Excerpt from product page

* The Painless Stop Smoking Cure : Stop Smoking with Eric Eraly,
renowned Stop-Smoking-Guru


Nicotine Patches/ Gum DON'T WORK

You can't successfully stop smoking using Nicotine patches or gum.
Nicotine patches have been around over thirty years now. If they
really would help you stop smoking, there wouldn't be many smokers
left, right?! This fact alone should tell you that using nicotine
replacement products are not the answer to stop smoking. And probably
you already experienced this first hand!

Laser Therapy Stop Smoking DON'T WORK.

You won't stop smoking using Laser Therapy either. In fact, extensive
studies have proven worldwide that the so-called 'results' of Laser
therapy are only the same as the Placebo results of the testgroups
which received a blanc-test therapy. In the group of people who
received the 'real' therapy, less than 5% was still smoke free when
asked one year after the treatment. In the placebo group 4.2% was
still smoke free one year after the blanc-test therapy. Laser Therapy
will not help you stop smoking. Period.


New drugs like Zyban and Chantix, launched on the market by
pharmaceutical giants to make more profits don't help you stop
smoking. Again, these drugs are available for years and still we have
a similar amount of smokers who are struggling to quit t habit. Not
only do these drugs cost you hundreds of dollars per month, once you
stop taking the drugs, more than 95% of the users start smoking again
within one year after they started the Zyban or Chantix therapy. Every
year about 500 smokers die as a direct consequence of using Zyban.
This in itself is ofcourse a way to stop smoking. However, it's not
what we would advice ;-)

What about other Online Stop Smoking Sites, Hypnosis, etc.

Frankly, as far as I could discover and study them, most other online
stop smoking solutions, sites, hypnosis, electric cigarettes etc.,...,
in my humble opinion, it's all..., yes, indeed, B.S. Stop Smoking is a
very serious matter and a big problem for many people around the
globe. Unfortunately, smart marketeers exploid this problem and are
looking for some quick wins by promising you anything as long as you
buy their stuf. By now, you should already know that I'm the real
deal, being a chain smoker myself for over twenty-two years. In the
meanwhile I've been featured in the national and international press
because the Painless Stop Smoking Cure approaches your stop smoking
addiction from a 'mental' perspective because that's where your real
problem/addiction is hidden.

TRY My REVOLUTIONARY Painless Stop Smoking Cure right here.
Click here and enjoy your decisions for many long and healthy years
to come!


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