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Granite for MT 4
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Inspired by the immortal strategy of one of 21st century\'s most successful traders, Alexander Elder, Granite EA by Forex Barometer monitors four time frames simultaneously ("Epoch", "Tide", "Wave" and "Ripple") and several custom indicators including digitally filtered moving average (MACDX), delivering unprecedented performance in any market state.
Verifiable Performance
Unlike the majority of other EA providers, Forex Barometer provides verifiable, live tests of all of its systems, including Granite. Exceptional performance in previous periods is backed up by extensive backtest data. Painstakingly crafted money-management algorithms ensure consistent yet sizable profits and an equity curve that’s sure to make you smile.
Complete Automation is Complete Freedom
The Granite EA is completely automated, and requires absolutely no manual input to generate profits. You can break free from the bonds of fear and greed that cripple so many of today’s traders and let the collected and logical processes of Granite take your account higher and higher. After a brief initial setup, Granite can run completely unattended for up to six months, allowing you to take some time off and enjoy your well-deserved trading rewards.
Your Broker Will Be Jealous
Unfortunately, the retail forex scene is teeming with scammy brokers intent on using every weapon in their arsenal in order to stop you from beating the market and cashing out your deserved financial freedom. The Granite EA steps up the broker/trader arms race and gives you the edge once again, generating profits even in spite of unfair data spikes, data filtering, and spread manipulation. Never worry about having your stops hunted again!
An Agile Tool for an Ever-Changing Market
Since Granite monitors many timeframes simultameously and adapts accordingly, your investment in forex is protected from account-destroying market shifts. From the swings of one-day charts down to the noisy oscillations of fifteen-minute charts, Granite can pound out sizable yet consistent returns day in and day out. In addition, as a Forex Barometer customer, you are eligible to receive free lifetime updates for your copy of Granite, which will ensure that you keep pace with current market conditions and forex industry trends.
Alpari-US, 2010 Alpari-US, 2008-2010 MIG Bank, 2010
AlpariUS-Live (Build 225)
Symbol EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar) Period 1 Hour (H1) 2010.01.04 00:00 - 2010.04.15 18:00 (2010.01.01 - 2020.01.01) Initial deposit
1000.00 Total net profit
1530.67 Gross profit 1530.67 Gross loss -0.00 Profit factor
∞ Expected payoff 95.67 Absolute drawdown 91.88 Maximal drawdown 281.02 (12.77%) Relative drawdown 14.80% (254.28) Total trades 16 Short positions (won %) 15 (100.00%) Long positions (won %) 1 (100.00%) Profit trades (% of total) 16 (100.00%) Loss trades (% of total) 0 (0.00%) Largest profit trade 100.00 loss trade -0.00 Average profit trade 95.67 loss trade -0.00 Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money) 16 (1530.67) consecutive losses (loss in money) 0 (-0.00) Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins) 1530.67 (16) consecutive loss (count of losses) -0.00 (0) Average consecutive wins 16 consecutive losses 0 # Time Type Order Size Price S / L T / P Profit Balance 1 2010.01.11 08:00 sell 1 0.10 1.44887 0.00000 1.43887 2 2010.01.15 09:02 t/p 1 0.10 1.43887 0.00000 1.43887 99.46 1099.46 3 2010.01.19 23:00 sell 2 0.10 1.42871 0.00000 1.41871 4 2010.01.20 02:18 t/p 2 0.10 1.41871 0.00000 1.41871 99.91 1199.37 5 2010.01.22 14:00 buy 3 0.10 1.41174 0.00000 1.42174 6 2010.01.22 19:00 close 3 0.10 1.41532 0.00000 1.42174 35.80 1235.17 7 2010.01.22 19:00 sell 4 0.10 1.41532 0.00000 1.40532 8 2010.01.26 16:32 t/p 4 0.10 1.40532 0.00000 1.40532 99.82 1334.99 9 2010.01.27 15:00 sell 5 0.10 1.40468 0.00000 1.39468 10 2010.01.28 02:47 t/p 5 0.10 1.39468 0.00000 1.39468 99.73 1434.72 11 2010.01.28 12:00 sell 6 0.10 1.39990 0.00000 1.38990 12 2010.01.29 16:58 t/p 6 0.10 1.38990 0.00000 1.38990 99.91 1534.63 13 2010.02.01 07:00 sell 7 0.10 1.38781 0.00000 1.37781 14 2010.02.04 17:11 t/p 7 0.10 1.37781 0.00000 1.37781 99.55 1634.18 15 2010.02.05 16:00 sell 8 0.10 1.36702 0.00000 1.35702 16 2010.02.12 10:59 t/p 8 0.10 1.35702 0.00000 1.35702 99.37 1733.55 17 2010.02.17 07:00 sell 9 0.10 1.37691 0.00000 1.36691 18 2010.02.17 16:40 t/p 9 0.10 1.36691 0.00000 1.36691 100.00 1833.55 19 2010.02.23 02:00 sell 10 0.10 1.36021 0.00000 1.35021 20 2010.02.23 18:46 t/p 10 0.10 1.35021 0.00000 1.35021 100.00 1933.55 21 2010.02.26 19:00 sell 11 0.10 1.36007 0.00000 1.35007 22 2010.03.01 16:22 t/p 11 0.10 1.35007 0.00000 1.35007 99.91 2033.46 23 2010.03.04 15:00 sell 12 0.10 1.36798 0.00000 1.35798 24 2010.03.04 17:33 t/p 12 0.10 1.35798 0.00000 1.35798 100.00 2133.46 25 2010.03.05 18:00 sell 13 0.10 1.36065 0.00000 1.35065 26 2010.03.19 16:15 t/p 13 0.10 1.35065 0.00000 1.35065 98.74 2232.20 27 2010.03.22 11:00 sell 14 0.10 1.35145 0.00000 1.34145 28 2010.03.24 06:09 t/p 14 0.10 1.34145 0.00000 1.34145 99.82 2332.02 29 2010.03.31 03:00 sell 15 0.10 1.34158 0.00000 1.33158 30 2010.04.08 03:38 t/p 15 0.10 1.33158 0.00000 1.33158 99.10 2431.12 31 2010.04.12 09:00 sell 16 0.10 1.36323 0.00000 1.35323 32 2010.04.15 11:17 t/p 16 0.10 1.35323 0.00000 1.35323 99.55 2530.67
AlpariUS-Demo (Build 225)
Symbol EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar) Period 1 Hour (H1) 2008.10.01 00:00 - 2010.02.19 22:59 (2008.10.01 - 2020.01.01) Initial deposit 1000.00 Total net profit
4128.25 Gross profit 4568.64 Gross loss -440.39 Profit factor 10.37 Expected payoff 33.84 Absolute drawdown 52.00 Maximal drawdown 314.52 (8.24%) Relative drawdown 12.76% (153.11) Total trades 122 Short positions (won %) 55 (94.55%) Long positions (won %) 67 (94.03%) Profit trades (% of total) 115 (94.26%) Loss trades (% of total) 7 (5.74%) Largest profit trade 40.00 loss trade -155.00 Average profit trade 39.73 loss trade -62.91 Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money) 68 (2716.44) consecutive losses (loss in money) 3 (-110.46) Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins) 2716.44 (68) consecutive loss (count of losses) -155.00 (1) Average consecutive wins 23 consecutive losses 2 # Time Type Order Size Price S / L T / P Profit Balance 1 2008.10.06 18:00 buy 1 0.10 1.35080 0.00000 1.35480 2 2008.10.07 03:00 t/p 1 0.10 1.35480 0.00000 1.35480 39.95 1039.95 3 2008.10.10 16:00 buy 2 0.10 1.35570 0.00000 1.35970 4 2008.10.10 17:00 t/p 2 0.10 1.35970 0.00000 1.35970 40.00 1079.95 5 2008.10.14 03:00 sell 3 0.10 1.36360 0.00000 1.35960 6 2008.10.15 02:00 t/p 3 0.10 1.35960 0.00000 1.35960 39.89 1119.84 7 2008.10.23 02:00 buy 4 0.10 1.27750 0.00000 1.28150 8 2008.10.23 03:00 t/p 4 0.10 1.28150 0.00000 1.28150 40.00 1159.84 9 2008.10.23 07:00 buy 5 0.10 1.28000 0.00000 1.28400 10 2008.10.23 09:00 t/p 5 0.10 1.28400 0.00000 1.28400 40.00 1199.84 11 2008.10.23 19:00 sell 6 0.10 1.28170 0.00000 1.27770 12 2008.10.24 05:00 t/p 6 0.10 1.27770 0.00000 1.27770 39.89 1239.73 13 2008.10.28 16:00 sell 7 0.10 1.24470 0.00000 1.24070 14 2008.10.28 20:00 close 7 0.10 1.26020 0.00000 1.24070 -155.00 1084.73 15 2008.10.28 20:00 buy 8 0.10 1.26020 0.00000 1.26420 16 2008.10.28 21:00 t/p 8 0.10 1.26420 0.00000 1.26420 40.00 1124.73 17 2008.10.30 08:00 sell 9 0.10 1.31700 0.00000 1.31300 18 2008.10.30 11:00 t/p 9 0.10 1.31300 0.00000 1.31300 40.00 1164.73 19 2008.10.31 18:00 buy 10 0.10 1.27280 0.00000 1.27680 20 2008.10.31 19:00 t/p 10 0.10 1.27680 0.00000 1.27680 40.00 1204.73 21 2008.11.04 06:00 buy 11 0.10 1.25850 0.00000 1.26250 22 2008.11.04 08:00 t/p 11 0.10 1.26250 0.00000 1.26250 40.00 1244.73 23 2008.11.05 01:00 sell 12 0.10 1.29810 0.00000 1.29410 24 2008.11.05 02:00 t/p 12 0.10 1.29410 0.00000 1.29410 40.00 1284.73 25 2008.11.06 15:00 buy 13 0.10 1.28230 0.00000 1.28630 26 2008.11.06 16:00 t/p 13 0.10 1.28630 0.00000 1.28630 40.00 1324.73 27 2008.11.07 04:00 buy 14 0.10 1.27220 0.00000 1.27620 28 2008.11.07 06:00 t/p 14 0.10 1.27620 0.00000 1.27620 40.00 1364.73 29 2008.11.07 22:00 buy 15 0.10 1.27640 0.00000 1.28040 30 2008.11.10 00:00 t/p 15 0.10 1.28040 0.00000 1.28040 39.95 1404.68 31 2008.11.10 16:00 sell 16 0.10 1.28120 0.00000 1.27720 32 2008.11.10 18:00 t/p 16 0.10 1.27720 0.00000 1.27720 40.00 1444.68 33 2008.11.11 11:00 sell 17 0.10 1.27540 0.00000 1.27140 34 2008.11.11 14:00 t/p 17 0.10 1.27140 0.00000 1.27140 40.00 1484.68 35 2008.11.12 23:00 buy 18 0.10 1.25050 0.00000 1.25450 36 2008.11.13 14:00 t/p 18 0.10 1.25450 0.00000 1.25450 39.85 1524.53 37 2008.11.14 22:00 sell 19 0.10 1.26860 0.00000 1.26460 38 2008.11.17 00:00 t/p 19 0.10 1.26460 0.00000 1.26460 39.89 1564.42 39 2008.12.01 03:00 buy 20 0.10 1.26600 0.00000 1.27000 40 2008.12.01 08:00 t/p 20 0.10 1.27000 0.00000 1.27000 40.00 1604.42 41 2008.12.01 23:00 buy 21 0.10 1.26110 0.00000 1.26510 42 2008.12.02 07:00 t/p 21 0.10 1.26510 0.00000 1.26510 39.95 1644.37 43 2008.12.12 00:00 sell 22 0.10 1.33450 0.00000 1.33050 44 2008.12.12 03:00 t/p 22 0.10 1.33050 0.00000 1.33050 40.00 1684.37 45 2008.12.12 06:00 sell 23 0.10 1.33680 0.00000 1.33280 46 2008.12.12 07:00 t/p 23 0.10 1.33280 0.00000 1.33280 40.00 1724.37 47 2008.12.16 08:00 sell 24 0.10 1.37140 0.00000 1.36740 48 2008.12.16 09:00 t/p 24 0.10 1.36740 0.00000 1.36740 40.00 1764.37 49 2008.12.17 08:00 sell 25 0.10 1.40540 0.00000 1.40140 50 2008.12.17 09:00 t/p 25 0.10 1.40140 0.00000 1.40140 40.00 1804.37 51 2008.12.18 08:00 sell 26 0.10 1.44160 0.00000 1.43760 52 2008.12.18 09:00 t/p 26 0.10 1.43760 0.00000 1.43760 40.00 1844.37 53 2008.12.18 11:00 sell 27 0.10 1.46160 0.00000 1.45760 54 2008.12.18 12:00 t/p 27 0.10 1.45760 0.00000 1.45760 40.00 1884.37 55 2008.12.19 22:00 buy 28 0.10 1.39170 0.00000 1.39570 56 2008.12.22 01:00 t/p 28 0.10 1.39570 0.00000 1.39570 39.95 1924.32 57 2008.12.22 18:00 buy 29 0.10 1.39540 0.00000 1.39940 58 2008.12.23 04:00 t/p 29 0.10 1.39940 0.00000 1.39940 39.95 1964.27 59 2009.01.05 00:00 buy 30 0.10 1.38880 0.00000 1.39280 60 2009.01.05 01:00 t/p 30 0.10 1.39280 0.00000 1.39280 40.00 2004.27 61 2009.01.08 11:00 buy 31 0.10 1.35820 0.00000 1.36220 62 2009.01.08 14:00 t/p 31 0.10 1.36220 0.00000 1.36220 40.00 2044.27 63 2009.01.12 11:00 buy 32 0.10 1.33730 0.00000 1.34130 64 2009.01.12 12:00 t/p 32 0.10 1.34130 0.00000 1.34130 40.00 2084.27 65 2009.01.15 10:00 buy 33 0.10 1.31660 0.00000 1.32060 66 2009.01.15 11:00 t/p 33 0.10 1.32060 0.00000 1.32060 40.00 2124.27 67 2009.01.15 20:00 buy 34 0.10 1.31240 0.00000 1.31640 68 2009.01.15 21:00 t/p 34 0.10 1.31640 0.00000 1.31640 40.00 2164.27 69 2009.01.19 02:00 sell 35 0.10 1.33240 0.00000 1.32840 70 2009.01.19 09:00 t/p 35 0.10 1.32840 0.00000 1.32840 40.00 2204.27 71 2009.01.20 08:00 buy 36 0.10 1.30230 0.00000 1.30630 72 2009.01.21 23:00 t/p 36 0.10 1.30630 0.00000 1.30630 39.95 2244.22 73 2009.01.21 23:00 sell 37 0.10 1.30310 0.00000 1.29910 74 2009.01.22 02:00 t/p 37 0.10 1.29910 0.00000 1.29910 39.67 2283.89 75 2009.01.27 08:00 sell 38 0.10 1.31980 0.00000 1.31580 76 2009.01.27 14:00 t/p 38 0.10 1.31580 0.00000 1.31580 40.00 2323.89 77 2009.01.30 08:00 buy 39 0.10 1.29160 0.00000 1.29560 78 2009.02.03 17:00 t/p 39 0.10 1.29560 0.00000 1.29560 39.90 2363.79 79 2009.02.09 03:00 sell 40 0.10 1.29420 0.00000 1.29020 80 2009.02.09 08:00 t/p 40 0.10 1.29020 0.00000 1.29020 40.00 2403.79 81 2009.02.12 11:00 buy 41 0.10 1.28550 0.00000 1.28950 82 2009.02.13 00:00 t/p 41 0.10 1.28950 0.00000 1.28950 39.95 2443.74 83 2009.02.17 12:00 buy 42 0.10 1.26460 0.00000 1.26860 84 2009.02.19 12:00 t/p 42 0.10 1.26860 0.00000 1.26860 39.80 2483.54 85 2009.02.23 10:00 sell 43 0.10 1.29030 0.00000 1.28630 86 2009.02.23 11:00 t/p 43 0.10 1.28630 0.00000 1.28630 40.00 2523.54 87 2009.02.25 10:00 sell 44 0.10 1.28560 0.00000 1.28160 88 2009.02.25 11:00 t/p 44 0.10 1.28160 0.00000 1.28160 40.00 2563.54 89 2009.03.19 08:00 sell 45 0.10 1.34270 0.00000 1.33870 90 2009.03.27 12:00 t/p 45 0.10 1.33870 0.00000 1.33870 39.12 2602.66 91 2009.03.30 04:00 buy 46 0.10 1.32630 0.00000 1.33030 92 2009.03.31 13:00 t/p 46 0.10 1.33030 0.00000 1.33030 39.95 2642.61 93 2009.04.07 22:00 buy 47 0.10 1.32680 0.00000 1.33080 94 2009.04.08 19:00 t/p 47 0.10 1.33080 0.00000 1.33080 39.95 2682.56 95 2009.04.09 15:00 buy 48 0.10 1.32740 0.00000 1.33140 96 2009.04.13 17:00 t/p 48 0.10 1.33140 0.00000 1.33140 39.90 2722.46 97 2009.04.20 00:00 buy 49 0.10 1.30420 0.00000 1.30820 98 2009.04.23 14:00 t/p 49 0.10 1.30820 0.00000 1.30820 39.75 2762.21 99 2009.04.24 20:00 sell 50 0.10 1.32440 0.00000 1.32040 100 2009.04.27 03:00 t/p 50 0.10 1.32040 0.00000 1.32040 39.89 2802.10 101 2009.04.28 09:00 buy 51 0.10 1.30020 0.00000 1.30420 102 2009.04.28 15:00 t/p 51 0.10 1.30420 0.00000 1.30420 40.00 2842.10 103 2009.04.30 11:00 sell 52 0.10 1.33300 0.00000 1.32900 104 2009.04.30 13:00 t/p 52 0.10 1.32900 0.00000 1.32900 40.00 2882.10 105 2009.05.05 16:00 sell 53 0.10 1.33820 0.00000 1.33420 106 2009.05.05 17:00 t/p 53 0.10 1.33420 0.00000 1.33420 40.00 2922.10 107 2009.05.06 08:00 buy 54 0.10 1.32810 0.00000 1.33210 108 2009.05.06 11:00 t/p 54 0.10 1.33210 0.00000 1.33210 40.00 2962.10 109 2009.05.07 04:00 buy 55 0.10 1.33140 0.00000 1.33540 110 2009.05.07 14:00 t/p 55 0.10 1.33540 0.00000 1.33540 40.00 3002.10 111 2009.05.11 08:00 sell 56 0.10 1.36250 0.00000 1.35850 112 2009.05.11 12:00 t/p 56 0.10 1.35850 0.00000 1.35850 40.00 3042.10 113 2009.05.18 08:00 buy 57 0.10 1.34630 0.00000 1.35030 114 2009.05.18 15:00 t/p 57 0.10 1.35030 0.00000 1.35030 40.00 3082.10 115 2009.05.22 08:00 sell 58 0.10 1.39070 0.00000 1.38670 116 2009.05.26 13:00 t/p 58 0.10 1.38670 0.00000 1.38670 39.78 3121.88 117 2009.06.01 06:00 sell 59 0.10 1.41440 0.00000 1.41040 118 2009.06.02 10:00 t/p 59 0.10 1.41040 0.00000 1.41040 39.89 3161.77 119 2009.06.02 12:00 buy 60 0.10 1.41630 0.00000 1.42030 120 2009.06.02 13:00 t/p 60 0.10 1.42030 0.00000 1.42030 40.00 3201.77 121 2009.06.04 15:00 buy 61 0.10 1.41650 0.00000 1.42050 122 2009.06.04 18:00 t/p 61 0.10 1.42050 0.00000 1.42050 40.00 3241.77 123 2009.06.08 05:00 buy 62 0.10 1.39890 0.00000 1.40290 124 2009.06.09 18:00 t/p 62 0.10 1.40290 0.00000 1.40290 39.95 3281.72 125 2009.06.10 12:00 sell 63 0.10 1.40860 0.00000 1.40460 126 2009.06.10 16:00 t/p 63 0.10 1.40460 0.00000 1.40460 40.00 3321.72 127 2009.06.11 15:00 buy 64 0.10 1.39850 0.00000 1.40250 128 2009.06.11 16:00 t/p 64 0.10 1.40250 0.00000 1.40250 40.00 3361.72 129 2009.06.16 04:00 buy 65 0.10 1.38020 0.00000 1.38420 130 2009.06.16 08:00 t/p 65 0.10 1.38420 0.00000 1.38420 40.00 3401.72 131 2009.06.17 15:00 buy 66 0.10 1.38870 0.00000 1.39270 132 2009.06.17 21:00 t/p 66 0.10 1.39270 0.00000 1.39270 40.00 3441.72 133 2009.06.18 12:00 buy 67 0.10 1.39600 0.00000 1.40000 134 2009.06.18 17:00 t/p 67 0.10 1.40000 0.00000 1.40000 40.00 3481.72 135 2009.06.23 04:00 buy 68 0.10 1.38560 0.00000 1.38960 136 2009.06.23 10:00 t/p 68 0.10 1.38960 0.00000 1.38960 40.00 3521.72 137 2009.06.24 04:00 sell 69 0.10 1.40800 0.00000 1.40400 138 2009.06.24 14:00 t/p 69 0.10 1.40400 0.00000 1.40400 40.00 3561.72 139 2009.06.25 16:00 buy 70 0.10 1.39400 0.00000 1.39800 140 2009.06.25 20:00 t/p 70 0.10 1.39800 0.00000 1.39800 40.00 3601.72 141 2009.06.26 20:00 sell 71 0.10 1.40690 0.00000 1.40290 142 2009.06.29 03:00 t/p 71 0.10 1.40290 0.00000 1.40290 39.89 3641.61 143 2009.07.06 10:00 buy 72 0.10 1.39350 0.00000 1.39750 144 2009.07.06 22:00 t/p 72 0.10 1.39750 0.00000 1.39750 40.00 3681.61 145 2009.07.07 08:00 sell 73 0.10 1.39530 0.00000 1.39130 146 2009.07.07 10:00 t/p 73 0.10 1.39130 0.00000 1.39130 40.00 3721.61 147 2009.07.20 20:00 sell 74 0.10 1.42184 0.00000 1.41784 148 2009.07.21 19:00 t/p 74 0.10 1.41784 0.00000 1.41784 39.89 3761.50 149 2009.07.22 15:00 sell 75 0.10 1.41813 0.00000 1.41413 150 2009.07.23 23:00 t/p 75 0.10 1.41413 0.00000 1.41413 39.67 3801.17 151 2009.07.31 14:00 sell 76 0.10 1.41315 0.00000 1.40915 152 2009.08.10 05:00 close 76 0.10 1.42063 0.00000 1.40915 -75.68 3725.49 153 2009.08.10 05:00 buy 77 0.10 1.42063 0.00000 1.42463 154 2009.08.12 14:00 close 77 0.10 1.41426 0.00000 1.42463 -63.80 3661.69 155 2009.08.12 14:00 sell 78 0.10 1.41426 0.00000 1.41026 156 2009.08.17 12:00 t/p 78 0.10 1.41026 0.00000 1.41026 39.45 3701.14 157 2009.08.26 15:00 buy 79 0.10 1.42796 0.00000 1.43196 158 2009.08.27 19:00 close 79 0.10 1.42664 0.00000 1.43196 -13.35 3687.79 159 2009.08.27 19:00 sell 80 0.10 1.42664 0.00000 1.42264 160 2009.08.28 11:00 close 80 0.10 1.43583 0.00000 1.42264 -92.01 3595.78 161 2009.08.28 11:00 buy 81 0.10 1.43583 0.00000 1.43983 162 2009.08.28 15:00 close 81 0.10 1.43532 0.00000 1.43983 -5.10 3590.68 163 2009.08.28 15:00 sell 82 0.10 1.43532 0.00000 1.43132 164 2009.08.28 21:00 t/p 82 0.10 1.43132 0.00000 1.43132 40.00 3630.68 165 2009.09.09 20:00 sell 83 0.10 1.45476 0.00000 1.45076 166 2009.09.10 16:00 t/p 83 0.10 1.45076 0.00000 1.45076 39.67 3670.35 167 2009.09.15 11:00 buy 84 0.10 1.46087 0.00000 1.46487 168 2009.09.15 20:00 t/p 84 0.10 1.46487 0.00000 1.46487 40.00 3710.35 169 2009.09.18 11:00 buy 85 0.10 1.46828 0.00000 1.47228 170 2009.09.18 16:00 t/p 85 0.10 1.47228 0.00000 1.47228 40.00 3750.35 171 2009.09.18 18:00 sell 86 0.10 1.47020 0.00000 1.46620 172 2009.09.21 09:00 t/p 86 0.10 1.46620 0.00000 1.46620 39.89 3790.24 173 2009.09.21 19:00 sell 87 0.10 1.46763 0.00000 1.46363 174 2009.09.24 20:00 t/p 87 0.10 1.46363 0.00000 1.46363 39.45 3829.69 175 2009.09.29 04:00 buy 88 0.10 1.46156 0.00000 1.46556 176 2009.09.30 12:00 t/p 88 0.10 1.46556 0.00000 1.46556 39.95 3869.64 177 2009.10.02 04:00 buy 89 0.10 1.45398 0.00000 1.45798 178 2009.10.02 16:00 t/p 89 0.10 1.45798 0.00000 1.45798 40.00 3909.64 179 2009.10.06 18:00 sell 90 0.10 1.47426 0.00000 1.47026 180 2009.10.07 03:00 t/p 90 0.10 1.47026 0.00000 1.47026 39.89 3949.53 181 2009.10.08 16:00 sell 91 0.10 1.47401 0.00000 1.47001 182 2009.10.09 19:00 t/p 91 0.10 1.47001 0.00000 1.47001 39.89 3989.42 183 2009.10.12 11:00 buy 92 0.10 1.47280 0.00000 1.47680 184 2009.10.12 13:00 t/p 92 0.10 1.47680 0.00000 1.47680 40.00 4029.42 185 2009.10.15 19:00 sell 93 0.10 1.49182 0.00000 1.48782 186 2009.10.16 14:00 t/p 93 0.10 1.48782 0.00000 1.48782 39.89 4069.31 187 2009.10.20 10:00 sell 94 0.10 1.49611 0.00000 1.49211 188 2009.10.20 18:00 t/p 94 0.10 1.49211 0.00000 1.49211 40.00 4109.31 189 2009.10.22 07:00 buy 95 0.10 1.49972 0.00000 1.50372 190 2009.10.22 23:00 t/p 95 0.10 1.50372 0.00000 1.50372 40.00 4149.31 191 2009.10.27 05:00 buy 96 0.10 1.48827 0.00000 1.49227 192 2009.10.27 08:00 t/p 96 0.10 1.49227 0.00000 1.49227 40.00 4189.31 193 2009.10.29 04:00 buy 97 0.10 1.47181 0.00000 1.47581 194 2009.10.29 11:00 t/p 97 0.10 1.47581 0.00000 1.47581 40.00 4229.31 195 2009.11.02 04:00 buy 98 0.10 1.47432 0.00000 1.47832 196 2009.11.02 11:00 t/p 98 0.10 1.47832 0.00000 1.47832 40.00 4269.31 197 2009.11.06 08:00 sell 99 0.10 1.48706 0.00000 1.48306 198 2009.11.06 15:00 t/p 99 0.10 1.48306 0.00000 1.48306 40.00 4309.31 199 2009.11.09 03:00 sell 100 0.10 1.48853 0.00000 1.48453 200 2009.11.12 22:00 t/p 100 0.10 1.48453 0.00000 1.48453 39.45 4348.76 201 2009.11.13 18:00 sell 101 0.10 1.48842 0.00000 1.48442 202 2009.11.17 17:00 t/p 101 0.10 1.48442 0.00000 1.48442 39.78 4388.54 203 2009.11.20 07:00 sell 102 0.10 1.49206 0.00000 1.48806 204 2009.11.20 11:00 t/p 102 0.10 1.48806 0.00000 1.48806 40.00 4428.54 205 2009.12.07 11:00 buy 103 0.10 1.48057 0.00000 1.48457 206 2009.12.07 19:00 t/p 103 0.10 1.48457 0.00000 1.48457 40.00 4468.54 207 2009.12.08 10:00 buy 104 0.10 1.48215 0.00000 1.48615 208 2009.12.08 12:00 t/p 104 0.10 1.48615 0.00000 1.48615 40.00 4508.54 209 2009.12.08 15:00 buy 105 0.10 1.47577 0.00000 1.47977 210 2009.12.11 08:00 close 105 0.10 1.47225 0.00000 1.47977 -35.45 4473.09 211 2009.12.11 08:00 sell 106 0.10 1.47225 0.00000 1.46825 212 2009.12.11 16:00 t/p 106 0.10 1.46825 0.00000 1.46825 40.00 4513.09 213 2009.12.16 10:00 buy 107 0.10 1.45493 0.00000 1.45893 214 2009.12.16 17:00 t/p 107 0.10 1.45893 0.00000 1.45893 40.00 4553.09 215 2009.12.17 19:00 buy 108 0.10 1.43352 0.00000 1.43752 216 2009.12.18 04:00 t/p 108 0.10 1.43752 0.00000 1.43752 39.95 4593.04 217 2009.12.21 11:00 buy 109 0.10 1.43230 0.00000 1.43630 218 2009.12.21 14:00 t/p 109 0.10 1.43630 0.00000 1.43630 40.00 4633.04 219 2009.12.22 15:00 buy 110 0.10 1.43110 0.00000 1.43510 220 2009.12.23 19:00 t/p 110 0.10 1.43510 0.00000 1.43510 39.95 4672.99 221 2009.12.28 09:00 sell 111 0.10 1.43805 0.00000 1.43405 222 2009.12.29 18:00 t/p 111 0.10 1.43405 0.00000 1.43405 39.89 4712.88 223 2010.01.08 05:00 buy 112 0.10 1.43150 0.00000 1.43550 224 2010.01.08 15:00 t/p 112 0.10 1.43550 0.00000 1.43550 40.00 4752.88 225 2010.01.11 18:00 sell 113 0.10 1.45340 0.00000 1.44940 226 2010.01.12 02:00 t/p 113 0.10 1.44940 0.00000 1.44940 39.89 4792.77 227 2010.01.21 00:00 buy 114 0.10 1.41084 0.00000 1.41484 228 2010.01.22 09:00 t/p 114 0.10 1.41484 0.00000 1.41484 39.95 4832.72 229 2010.01.22 19:00 sell 115 0.10 1.41532 0.00000 1.41132 230 2010.01.26 05:00 t/p 115 0.10 1.41132 0.00000 1.41132 39.78 4872.50 231 2010.01.28 12:00 sell 116 0.10 1.39990 0.00000 1.39590 232 2010.01.28 17:00 t/p 116 0.10 1.39590 0.00000 1.39590 40.00 4912.50 233 2010.02.05 10:00 buy 117 0.10 1.36938 0.00000 1.37338 234 2010.02.05 15:00 t/p 117 0.10 1.37338 0.00000 1.37338 40.00 4952.50 235 2010.02.05 16:00 sell 118 0.10 1.36699 0.00000 1.36299 236 2010.02.05 18:00 t/p 118 0.10 1.36299 0.00000 1.36299 40.00 4992.50 237 2010.02.12 10:00 buy 119 0.10 1.36279 0.00000 1.36679 238 2010.02.16 10:00 t/p 119 0.10 1.36679 0.00000 1.36679 39.90 5032.40 239 2010.02.17 10:00 sell 120 0.10 1.37727 0.00000 1.37327 240 2010.02.17 12:00 t/p 120 0.10 1.37327 0.00000 1.37327 40.00 5072.40 241 2010.02.18 10:00 buy 121 0.10 1.35596 0.00000 1.35996 242 2010.02.18 16:00 t/p 121 0.10 1.35996 0.00000 1.35996 40.00 5112.40 243 2010.02.18 19:00 buy 122 0.10 1.35957 0.00000 1.36357 244 2010.02.19 22:59 close at stop 122 0.10 1.36116 0.00000 1.36357 15.85 5128.25
MIG Bank
Account: 1044001 Name: ***** Currency: USD 2010 June 8, 21:15 Closed Transactions: Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Close Time Price Commission Taxes Swap Profit 30883389 2010.03.03 19:43 balance Deposit 500.00 31126926 2010.03.15 00:00 sell 0.10 eurusd 1.37600 0.00000 1.36900 2010.03.15 15:48 1.36900 0.00 0.00 0.00 70.00 31180611 2010.03.16 10:00 buy 0.10 eurusd 1.36789 0.00000 1.37489 2010.03.16 15:55 1.37489 0.00 0.00 0.00 70.00 31361735 2010.03.22 11:00 sell 0.10 eurusd 1.35156 0.00000 1.34456 2010.03.22 15:00 1.34931 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.50 31367396 2010.03.22 15:00 buy 0.10 eurusd 1.34931 0.00000 1.35631 2010.03.22 17:33 1.35631 0.00 0.00 0.00 70.00 31558317 2010.03.29 11:00 sell 0.10 eurusd 1.34631 0.00000 1.33800 2010.04.06 14:30 1.33800 0.00 0.00 -0.25 83.10 31828774 2010.04.07 14:00 buy 0.20 eurusd 1.33507 0.00000 1.34500 2010.04.09 16:06 1.34500 0.00 0.00 0.15 198.60 31965018 2010.04.12 11:00 buy 0.20 eurusd 1.36302 0.00000 1.37002 2010.04.13 10:00 1.35946 0.00 0.00 0.04 -71.20 32003074 2010.04.13 10:00 sell 0.20 eurusd 1.35946 0.00000 1.35000 2010.04.14 14:00 1.36131 0.00 0.00 -0.07 -37.00 32062882 2010.04.14 14:00 buy 0.20 eurusd 1.36131 0.00000 1.37130 2010.04.15 23:00 1.35718 0.00 0.00 0.15 -82.60 32122314 2010.04.15 23:00 sell 0.20 eurusd 1.35730 0.00000 1.35030 2010.04.15 23:31 1.35831 0.00 0.00 0.00 -20.20 32169170 2010.04.19 08:00 sell 0.20 eurusd 1.34709 0.00000 1.33000 2010.04.22 15:38 1.33000 0.00 0.00 -0.34 341.80 32414349 2010.04.26 20:00 sell 0.10 eurusd 1.33321 0.00000 1.32221 2010.04.27 18:06 1.32221 0.00 0.00 -0.03 110.00 32770934 2010.05.10 07:00 sell 0.10 eurusd 1.29208 1.28100 1.27200 2010.05.11 06:14 1.27200 0.00 0.00 -0.03 200.80 32927023 2010.05.14 10:00 sell 0.10 eurusd 1.25218 0.00000 1.23950 2010.05.14 17:06 1.23950 0.00 0.00 0.00 126.80 33137250 2010.05.20 11:00 sell 0.10 eurusd 1.24001 1.24000 1.21800 2010.05.20 15:11 1.23892 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.90 33225214 2010.05.21 19:00 sell 0.10 eurusd 1.25485 0.00000 1.24485 2010.05.24 10:08 1.24485 0.00 0.00 -0.03 100.00 33509368 2010.06.02 20:00 sell 0.10 eurusd 1.22212 0.00000 1.21212 2010.06.03 15:00 1.22631 0.00 0.00 -0.10 -41.90 33532455 2010.06.03 15:00 buy 0.10 eurusd 1.22631 0.00000 1.23631 2010.06.04 03:02 1.21680 0.00 0.00 0.02 -95.10 33541060 2010.06.03 18:52 sell 0.10 eurusd 1.21660 0.00000 1.20660 2010.06.04 13:40 1.20660 0.00 0.00 -0.03 100.00 0.00 0.00 -0.52 1 156.50 Closed P/L: 1 155.98 Open Trades: Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Price Commission Taxes Swap Profit 33656531 2010.06.08 19:00 sell 0.10 eurusd 1.19720 0.00000 1.18720 1.19241 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.90 Floating P/L: 47.90 Working Orders: Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Market Price No transactions Summary: Deposit/Withdrawal: 500.00 Credit Facility: 0.00 Closed Trade P/L: 1 155.98 Floating P/L: 47.90 Margin: 59.86 Balance: 1 655.98 Equity: 1 703.88 Free Margin: 1 644.02
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Risk Disclosure
Disclaimer: Forex trading, online foreign exchange trading, foreign currency trading and FX options trading involves risk of loss and is not appropriate for all investors. Each investor must consider whether this is a suitable investment. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Before investing or trading one should be aware that with potential profits there is also potential for losses that may be very large. Those acting on this information are responsible for their own actions. Information contained in this site has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but it is not necessary all inclusive and is not guaranteed profits.
NFA Required Disclaimer: Forex (currency) trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the Forex market. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this presentation. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. Trading foreign currencies is a challenging and potentially profitable opportunity for educated and experienced investors. However, before deciding to participate in the Forex market, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience and risk appetite. There is considerable exposure to risk in any foreign exchange transaction. Any transaction involving currencies involves risks including, but not limited to, the potential for changing political and/or economic conditions that may substantially affect the price or liquidity of a currency. Moreover, the leveraged nature of FX trading means that any market movement will have an equally proportional effect on your deposited funds. This may work against you as well as for you. The possibility exists that you could sustain a total loss of initial margin funds and your position will be liquidated and you will be responsible for any resulting losses. Investors are recommended to lower exposure to risk by employing risk-reducing strategies such as 'stop-loss' or 'limit' orders.
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CFTC Rule 4.41: Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown. All information on this website are for educational purposes only and are not intended to provide financial advice. Any statements about profits or income, expressed or implied, do not represent a guarantee. Your actual trading may result in losses as no trading system is guaranteed. You accept full responsibilities for your actions, trades, profit or loss, and agree to hold Forex Barometer and any authorized distributors of this information harmless in any and all ways.
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