Tired of Hearing The Word No, When Asking Banks For Money? Our Free Money Sources Say Yes! No Credit Or Collateral Needed!
GrantMoneyForMe.com provides you with all the information you need in order to obtain Free Private Foundation Grants, Free Government Grants, Free Small Business Grants, Free Minority Grants, Free Education Grants, Free Housing Grants, Low Interest Loans, No Interest Loans and More.
If you can copy my sample letter and lick one stamp, you are on your way to receiving thousands of dollars in free grant money. Billions are passed out every year by foundations that must give money away to maintain their tax status. If you could use $10,000 to $250,000, or more, I must hear from you now. People like you are getting thousands of dollars in grants every day. From the simple mailing of a letter, you could get your needed grant money today.
The main requirement for this windfall money is a simple letter. Qualifying for one program is easy; in fact you could probably qualify for many programs. Some people qualify for hundreds of programs! If you are Black you have already qualified for 15 programs; being Hispanic is even better. Being a Christian will get you into 20 programs. Not having any money will get you over 27 programs.
The list is endless. If you can copy my sample letter, your needed cash could be yours this week! I am positive you could get your badly- needed money from these organizations, because they have only one goal: their goal is to give money away. In fact, they MUST give money away to keep their foundation status. The law requires them to give money to whomever they wish. Are you getting any of it? A simple letter will get your foot in the door. Applying for the right program will get you the money you need.
How about $20,000 to $500,000 in money that you never have to pay back? This is a cash windfall that is yours to keep forever, with no obligation to ever pay it back!
I can show you how you can be eligible for these types of foundation grants, in many cases regardless of your need. Do whatever you want to do with this money and never ever pay it back.
This money is very easy to get and people just like you are getting thousands every day. In some cases just for having a certain last name or just by being Black. All you have to do to be eligible for this money is write a simple letter.
Typing the letter isn't even necessary. You can type it if you want, but whether you do or not, you will still get the money you need. All this for writing a simple letter to the right foundation or individual! In fact, I show you what to put in your letter and who to write to.
If you are not currently getting any of this free money, you had better read every word I have to say. You must because this will be the most important message you will ever read in your life.
I am 100% sure you will qualify for at least one of the "money giveaway" programs. Many people can qualify for hundreds of programs. I don't want you to worry about how many programs you can qualify for because many of these grants are for hundreds of thousands and some are for millions of dollars. All you have to do is qualify for ONE to win! In this ad, I will tell you what you have to do to get some of the billion dollar treasure waiting for you, all this for mailing a simple letter.
If you know your name, address and phone number, and what you want to do with the money you will receive, you will get your "cash prescription" filled... sometimes in days. I reveal to you all the ways you can get a grant which doesn't have to be paid back, from the grant agencies, foundations and separate trusts.
They all give away billions every year to common, everyday people just like you. All of this from a simple letter!
Handwriting a letter is as far as you have to go to get your money from many foundations. Surprisingly, millions of people who are eligible for grants are unaware that money is available for their use. These private foundations and separate trusts, who make available thousands of programs, must give away money to maintain their tax status and are constantly searching for cash recipients. In many cases you can get the money for any purpose.
Government Housing Grants
Billion's of dollars in financial aid is currently available from thousands of Foundations and Government Programs all over the United States. Specifically targeted for home owner, future home owners and investors.
A Government Housing Grant can give you an opportunity you never imagined possible.
Government housing grants exist in many forms, assisting people from all walks of life, in many ways.
You can become one of the thousands of people who have achieved housing and way of life impossible without government assistance in the form of government housing grants.
A Government Housing Grant can give you an opportunity you never imagined possible. Government housing grants exist in many forms, assisting people from all walks of life, in many ways. You can become one of the thousands of people who have achieved housing and way of life impossible without government assistance in the form of government housing grants.
These government grants programs offer financial help to low income families to buy a new home, repair your current home, rent, mortgage payments, utility bills, purchase a new car, groceries, childcare, fuel, general living expenses, academic tutoring, clothing, school supplies, housing assistance, legal services, summer camp, debts, music lessons, art lessons, any extracurricular activities, pay bills for senior citizens, real estate taxes, medical expenses and general welfare. If you or someone you know suffered a fire lose there are programs available to help in replacing necessities.
The U.S. government has a heart of gold when it comes time to give money away. Believe it or not, they set no limit to the amount of money they give away. All you have to do is meet their simple requirements. Some of them are utterly ridiculous. When I heard what they want you to do to make money I just about fell off my chair. Let me astound you with information you probably would have never believed.
There are many different government agencies that can help you to access government housing grants. Some of these include:
Agencies in the Department of Housing and Urban Development
Agencies in the Department of Agriculture
Rural Housing Service
Agencies in the Department of Housing and Urban Development
Community Planning and Development
Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control
Public and Indian Housing
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Agencies in the Department of Veterans Affairs
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Administration on Aging
...and many more.
These agencies provide government grants and other forms of assistance for the purposes of:
Purchasing housing
Home Improvement
Environmental Initiatives
Rental housing opportunities
Rural housing
Rental Housing Investment Funds
Multifamily dwellings
Public and Indian Housing
Land Acquisition
...and many more.
Do you live in an area that needs a certain product or service? There is money for you. Don't let credit problems hold you back from buying that new home or from starting a real estate investment venture. Here's great news! The U.S. Government has recently released over 140 million dollars in Housing Grants. They are relaxing the credit requirements to make it easier for people with low credit ratings to get low interest home loans.
Small Business Grants
Billion's of dollars in financial aid is currently available from thousands of Foundations and Government Programs all over the United States. Specifically targeted for future business owners, new business owners and the existing businesses.
Let our new complete guide show you every source of free small business grants and windfall cash. Could you use some free money to start or expand a business, money that you never have to pay back... money that you could get in a short period of time?
If you could use thousands of dollars of free money right away, I urge you to read every word of my amazing discovery. Would $150,000 suit your purpose or could you put $480,000 to better use? You can even get up to a million dollars, all free money, for your business, to do with as you please.
I know it sounds incredible, but the money is sitting out there waiting for someone to grab it; billions of dollars in small business grants are waiting to be given away. You will have access to the greatest money-making secret. Sources of free money that you will never hear about. It will astound you and amaze you beyond belief and though everything I tell you sounds utterly incredible, it is all absolutely true.
The U.S. government has a heart of gold when it comes time to give money away. Believe it or not, they set no limit to the amount of money they give away. All you have to do is meet their simple requirements. Some of them are utterly ridiculous. When I heard what they want you to do to make money I just about fell off my chair. Let me astound you with information you probably would have never believed.
One of their programs requires you to be over 65. Some require you to be blind or handicapped. Many of their programs, incredible as it may seem, require you to have no money, so having bad credit helps you! If you don't have money, you are entitled to many, many grants.
Guess what these grants are set up to do? Open your own business now with over 80 sources of Federal Grants. Learn all about these incredible opportunities provided by your own State or Local Government!
Free Government Money for Women to start their own business!
Free Government Money for Minorities to start their own businesses!
Obtain Free Government Money for equipment, rent, offices, expenses and overhead!
Use this money to give yourself a salary as you begin your new journey!
Remember this is Free Government Money and NEVER has to be paid back!
Receive small business grants to open any small business such as a Coffee Shop: Receive A Free Grant to open your own Daycare Center at Home and then receive free counseling and support to keep it running. Obtain Grants for the socially challenged business person. Obtain a grant to expand your current business. There is information on over 3 billion dollars worth of business assistance available to you. Our Government wants to help you succeed.
Do you have a special ability? There is money for you.
Do you live in an area that needs a certain product or service? There is money for you.
Do you have a product or service that caters to the needy? There is money for you.
In fact there is money available for virtually any conceivable idea you may have!
Minority Grants
Did you Know? Minority-owned businesses grew more than four times as fast as U.S. firms overall since 1992, have increased from 2.1 million to about 2.8 million firms, according to a report recently released by the Commerce Department's Census Bureau.
Millions Of Dollars In Minority Grants Are Being Released Each Month For Minority Business Ventures!
[](http://www.grantmoneyforme.com/index.html) [](http://www.grantmoneyforme.com/index.html)
If you thought Affirmative Action was a dead issue? Think again, because if you did you thought wrong.
Even though many of the catch phrases relating to Affirmative Action are no longer in use most of the money that was available still is
Congressmen and Senators all over the country cannot hold their positions of power if they do not take care of their constituents. Many of those people in power were primarily elected because of their promises to minorities.
These promises are what drives the Politics of the Grant Giving portions of our Federal and Local State Government.
Millions of dollars in minority grants are available for African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, American Indians and practically any other minority group.
Free Minority Grant money to start a business.
Free Minority Grant money to expand your existing business!
Free Minority Grant Money for furthering your education.
Free Minority Grant Money for emergency assistance.
Imagine receiving some of the...
$9,000 in Minority Grants for Free Legal Advice!
$85,000 Housing Grant to Remodel Your House!
$7,000 in Minority Scholarship Grants for College Tuition!
One Billion Dollars in Minority Business Grants for business start up!
Millions in Minority Business Grants to expand your existing business!
Millions Available In Minority Grants for the purchase of your first home!
There are also Reserved Free Government Grants now available for the following special interest groups. American Indians, Veterans, Family Members of Veterans, Low Income Families, Community Block Grants, Non Profit Organizations, First Time Home Buyers, Artists, Musicians, Nurses, Teachers, Researchers, The Disabled, People Suffering From HIV and AIDS, Substance Abuse. There are literally Millions Available; All you have to do to receive your fair share is ask!
You can receive...
$350,000 When The Banks Turn You Down
$150,000 With One-Page Application
$100,000 For Women Entrepreneurs
A Co-Signer For A Loan, Your Rich Uncle Sam Will Co-Sign Your Loan
$10,000 For a New Sign For Your Store
$150,000 To Buy Real Estate
$20,000 For Each New Employee
$25,000 To Start A Day Care Center
$1,000 For a New Business Computer In Your Home
$10,000 Mom & Pop Small Business Grant
$10 Million Bond For Your Business
$35,000 For Low Income Entrepreneurs
Rent Discounts For Retailers
$2,100 When You Hire A New Employee
Free Tax Consulting
Free Confidential Business Counseling
7,500 Grant For A New Storefront
$4 Million To Start A Business In New Jersey
$25,000 For Every Job You Create
$25,000 For Women To Start A Home Business
$1,000 Per Employee For Training
$75,000 To Create A Job In North Dakota
$250,000 Grant To Start A Business In Certain Zip Codes
$10,000 For a Business With Less than 5 Employees
$25,000 To Give Your Employees Computer Skills
Free Workshops For Writing A Business Plan
..and much more.
Education Grants
Getting an government education grant to help you achieve your goals!
Education is a priority for any government, and for this reason the government provides education grants for those who qualify. Education grants are different from education loans in that the education grants do not have to be repaid.
The same is true for scholarships. Business and industry, as well as individuals, have a vested interest in educating Americans and many are ready to put their money out front for you - to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars annually.
As well, don't just think about Government Grants when looking for financial aid for education. The amount of scholarships available to every person and community within America is truly astounding. Many of these scholarships are NOT dependent on grades and scores. Many are specifically designed and tailored to those people and communities that have traditionally been underrepresented in American universities.
Don't think scholarships are only for the brilliant bookworms!! From Burger King, to 3M, to special interest groups, to individuals who have built scholarships in their names - for their purposes - there are thousands out there. Let someone else fund your education!!
Access information on education grants and scholarships.
The College Board reports that Scholarship Growth is outpacing Loan Growth as a percentage of the $90 billion dollars of student financial aid available annually.
[Click here to Read the report.](http://www.collegeboard.com/press/article/0,1443,18420,00.html)
There are many Federal and State departments that provide education grants. Finding these grants can be a tricky and time confusing process. The Internet Government Grant Guide can help. We provide links to over 60 government grant sites where you can find information on all types of government grants, including education grants.
There are many departments providing education grants. Some of these include:
Federal Student Aid Programs
U.S. Department of Education
Federal Pell Grants
Federal Supplemental Educational
Opportunity Grants
Federal Work Study
...and many more.
Examples of these education programs include:
Aviation Education
International Education Exchange
Even Start State Educational Agencies
Assistance for Indian Children with Severe Disabilities
Demonstration Projects to Ensure Students with Disabilities Receive a Higher Education
Migrant Education High School Equivalency Program
Native Hawaiian Higher Education Program
Special Education Preschool Grants
Even Start Statewide Family Literacy Program
Child Care Access Means Parents in School
Migrant Education College Assistance Migrant Program
Environmental Education and Training Program
Indian Child and Family Education
Even Start Migrant Education
Tech Prep Education
Arts in Education
Native Hawaiian Community Based Education Learning Centers
Alaska Native Home Based Education for Preschool Children
Even Start Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations
Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs
Whether your interests lie in technology education, aviation education, arts education or any other type of education, the government may provide education grants to help you reach your goals.
There are all kinds of grant initiatives for education offered by the U.S. government. Whether your seeking grants for preschool education, children's education, special needs education, university education, or education programs designed to assist specific communities and individuals, the government could be there to help.
Forget just about everything you've seen or heard about government grants. What I've done is put together a complete blueprint for researching, locating and obtaining government grants. "Amazing Free Grant Money EGuide" is the most comprehensive tool for obtaining free grant money, and it comes in an Electronic book (e-book) format, meaning you can download and start using it minutes after you order.
This Newly Updated Complete Government Grants will provide you with access to thousands of grant and loan sources, with step by step instructions to proposal writing and contact procedures.
In our 300 page Amazing Free Grant Money EGuide you'll also find:
Step by step guidelines to applying for government grants
Direct access to over 1,400 grants, loans and assistance programs offered by the U.S. federal government. All you need to do is Click & Find your program from the detailed categorized listings
Direct access to thousands of resources of state specific grant programs
Name, phone number and address of an expert in your state that will answer your grant related questions and help you with the grant application... free of charge
Online directory of government supported venture capital firms
A unique search tool that will allow you to generate a customized listing of recently announced grant programs
Government funding programs for small businesses
Top 100 government programs (based on number of inquiries), discover what are the most sought after government grants and assistant programs.
Online Directory of federal and state resources for government scholarships and grants for education
Step by step guidelines to locating grants, loans and assistant programs for starting a new business or expanding an existing one
How to get free small business counseling and expert advice courtesy of the US government
Government grants application forms
Direct access to thousands of government grants programs covering: small businesses, home improvement, home buying and homeownership, land acquisition, site preparation for housing, health, assistance and services for the unemployed, job training, federal employment, education, and much much more
How to develop and write grant proposals that get results
...Plus much more
This Amazing Free Grant Money EGuide is so comprehensive, it provides you with direct access to practically every source of FREE government grants money currently available.
Million Dollar Bonus
Just as an added bonus I will send you the confidential address of certain individuals who give money away based on a letter you send them. With these sources you could get your needed money in a few days!
They give away millions every year based solely on letters they receive. Many recipients get free money from these individuals every month, based only on a simple letter. If you need grant money right NOW, which you never have to pay back, you need these grant sources.
Time Is Running Out!
Once my deluxe system on getting free money is out, many people will be getting money from foundations. Foundations limit the amount of money they give away. Many foundations are allocating the amount of money they will give away in the next few months. That is why you need this information right now.
I urge you to apply for this free grant money in the next few days. Don't delay, my deluxe grant system can get you your badly needed cash this week. The foundations have to give this money away by law, so you have no way to lose. Place your order now, today and get the money you need to start your new life.
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Grant Guide for Less Than $30!
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