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How to use your metabolism to lose fat

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[How to Lose Fat Permanently: Secrets of Permanent Fat Loss](http://www.fatlosspermanently.com/how-to-lose-fat-permanently-secrets-of-permanent-fat-loss)

Posted on [January 15, 2011](http://www.fatlosspermanently.com/how-to-lose-fat-permanently-secrets-of-permanent-fat-loss) by [peter](http://www.fatlosspermanently.com/author/peter/)

It is not difficult to learn how to lose fat, but to lose fat permanently is another thing altogether. There are many different theories and diets that have been formulated to enable you to lose weight, but losing fat in particularly and weight in general are not the same thing.

Most people equate fat loss with weight loss, but when you lose weight, particularly in the early stages of a diet, you will likely be losing excess water from your tissues rather than fat. In order to target fat and lose fat permanently, you have to combine diet and exercise to target those areas of your body where you have most stored fat.

There are many theories about losing fat, but there is only one reality that we can exemplify by comparing two different approaches: the Atkins approach and the straight diet approach in terms of simply eating less. First, however, a simple fact:
If you consume more energy in your diet than you expend in exercise and your metabolism you will gain weight. If you consume less energy in your diet than you expend in exercise and your metabolism you will lose weight.
It’s a simple equation that cannot be argued against. Your metabolism is the energy your body needs to keep you alive – it is described in more detail in our eBook “How To Lose Fat Permanently“.  Also described in the book are the various ways of measuring how much energy you will use up in the course of a normal day that can be used as a baseline for a diet and exercise program to enable you to lose fat permanently.

It doesn’t matter what you eat, but there are a number of approaches:

1.  Eating normally but less of it, while maintaining your normal level of exercise.
2.  Eating the same as normal but exercising more.
3.  Combining 1 and 2 – this is the normal method used by most weight loss programs.
4.  Eating a high protein diet to burn fat quicker – this is the Dr. Atkins approach.

Let’s look at each of these in turn.

1:  By eating less of your normal diet, you are taking in fewer calories (less energy) and so tipping the balance the correct way.  By knowing how many calories you use in a normal day, you can balance your calorie intake to be less so that you ultimately lose weight.

2.  By eating the same, but exercising more, you are using up more calories than normal, so  assuming that you are also using more calories than you consume, you will lose weight without going on a diet!

3.  By combining the two:  eating fewer calories and also exercising more, you can lose weight without it being such a shock to your system because you will not be eating too much less than normal and also not exercising excessively. You must still balance calories eaten and calories expended so that you use up more calories than you eat.

4.  By eating a high protein and very low carbohydrate diet (aka Atkins) your body is starved of carbohydrates (the Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen of which metabolize to produce glucose – needed for the generation of energy).

Protein is composed of amino acids and carbohydrates so the carbohydrates are used for energy releasing the amino acids that form muscle tissue. However, the carbohydrate content of protein molecules is low, so you body quickly turns to its reserve energy source – fat. So you burn fat quicker with a high protein diet than with a balanced diet and exercise.

But there is a price to pay for the Atkins approach: lack of nutrition.  High protein diets are notoriously short of antioxidants, anti-inflammatories and a multitude of other substances essential for your good health.  That’s why Dr. Atkins made a lot of money selling supplements to go with his diet:  supplements are rarely good alternatives to the natural substances.

That’s all here on how to lose fat permanently:  for more information check out this page: [Lose Fat Permanently](http://www.fatlosspermanently.com/lose-fat-permanently) where you will find out how to do so in practice.

There has been a large number of diet books and exercise routines published, but none explains why they are as they are in proper easy to understand terms. Lose Fat Permanently does that, and explains how you can calculate everything needed to arrive at a very simple method of losing fat – PERMANENTLY!

So don’t believe all you read elsewhere, and forget the fad diets. They may well work but they also keep you short of many of the essential nutrients you need for good health. Eat only eggs; eat grapefruit for a week; eat nothing but leaf salads for a week and see the difference!

All  nonsense, because diets such as these are totally bereft of the wide variety of essential vitamins and minerals needed for good health, but worse:  they are short of the phytochemicals found in a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables that keep you looking young, protect your skin, hair and nails, and also protect your eyesight. Vitamin B12 is found mainly in animal products, and vegans should take a supplement.

There is lots of good information available  to explain why fad diets are anathema to human nutritional needs, so be realistic and calculate how many calories you can afford to eat in a good balanced diet and still lose weight.

Get more information by visiting [Lose Fat Permanently](http://www.fatlosspermanently.com/lose-fat-permanently) and find out the truth behind all these diets that non-nutritionists are promoting.

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