Blogging For Money | Blogging For Profit
Are You Struggling To Make Money Online As A Beginner? If You Are,
Then Continue Reading
_From: Welly Mulia_
_To: You, A Wannabe NetPreneur_
(by the way, when I say NetPreneur I mean Internet Entrepreneur)
If you are sick and tired of all the Internet Marketing "gurus" out
there telling you that you can make money online easily, effortlessly,
and with instant "lightning" speed, then you are going to love what
I'm going to share with you below.
Because I completely disagree with these "gurus" that earning money
online is easy.
You may think that I'm some kind of weirdo by disagreeing with the
majority of "gurus" or people out there, and that's fine because I
just want to tell you my side of the story so that you get a real and
better picture of the world of Internet Marketing.
I'm the kind of person who tells things as they are. So when it comes
to the subject of making money online, especially for a beginner or
newbie like you, I'm going to very blatant about it.
The Truth Is: Making Money Online Is Real HARD!
Come onlet's face it.
If it were so easy, why is it that 99% people who try their hands at
Internet Marketing fail miserably?
I was once in your shoes.
I was once a beginner like you.
So I can definitely relate to your frustrations and problems.
Now, you may be thinking: "Who are you anyway and why should I listen
to you?"
Well, I'm no Internet Marketing "guru" but I know very well what I'm
doing that brings in results in the form of PROFITS!
I hail from Indonesia, a country in the South East Asia region, and
I've been teaching people in my country how to build a Real Internet
business since February 2008 (I first got started in Internet
Marketing in 2006 and it wasn't until 2008 that I began to teach
people how to make money online).
To date (since February 2008), I've released 6 Internet Marketing
products (5 for the Indonesian market + 1 for the International
I don't plan to put up screenshots of hundreds of thousands of
dollars I receive every month, because the truth is I HAVEN'T made
that much money per month YET. I do, however, make a consistent,
decent, 4 figure online income every month from my International
market and Indonesian market Internet businesses.
While I'm not going to put up screenshots of my earnings from my
Indonesian Internet business (as they're in my local Indonesian
currency), here's a sneak peek of one of my PayPal accounts from the
International market:
Here's another one...
I think that's enough about me, so let's continue...
Just So We Are On The Same Page Here,
I Need To Verify Something Very Important First Before We Move On:
If you are looking to make BIG money instantly (in a matter of hours,
days or weeks) without doing any hard work and simply clicking a few
buttons on your mouse, I'm sorry to disappoint you but you won't find
any of those here.
You're on the wrong page buddy!
This is not a get-rich-quick scheme.
And frankly, if get-rich-quick schemes can really get you rich quick,
everyone would have been rich by now
Which is simply not the case.
Having said that let me just say this again:
If you are looking to get rich quickly without doing any hard work,
then please close this page because you won't find that here.
If, however, you do realize that earning money online takes real,
hard work and time (just like any endeavor), then we are on the same
page here and let's move on
Earlier I mentioned that I can relate to your frustrations and
problems that you encounter while trying to make your money online.
And you may be thinking: "Yeah right! You don't even know me and how
are you supposed to be able to relate to my frustrations?"
Well, the answer to that is: "I was once a beginner like you.
Everyone has to start from scratch. Nobody is born with the skills to
do Internet Marketing."
The good news is that, even if you're a complete beginner now, you
CAN make decent money online, if you KNOW HOW TO DO IT and if you
To be able to make money online from scratch takes hard work and
time. Once you make that first $1 or $10, expanding on that amount to
become $100 or $1000 becomes easier.
For Any Skills To Be Learned (Not Just Internet Marketing),
You Need To Realize These Very Important Points:
You need to LEARN how to walk first before you CAN actually walk.
You need to LEARN how to run first before you CAN actually run.
Does this make sense?
You need (and must) learn how to earn real money online one step at a
time. Learn the baby steps first before you shoot for the stars.
Let me be honest and upfront with you: You are not going to be
earning thousands of dollars in your first month online.
Granted, there are few people who have done that. However, you should
not use them as standards because these people are rare.
If you develop this kind of mindset whereby you expect to be earning
thousands of dollars from scratch in your first month online, then
you're most likely (99%) going to be disappointed because you're
simply not going to achieve that.
And once you become disappointed, chances are you will just give up.
Trust me on this because I've seen too many people expecting big
money when they just first started and when they don't get what they
expected, they give up easily.
Based on personal experience, let me tell you that one of the most
important traits you must possess in order to succeed online is
You see, I first got started in Internet Marketing in June 2006. Back
then I was a complete beginner, just like you are today.
I'd hop from one website to another, hoping to find THE best business
opportunity that promises THE next big thing that will allow to me to
get rich quick without any work at all.
As You Probably Already Have Guessed, All Of Them Were Scam!
Let me tell you: later on if you forget everything that you've read
on this page, that is fine.
But please remember this one golden principle: there is no business
opportunity or program or product or service out there that will give
you instant riches without having to do any work at all!
I guarantee 1000%!
Now, during this time when I was a beginner, I'd also buy all kinds
of Internet Marketing ebooks and courses, only to be overwhelmed with
the huge amount of information contained in these courses.
Guru X says you must do this. Guru Y says you must do that. And then
there's guru Z who says you mustn't do bothbla bla bla
The more you consume the materials, the more confused you become.
To make matters worse, a lot of them also promise instant riches just
by clicking a few buttons on your mouse, and money will simply flow
into your bank account automagically (automatically and magically).
Sounds familiar, eh?
I bet you've been in similar situations.
Now you know why I can see, hear, and feel your frustrations. I've
been in your shoes before, that's why I know.
Don't get me wrong though.
Some Of The Ebooks And Courses Were Actually Useful And Beneficial To
Me, While Others Were Simply Rubbish.
To make a long story short, less than 2 years after I first got
started in Internet Marketing part time (June 2006), I finally became
a full time Internet Marketer in 2008.
Was the journey and transformation easy?
Cripes no! It was hard. Real hard.
If it were easy everyone would have switched careers over to Internet
But even though it was hard, all my hard work and perseverance paid
off. I would never ever trade anything for these 2 years of harsh but
powerful experience.
I made a lot of mistakes, and I learned a lot from these mistakes.
Heck even to this date, I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm still
making mistakes on a consistent basis.
Yes, read that.
On a consistent basis.
But hey, this is the process of getting stronger and wiser. It sounds
stupid and doesn't make sense, but it's true: the more mistakes you
make => the more you learn => the stronger and wiser you become.
Now, you may be saying to yoursef:
"Okay Welly, You've Said Enough Already,
So What Should I Do Now To Start Making Real Money Online?"
Before going into "what should I do now", you first need to
understand the problems you are currently facing that are preventing
you from earning real money online.
1. Information overload
2. A notion that making big money online is easy and fast for a
beginner like yourself
3. You don't have the know-how as a beginner to make money online
For #1, information overload simply means that you receive too much
information from different sources that teach different things. So
much so that you are confused as to who to listen to and where to
The truth is, you DON'T HAVE to read and learn ALL the Internet
Marketing techniques and methods out there. You only need to learn
those that are important to you right now.
For example, if you are a beginner you don't need to learn how to JV
(joint venture) with other more experienced or high profile marketers
as they simply will turn down your proposal (unless your offer is so
powerful and brilliant that nobody has ever thought of before).
Another example is that if your site currently does not have any
content, why bother learning how to drive traffic to your site using
Adwords or SEO, etc? Those traffic will go down to waste because the
purpose of traffic is to convert them to money.
No content = no money!
So the point is, you need to realize and understand where your
current position is, and then learn the things that matter to you the
#2 above is pretty self-explanatory. Basically, you are
"brain-washed" by all the information out there that making big money
online is easy and fast for a beginner like yourself, when the real
fact is that it's never easy and fast and you need real hard work and
perseverance to pull it off.
#3 means that you are not equipped with the skills necessary to make
money online. There are various ways to make money online, and every
way requires different skills, though sometimes they may overlap.
If you want to start earning real money online, you first need to
eliminate the above 3 problems.
Does this make sense?
The Good News Is That Just By Reading This Far,
You've Already Solved 2 Of The 3 Problems Above.
You now know that to solve information overload, you need to focus on
learning the skills that are the most important to you right now as a
You also understand that in order to make real money online, you need
to work hard and put in real effort and time before you can see any
results, especially if you are a beginner starting from scratch.
The only problem left that separates you and your first elusive
online money is the know-how as a beginner to make money online.
To Put It Simply, As A Beginner You Lack The Skills
Here comes the good news
Beginners Blog Profits Blueprint
Beginners Blog Profits is made and developed with the beginner (like
you) in mind, and it assumes you know NOTHING about Internet
Beginners Blog Profits takes your hand and guides you step by tiny
step into your first self-hosted Wordpress blog even if all you know
is how use an Internet browser and send and receive email.
You will also learn to make money from your writing. It is highly
recommended for the newcomer to the world of blogging or if you want
to move from free blogs to your own blog with your own domain.
Dr. Javad Hashtroudian
I was once a beginner like you, and I know how frustrating it can be
when you really want to work hard to achieve success but do not know
WHERE and HOW to start.
Because of that, I specifically engineered and developed Beginners
Blog Profits so that you'll find solutions to these 2 problems:
1. Where to start
2. How to start
Number 1 - As you have probably already guessed by its name,
Beginners Blog Profits shows and teaches you how to make money from
your blog AS A BEGINNER. Like I've said above, it assumes you know
NOTHING about Internet Marketing and are starting from complete
If you don't know what a blog is, where have you been? Are you living
under a rock?
Just kidding okay
Blog comes from the words "web log". A blog is simply a website
whereby the contents are updated regularly and these contents are
shown on the blog in reverse chronological order which simply means
that new blog posts are at the top while older posts are below.
So this is WHERE YOU START AS A BEGINNER: to build a blog and then
monetize it. Monetize simply means you do things to your blog so that
it makes you money.
Now comes the next part of the puzzle - which is number 2- "HOW TO
Well, let me show you how to start with my special report:
After that you'll be shown and explained everything a beginner or
newbie ought to be shown and explained, in a step by step format:
Don't know what a domain is?
Absolutely no idea what hosting is?
Confused how to connect your domain and hosting together?
No problem! I'll explain to you what they are in layman's terms and
simple English so that anyone without a technical background can
Just in case you're wondering, No I don't have any programming skills
nor do I intend to learn!
You Don't Need To Know How To Program
In Order To Make Money From The Internet
I'm not kidding you. This is a fact.
Don't know how to build and set up a WordPress blog?
No problem. Beginners Blog Profits blueprint will show you in a step
by step format.
Don't know how to set up certain settings on your blog?
All you have to do is open up Beginners Blog Profits and you'll find
the answer.
Don't know how to make money from your blog?
Of course this is explained too!
In short, here are some benefits what Beginners Blog Profits
blueprint can do for you:
You eliminate your frustrations so that you finally know WHERE TO
BEGIN and HOW TO BEGIN as a beginner
You save yourself thousands of dollars and lots of hard, redundant
work by NOT learning and doing the wrong things as well as things that
you don't need to learn right now as a beginner.
You save yourself countless months (or even years) trying to learn
everything on your own by trial and error or listening to the wrong
advice that other "gurus" give you. Time saved = Money saved!
Again, you save yourself lots of hard-earned money because with
Beginners Blog Profits, it's like you have a personal mentor (me)
guiding you building your first WordPress blog and making money from
it, without the hefty cost of having me private mentoring you.
You don't have to pay hundreds of dollars to pay a programmer to
install and set up a WordPress blog for you.
With the all your precious time saved, you can spend more time with
your family. When was the last time you spend quality time with them?
Don't just work all the time, you need to take a break and have fun
with your family once in a while.
You can finally start making real money from blogging (please pay
special attention I did not say "_You can finally start making real
money from blogging TODAY_", because if I did, I'd be lying to you. No
beginner can start earning money Today or tomorrow when he or she is
just getting started. PERIOD.
"Okay Welly, That's A Bunch Of Great Benefits, But What Exactly Is
Included In Beginners Blog Profits?"
I'm glad you asked. This is what is included in Beginners Blog
Profits blueprint:
Why most beginners fail to make any money online and the sad thing
is they don't even know this simple reason => which is why they
continue to fail time and time again.
Make sure you are not _______. Because if you are, then you are 100%
bound to fail. If you want to really earn money online, you need to
make sure not to do this!
Is Internet Marketing for real? Where does all the Internet money
come from?
Why you should build your website using a blog and not just a
regular website.
Why you should choose WordPress over any other blogging platform out
What is domain and why you absolutely need it if you want to make
real money from the Internet.
What exactly is hosting and what is its purpose.
How to connect your domain and hosting together so that when you
type, your blog shows up.
How to install your WordPress blog easily
How to change your blog's theme
How to change your blog's layout
How to write your blog post
How to insert images into your post
How to insert videos into your post
How to edit your post
How to add & edit your category
How to add & edit your page
How to add & edit your links
How to add & edit your link categories
How to change your blog's general settings
How to change your blog's writing settings
How to change your blog's reading settings
How to change your blog's discussion settings
How to change your blog's permalink settings
How to moderate comments on your blog
What are plugins and which ones should you use as an Internet
How To Change Your Profile & Password
How to turn your blog into a deadly cash-generating machine that
spits out cash day in and day out, and why you should build a blog
that ______ instead of one that ______.
The first thing I noticed about your report is the overall layout.
Yes, a report's "layout" is the 1st thing that tells me if it's worth
reading or not..I know the old saying "Never Judge A Book By It's
Cover"..but for me, that's a hard habit to break, as I'm so used to
reading digital books where the author uses a 3-inch left side margin
and then uses a font size of like 16, which turns an ordinary 24 page
report into a 40+ page report!
However, this wasn't the case with Welly's!
Sure, I'd rather see no blank pages at all...or a few pages at the
end of each chapter where there's only less then a paragraph or two
and that's it...but I can also understand the importance of creating a
nice smooth transition from one chapter to another, so in that
regards, I'll overlook the few pages where this occurred. that I've gotten that out of the way...The first few pages
about treating your IM 'business' as a 'business' hits right where it
needs to...REALITY!
Too many people are looking for that _'instant winner'_ in IM, when
in fact it's going to take a little 'BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS' initially
to get things up and running at a point that you're comfortable with.
Part 2 of the series has been the best, well explained, laid-out
process I've seen in a long, long time! Great job! If someone can't
follow along to your easy to read from wondering whether setting up my
blog had been a good idea or not, to one of complete confidence that I
know exactly how to structure it and what I can do to benefit from
having a blog online.
Thank you so much
Kate Davies
"Your guide is first class"
Hi Welly,
Your guide is first class!
Very easy to follow.
You really did hold the readers hand. A great Wordpress guide,
Chuck Burke
"All that the reader needs to supply is the action. Just do it and
you'll be successful"
I found this report to be a thorough, step by step introduction to
blogging that any newbie could follow to profit. It is well presented,
well written, and well thought out and goes into detail where detail
is required and does not bother with the fluff.
Someone new to Wordpress blogs will find this an invaluable resource
and I recommend it highly. All that the reader needs to supply is the
action. Just do it and you'll be successful.
Unlike many of the reports I've seen, this one seems to cover the
bases well and does not pretend to be what it is not.
It is not a get rich plan, it IS, however, a very workable blueprint
for success at blogging.
Good job and I know you'll do well inthe market with this product.
T. Power
"All you have to do is read it, follow it, and implement it"
Hi Welly
Welly gives a step by step no nonsense guide to making an income
online. It is easy to read, easy to understand, and is very well
If you are new to blogging this guide could be your first steps to
making your first income online. All you have to do is read it, follow
it, and implement it. I know I certainly will.
Thanks again Welly for the opportunity.
"Anyone just starting will easily be able to follow the right steps
to start making money online"
Excellent Welly!
You've provided easy to understand guides on all of the basics of
starting an online presence. One of the easiest step-by-step WordPress
guides I've seen. Anyone just starting will easily be able to follow
the right steps to start making money online.
Well done!
Robin Skeen
And one very important plus point that Beginners Blog Profits
blueprint have over other similar guides is that it ONLY focuses and
shows you how to make money online as an INTERNET MARKETER, not as a
programmer or as a design graphic artist.
More importantly, a BEGINNER Internet Marketer
Look, I'll be frank with you.
There are a lot of skills that you need to learn and possess if you
truly, really want to make big money online. The thing is, when you
are beginner, learning all these skills at once most likely will do
you more harm than good.
Because you'd then be suffering from information overload, and you
won't take any action at all. In other words, you'll be a NALO (no
action learn only).
Knowledge Is Useless If It's Not Applied.
This is why you need to take things one step at a time.
Beginners Blog Profits blueprint understands very well this concept
=> This is what makes it completely different than all the other make
money online guides out there.
Beginners Blog Profits one and only goal is to show and teach you how
to make money online from your blog as a BEGINNER Internet Marketer.
Not only does it use plain English (not technical jargon you don't
understand) to explain the concepts, it also ONLY shows and explains 2
(TWO) ways to make money online as a beginner Internet Marketer.
If you can't even make money from these 2 ways, why in the world do
you want to learn 10 ways to make money online?
More options = more confusing, and this is especially true if you are
a beginner.
More confusing = higher chance you don't take any action at all = no
Learn the 2 ways to make money online as shown in Beginners Blog
Profits first, before you venture out on other forms of blog
Okay Welly, I Understand Beginners Blog Profits Is definitely For A
Beginner Like Me, But Will It Cost Me A Fortune?
Well, how much would you be willing to invest if you know that by
having this blueprint, you'll know WHERE TO START and HOW TO START?
I first got started in Internet Marketing in June 2006. Over the
years, I've made a lot of mistakes and wasted thousands of dollars
before eventually making my first money on the Internet.
You don't have to be like me spending years and thousands of dollars
just to be able to earn money online. You still need to work hard and
smart though, as this is not a get-rich-quick scheme. However, you'll
definitely save yourself time, money, and frustrations with Beginners
Blog Profits.
Beginners Blog Profits is yours for the taking for only $147.
Still too expensive?
Are you sure INVESTING $147 for your future is too expensive? When
was the last time you spend $147 on clothes and materials that you
don't actually NEED BUT WANT?
How about $147 $127?
_Edit: Now you can get Beginners Blog Profits for a measly $37 $97! _
$97 is a crazy bargain for the value I'm offering you here.
Why am I offering you such a huge discount?
Because Beginners Blog Profits blueprint is a digital product that
you can start downloading to your computer in 2 minutes once payment
is made. This means that I don't have any book printing costs,
shipping costs, and inventory costs.
Still too expensive, you say?
Alright then, to sweeten the deal let me thrown in a few bonuses as
But before I reveal to you what they are, have you noticed that there
are tons of websites out there that give you tens or hundreds of
bonuses at the end of the sales letter?
If your answer is yes, then you probably would have noticed too that
these tens or hundreds of bonuses are usually some PLR or MRR
worthless junk that usually don't deliver value. Some of them can even
be found for free by doing a search in Google!
To make matters worse, the sheer volume of these bonuses most likely
confuse you more than they benefit you!
And the more confuse you become, the higher the chance you don't take
any action at all.
Well, I Beg To Differ From All Of Them
Which is why I'm creating my very own 2 (two) unique bonuses (not
tens or hundreds) that can only be found here:
How to choose a market that is RIGHT FOR YOU so that you can reap
maximum profits day in and day out
Should you choose a niche based on _____ or _____?
4 factors to consider when choosing the right market:
- Do you _____ and _____ about it?
- Do you _____ it?
- Are there _____ _____ in it?
- Are there _____?
How to drive traffic using _____ and _____.
A lot of people, especially beginners, do not know how to drive
traffic to their sites from Google. While this is not a SEO (Search
Engine Optimization) course, I'll show you how to do effective keyword
Most of the times people either target keywords that have fierce
competition, or they target keywords that have little competition but
very few people are searching for that keyword phrase (which means
there is no demand).
In this bonus report, I'll pull back the curtain and reveal to you
how I do keyword research effectively so that you can copy my method
and target those keywords that people are searching for which also
have little competition.
You know what? $97 for all the value I'm giving you is insane!
If you really want this Beginners Blog Profits blueprint yet you
don't have any money to spare, just stay at home this weekend and
you'll be able to save $97.
And better yet, because you'll be stuck at home, just spend the
weekend studying the blueprint and start taking action once you've
While your friends are out there partying all night long, you are
slowly building assets for your bright future.
Guess who will have the last laugh in a few years time?
Consume and study Beginners Blog Profits. If you feel that this
package has not benefited you in any way, or for whatever reason you
want me to give you your money back, simply contact me via my support
desk (link at the bottom of this page) within 60 days and I'll give
you a full 100%, NO-QUESTIONS-ASKED, NO-HASSLE Money Back!
With this 100% Money Back Guarantee, you have everything to gain and
nothing to lose. All the risk is on me.
Okay, let's sum up what you'll be getting when you order now:
Now, let's combine the product and the bonuses together:
All the files above are in digital format and can be downloaded to
your computer within 2 minutes after payment is made.
What are you still waiting for? Choose one of the options below and
grab Beginners Blog Profits and start earning real money from your
blog. You'll be able to download the whole package within 2 minutes
once the process is complete:
To Your Continued Success!
P.S. Once again, Beginners Blog Profits blueprint is made and
developed with the beginner in mind and it assumes you know NOTHING
about making money online.
P.S.2. How much more time can you afford to lose before you actually
make any money online? Can you see the joyful expressions of your
family members, hear their happy voices, and experience their content
feelings when you can finally provide them with a better life with the
money Internet Marketing brings?
P.S.3. Remember, your investment is safe with my 100%
No-Questions-Asked, No-Hassle Money Back Guarantee. If you are
unsatisfied with Beginners Blog Profits FOR ANY REASON, simply contact
me via my support desk (link below) and I'll refund your money 100%.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Click the order
button below and you can start downloading Beginners Blog Profits in 2
"The directions are full proof for a newbie. I've been struggling a
little to set up one of my wordpress blogs and learned a few tricks
that I wasn't aware of"
Hi Welly,
Beginners Blog Profits is very well written. The step by step
directions are very easy to implement.
This report is targeting people that are new to Wordpress and IM. The
directions are full proof for a newbie. I've been struggling a little
to set up one of my wordpress blogs and learned a few tricks that I
wasn't aware of and I thank you for that!
Because the reports were so well written, I went ahead and downloaded
your other report and look forward to reading it.
Thanks again Welly
"This is a perfect guide for a beginner blogger who wants to learn
how to make an income from their blog"
This guide is a clear and easy-to-read blueprint that anyone without
any technical background can understand.
Welly's writing style is refreshingly without any hype or bs. There
are lots and lots of marked screenshots so it's very easy to follow
This is a perfect guide for a beginner blogger who wants to learn how
to make an income from their blog.
Congratulations, Welly, for creating such an awesome product.
Karen Blundell
Questions? Affiliates? Contact
Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our
product and it's potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or
examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The
testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don't apply to
the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee
that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each
individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication,
desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an
inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you
will earn any money.
Copyright (c)