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Live Your
Life again

Stop feeling guilty, ashamed or worried about your addiction
to porn, masturbation, or other sexual behaviors.
Masturbation can be used in a positive, healthy way that
improves your life. I'll show you how.

Move Forward, Today.


Masturbation and porn addictions lead to shame, guilt, and worry. All potentially disabling emotions. In fact, you probably feel a combination of these feelings right now. I know I did. But the more I understood about why I was using porn and masturbation to hide from my problems, the closer I moved towards acting in a sexually healthy manner. I'll walk you through several exercises designed to help you understand yourself and how you came to have this addiction.


At one point in time, you knew how to be sexually healthy, but you have strayed. I'll help you learn exactly how to start new habits, and exactly how to replace your old unhealthy habits with your new ones. I've developed a series of simple exercises that guide you through a period of deep self reflection and then let you create your own path to recovery. The best part is that your anonymous support partner will offer you 24/7 support by email

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