[QuickEye Speed Reading](http://quickeyespeedreading.com) Read Faster, Improve Comprehension, and Remember More
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“14 Days to Lightning Fast Reading, an Unshakable Memory, and More Free Time For Yourself!”
Have you ever been reading and arrived at the bottom of the page with zero recollection of anything you just read?
Or have you ever gone to the store for one simple item, and only after arriving home with a shopping bag full of extras, you realize you had forgotten the one item that initially drove you to the store in the first place?
There is one simple answer to this. Your mind is an incredible machine, which is capable of intricate calculations with limitless potential; However, to take advantage of your hidden talents, you must first learn to learn.
Speed Reading Software
How can someone remember 70,000 digits of pi, or read through an entire book in a matter of minutes with near perfect comprehension, and you can’t even remember what happened in the 100 words you read 30 seconds before? The only difference is that they taught their brain to learn; To organize information properly so that it can stored and retrieved in an instant.
The best part is, you can learn this. You can train your mind to work at the same high levels as these “super-powered” mind masters.
They weren’t born with those skills. They learned them.
[QuickEye Speed Reading Software](http://quickeyespeedreading.com/quickeye-speed-reading-software/) has been designed not only to increase your reading speed many times over, but to put you in control of your mind. Reading faster is just one of the life changing skills you will learn. Memory techniques, learning strategies, study skills, motivation, goal setting, are just a few of the topics covered in your training . All facets of learning are covered in 14 Powerful Lessons. We’ve also built in 45 Dynamic Exercises that makes training your mind easier than it has ever been.
Our easy to install and even easier to use software guides you through the learning process and provides a step by step method to teach you the most current mind techniques in the most effective way possible. These are the same techniques that we used in training our own minds. Put simply, they work. We have a guarantee to prove it.
How Does Speed Reading Work?
Speed Reading involves a lot more than simply moving your eyes more quickly over the words. While you can do that to “read” at a much quicker rate, your comprehension will be next to nothing, so it doesn’t even really count. When you learn the right techniques, you can increase your reading rate significantly while maintaining your usual level of comprehension, although we have found that at faster rates, your comprehension actually tends to improves.
In your software, you will find all the different ways you can train your eyes and your mind to read faster and work more effectively. All of the speed reading techniques, including the ones that are not listed below, are covered in much greater detail within the software. These are the main methods to increase your reading speed immediately.
Your Mindset - With too many distractions around, both in your surroundings as well as in your mind, you will not be able to concentrate fully, resulting in low comprehension and minimal reading speeds. You will learn how to get into the ideal learning state, which provides access to your maximum learning potential.
Physical Techniques - Besides teaching you the proper ways to position yourself physically, we also teach you proper reading mechanics. This covers the position of the book, the position of your hands, your timing/pacing, as well as several other easy to use tools and tips that will help your reach your maximum reading speed.
Sub-Vocalization – This is the voice that you hear in your head as you read. Essentially you are reading our loud, in your mind. This puts a speed cap on your maximum reading speed as you are limited to your maximum talking speed. You will find that while you are still sub-vocalizing, you can read at up to 600-800 words per minute, which is 3-4 times faster than the average reader; however this is nowhere near your true reading potential. We teach you to quiet this “voice” out, while maintaining your comprehension.
Multi-Word Focus - While it is impossible for us to say several words at once, your mind is more than capable of reading multiple words at once. Developing your peripheral vision allows you to take in panoramic views in an instant; so a few words on a page is not a problem. When we read, we stop at each word to take in its meaning. Each stop takes time which adds up over a few pages. If you can cut down the number of stops you do on a line, or even a page, you will notice a significant decrease in the amount of time it takes you to finish. Our software first teaches you to read 2 words at a time, and steadily increases your intake until full lines or paragraphs can be taken in an instant.
Stopping Regression – Also known as re-reading the material. When you get to the bottom of the page, and have no idea what you just read, and therefore re-read it, is a common example of regression. It’s estimated that 1/3 of the time that you are reading, you are actually re-reading, meaning that out of every hour you read, you are only gaining 40 minutes of material. [The software ](http://quickeyespeedreading.com/speed_reading_software/)properly trains you and your mind to no longer to re-read, so that when you arrive at the bottom of a page, you are comfortable and confident in what you had just read.
There are many more techniques that you will learn in the software, which cover topics above and beyond speed reading. They are taught in a natural learning format by your teacher “Monica.” You will find all the information is presented naturally as you flow from one lesson to another, with full comprehension and understanding of everything that has been presented. Each skill you learn will help improve your reading speed by a percentage. Using all of these skills in combination allows you to reach the lightning fast reading speeds.
Software Tour!
Unlimited User Accounts – You, your spouse, and your entire family can benefit from the software. Everyone can create their own account, password protect it (if wanted), personalize your profile image, track your improvement, and learn at your own pace.
14 Powerful Lessons – Starting from day 1, you are trained at a manageable yet effective rate in your lessons. This course is comprehensive, meaning that new material builds on old material. Due to the specialized format, presentation, and organization of the materials, you will find it easier to grasp than any course you may have taken in college or high school. P.S. You will be able to use this for the rest of your life, which is not necessarily true for some of the college courses.
45 Dynamic Software Exercises – These exercises include training your eyes to move properly, reading multiple words at a time, improving your scanning ability, stopping sub-vocalization, boosting concentration, training your memory, working on your peripheral vision, maintaining speed, encouraging the proper techniques, and many other brilliant exercises.
The PRESENTER – This is in all caps for a reason! It is by far my favorite part of the software and is easily worth more than the entire price of your training package. The Presenter takes text and plays it in front of you at an accelerated rate. The Presenter basically speed reads the material for you which can be extremely useful when you are just starting out. There are three included texts, but you can add in any of your own. Just copy and paste, and click play. You can select the text size, the width of the line, and the speed that the text is presented at (up to 2,000 Words Per Minute). Scroll down a little bit to see The Presenter in action. It is truly amazing how effective this part of the software really is.
Statistical Progress Tracking – When you set a goal to achieve anything, it is important to set a base line standard, so you can gauge your improvement. This part of the software keeps track of your progress over time, and displays it in an easy to read graph format. A few of the main tracked statistics are your reading speed, comprehension, memory test, and a few other exercises from the software. Seeing your progress can only encourage and motivate you to continue to reach your speed reading goals.
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“Speed Reading is an Investment in your Future!”
Let’s say you currently read 30 minutes per day. Now, Imagine only doubling (our software is designed to teach you to read at 2,000 words per minute, 10 times the speed of an average reader) your reading speed, and saving 15 minutes per day. Spread that over the year, you would be gaining about 92 Hours of time. Almost 4 full days. You can spend your saved time as you please; family,friends,outdoors, or even more reading. How much is your time worth?
“If the reading sources are changing, don’t you think the way You are reading Deserves a change too?”.
We are living in the information age and we are all surrounded by an overwhelming amount of data flowing in from every direction. In the past, it had only been books, newspapers, and magazines, but its 2010, Now we have e-mails, websites, blogs, and e-books, piled on top of all the old formats. There is far too much information you will be missing out on if you are still crawling along at a “normal” reading rate. Our software is designed to teach you to read at 2,000 per minute, about 10 Times that of the average reader. Using some of the other techniques within the software can teach you to read at even faster rates.
The Presenter In Action!!!
One of favorite quotes in regards to Speed Reading is by Woody Allen. “I took a speed reading course and read ‘war and peace’ in twenty minutes. IT involves Russia.” Yes, if you are not taught properly, you can speed read just as fast as everyone else, but you will not have any comprehension. It removes the entire point of reading in the first place. When you are taught the right way to speed read, as in the QuickEye Software, you will maintain or improve your current level of comprehension as your speed increases.
Your brain works a lot faster than most people think. The average reading speed is between 150-250 words per minute. On the other hand, we’ve seen some estimates that say your brain functions upwards of 50,000 words per minute. While reading that fast is not realistic, you can close the gap by reading at 1,000, 2,000, or even 3,000 words per minute. Speeding up involves your brain more in the process, meaning you maintain a fuller concentration, and ultimately pull more from the text than a “normal reader.”
Research, research, and more research went into building our software. Being able to speed read has its advantages after all, as we were able to shred through mountains of information to create an all inclusive training program. We’ve tried and tested all these methods, found out what worked, what didn’t; resulting in the ultimate learning software.
An unfair advantage we did have while building our program, was that we were able to see what else was on the market. We were able to see what other speed reading programs had, what they were lacking, and used that information to base our software on. Cheating? Maybe. Did it help us make an amazingly effective software? Definitely. We set the goal of creating the most effective speed reading software available; and honestly, I think we succeeded.
The QuickEye Guarantee
Your course is based on a 14 Lesson program, which a lot of students finish in 2 weeks; However, you have more than four times that amount of time to decide if the program is right for you.
The Full Two Part Guarantee
1. If you aren’t fully satisfied with the results of QuickEye Speed Reading, then we’ll return 100% of your money back, Guaranteed. You will learn [how to speed read](http://quickeyespeedreading.com/2010/12/08/how-to-speed-read/) with absolutely zero risk. We’re that confident in our software and believe in its ability to teach you the amazing skill of speed reading that will change your life forever. If you don’t think it is right for you, feel free to return it.
2. You don’t need any specialized knowledge of computers or education to use your software. We built your software to be 100% user-friendly. It is an easy 2 click install, type in your name, and start your first lesson. We build up your learning base from square one, and take you all the way to teach you the advanced learning techniques of the pros.
The Bonuses!
Bonus #1
QuickEye’s Powerful Ways to Sharpen Your Memory ($27) – In the lessons on the software, you will be taught memory skills that will noticeably improve your memory. This 56 Page ebook teaches you memory tips and tricks that we were unable to fit into the software, but are far too good to not share. You learn to memorize people, places, events, phone numbers, facts, and other mnemonic tools that will never let you say “you have a bad memory” again.
Bonus #2
Organization 101: Tips & Tricks to Organize Your Life, Work, & Home ($27) - Not only does this ebook give you a handle on why you need to be organized, but it gives you hundreds of tips on what you need to do to get that way. It also includes real life stories of how I overcame being the most disorganized person on the face of the earth to someone who finally got off the hamster wheel. You will not only learn valuable tips, but also get to read real life stories about how you can get organized just as I did.
Bonus #3
Fool Proof Ways to Easily Avoid Procrastination ($27) - Never before has it been so easy to finally kick the procrastination habit. Stop putting things off until its too late. Learn the very best ways to beat procrastination and move yourself to motivation.
Bonus #4
Super Tactics of Time Management Experts ($27) - This 61 page ebook will show you how to manage your time efficiently using powerful techniques in the art of prioritizing, delegation, goal-setting, planning, organizing, and overcoming the so called “time robbers.” You will find that you always have time do the things you need and want to, and never will feel rushed again.
Since you are going to be a speed reader, we figured we would help you out with a couple books to use your new skill on. Each one of the topics of the 4 bonus books is covered within the training on the software, but there is way too much information to put into lesson, so we’ve included the books for you to read. These books will help you in all areas of your life in addition to your speed reading. Make the most of your life using all these techniques.
Remember you have 60 days to return the program for a complete refund of your purchase. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, return it, but keep all 4 ebooks as a free gift and a thank you for trying our program.
After your first lesson, you won’t be reading at 2,000 words per minute; and no, you won’t have a photographic memory. However, you should notice some improvement. After the next lesson you should have improved a little bit more. Making a little progress everyday really adds up quickly for the long-run. Remember you can verify your progress using the built in progress tracking in the software. Speed Reading and Memory Training are not an instant-fix.
Compare it to riding a bike. First you need training wheels. As you get better you can begin to coast along, followed by actual pedaling, with the ultimate obvious next step of competing in the Tour-De-France. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Just like riding a bike, once you learn these skills, they will be with you forever.
Who Can Use Speed Reading??
It doesn’t matter if your are a student, homemaker, business professional, or something entirely different; speed reading will be able to help you out in so many areas of your life. Study more in less time, stay current on the news, higher school grades, boost S.A.T. scores, finish your “to read” pile, learn a new skill, advance in your job, fly through emails, and have more time for yourself. We asked this questions before, but “How much is your time worth?”
In the software course, you are taught by an Instructor “Monica.” She is your daily guide, and presents all of the information in an easy to learn yet effective teaching method that has been designed to maximize your learning and understanding of the material. Each lesson builds off the previous, and covers a wide range of learning concepts that provide you access to the learning capabilities within your mind. This comprehensive system progressively trains you to read faster, improve your comprehension, and master all facets of your mind.
Top 5 Reasons to Buy Your Software Now!
1. Finish Your “To Read” Piles – From Harry Potter to the Wall Street Journal; there is so much written material out there, it is impossible to stay current if you are crawling along at a “normal” reading pace. Shred through it all.
2. Freedom – Time is money. Quit wasting it reading slowly. Spend your time as you want to spend it.
3. Zero-Risk Money Back 60 Day Guarantee – It pretty much says it all in the name. If you aren’t 100% satisfied after 60 days, send it back and receive all of your money. No risk.
4. Improve Your Life – It doesn’t matter if you are a student or a business professional, or something in between, learning to speed read provides access to massive amounts of information that can improve your grades, move you up the corporate ladder, and provide you the leg up on your competition. Your productivity will be through the roof, and people around you will notice.
5. Instant Download – You won’t need to wait a week for your software to arrive. You can have the fully functional software on your computer with All 14 Powerful Lessons and 45 Dynamic Exercises in a matter of seconds. What if I told you, you would be reading faster today?
You’ll read faster than you ever have before and with greater comprehension. And with a newfound joy for the written word, the world and all its volumes will be at your fingertips. Download it now.
Thank you. ~The QuickEye Team
P.S. Remember You are only 14 Days away from completing the course. Imagine what it would be like being able to read that fast.
P.P.S. If you haven’t tried the Free Trial (limited functionality) of the Software, head to the “[Try it Free](http://quickeyespeedreading.com/speed_reading_software/try-it-for-free/)” page and download it. Although, with the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, you can just click the button above and try the full version for a full two months.
Program requires Windows Operating System, sorry Mac users*
Instantly Download Your Own Trial Copy Right Now
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