Excerpt from product page


Suffering From a Painful Relationship Break Up?

Are you tired of suffering from your break up and not be able to function?

Are you afraid that your life is passing you by?

Are you tired of wasting your time on things that don’t work like; books, CD’s, seminars, friend’s and relatives’s advice?

Are you becoming concened that you are depressed and may turn to addictions to cope with your pain if you have not already?

Be rest assured that you are not alone.

Are you ready to put the pain and the past behind you once and for all?

Are you ready to turn the page and start a new chapter in your life?

Are you determined to do what it takes to ensure a new and brigher future?

Are you prepared to commit to follow a proven and effective roadmap?

Then this is the workbook for you…

I have lost my mother, my man, and my money and all within a matter of months. My near-perfect life became an utter disaster. Yet, after all of that, I bounced back using this roadmap. And you can too. 


Contact me here if you have any questions prior to purchasing my eBook: goalsinaction@comcast.net









7 Essential Steps


©2011 Bouncing Back Now | Just Say No to the Status Quo™

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