Excerpt from product page


The Secret...

Hi, my name is Abby Tisdale and I love using scented candles in my home.

Every time I go to the store or to the mall I stop to smell the different scented candles on display. I'll admit it, I'm a sucker for a great smelling candle.

And, without fail, I would end up buying 1 or 2 candles because I wanted my home to be filled with that particular fragrance. The problem is, the cost of all those candles started to add up, and fast.

But I was stubborn. I wasn't going to give up my scented candles because I loved the way they made my entire house smell.

Then one day while I was browsing online, I discovered a website that sold candle supplies. I was intrigued and began to look closer.

To my surprise I discovered that this website sold ALL the ingredients for making scented candles. Looking even closer yet, I was shocked to see how many different fragrance options were available...more than I had ever seen in any store.

As my mind began to think of all the possibilities opening up to me, I stopped! "These candle supplies have got to be expensive and you probably have to buy them in large quantities", I thought.

I quickly grabbed my calculator and added up the few things that were needed to make a scented candle. That's when my jaw hit the floor!

You see, The Secret I discovered was that I could make my very own scented candles in the privacy of my own home, choosing any fragrance I wished AND for a small fraction of the cost of the candles I was purchasing at the store.

And, I can use the exact same ingredients that professional candle makers use to get the same high quality candles, and I didn't even have to buy anything in bulk.

At this point I began to get very excited. But suddenly my excitement turned to sadness.

I had overlooked one small detail... [Click Here to go to next page>>>](mainpage7.htm)


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