How to 'Heal Yourself' and create a life you can truly enjoy and be happy living...
“Align Yourself To The Healing Powers and Transform Your Life
In Just 30 Days!”
From: Rev. Dr. Dee Adio-Moses
If you are tired of the endless treadmill you've been on and working harder is not giving you what you need to be happy... If you want help to -- attract into your life everything you have always dreamed of...
If you want to feel and experience:
True, Honest Love Deep Romance Financial Success Boundless Energy Vibrant Health and a Feeling of Inner Peace... it is all waiting right here for you.
I will show you the path you need to walk so...
You can be truly free and incredibly happy -- living a life you can love.
Please read this letter closely, as what I'm about to reveal to you is going to change your life forever. It certainly has mine.
“Discover How You Can Uncover the Hidden Keys to Boundless Love...
The Sweetest and Kindest Thing You Can Do For Yourself!”
It is easy for me to tell you that -- my life is filled with love, hope for the future, and the deeply felt warmth of true happiness and a feeling of contentment and inner peace...
But where does that leave you?
If you are worried about problems -- problems with money, your job, your friends, your family, and your partner (and what your partner is thinking and feeling about you right now...) then this letter is getting to you at the right time and... before it is too late for you.
If you are fearful of having the strength to deal with the problems you face each day... then what I am going to reveal to you will astound you.
Here's why,
...if you are feeling overwhelmed with your problems,
...if you are feeling your life did not turn out the way you dreamed,
...if you are feeling there is nothing you can do to turn back the clock, to change things...
...then I am catching you at the right moment to help you turn your life and thoughts around!
So now I'll bet your wondering -- how's she going to do that?
Here's how... Imagine this...
How Your Life Would Change If You Instantly Became...
One of the LUCKY People!”
I'm sure if you are honest with yourself you can think of someone, some person you envy.
Now envy is not good for anyone, but just stick with me here. I am sure you can think of someone who has it all -- a perfect family, perfect partner, was raised by loving parents... and even was lucky enough and landed the perfect job! (And they have plenty of money -- and don't ever argue in public.) You wonder how it is they never seem to let the little things in life -- bother them... well at least they don't LOOK like anything ever does...
So do you know someone like that?
I'll bet you do. Maybe more than one or two.
When you think about this person do you feel that:
They are always in the right place, at the right time They have tons and tons of people who are their friends They never seem to have to work at anything they want in life They have a beautiful home and go on exotic vacations They have a job they love and enjoy They drive nice cars and other toys that are paid for They have a close and intimate love life with their partner They go through life and are always smiling and see happy and.. They are one of the "lucky ones" -- and you really do envy them!
You know the type of people I am talking about. They are always off doing something you'd love to be doing, or contributing their time and money to charity (they have free time and don't worry about money like you do) and... their lives are ones you really admire.
So what does that have to do with helping you get started on the path to living a life you can love?
Here's my story...
“Once a life of deep desperation, pain and
loss of hope was mine too...”
My life was not always filled with love and contentment like it is now. (I've deeply suffered through a traumatic marriage, that ending in divorce and my life was in shambles at one time too... )
I have felt many of the same bad feelings you may be experiencing now...
So can you answer "yes to any of these"?
Right now, you are feeling a...
loss of hope that anything will ever get any better loss of caring about wanting to do anything to change your life loss of knowing deep inside what you are truly feeling...
because you've hardened yourself to NOT giving to yourself because it's easier not to... than have your dreams crushed and fade away.
Please be honest with yourself. If you answered "YES" to any of the above then I am here to "help you climb out of the rut you are in."
I am offering you the helping hand you need. I can give you the chance to turn your life around. I am here to help you gain the strength you need to...
“...break away from the old thinking and negative habits you've been living under...”
Given the strife in today's world it is no wonder you are stressed out, overwhelmed and feel under appreciated. Not only at work, but in the home and with your family as well. People just don't understand what you are going through. And many times you probably feel they really don't care about you either. Not the real you that is deep inside and still hurting.
So am I right?
You may be questioning yourself whether or not you have made the right decisions in your life.
You may be wondering how to "turn your life around for the better."
You may be thinking it is TOO late to change.
It's not.
As you keep on reading you will find out how my love of God and my connection with my inner spirit has transformed my life as nothing else ever did.
“you will understand -- why you've been looking for the answers in all the
wrong places...
Because you will certainly find concrete answers to the reasons why the happiness in your life has eluded you. It's not because you've been doing things all wrong, but it... is because you've been asking for help and comfort in all the wrong places.
You will be able to wipe away your pain and lessen the fears and concerns you may have about:
The underlying reasons why your life turned out the way it did... and its not what you think! Why worrying about what you think or feel you did wrong -- is harming your ability to make changes and create a life that feels right. Why putting yourself down for your mistakes is the first thing you have to stop doing and why. How the relationship you had with your parents (even if it was not a good one) can be changed for the better . How to 'tame that inner voice' that keeps putting your down. Why you feel so disillusioned and dissatisfied with your life. How you can get back in touch with the inner you. Worrying you are in a relationship with a partner for the wrong reasons. Is there such a thing as love that lasts forever? And how to get it. What role should your partner play in helping you be happy? How to embrace romantic love and touch your partners heart. What is the right way to be in love? - Hint, it has nothing to do with sex. How to change the parts of your life you feel you need to change for the better (without destroying the good parts.) How to create a balance between husband, home, children and God that nurtures and strengthens your love of life. Why being in debt can ruin an otherwise loving partnership. Why working for just for the money is a mistake. And what to do instead to be happy and enjoy a fulfilling career. What married couples don't want you to know about staying in love. What you absolutely must do to find and keep a life you can love. And much more...
Clearly building a life you can love and finding yourself takes time and effort.
You will need to put in the time to uncover your dreams, the things you used to love and have forgotten. And...
Find out what you really want... not simply what others push you to want.
You know you need guidance in your life because this is all too hard to do alone...
Because, God in his infinite wisdom is here to help you, as am I.
I tell you I have successfully counseled so many individuals and couples I’ve lost count during my tenure as a spiritual counselor.
And since I am only one person, and I know you want and need my help right now to start down the path to a life you can love...
And it wouldn’t be Christian to turn needy people away... so I decided to condense my years of spiritual counseling experience into a series of self-help programs (downloadable books, journals and audio files) that you can instantly read and listen to on any computer. The best thing is you can use these programs when you have time, when you are ready and in the privacy of your own home.
This way you can follow a spiritual path to understanding what you want and need in your life to be happy again. You can use the programs with their in depth books, journals and audios in complete privacy and when you have the time to spare.
The first spiritual enhancement program I have for you is called:
Heal Your Life
With Daily Prayers And Meditations
As you flip open the pages you’ll see it’s a daily guide for healing... 391 pages of solid actionable advice to help you understand yourself, your life and your inner spiritual needs.
In this book you will receive a daily page to read to help you understand the things in your life and world that are holding you and your sprit back... You’ll find many moments when you read a passage that will inspire you and are...
Incredibly valuable to you.
And, when you read the daily readings - one for each day of the year, (yes, all 365 days) you will reconnect with what is worrying and bothering you. You will uncover the real reasons as to why you are unhappy and feel unfulfilled.
The book uncovers deeply hidden problems and offers you concrete solutions to your real concerns about why your life is the way it is now and what to do about it to change it.
Imagine how strong and passionate your life, friends, partnerships, and family relationships will be when you have this book in your hands.
The Heal Your Life Program...
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You'll also receive this fabulous complementary journal to record your thoughts...
The "Heal Your Life Journal" is a daily journal you can use to write in your thoughts about the reading of the day. The Journal is a 365 day long journal to help you through an entire year!
This complementary Journal will help you keep track of your thoughts, feelings and desires and steps for change, as you go through the book. Many people who have used the "Heal Your Life Program" find writing in the journal to be an uplifting and freeing experience.
They are so surprised at what they write when no one is looking! This also helps to free your thoughts and feelings and allows you to understand why you lost the connection with your spirit and how to regain it. You can rebuild your connection with yourself, your loved ones, partner and relatives, and this program will be the first step to doing it!
I've included an audio file "Your Can Heal" to help you with connecting with the power of God and all he can do for you in your spiritual quest. Many people use the audio file while driving to and from work to help ease the stress of their daily commute.
And to find out how well this program can work for you... please read...
With all that is happening around the world, ‘Heal Your Life’ has helped me to focus on what is important in my life. I thank you for putting these effective prayers, meditations, journal together, this is the best value for money that I have ever bought and it is life changing. My whole family are all involved in working the programs and it has actually brought us all closer to God and to each other.
~ Patricia Mosey, Houston, Texas
‘Heal your Life’ has been my daily companion since I got it a few weeks ago. It is different from what I have ever read before. It has given me a new spiritual awakening and a new excitement about life, I wish I had this many years ago. I am so grateful for it and I love the journal.
Thank you so much.
~ Joy Monufie Savannah, Georgia
What a wonderful, God inspired work you have done here? I have never been a praying person but this is so empowering that I find myself thinking about it all day and using the affirmations. I have a smile on my face a lot more and feel more relaxed.
~ James Green Inglewood, California
I just had to write you to thank you for all that I have learnt since I got “Heal Your Life”. Why did I not learn this before? I know my life would have been more fulfilling. Anyway, thank you so much. I am learning that there is so much power inside of me that I have never used. I am on a mission from now on, to be all that I was born to be.
~ Jason Craig Atlanta, Georgia
And when [you order your copy of “Heal Your Life Program” today]( you’ll also receive...
Yours absolutely FREE --- these wonderful bonuses...
Love Rebirth Healing Program...
The "Rebirth Healing Program" is a 40 day program which includes daily readings to help you with your search for honest and true love in yourself as well as with a loved one.
The Rebirth Healing Program includes a complementary daily journal for your pleasure. Here you can write about your successes with rebuilding the love you desire in your life.
You will find writing in this journal very easy to do and helps in the healing process.
Many people find writing down their wants, needs and problems with love -- helps to release hidden emotion-filled feelings. Writing down your inner feelings helps to understand the problems you have with love, and intimate relationships -- so you can heal.
As you are working through the concerns you have with your love life -- you will find writing in a daily journal helps keep you on track. The Journal helps you record your inner thoughts about love. You will uncover what love really means to you and what your inner desires are. The time you spend writing down your inner spiritual feelings about love and loving relationships will help you to reconnect with the deep desire for love that is within you.
You'll attract love into your life...
Once you connect with that desire - then you can start to 'attract love into your life'. You will discover how to use the 'Law of Attraction' to automatically attract love and a loving partner into your life.
Writing in the Journal in the privacy of your home helps you express yourself more deeply and really gets you to face and uncover the reasons why your love life is stalled. The book, journal and audio will help you to find out what you need to do to find the love you are seeking.
You will welcome being able to write all these heart felt thoughts on paper in the journal. (The journal comes in a printable PDF format.) Once you order and download the Rebirth Healing Program", and start writing in your love journal you will be amazed at the feelings you release.
You'll be able to unlock hidden feelings
and desires and strengthen
your loving relationships...
You will find it is easier to write about your problems and fear with love and relationships in the privacy of your own room. The journal helps you to you to understand why you lost the love connection with your partner and with friends and family and how to regain it.
"Father almighty! I bow before Thy goodness, and invoke in prayer and supplication Thy silent presence as Love. May its steady currents of power draw me into Thy mighty arms, where I shall rest secure from all the challenges of the world. I come as a little child into the sacred precincts of Thy love, knowing full well that no hand of force ever finds a welcome there. Open to me the inner peace and the inner harmony that are born of love. Let all fear depart from my mind as the shadows from the morning light. Let me bask forever in the sunshine of perpetual love, Thy love, Thy never-failing love! I ask in the power that is in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
I've included an audio file "Love Rebirth - Peace and Love" to help you with connecting with the power of your love of your partner, your family, friends and with God.
You will reconnect with all that God can do for you in your spiritual quest to love's most deep feeling of warmth and connection.
Plus you'll receive as a second extra special bonus... the new life changing program...
Your Success In the Game Of Life Program...
I've included this additional bonus to sweeten the first bonus gift I am giving you!
The book "Your Success In The Game Of Life". This book is a 30 day program and will help you to uncover the unhappiness in your life.
When you follow the 30 day program it is guaranteed to help you live a happier more fulfilling life and will allow you to feel more successful in no time!
You'll feel better in just days...
Take a look at a small sample of the solid spiritual advice you’ll receive:
Discover how to reconnect to love...
How to build the Oneness character - and what you need to do to uncover the deep contentment using the power of the Spirit. How to stop listening to the nagging voice inside you that constantly puts you down and condemns you -- and silence it for good. Discover how to reconnect with and make 'conscious contact' your inner Spirit - and return the feeling of a warm glow of contentment and peace inside you. Find out how to grow and increase your ability to love deeply and with an in a more selfless manner - by bringing honest and true love into your heart. How to enter a state of “at-one-ment” that you can truly become aware of the awesomeness and power of God.
Discover how to love yourself...
Discover how to develop deep and true love from the inside out - by understanding how you push love away. How to analyze what you feel needs room for improvement, and taking the right steps to change what needs to be done without guilt or emotion. How to be honest with yourself and pair it with the gentleness and tolerance – so tell yourself the truth compassionately and with love. The Seven A’s for Loving - Address, Avoid, Admit, Apologize, Accept, Alter, Ask and how to use them How to be a winner and understand what you need to do to accept yourself as you are and that 'your best is good enough'.
Discover how to love your body...
Understand how to love the temple of your body - how to stop the nagging and negative voices and listen to a new voice filled with love, kindness and hope for the future. How to love the body and face you see in the mirror. Discover how to accept and learn to love and rejoice in the face and body God gave you. Understand how to love and take tender care of the temple of your body - how to stop the nagging and negative voices and listen to a new voice filled with love, kindness and hope for the future. How to use the 30 Day Plan with the Journal to stick to your plan for an change.
Enhance your love relationships...
How to automatically 'attract an honest and loving soul mate to you'. Surefire ways to feel respected and get more respect without demanding it. Learn how to properly communicate with love to your partner to enhance your love connection. How to cure unhappiness in your life and in your relationships - understand how you can banish problems and create harmony. Learn what to do to stop your relationships from deteriorating so badly your partner wants a separation or divorce - how to avoid loss of love. Get stared using the 40 Day Love Rebirth Action Plan with Companion Journal (plus audio) - to listen to advice and to help you write your way to a new and exciting, life filled with love!
Get Ready To Create a New Life...
How understanding the true meaning of love will instantly revitalize your life. Deepen your ability to give and receive love, strengthen relationship commitment and reconnect ties with family and friends. Discover the secret to how to use the 'Law of Attraction' the right way - how to understand the incredible power behind attracting to your life that which you persistently desire, your ability to attract becomes irresistible. How to restore order in your life to remove unnecessary clutter that is stressing you out. How to un-stall your life. If you are standing still, you are moving backward. Start writing in the journals and get moving in the right direction! Get started using the 30 Day Success Action Plan with Companion Journal (plus audio) - to listen to advice to help you write your way to a new and exciting, more deeply spiritual life! How to act as if you are already the loving person you want to be. How to let go of the past - and stop worrying and start living!
Here's what you'll receive when you order today!
You'll receive the "Heal Your Life Program"
which includes Book, Journal and Audio file
(all instantly downloadable). Value $67
And as a Special Bonus for ordering today...
You'll receive the "Love Rebirth Program"
which includes Book, Journal and Audio file
(all instantly downloadable).
Yours Absolutely FREE today - Value $67!
The "Love Rebirth Program" is the perfect companion to your copy of “Heal Your Life Program”. It contains the daily readings for a full year, that you’ll need to help you when building your new life. And ensure that when you decide to make significant changes in your life it all goes smoothly.
You need to make your new life a success and you can do it one day at a time.
And the 2nd free bonus --
And as a 2nd Special Bonus as Your Free Gift Today
You'll receive the "Success in The Game Of Life Program"
which includes Book, and Companion Journal
( all instantly downloadable).
Yours Absolutely FREE today - Value $47!
The "Success in The Game Of Life Program" is a wonderful addition to your copy of
“Heal Your Life Program”. Value $47.
Why not [grab your Two FREE bonus]( this very minute?
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Clearly your happiness in life is very important to you. And you agree investing $97 for just one session of sound Spiritual Counseling would help get your new spiritual life off to the best possible start.
And it would be a bargain in it’s own right.
And if you were to get just one comprehensive Spiritual Counseling Program -- that you could refer to any time you needed to -- for the same $97 that would be an even greater bargain.
Think of it as your own private counselor on call 24Hrs.
But when [you order your copy of “Heal Your Life Program” today]( you won’t have to invest $97 or $77 either...
In fact you won’t even have to invest $47...
And don’t forget you’ll also get the Fabulous bonuses "Rebirth Healing Program, with book, journal and audio PLUS "Your Success In the Game of Life" including the book and journal -- are all absolutely FREE when you [order today](
That’s a $27 dollar value but you don’t have to pay one penny for shipping it.
Because you’ll be getting a downloadable electronic book I don’t have to worry about printing costs and publishers fees. So I’d like to pass those savings onto you. That’s only fair isn’t it?
So when you order your copy of “Heal Your Life Program” today you get the 2 bonuses too!
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And you can be benefiting from the spiritual advice inside these amazing programs in a couple of minutes.
Why not [order your copy]( now?
Your investment is 100% safe.
Guaranteed to Help You
So to help you fall in love with your new spiritual life and with to enhance the love you feel with your partner, family and friends, and with God, I’m going to guarantee your investment in the Heal Your Life, and Rebirth Love and Success in the Game of Life Programs.”
When you order today you have
60 full days to put the advice to the test. I guarantee you’ll be blown away with all the tips and answers. You’ll be more in touch with your partner’s feelings than ever. Plus you'll understand your needs and wants for love better too
If you don’t agree for any reason that these programs are worth the small investment I demand you ask for your money back.
Should you choose I’ll rush every cent of your investment back directly to you, immediately. And you still get to keep the book and the bonuses.
That’s only fair isn’t it?
As you can clearly see you’ve nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Take Control of Your Future and...
Strengthen the Foundation of Your Life
Here’s to a long, happy life,
Rev. Dr. Dee Adio-Moses
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The complementary journals will help you write your way to building and growing in spiritual love with your partner, your family, and friends -- but especially with your inner spirit and connection with God.
You have a full 60 days to put everything to the test and even to write in the journals. At any time and for any reason at all during those 60 days, even on the very last day, I will rush you a 100% refund should you so desire.
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About the Author
Rev. Dr. Dee Adio-Moses, is an internationally acclaimed Author, educator and Spiritual Coach. Her love, compassion and dedication to the betterment of mankind is what has endeared her to everyone that has come in contact with her.
A modern day key proponent of Oneness Consciousness as a healing strategy; she provides step by step program for mastering your emotions, your body, your relationships, your finances and your life. Dr. Dee has held workshops and seminars in North America, Europe and Africa empowering people to take charge of their lives by helping them to use Oneness Consciousness to discover the power within them to do incredible things in their lives.
She consults for corporations, businesses and non-profit organizations in strategic planning and business development. She is a community leader involved in many non-profit organizations. Her passion and zest for life is infectious and her commitment and relationship with God is worth emulating.
She is the well respected author of “You Are Enough” an acclaimed book on “12 Healing steps for your Health, Wealth, Love and Happiness”. [](
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