25 Magical Manipulations For Your Health
My name is Vladimir Yachmennikov. Over 30 years ago I have graduated
from the Saratov Medical University (Russia). Presently I live and
work in the USA.
When I started my medical career I was not always satisfied with the
traditional treatments results obtained in the medical institutions.
Some cases could hardly be treated with the regular and generally
accepted methods. Besides, most drugs do have side effects, especially
the drastic ones.
Even back then I started my search for alternative methods. Soon I
have discovered an excellent treatment method, which exists for over
several thousands of years - the Traditional Chinese Medicine.
I've gone through some training on it in my local medical university,
got the Certificate and started out my private medical practice. I
could not have believe my own eyes. Patients, who have been suffering
from various diseases for the years and had no results being treated
by the conventional methods, got completely well after 8-10 treatments
sessions by using this method.
Back at that time I have suffered from serious illness by myself
called lumbar spinal osteochondrosis. Being aided by my wife, I have
gone through a self treatment course. Since that time (it was over 20
years ago) my back got rid off of all the pain.
In the past I had to squat every time I needed to lift something up.
Today I have long forgotten about all such precautions. My spine is
perfectly well!
Besides, I got myself a weight and a bench to go with it for my
workouts. Couple of times a week I do the weight lifting exercises and
not even once had my back troubled me during them ever since.
So, what this magical method is all about?
My dear readers, I will not get you into various complex medical
details, but will try to explain it in simple terms.
What are a reflexology or health treatment using reflexes?
Here is a simple example of it. Took a deep breath and then blew the
air someone into the eye. They will blink!
If you do that for 100 times, they will blink 100 times. And they
cannot help it as it is their inborn reflex!
Indeed, we have great number of reflexes. The first one we use right
after our birth is the sucking. As soon as the baby feels a pacifier
or its mother's breast nipple in his mouth, he starts sucking on it.
As soon as the baby gets milk in his mouth, he swallows it. And that
is a reflex also called swallowing.
Just recall how your neurologist has knocked your knee by the little
rubber hammer. Your leg would jump up. It is another reflex we have.
The entire human body is penetrated by reflexes. And there are
certain body zones and spots, which are directly connected to the
inner organs.
Now, if you know this correlation, you can easily evoke such things
in a human body as immediate upset stomach or lessen the pain, edema
or inflammation in any body organ or body part.
That is all there is to reflexotherapy - you simply affect certain
spots and zones on your body to evoke the desired reaction in the
internal organs.
I was very surprised to read all these