Excerpt from product page

Achieving Excellent Health

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Have you ever wanted to get into better shape, but just didn't know
how? Have you bought products (whether they be books, DVD's, or
subscriptions) that say they'll get you the body you've always wanted?
Yeah, many have - sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. The big
problem is that the information may be good, but reading/watching
something is not going to get you _doing_ anything. That's why we feel
that this is something different.

We want you to get out there and _move_.

What we have here at ThisIsMyWorkout.com is ACHIEVING EXCELLENT
HEALTH (by Nicholas Frank, with the help of _thisismyworkout.com_) - a
10-week program to help you get into the shape you want while
organizing your life for better health! This book covers many topics
ranging from your food/drink intake, your goals and how to achieve
them, different stretching/workout strategies as well as how to
achieve excellent health for the rest of your life! Nobody hears that
and thinks "Healthy for the rest of my life? That sounds awful..." -
instantly you think, "...Really? I can?". Yes, really - for the rest
of your life. Doesn't mean it's easy though :)

This book contains everything from Weight Training, Water, Sleep,
Food, Motivation and everything in between to get you to your specific
goals. ACHIEVING EXCELLENT HEALTH leads you on a path to obtaining
that which you set out in the beginning to do. Whether your goal is to
compete in a Gymnastic competition or to lose 50 pounds, this book
will help you get there. Your job is just to do the work (which is the
hardest part!). Don't worry though, we come prepared with a plethora
of tools to help you along the way.

ThisIsMyWorkout.com has exercise videos (over 500), Q&A sections,
daily tips, online personal training as well as motivating blogs - we
want you to get into shape, so we provide many tools in addition to
Nicholas Frank's wonderfully helpful book.

We want you to achieve your goals - and we want it to be a
semi-enjoyable experience. Start achieving your goals today! Instead
of some high price, this book is only $27.95. It's affordable,
helpful, and will put you on a path to changing your life forever!
Please look below to purchase.

You can also get a hold of us anytime by sending an e-mail to . He's
the author, so why not talk to him :)

(in Great Detail) -

1)  Water Intake
Water is what your body needs more than anything else – you’re
70% or so water, so if you don’t have enough your body cannot
function properly.  You should be drinking half your body weight in
ounces a day.  When you exercise extensively though, your body will
need electrolytes the more you sweat, because…

2)  Anatomy and Posture
One needs to have some understanding of their bodies’ anatomy –
otherwise you won’t know what you’re working out when you
exercise.  Do you know where your biceps femoris is located, or what
it does?

3)  Flexibility
When you’re flexible, your body is able to move quicker/better/more
often, reach farther/higher/lower, even last longer – all from good
flexibility.  Sounds beneficial right?

4)  Cardio-Respiratory Exercise
Running, jumping, jogging, bike-riding, roller-blading:  all
wonderful ways to exercise your Cardio-Respiratory system.  This
refers to how your body intakes oxygen and uses it as energy for your

5)  Weight Training
Working with weights will help you see the results that you’re
looking for.  This could include barbells, dumbbells, kettle bells,
resistance bands – and even body weight exercises.  It’s
important to work out your whole body during exercise, and utilizing
these techniques will help you do that.  No matter your goal, you
need to utilize weight training.

6)  Vegetables
Did your mother ever tell you, “_Eat your vegetables_”?  Did you
listen?  Well, she knew how incredibly good they are for you! 
Vegetables are full of great nutrients that can improve your health
and give you more energy.  You need to eat them, often.

7)  Protein
After you exercise, your body begins to recover.  The muscles that
you broke down begin to repair themselves, and protein helps you build
stronger/bigger/faster/better muscle fibers.  The more muscle you
have, the higher your metabolism.  All this helps you get into better
shape and stay there.

8)  Fruits & Grains
Fruits are a wonderful source of energy and health – and did you
know that nuts and many grains are technically ‘fruits’ also? 
We’ll divide it up between ‘_Juicy’_ and _‘Grain-y’_
sections as to get a better understanding of traditional fruits,
including their grain counterparts.  Fruits have many health benefits
as well.

9) Supplementation
Supplements can be helpful when desiring to be in excellent health
– just depends what you’re taking in relation to your goal.  Lots
of the supplementation is not necessarily healthy for you, even though
_it says_ it can help you lose weight fast or get big muscles
quickly.  There is supplementation you should be taking daily, and
others to make your own judgments on.

10) Consistency, Motivation, Sleep and your Goals
AND/OR FORM’ – once you begin this lifestyle change, you need to
stay with it! Getting enough sleep is important, plus it’ll keep you
motivated.  There are going to be old habits that want to creep back
in, and we’re going to talk about how we can avoid them.  You need
to stay motivated, and finding ways to be consistent will just make it

Nicholas Frank goes in depth into these 10 topics to help you
understand their importance and begin to take part in their benefits.
As you begin to change your habits, you'll be enjoying better health
and even more energy to get out there and achieve your goals. Yes, all
these sound like common sense, but you wouldn't believe the ultimate
importance that they play in your body.

Come and get on the road to achieving excellent health for the rest
of your life!

Purchase ACHIEVING EXCELLENT HEALTH today and reach your goals!

By Nicholas Frank $27.95


(comes as a .PDF as an e-book. Need Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat
Reader to view/read)

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