Excerpt from product page

Kick Start Money System

Before you go, I want to flat-out GIVE you my little-known tactic for
automatically getting "insider info" on hot under the radar Clickbank
products that convert like crazy... _then making a killing with them
before other affiliates even know they exist!_

REAL $27.00 VALUE. Just enter your name and primary email address, and
download this the report FREE, no strings attached: Name:


Dear Friend,

Finally... _there's nothing standing in your way._

You may not know it yet... but you've already got almost everything
you need...

... and I'm about to arm you with the last missing piece of the
puzzle right here on this page.

When you snap _this last piece into place..._ you'll see why...

In fact... I want you to get ready to _feel_ the transformation
starting right here on this page...

... because if you've been waiting for _undeniable proof_ this really
can happen for you, what you see in the next few minutes is going to
make you a believer -

Even if you've failed every time you've tried...

Even if you've chased every shiny guru gadget that came along...

Even if you've never had the nerve to try before.

Starting now, you get to wipe the slate clean and...

And just to remove any lingering doubt in your mind that this is
absolutely for real... I'm putting over $20,000 on the line to
ethically bribe you into joining me!

But first, let's cut through all the B.S. It's time to ask

Have you been at this for months or even _years_ and you're STILL not
making money?

Do you feel like (or _know_) your friends and family are secretly
laughing behind your back because your Internet "hobby" has yet to
make you a millionaire (or even a "hundred-aire")?

Are you constantly breaking your own promise "not to buy one more
damn Internet marketing product" until you follow through on the last

I'm NOT going to feed you the usual guru line and tell you it's "not
your fault"...

Because WHO CARES WHO'S \"FAULT\" IT IS? Once you have that first
check in your hands, NONE of it will matter. That's all you or anybody
else will think about or remember from now on.

The missing piece is...

Just a bunch of random tactics, traffic tricks and "loopholes"...
with no system to tie it all together and tell you where to start and
what to do next.

And with every guru and expert bombarding you with a different "magic
bullet of the week" (the secret's Facebook!... no, it's SEO!...no,
it's blogging!... no media buying!)...

... it's easiest just to turn off the noise and do... nothing.

But here's the thing...

When you DO finally have a system in place, you'll FEEL like a
millionaire long before you actually reach that "magic number" in your
bank account balance.


... and then how to put the whole thing on autopilot and do it again
for even more profits... as many times as you want!

In the software world, we techies call this kind of air-tight,
fail-proof system...

In plain English, that means a process you can literally "rinse and
repeat" again and again, so easily you barely have to think about
it... and...

... rather than going through a long "learning curve" upfront, right
away you start to "earn as you learn" (and effortlessly cement each
step into your brain, so it's even easier and faster the next time).

This is a _million-dollar_ secret software companies use to stay on
top of massively complicated programming tasks...

And I've "hard-coded" this same "actually DO it" approach into the
KickStart Money System.

So _here's the great news:_ If you've suspected... known... deep down
that all the magic loophole traffic tactics and "just click your
mouse" promises were just a bunch of hype...

... and that what you really need is that "aha" moment when
everything suddenly falls into place and just MAKES SENSE, with all
"information overload" and confusion stripped away for good...

It means you're standing right on the line _I_ was when everything
finally "clicked" into place... and I went from stressed-out midlife
crisis waiting to happen, to scratching my head and saying...

"Wow, that was easy."

And let me tell you...

... when you get that first (of many) check in the mail, you're going
to have an unstoppable urge to reach for the nearest camera (even if
it's just your cell phone) and take a photo.

Then you're going to want to show that photo to _anybody_ who'll pay
attention , people who doubted you, people who cheered you on, heck,
even _strangers_.

How do I know? It's what I did... and... it's what literally
_thousands_ of other people have done as soon as they tore open that
envelope: The proof? Here's just a tiny sample of the *hundreds* of
proud affiliates you can find with one quick google search...

So quick question: How badly do you _really_ want this?

Are you content to stay stuck going in circles on the guru
merry-go-round, chasing after every new gimmick, hoping you'll "grab
the brass ring"?

FREEDOM... something so certain, you can feel yourself moving forward
like the "clicks" of a roller-coaster?

I'm guessing you are... because IF NOT, THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE GIVEN UP
DEAD WRONG... and in the back of your mind or the craw of your gut YOU

You just need to catch your break.

You just need to follow your instinct and forget everything you
thought you knew about making money online (everything that _hasn't_
worked) and...

I'm not going to waste your time with hyped-up adventure stories
about chance meetings about underground hackers and secret

No blackmailing strippers, either... no coked-up guru's dropping
top-secret CD's on the floor, or secret codes that send a flood of
cash through your computer like a broken ATM...

Those letters are fun to read, but it's not my style.

My goal is to help you see clearly -for the first time, maybe-how
truly simple it is to make _serious affiliate cash..._ using
100% FREE traffic from websites so easy... they practically _build

It isn't difficult. In fact, once you put the system in place it
becomes _automatic_.

Just like driving a car... you'll do it without thinking.

And once you start, every single step is covered, from "where do I
begin?" all the way to "how should I spend all this money?"

If that sounds like more of the hype you read from other marketers...

Hi, I'm Jeff Czyzewski...

... and YES, that's my real business card.

I know you might be thinking...

Wait a minute, Jeff... You've got a J.O.B.??"

Yup. As "weird " as it sounds... I've _kept_ my techie dayjob even
though I consistently make over $4,399 and _growing_ every single

Why would I do that?

The answer's simple: I discovered I actually ENJOY it, NOW THAT I

(Of course that's just me and that's the beauty of this: You get to
make your own call. Walk away or stay. Every day, starting soon and
from now on.)

You see, for me... true freedom means CONTROL. Over your own destiny,
that is.

That's not just wishy-washy New Age talk, by the way ; because
without feeling like you're in control, every success you have still
tastes sour.

You know that guy in the Mercedes fighting for his tiny chunk of
highway... who won't let you into his lane, even though he clearly
sees your turn signal?

What makes someone act like that?

That guy, despite his perceived "status" KNOWS he isn't in truly in

He's probably living paycheck to paycheck, so any interruption in his
budget sends him from living large to flat broke and desperate.

That could have been me a couple years ago, and ...

But then I stopped _trying so damn hard_ to hit that "one big
score"... took a step back... and put my software engineer's mind into
my own little Manhattan Project:

How to make money online, AND SET THINGS UP FROM DAY ONE SO YOU'RE

* Selling your own products
* Paying for traffic
* Needing a huge email list
* Figuring out SEO
* Worrying about being "slapped" by Google

If you're thinking that sounds a lot like affiliate marketing...
you're right!

After all, you don't need any of your own products, you don't have to
worry about customer service or how you'll get paid, you can use 100%
free traffic, and you don't need a list or super-ninja SEO skills to
make it big.

Sounds great, right?

HERE'S WHY: Where most affiliates get stuck (and we're talking about
everyone from raw newbie to guys who have been trying to "break into"
this for years)...

... is that one missing "big picture" part that keeps you operating
at peak profit-pulling efficiency with no wasted effort, dead ends, or
frustrating "what if's"...

Without it, they literally throw stuff into the mix ; blogs, videos,
email lists, PPC, whatever ; and PRAY something works.

They end up "opportunity seekers" and gurus LOVE opportunity seekers,
by the way.

It's _easy_ to sell them the latest "magic bullet of the week"
because they don't have their own plan.

This gets personal, fast...

If you don't have your own plan, you'll always be getting sucked into
somebody else's... and you'll likely occupy a permanent spot in the
horde of floundering, worried, and lost affiliates clogging the bottom
rungs of the food chain.

If that hits close to home, don't worry, I'm not saying any of this
to be cocky or rub your nose in it ; far from it.

In fact, lining up YOUR OWN DISTRACTION-PROOF PLAN will be so easy...
you'll wonder how you didn't see it before.

Because it didn't happen overnight... but once I was through
"systemizing" all the tactics I'd absorbed in my struggle to "figure
out" Internet marketing...

I ended up with a process so simple and easy to implement... at first
I was actually embarrassed to cash the checks!

I mean... something that took just a few hours per WEEK... with no
all-nighters or stress headaches?

Something had to be "wrong" with that picture, right?

Okay... sounds stupid getting that excited over $183.61, doesn't it?

Normally, I'd agree with you...

The exciting part was... it came so easily, it felt like "free

And even though it isn't exactly "life-changing" dinero... that was
my cell phone bill for the month.

Just think for a minute: What would $183.61 in "free money" pay off
or solve for you right now?

I knew I was onto something now... so the next month I put in the
same few hours... and...

Now that I'd set the system in motion... following the same simple
steps... the monthly "free money" just kept on growing.

That's the power of a system; it gets to the point you couldn't even
stop it if you tried!

Because the thing about making money with a SYSTEM is...

... once the first dollar comes in, you've got everything you need to
repeat that measly $1 into a truly passive income that's the purest
form of freedom I know.

All the stressful things that not having money (or living paycheck to
paycheck, always on the edge) causes are suddenly stripped of their
power to disrupt your life.

Bill collectors just vanish...

... denying yourself and your family the comfort and security you
deserve is now a thing of the past.

Instead of dreaming of the day you can pay your bills with something
to spare, you're dreaming about your next vacation.

It's this new-found FREEDOM that let me trade in my old "get from
here to there" car for a brand-new 2010 BMW [model] after just two
months of following this system...

And your J.O.B.? Ditch it if you want ; or drive there on weekdays
like I do knowing you can walk away anytime you want.

It's amazing how quickly your stress level drops when you know you
don't NEED your job anymore.

All those little annoyances that used to have you cursing all the way
home are suddenly laughable.

Rude coworker steals your lunch out of the fridge, no big deal.

Your boss decides to take his bad day out on you, put him in check.

When you're in control, not only does _your_ attitude change for the
better, but people begin to treat you with the respect you deserve.

The best part is... You'll wake up each day feeling energized and
alive, instead of wanting to hide underneath the bed covers.

(And just wait 'til your smart-aleck brother in law asks how your
"Internet hobby" is going and you get to watch that smug smirk turn
into shock when you tell him how much you're making)!

Why do I call it "KickStart"?

Because it instantly delivers the same four-week straightaway to
freedom I use to make a spare-time $4,399.93 every single month from
Clickbank, Amazon... and any other affiliate program I choose...

... all in less time than it takes most people to drive to their
dayjob. Less time than most people spend trying to "figure out"
affiliate marketing without ever digging out of overwhelm.

Only for YOU it's even faster...

... because you even get to skip the learning curve I went through in
the beginning -and get right to the "no sweat" "no brainer" system
that's already honed, perfected and PROVEN to work right from day one.

The best part is, it's so easy to follow you can set it all in motion
in just 3-5 hours a WEEK and see real results your first month.

(You don't even need one "block" of hours to get it all done -the
steps are so easy to copy, you could fit the whole thing in during
coffee breaks or the ad breaks of your favorite TV shows!)

Not only that... I've tapped some killer "automation tools" that put
the whole thing on almost complete AUTOPILOT after you've done some
quick "prep" work.

It took me 7 months to get this system perfected, and that means YOU
could (and probably will) beat _my own_ results with minimum effort.

Bottom line, what you're getting here is NOT just a bunch of
"training." It's NOT about sitting for hours passively going through a
huge 'course' full of fluff and theory...

KickStart Money System is about immediately actionable "do this, then
this" tactics you can profit from right away...

... So you're officially a "doer" from the first day you set the
system in motion.

And that's crucial to your success, because once you take that first
step every action you take starts MULTIPLYING your results in a "chain
reaction" that will take your breath away.

You will actually FEEL this, like an electric current that makes the
hair on your arms stand up and puts and puts a "spring" in your step.

Because suddenly there's no more frustration.

Instead of feeling like there's a huge chasm in your mind between
where you are now, and your goal, and feeling like a failure when you
can't leap over it in one massive jump...

... suddenly, you're filled with confidence and everything falls into
place without trying because you absorb all the skills you need...

... by actually doing them!

Most people ignore this kind of step-by-step approach and insist on
looking for that ever-elusive "big score." Manna from heaven. The
jackpot waiting around the corner.

And those are the marketers you'll _still_ see in 5 years trolling
forum threads, burning up credit on course after course, talking a lot
but never getting anything done, always wondering "what it takes" to
see action.

The bottom line is... the marketers promising you that you only need
to click your mouse X number of times to get rich... assume that deep
down, that's all you really believe you CAN do.

They're deeply cynical about what you think you're capable of. I know

I know that with a tiny bit of focused energy -we're talking one hour
a day -you can change your financial future forever.

Does that sound fair to you?

Then join me... because...

what I'm about to share with you will restore your faith that you
actually can and will make
money online without endless courses or "push-button" magic

And once you start this journey, it all happens so quickly and surely
you've got only...


Again... I'm so sure this will happen for you, I'm putting over
$20,000 on the line to double your earnings!

Here's exactly what's going to happen over those next four weeks...

The countdown begins with...

When you apply the KickStart system, you quickly _short-circuit_ the
normally boring "busy work" of finding the hottest proven buyer
markets once you discover...

* The "Research Triangle" method for targeting _(and profiting
from)_ niches 3X faster...
* How to spot hidden "search frenzies" on sight...
* A unique (and sneaky) "1-click" trick to zero in on untapped
niches on Clickbank before other affiliates realize they exist...
* The popularity "sweet spot" for laser-targeting the most
profitable Amazon products (hint: this one signal can even get you
_higher commissions_ than any other affiliate)...

* Where to instantly tap into 46,613 proven "buyer niches" hidden in
plain sight (complete with free info on exactly what they're looking
* How to force Google to show you "breakout" keywords your
competitors miss (you'll never find these with the Google Keyword

... and much more!

You've now got all the proven niches you need to set everything in
motion. That's a line most affiliates never cross...

... and my bet is you're already going to "sense" you're onto
something different (and radically easier and faster than you've
experienced before)... even before you move on to...

Reality check: _Nothing_ can happen for you in a niche until you plug
it into a website that _works_ and gets ranked (not easy for most)...
then converts visitors into profitable clicks (even fewer get this

But unless you're a tech savant with a talent for graphic design, way
too many affiliates end up putting this off... and holding up their

And watching a whole slew of videos alone isn't going to get everyone
to a "cash machine" KickStart site fast...

Neither is any of that "push-button" Wordpress software -because the
BIGGEST hurdle isn't getting Wordpress installed. I'll prove to you
that's easy to learn, even if you're convinced you're a total tech

Where way too many affiliates FAIL... is "customizing" the site to
make it look and function the way it's supposed to (getting all the
right "plugins", adjusting the layout, tweaking all the dozens of
"default" settings -all that stuff).

[31,000,000 results for "Hello World" Wordpress posts]

That's doesn't even include the hassle (and expense) of finding a
good "theme" that search engines love, and that won't "break" the
minute Wordpress comes out with an update.

That's why I'm _flat-out_ giving you my premium hand-customized
version of the WooThemes "Canvas" theme.

This sells everyday for $149, and you get it free!

Not only that... when you login to your new site for the first
time... the plugins, settings and layout are _already_ DONE FOR YOU.
Graphics, too -just change colors and swap in your own images at the
push of a button.

This is the same custom theme "template" I use on all of _my own
sites_ -and it's front-loaded to work like crazy for you. Because it's
already proven. And already laid out for you to convert to your own

I'll give you WRITTEN PERMISSION to use this theme and all my
done-for-you custom enhancements on _as many of your own sites as you

This gives you a MASSIVE head-start on any other affiliate in the
game right now -because without any extra effort on your part...

* You'll have eye-popping graphics...
* Your pages and posts will bristle with commission-producing
* And every one of your sites will instantly take on a "pro" look
and feel from day one. A look and feel that gives a boost of
confidence both to you and to every cash-in-hand buyer who lands

PLUS... How to get UNLIMITED (quality) web hosting for just 1 cent
(and avoid the one fatal flaw in the more expensive hosting most
people _assume_ is better)...

Trust me on this: The feeling of sheer pulse-pounding excitement you
get at this point... when you see your first site go "live" looking
better than you ever imagined possible... is difficult to top.

It only gets _better_, though -because you're so close now, the money
feels real enough you can practically spend it. And you'll send your
conversion rates through the roof once you initiate...

Listen: "Content is king" right? Content means love from the search
engines _and_ it's the key to getting those all-important clicks to
any affiliate offer you promote.

So what do you do if the idea of _writing_ makes you break out in a
cold sweat with nasty flash-backs to sixth-grade grammar drills?

No worries -because creating content that CONVERTS (and plenty of it)
is so crucial to your success, I'm not just going to feed you some
"training" and expect you to go off and do it all on your own.


To make _all_ the most profitable content (from "money post" articles
and press releases to cash-sucking VIDEOS) copy-paste simple...

... I'm _handing_ you my proven fill-in-the-blanks templates for each
one, so all you need to do is... RIP ME OFF!

You've got my permission... heck, _encouragement_... to copy my
tested high-converting formulas exactly as you find them to create all
the UNIQUE (but fast and guesswork-free) content you want.

You'll get my step-by-step system for...

* A little-known "Google hack" that tells you _exactly_ what content
to create to make the most money in any market...
* The biggest PLR mistake nearly _all_ affiliate make (but don't
know it)...
* One easy "search and destroy" shortcut that gives you your own
unlimited "swipe file" for free in any niche you want (it's not
directories or PLR)...
* How to safely "keyword stuff" your articles in a way Google
actually REWARDS (and will never slap)...
* The content "time-warp" trick that gets you rankings and traffic
in days rather than weeks or months...
* How to "spin" content for maximum juice in 2011 (hint: doing this
the "old way" could get you banned)...
* The exact blueprints you MUST use for your first two "posts" on
any new site...
* My paint-by-numbers template slides for product-review videos
(just cut and paste, and you'll have a polished video ready to drive
traffic in MINUTES!)
* The "linkbait" tweak to just about _force_ readers to click on
your articles (and spread them around for maximum traffic)...
* The "BookEnd" method that makes PLR articles unique with _half_
the work...
* My proven six-paragraph formula for articles that get you rankings
and traffic on demand (no more "writer's block" ever -knock out
articles that get approved, clicked on and read in _minutes_ -even if
you hate to write!)

By now, you're starting to see real affiliate commissions coming in.
You're _already_ ahead of 95 out of 100 affiliates online... and even
if the numbers aren't massive (yet)... it's all coming from a SYSTEM
so you know the checks will only get bigger.

And that will start to happen even faster once you deploy...

Driving fast traffic to your KickStart sites is the final link -and
you'll get as much as you can handle -FREE -when you discover...

* One kind of link almost _nobody_ bothers to ask for (even though
it's free, and more effective than others most marketers spend hours
and hundreds of dollars on)...
* Article marketing is DEAD, right? Not on your life -here's how I
STILL get 40% of my traffic from free article directories in 2011...
* Sneaky "backdoors" to find the most popular forums any niche (then
mine them for traffic, links and buyers on demand)...

* Think online press releases only work for big business? Think
again: Here's my exact copy-paste formula for press releases that
crush (plus, how to automatically "drip feed" them for maximum links
and traffic)...
* A little-known free tool that lets you put your own clickable
affiliate links right ON TOP OF other people's videos (it's totally
legal using this one "white hat" strategy)...
* How to instantly "watermark" your videos with links back to your
website, without any software or video editing (this is the key to
getting huge traffic from "viral" videos while other people do the
work for you)...
* 3 tricks for finding available "exact match" domains everyone else
* Instantly MULTIPLY the power of RSS feeds to drive traffic to your
site -Â several "gurus" try to sell you software that does this
(because it's so powerful). I'll show you a sneaky way to do it fast
and FREE (even if you don't know RSS stands for)
* The "boomerang" strategy that gets you backlinks from authority
sites without even asking
* Exactly when to use social bookmarking for your site (and how to
get 79 free bookmarks at the push of a button, any time you want
* "Linkwheels" don't work anymore? That's what some "gurus" are
saying, but chain these exact 9 sites together this one way, and
you'll get instant love from Google
* 9 free ways to share your videos for free for fast targeted

That's not all, though -because like I said before, YOU get the
benefit of an incredible "force multiplier" it took me seven months of
testing to discover.

Once you put this "unfair advantage" to work, you'll instantly slash
the "maintenance" time for your KickStart sites from 30-45 minutes per

... to just 15-20 minutes per WEEK! (And explode your income at the
same time if you want -I kept doing the same "work" and multiplied my
KickStart sites overnight!)

That's exactly what I was able to do in July when I first rolled out
an automation system so powerful...

Take a look at these traffic stats from June and July (the
one-month period where I set this automation in motion)...

You can see the traffic to just this ONE site spike almost overnight
from 1,659 to 8,428 visitors per month (and climbing)...

But the _best part_ isn't even in the "stats"...

... because this automation strategy instantly slashed the TIME I
spend on "maintaining" even my _most successful_ sites from 30-45
minutes per day... down to just 15-20 minutes PER WEEK!

(what you do with all the saved time is up to you -_I_ used it to go
from just three... to 20+ profitable sites, with zero extra effort)...

And the _first time_ I'm revealing _exactly_...

* The _first _task to automate for maximum profits (it's _not _your
* Why most "autoblogs" get slapped or banned -and how to automate
your sites for massive traffic _without_ a single tell-tale
* How to leverage my custom "posting templates" to make every
automatic post look completely "natural" to the search engines...
* The Wordpress "drip feed" trick that gives your Google rankings an
instant boost...

* Exactly _when_ to automate a new site (get this _timing_ right
and watch your site shoot to the top; get it _wrong_ and you'll sink
to the bottom)...

... and much more!

And you get instant access to _everything_ -all the videos,
quick-start guides and the members'-only KICKSTART MONEY SYSTEM FORUM,
so you can get started on this journey and move at your own pace from
day one...


What's that? I forgot to mention the forum?

That's right -you're also getting an "ask me anything" forum where
you can get advice and updates directly from me (or from all the other
members of the KickStart community you'll be joining)...

But the MOST important thing you're going to use this forum for is...
to share your success story.

Because remember -I'm so sure you WILL succeed... that to make sure
you know this is absolutely for real...

I'm so positive the KickStart Money System will let you finally reach
your goal in just four short weeks if you're one of the three top
earners I've set aside $17,500 in cash to match your first month's
earnings dollar for dollar!

You can devote just 3-5 hours a week over the next four weeks to
follow the KickStart Money System through... OR, go through the whole
system in one mad 2-hour rush if you want (still less than most people
spend at their job). Either way, I want to give you all the motivation
you need to get started FAST...

PLUS... Everyone who completes the challenge and shows proof of
earnings in _any amount_ goes into a drawing for a private 3-on-1
coaching session with me and my marketing team, top copywriters Kevin
Rogers and Ben Johnson!

You'll spend 30 minutes on the phone (or Skype) with us as we tell
you exactly what we'd do to optimize anything in your online business
if it was ours.

And you'll walk away with a customized action plan and a recording of
the call that you can do anything you like with -even sell it if you

How can I afford to be so generous?

Well, if you're seeing this page then you probably got sent here by
one of the many affiliates (even some "gurus") who are helping me get
the word out about the KickStart Money System...

... but in case it wasn't obvious yet... this isn't your "ordinary"
product launch.

If you've been hanging around the Internet marketing world more than
a few minutes, you've probably heard about affiliate "leader boards",

The "JV partner" contests where top affiliates compete for big cash
prizes and cool tech toys for driving the most traffic and making the
most sales...

Well... believe me, I know this is going to enrage and shock a few

Heck, it might get me blacklisted by the fuming elite!

But that's OK -because this is about YOU and your goals -not the guru
inner-circle club.

That's why I'm taking all the usual "JV leaderboard" cash and
and giving all that swag to you instead!

So mark this date on your calendar...

On August 5th, 2011 I'll be announcing the final KickStart "leader
board" and awarding over $20,000 to action-takers who are reading this
page right now.

And if that doesn't get you eager for action...

Putting a price tag on this wasn't easy...

After all, you're getting a one-way _onramp_ straight to the money
-and an automated fail-proof system precision engineered to get you to
financial freedom even faster than _I did_.

(I put together this course to be exactly _what I would have paid
THOUSANDS_ for to skip past the six months I spent piecing it all

Still... even though fast-forwarding right past all the overwhelm and
uncertainty ... and getting straight to the success only 5 in 100
affiliates normally get to experience... is easily worth _way more_
than the hundreds the guru's charge for all those "big box"

... I meant it when I said this is the BEST OPPORTUNITY I'VE EVER
put a price on it that makes it a complete "no brainer" for anyone to
get involved and take action right away.

That means I'm not going to charge the $997-$1997 "guru rate" for
this kind of info.

In fact, I'm not even going to charge half that much. I'm going to
practically "give" the KickStart Money System away for less than it
costs to buy a halfway decent pair of Nikes.

For a limited time, you can get your hands on everything I've told
you about here for a ONE-TIME PAYMENT OF JUST $47!

_Wait... _it gets even better though... because if you act now you'll
_also_ get free instant access to...

I put this course together a few months ago with video marketing
expert Jeff "Herschy" Schwerdt... and it's already drawn rave reviews
from affiliates and product owners who've tapped into the massive FREE
video traffic secrets we reveal in the members' area.

This still sells everyday on Clickbank for $37 (and should be way
more based on the feedback we've gotten)... but you get it free.

So... have I flipped my lid here?

Why the heck am I piling on a BONUS worth about the same as what I'm
charging for the whole KickStart Money System...

... when you're already getting it for just $47... with a solid shot
at ending up with as much as $20,000 in your pocket just from
following the steps in your first month?

SIMPLE -again, I know you see a slew of tempting offers everyday and
it's hard to know which ones (if any) are for real and which ones will
only perpetuate your status as a marketing "hobbyist."

So I'm putting everything on the line -cash, no-brainer price tag,
bonuses... and of course _my reputation_ -all on the line to make sure
you know this is for real.

PLUS... You're completely covered by my no questions asked 100%
money-back guarantee for a full 60 days!

Of course, you also get lifetime access to the KickStart Money System
FORUM. You can dive in here anytime 24/7 for direct support from me
– and the extra shot of motivation and drive you get from a
like-minded group.

And to make sure everybody stays on-track, we’ll be holding at
least TWO “ask me anything” members-only webinars during the
contest. You can grill me about anything here – and each one of
these is a a bare-minimum $97 value.

Bottom line: From the minute you start, you’re just a click away
from all the support and accountability you need to reach your goal…

Let me prove to you that your business, and your life, can be a lot
more rewarding than it is now. I'm not even asking you to believe me.
All I'm asking you to do is to just "try it."

If I'm, wrong, you've lost absolutely nothing.

But what if I'm right?

Now, it's decision time. The choice is yours. You know what to do.

So here's how to order:

I understand that the time is NOW to get in on what's guaranteed to
be the biggest four-week money grab to ever to hit Clickbank!

And to PROVE to me that this is all real, I understand you're NOT
ONLY backing this up with a 60-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE... you're so
sure I'll succeed you're putting over $20,000 in cash and prizes on
the line to match my earnings dollar for dollar when I

I'll see you on the inside,

P.S. THINK ABOUT THIS: the faster you get started, the more profits
you're going to make -not just this week, but next week... next
month... and next year.

Because the best part about having a system like this in your corner
is... once you get things going...

... things start to happen so fast, and so easily... you might not
even be able to stop it if you tried!

I'm so positive you're _much closer than you ever imagined_ to making
that leap, I'm willing to double your first month's earnings when you

But you need to decide you really _want_ this... mark the date on
your calendar... and get started.

P.P.S. Remember, all you need to do now is say, "I'll try it."
KickStart Money System is 100% guaranteed for a full 60 days, so
you've got zero risk... except the risk you'll wait too long and miss
out, and wonder what could have happened in your life in just four
weeks from right now...

P.P.S. The one thing you _shouldn't_ do right now... is _nothing_.
You've got everything waiting for you just a click away to strip away
all confusion and overwhelm and ensure that you WILL take action.

And once you do, the system takes over from there. All you need to do
is take that first step:

| | |

ClickBank is a registered trademark of Keynetics Inc., a Delaware
corporation. www.KickStartMoneySystem.com is not affiliated with
Keynetics Inc. in any way, nor does
Keynetics Inc. sponsor or approve any www.KickStartMoneySystem.com.
Keynetics Inc. expresses no opinion as to the correctness of any of
the statements made by
www.KickStartMoneySystem.com in the materials on this Web page.

Copyright 2011 www.KickStartMoneySystem.com All Rights Reserved.

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