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Background and principles for reducing the internal radiation dose after nuclear contamination or nuclear disaster

All about radiation protection:
Antinuclear Nutrition explains ionizing radiation, its biological effects, and how to protect against it, with an emphasis on protection from internal sources — keeping radioactive material from getting into you and what you can do to get it out if it does get in — when and how nutrition can become important. The reality in the nuclear age is that you are sooner or later likely to need this information when things go wrong, as we have recently seen with radiation in Japan where radioactive material is already contaminating food and water supplies. Antinuclear Nutrition covers the nuts and bolts of protection from external as well as internal sources of radiation and includes the background needed to understand nuclear issues and their hazards; this printable PDF ebook may open your eyes in ways you never imagined.
Antinuclear Nutrition is written for lay readers and all terms are explained, with references provided to original research, review articles, and books for those who wish to dig deeper. The scientific literature it draws from is familiar to many radiological health professionals but this is the only book which presents that knowledge in a practical way that's understandable and useful to non-experts. Its purpose is to provide you with the knowledge and understanding you will need to deal with a nuclear-contaminated environment should you ever unfortunately find yourself in one. Please see the sample pages below and if you learn anything you didn't already know, you'll know you need this book.

193 pages

[About the author](AboutTheAuthor.cfm)
[Table of Contents](TableOfContents.cfm)
Sample Pages (PDF files like the eBook) [Biological Effects of Radiation](BiologicalEffectsPDF.cfm) [Radionuclides Of Concern](RadionuclidesOfConcernPDF.cfm) [Pathways To Humans](PathwaysToHumansPDF.cfm)

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Please Note

Antinuclear Nutrition was coincidentally undergoing revision for publication on Amazon.com when a powerful earthquake struck northern Japan creating a devastating tsunami on March 11 2011 resulting in the nuclear disasters at Fukushima, so future editions will likely include what we are learning today and we are putting this out to try and help as many people in Japan as possible right away. The Terms and Conditions of its copyright allow you to make unlimited printed copies to distribute to friends and family without charge but you may not redistribute any electronic versions. The exception: to get it to the people who need it most urgently right now, if you are not in Japan yourself but have friends who are in Japan you may purchase one and email them all copies.

Japan Radiation

The Fukushima disaster assures there will be much nuclear radiation in Japan for years to come, so if you live in Japan you need this book. If you have friends there you should buy them a copy or at least let them know it exists, because radioactive material will be blown and tracked around all over the island, getting into food and water and moving through the food chain into people far more than it already has. Radiation from Japan may become problematic to other countries but not likely on the same scale, although it's by no means over yet. Keep track of the spread of radiation and the latest news out of Fukushima on the [Antinuclear Nutrition Blog](http://blog.antinuclearnutrition.com) as the story unfolds. Not surprisingly it appears the Japanese government isn't telling much of what it knows, but eventually it must and the best source to keep up with that is the [Japanese Prime Minister's Twitter account](http://twitter.com/JPN_PMO) (in English; the original Japanese is [here](http://twitter.com/#!/Kantei_Saigai)).


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