invest in their development and with your decision to subscribe, you are about to become one of them, congratulations.
Douglas Martin
As a customer, your satisfaction is of my highest concern. If you have questions or need to contact me simply click this contact me highlight, it goes directly to my personal email account.
[Subscribe Now!](http://1.epigbeast.pay.clickbank.net)
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