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WHY DictionUP???

Vocabulary can make or break your life success. This might sound like a very strong statement, but research shows that people with a strong vocabulary are judged smart and competent when they speak. Diction up is an easy way to improve your vocabulary for the price of a couple of cups of coffees and by investing 15-20 minuntes a day.

The format followed for each word is pronunciation of the word-followed by the spelling-followed by pronunciation again. This is then followed by the definition of the word. There is a 5 second delay between two words. This time should be used to make associations between the word and people or places that match the definition.


For example:Gargantuan is defined as: of immense size or volume. To make an association we can use the ocean or godzilla as examples.


The single most important way to improve your verbal scores of GRE and SAT is to improve your vocabulary. Good vocabulary skills will be useful in sentence completion, antonyms, analogies, and reading comprehension. If you know the definition of all the words in the answer choices, it makes the question a whole lot easier.

DictionUp will improve your vocabulary immensely and quickly. By listening to these tracks and adhering to the key, a couple of months is ample time to get ready. These two tests were taken into considerable consideration while producing DictionUP. A number words on DictionUP appear often on these two tests.

For more on techniques to improve vocabulary follow the link below.


The Key

The ideal way to utilize DictionUP is by repeating the tracks multiple times. The silence between two words should be used to make associations between words and people or objects.


The file are in mp3 format and can be easily be played in all mobile phones and mp3 players. The total size is about 200 MB which will take 5-10 mins of download time depending on the bandwith of your connection.

Price: $10

[Buy Now](http://1.adityahp6.pay.clickbank.net)[](Improve vocab.html)[](#)



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