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A bigger problem than lack of money?
Its Lack of Time

So much to do these days, but so little time!

No time for food , No time for family,
The clock seems like an enemy?

No matter who you are, or what you do, you need
Time Management Skills and Strategies

24 hours a day not enough, you need
28 hours a day!

Know How Good (or bad) you are in
Time Management
Take this simple short and easy quiz

Find out hidden aspects of your personality as related to time management

It will reveal to you how you are in relation to:

1. Your Attention to task
2. Your Type of Focusing
3. Your Strategy of Action
4. Your Approach to tasks
5. Your Style of Processing of tasks

This will help you to know
which effective time management strategies to focus more on
as given in our program '28 Hours a Day'

To activate the quiz, enter your details and click "Activate the Quiz" button

How often is each of the following statements true for you?

4 =Almost always=4              Often=3       Sometimes=2         Almost never=1

1.       I often get distracted by the ‘unimportant’ while I am in the midst of something          important                ____

             Almost Never Sometimes Often Almost Always

2.       My mind wanders when I am working alone  ____

             Almost Never Sometimes Often Almost Always

3.       Interruptions throughout the day affect the amount of work I have to accomplish           _____

             Almost Never Sometimes Often Almost Always

4.       I put off today what I can do tomorrow  ____

             Almost Never Sometimes Often Almost Always

5.       If a party is being planned, I enjoy attending to the particulars more than to the          theme. _____

             Almost Never Sometimes Often Almost Always

6.       I go home with my desk in order _____

             Almost Never Sometimes Often Almost Always

7.       It is important to capture specific details of business conversation and record them          verbatim _____

             Almost Never Sometimes Often Almost Always

8.       I enjoy implementing  the details of a project rather than envisioning the end result          _____

             Almost Never Sometimes Often Almost Always

9.       I find myself losing sight of long-term goals when dealing with short-term crisis _____

             Almost Never Sometimes Often Almost Always

10.   I put-off making decisions until a situation becomes urgent ______

             Almost Never Sometimes Often Almost Always

11.   I prepare for things at the last minute  ______

             Almost Never Sometimes Often Almost Always

12.   I find myself working long hours and never catching up ______

             Almost Never Sometimes Often Almost Always

13.   I know where I have filed most of  my papers _______

             Almost Never Sometimes Often Almost Always

14.   I keep my ‘to-do’ list handy ______

             Almost Never Sometimes Often Almost Always

15.   Telephone and fax nos. for my business contacts are readily accessible. ______

             Almost Never Sometimes Often Almost Always

16.   I object to meetings that start late ______

             Almost Never Sometimes Often Almost Always

17.   I tend to take on several tasks on one time  ______

             Almost Never Sometimes Often Almost Always

18.   While working on one project, ideas about other projects come to my mind  _____

             Almost Never Sometimes Often Almost Always

19.   I am eager to start a new project before finish the existing one ______

             Almost Never Sometimes Often Almost Always

20.   During a business phone conversation, I would rather look for a related file while talking          than to put the person on hold _____

             Almost Never Sometimes Often Almost Always

To activate the quiz, enter your details and click "Activate the Quiz" button

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how to time management
, time management video, time management audio and time management ebook

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