Excerpt from product page

Is there something your not being told?
Are you being secretely manipulated?

Do you ever wonder why so many people
feel trapped in a job? relationship?
Struggle with income?
Or suffer from low self esteem?

Discover the hidden truth about emotional manipulation in...
"The Greatest Con"

If you are in the "con" - you won't even know! (That is the game)

The more you "fight" when in "the con", the more control other people can have over you!

The con will keep you stuck in a job, low self esteem, poverty, and unhappy relationships!

From: Paul Ryder
RE:      Are you being told the truth? Read on...

Dear Friend:   

How would it feel if I said that there is a high chance that you may be caught in a game of social manipulation where other people can and will be manipulating you and you didn

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