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  The Fractal Planner
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Conquer Complexity With
The Power Of Fractals!

You are overwhelmed, yes?

Three quick guesses:
You're short on time, stressed out, and not getting enough of the right things done. You sometimes lack a sense of clarity and purpose in your work. In spite of all you have to do, you sometimes find yourself procrastinating.
If you're suffering from all three of these symptoms, it's an easy bet that you have too much complexity in your life. And, unfortunately, every year it's getting worse!

There is just one effective way I know to reign in modern business complexity -- fractals.

The Fractal Planner will restore your sanity

My name is Jim Stone. I'm a small business owner, software developer, and philosopher -- a good combination, it turns out. A year ago I was completely overwhelmed. My to-do list has several hundred items on it. That's several hundred ways to "drop the ball". And my brain was tired of trying to keep track of everything.

Then I started reflecting on Brian Arthur's book "The Nature of Technology", in which he shows how modern complexity is generated in a fractal manner. I also remember from studying Linguistics, Psychology, and Philosophy, that our language and the structure of our thoughts are fractals as well.

In an attempt regain some sanity I started creating a tool that would help me match the way my brain normally works to the nature of the overwhelming complexity of my day to day life.

I developed an earlier version of the Fractal Planner for my own use, and it worked wonders. From August, 2010 until today, I have never been so productive, and with so little stress.

Everyone I've shown the Fractal Planner to has told me they want it. No, wait -- NEED it.

When I showed friends and business colleagues what I was using to manage my life and business, there was generally only one response: I NEED THAT!

And that encouraged me to think about offering the Fractal Planner as a service that people from all walks of life could desperately use in these days of ever-increasing complexity.

I'm now more convinced than ever that fractals are the key to matching the powers of your brain to the complexity of your work.

For starters, . . .

Our brains are naturally wired for fractals
Language itself has a fractal structure The process of making distinctions is a fractal process We naturally plan in a fractal or branching structure.
Fractals can also help us conquer modern business complexity because, in many cases, . . .

Business complexity is generated by a fractal process:
Businesses grow through a fractal process The economy as a whole grows through a fractal process The internet has grown through a fractal process Technology as a whole develops through a fractal process And, our own personal projects grow through a fractal process
Many planning systems try to help us manage the complexity in our lives.

But, . . .

No planning tool matches the natural powers of your brain to the complexity of your work like the Fractal Planner

You can try to manage your projects with an Excel spreadsheet, a Word document, a notebook and pen, a daytimer, or other online planning and task management software.

But most of those methods are extremely CLUNKY compared to the Fractal Planner. They also don't integrate the important things seamlessly, AND some of them include features that shouldn't be there and serve as more complicating distractions.

The Fractal Planner is smooth. It will keep up with your brain as you plan. It will adapt infinitely to the complexity of any project. It will keep your mind clear and focused.

It does what it does well, and doesn't try to do more. It's not a scheduler (I recommend Google Calendar for that). It's not a group project management or collaboration tool. There are good tools for that out there (like basecamp or pivotaltracker).

What it is is a personal planner and task manager. And there's nothing quite like it. That's why I had to build it :-)

If you manage yourself, your productivity will go up, and your stress will go down.

If you manage a team, you will need some group management software, but you'll also want to make sure every member of your team is using the Fractal Planner as well.

If you are already familiar with planning systems like David Allen's "Getting Things Done" system, the Franklin/Covey system, or Eben Pagan's "Wake Up Productive" system, this is the online tool you've been waiting for.

Watch the quick video at the top of this page to see how it works, and then begin working with clarity and purpose again, starting today.

Get More Done With Less
Stress Starting Today.

It's just $9.95/month, and it's guaranteed deliver low-stress productivity.
Once you click the Add To Cart button, you'll be taken directly to Clickbank to process your order. Your initial charge will be just $9.95. You will then be charged $9.95 per month for up to 99 months or until you cancel.

The fractal planner is a hosted service, and requires no download or installation.

After ordering, you'll come right back to the Fractal Planner website, where you can set up your account, and begin using the planner immediately.

If you don't experience more productivity with less stress (or for any other reason), you are free to cancel at any time.

If you have any questions, comments or need support, feel free to [contact us](fp_contact.php?department=sales).

copyright Fractal Planner 2010 - 2011
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