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Just imagine what it would be like running around kicking and throwing a ball and chasing your grandkids and great-grandkids when you are well into your 80's!

At Last! - A guide to a healthy lifestyle that YOU can TRUST - from someone who has been doing it, and living it, for over 60 years!


[Introduction](#navmenu) [Fitness
](#navmenu) [Food & Drink](#) [Travel](#) [Retirement Planning](#) [Leisure](#) [The Book](#)

Is your body clock “ticking” faster than you’d like? Do you believe that old age means you’ll no longer be able to toss a ball around with your grandkids or enjoy a healthy jog around the neighborhood?

Some people say we begin the dying process from the moment of our births; and that from that very moment onward we have only a finite number of breaths to take and a limited number of heartbeats to experience.

“Stopping the Clock” by George Daldry teaches us that from the moment of our births, we are beginning the process of growth and development, and that we can stop the clock on the aging process simply by learning to maintain physical activity, a healthy diet, and by adopting a positive lifestyle as we age. This is not a fad diet or hype, this is about actual methods and techniques that have been used by hundreds of people to slow down the effects of aging and to increase their quality of life well into their senior years.

As we age we begin to experience a decline in physical abilities but this does not have to be to the extent that we’ve all been lead to believe! The loss of muscle tone or an increase in body fat as we age is not merely the result of time and years. To a much greater extent it is the result of living an unhealthy lifestyle and allowing for a decrease in activity as we age.

Stopping the Clock involves improving your overall physical fitness level, and learning how to keep your body young and fit despite your increasing age. Age is just a number! Physical fitness and an active lifestyle are keys to enjoying most activities at any age.

Slowing down the effects of time involves understanding the secrets of healthy food and drink, and how they work together to provide your body with the nutrition it needs. You don’t have to eliminate your guilty snack pleasures in order to enjoy the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Learning the methods discussed in “Stopping the Clock” means you don’t have to sit back as the clock “ticks” away your quality of life. You can enjoy a healthy lifestyle of fitness, fine food and wine, and fun-filled leisure and recreation activities well into your retirement years.

Everywhere you turn there are indications that people are looking for ways to improve their health and fitness level, in other words - searching for ways to improve their quality of life. Look around you in the grocery store check out line - what are the headlines on most of the magazines? Do any of the following sound familiar?
How to Feel Years Younger Thirty Minutes to a Healthier YouIncrease Energy, Shed PoundsThe Latest Fitness Breakthrough: More Results, Less Time!Anti-Aging Secrets
As our medical knowledge is expanded and improved upon, people are enjoying longer life expectancies.  More important than living longer is improving the quality of our lives into our senior years: having an active and healthy lifestyle can help you achieve both.  This is what ‘Stopping the Clock’ is all about!

As people grow older, the majority find that they experience a decrease in energy, strength and fitness.  The good news is, it doesn't have to be that way!  While most people assume that frailness and loss of function come from aging - the truth is that it is mostly due to physical inactivity.  If you continue to care for your health and fitness level as you age, you will experience less difficulty with your body's physical functioning.  Other people in their sixties and seventies may start to have difficulty walking long distances or climbing stairs - but individuals who maintain active lifestyles will extend the quality of their lives and have a much easier time.

Never Too Late to Become Physically Active

There is no such thing as being too old to experience the physical and mental benefits of regular physical activity.  Being active has been proven to prevent many health problems - and as adults age, their risk of experiencing health problems increases dramatically.  Not only will physical activity help you with your day to day functioning and activities as you age, but it will also help minimize your risk of contracting many of the common health problems older individuals experience.  Individuals who already have certain health problems will also greatly benefit from regular physical activity - as it plays an important role in managing problems like diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Successful aging is a result of maintaining (or starting) a physically active lifestyle.  A person’s health and fitness level is directly connected to their level of physical activity. You can literally ‘Stop the Clock’ and slow down the negative affects of aging simply by eating well, and participating in a regular exercise program.  What constitutes a regular exercise program?  Studies have shown that significant health benefits are obtained with just a moderate amount of physical activity that is performed on four to seven days each week.  Moderate activity includes things like brisk walking and raking leaves (if the idea of spending 30 minutes at a gym or on the treadmill doesn’t interest you!)

The fact of the matter is, lack of regular physical activity is one of the leading reasons why older adults become victims of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer or high blood pressure, as well as the reason for an increase in the number of people who are considered obese.  Help reverse the effects of aging and decrease your chances of contracting one of these diseases by improving your health and fitness level by becoming physically active.  You too can start ‘Stopping the Clock’!

Do we have to give up all our favourite foods and drinks as we get older?  Certainly, our tastes change as we age.  As he mentions in ‘Stopping the Clock’, George Daldry has found that even though he had a ‘caste iron stomach’ in his youth, he has found that as he’s gotten older, his taste buds and his general capacity to tolerate certain types of foods has changed.  So what does this mean to our dietary habits?  Do we have to restrict all spicy foods, carbohydrate-rich foods and alcohol from our diets?  Not necessarily.  Generally, it means that we should experiment with different types of foods, keep a note of those that ‘don’t agree with us’ and try different types of flavours and ingredients.  What’s important is to note that aging does not mean we must give up everything that tastes good!

Experimenting with food and drink is one of life’s great pleasures and provided we keep active, there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy your favourite treats every now and then.   

‘Everything in moderation’ as they say!  That statement is often heard in relation to alcohol.  Some dietitians and so-called ‘health experts’ condemn the inclusion of alcoholic beverages in a dietary pattern – ‘It’s all empty calories and little if any nutrient value’ is something we’ve probably all heard many times.  However, at ‘Stopping the Clock’ we believe that this view only considers the negative effects of alcohol.  The research now shows that there are many benefits to be derived from having a few drinks every so often.  Not only does it help us relax but there are direct health benefits too.  For instance, there’s the famous issue of the medical journal the Lancet that described the inverse relationship between wine consumption and deaths from heart disease.

Red wine in particular seems to offer many of these health benefits.  Phenols in red wine, particularly the resveratrol, have been found to break down bad cholesterol (LDL) that will stick to artery walls and cause blockages.  As the resveratrol, which is created naturally by the grapevines in order to defend against diseases, breaks down the bad cholesterol, it gets turned into HDL, the cholesterol that is considered “good cholesterol”, and is then carried away in the bloodstream and digested healthfully.


Drinking red wine regularly can help individuals reduce their LDL’s, and further help reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis.  The health benefits of wine have also been shown to reduce the amount of pressure required for the heart to circulate the blood, which means the heart does not need to work as hard to do the same amount of work.

Simply creating a diet of items that are packaged and labeled health food may not be enough for individuals who tend to have higher levels of cholesterol.  By incorporating a moderate amount of red wine into the daily diet (one to two glasses daily), the health benefits of wine can be absorbed by the body, resulting in lower levels of LDL.   

In addition to including red wine in your diet, an active adult can eat good foods that don’t necessarily have a “health food” label stuck to the side.  Healthy individuals can enjoy a much larger variety of foods (in moderation, of course), because their active lifestyle will help them maintain adequate weight levels.  In fact, it’s been proven that people who are active, and exercise on a regular basis have a greater appetite due to the calories being burned with such an active lifestyle.   

With all of the different diet recommendations available, it’s also difficult to know what foods are really considered “health food”.  For instance, people following a low carbohydrate diet will tell you they can healthfully indulge in foods with high fat since they have cut out carbohydrates; while people following a calorie counting diet will measure and weigh everything they eat and tell you the secret lies in proper portion control.  There are many different ideas of what constitutes a healthy diet!  Guidelines put forward by government agencies and others can be confusing.  There’s usually one commonality between them all though, and that is to include foods that are close to their natural state.  It’s important to have a significant proportion of our diet comprised of nutrient-dense foods.  This means including whole foods such as vegetables and fruit, nuts and seeds, whole grains and pulses.  By doing so you will reduce the risk of contracting a range of conditions from heart disease, osteoporosis and type 2-diabetes.   

Regardless of the specific type of diet you choose to follow however, maintaining an active lifestyle that includes regular exercise, and avoiding smoking will give you the added health boost to enable you to enjoy more good food and wine than an inactive person.  Additionally, by adding a glass or two of red wine each day, you can help keep your cholesterol within normal limits while enjoying the flavors of a drink that was once “forbidden” from healthy diets!

Provided adults maintain an active lifestyle even as the years progress, the diet can include good food and wine and you do not necessarily need to eat a restricted or very limited diet to maintain optimum levels of health.

One of the best ways of ‘Stopping the Clock’ on the aging process is to have a healthy mind and body.  Stress is bad for you!  The quickest path to old age is the one lined with varying levels of mental and emotional stress. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is more than just eating right and exercising - you must also remember to allow time for recreational activities that make you feel good, eliminate stress and allow you time to feel free!   Traveling is enjoyable for people of all ages and should not be disregarded as you enter your more mature years!

In fact, travel for is a very popular activity for those in the pre-retirement and retirement years.  Whether or not you consider yourself culturally minded - travel can appeal to everyone as a means of escape.  If the cold months of winter seem to be dragging on, why not avoid the pile of snow outside your door by taking a trip someplace warmer?  The change and improvement in weather conditions can be an immediate boost to your outlook and help bolster your spirits.  Having a positive outlook on life goes a long way towards helping maintain optimum health and fitness.  Likewise, if you’re just tired of the daily routine, traveling can be just the ticket to renewed energy and happiness.

Travel can be as simple as taking frequent weekend trips to the mountains or the beach or as organized as going on a cruise or traveling with a group tour.  Travel for health and for tapping the fountain of youth can include active itineraries like biking, swimming or walking; or visiting wineries!  It doesn’t matter so much where you go or what you do when you travel - just that you get out there and experience all there is to experience!

Because travel is so popular for older adults and for adults approaching or even already well into the senior years, many companies have begun to offer special travel packages geared toward retired and older individuals or couples.  Group travel provides the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.  And besides, you’ll be able to get discounted rates for travel costs and various recreational activities - thanks to group rates and organized tour packages.   

Think back a bit, to when you were younger and probably a bit more carefree.  Most people would remember that they were more willing to take chances - and can even remember the butterflies in the stomach that accompanied each new adventure.  For some reason, as people age they lose the adventurous spirit and settle into the routine of daily life, where fear and one concern after another seem to find their way into their minds and hearts.

Part of enjoying life to the fullest and maintaining an optimum level of health and happiness even as we age, is ignoring the misconceptions surrounding things that are considered “inappropriate” for someone of a certain age.  Frequent travel can keep you young at heart and taking part in recreational activities will keep your body fit as well.

Most people now experience longer lives and hopefully, through regular physical activity the quality of their lives has also been improved.  As many people keep active, healthy lifestyles well into their senior years, there are more years to be enjoyed even.  In order to really take advantage of your retirement years, however, it’s best if you plan for your retirement well in advance of when you collect your gold watch!

If you were able to retire at the age of 50, chances are you’d have 33-40 years of retirement to enjoy!  As the average life expectancy increases and people are living healthier lifestyles, the amount of time we spend in retirement is becoming longer than the number of years we spend in our careers so don’t you think a little retirement planning is in order to ensure you have enough money to enjoy this next phase of your life?

Retirement planning covers a lot of territory.  More than just figuring out if you’ll have enough money to pay your living expenses, retirement planning also includes determining how much money you’ll need to continue your active lifestyle!  Think of all the things you might enjoy doing once you no longer have to report to work five or more days a week… travel, boating, fishing, dance lessons, golfing, taking an art class at the local university, and whatever else you may want to experience!  Many things will cost money, unfortunately, but with appropriate retirement planning you’ll be able to do everything you want to do to keep your active lifestyle.

There are numerous free retirement calculators available on the internet for you to start your planning.  Before you start arbitrarily entering numbers into the calculators and pressing the magic “calculate” button however, it’s a good idea to know the following information:
How much annual income you want for each year of retirement, in today’s dollarsThe date (month and year) you plan to retire.Lifetime average inflation rate.Average rate of return you expect to earn on your retirement investments and other investments before and after you retire.The current market value of your retirement investments and other investments including regular bank accounts, IRAs, and company tax-deferred programs (such as the United States 401K retirement plan, or the Australian Superannuation scheme.)Estimates of company provided pension benefits.Estimate of social security benefits.
Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be able to effectively start planning for retirement, and do so in a way that lets you enjoy an active retirement lifestyle of your dreams!

One of the very best retirement investments people can make is to participate in a company sponsored retirement plan.  Very popular in the US is the 401K retirement plan.  The money invested has great tax benefits, and often companies will match all or a portion of your investment - which is like receiving free money!  Money invested in a 401K plan is deposited before taxes are taken from the income, so it reduces the amount of income you must claim and the funds in the account grow interest tax-free.   

In order to fully enjoy your retirement years, it’s necessary to spend some time and effort with retirement planning.  The younger you are when you start your retirement investment and planning, the better off you’ll be when the time comes to start living this next phase of your life - the one where you have the freedom to do what YOU want to do, and WHEN you want to do it!

Leisure and recreation activities are not just for children, teenagers and young adults!  The more you do throughout the years of your life, the more physically fit and healthy you probably will become - and this is true for aging adults as well as for the young.  It’s never too late to make a lifestyle change that will result in a more active and healthy lifestyle.  In fact, planning for leisure and recreation is something that can be done well into the senior years - and after retirement.  After all, once you’ve retired you’ll have much more free time to devote to your favorite leisurely activities!

Maintaining an active lifestyle is the way to ensure your body will be up for the challenge of your recreational desires as you age.  Eating healthy, having a regular exercise program, making time for your hobbies and enjoying pleasurable activities like travel, sports and recreation throughout your lifetime is the roadmap to extending the quality of your life well into the senior years.

Consider how much time you currently spend working.  If you’re working full time, it’s likely that 40-60 hours of your week is spent in both commuting to and from work, and actually working at the office or factory.  That’s 40-60 hours you spend now on less-than-enjoyable activities that can later be replaced after retirement with your favorite leisure and recreation activities!  How will you spend this time once you no longer have to report to work every day?  Making a plan for your leisure and recreation activities helps you fill those newly found hours each week, with exciting activities that you’ve always wanted to experience.

Planning for leisure and recreation is something many people do before they reach their retirement years.  The planning can include making a list of all the things you want to do and experience at least once before you are physically unable to participate in certain activities.  Creating this list is a lot of fun!  You can put anything you want on this list - the idea is to have in writing, a list of activities that you are interested in doing, so you can refer to it and even cross things off as you get to experience them!  Maybe you’ve always wanted to visit the 7 Wonders of the World, or try skydiving or build a sandcastle on a tropical island - whatever the activity, put it on your list!

Armed with your list of leisure and recreational activities, you can further plan by coming up with an estimate for how much money you might need to experience your list.  This can be quite difficult, and there is likely no way to get an exact figure - but with a little research, you’ll be able to come up with a ballpark figure to help you plan for your activities.  Simply include this number in the amount of money you need for retirement.  Having enough money to experience the leisure and recreation activities you want to experience, combined with keeping your healthy and active lifestyle will ensure you make the most of your senior years!

“The training programs in ‘Stopping the Clock’ have been used by a number of Australia’s greatest sporting teams and individuals.  It has everything you need if you want to be able to meet the physical demands of modern lifestyles.”  – John Buchanan, Coach, Australian Cricket Team.

“There is only one George Daldry.  In the field of physical training no one even comes close.  The horrors he went through in the war made him determined that no one would ever get the better of him again” – Harry Bath (Former Australian Rugby League Coach).

“Finally….there’s someone who has cut through all the garbage you read, hear and see about getting and keeping fit.  ‘Stopping the Clock’ is a great story as well as a ‘must have’ addition to your library”. - Pat Pegler, Biloela

“George is the fittest and strongest man – kilo for kilo and for his age – that I have ever examined.” – Dr Winston ‘Buster’ Summerhayes.

“You can’t buy respect off the shelf at Woolworth’s.  You have to earn it.  Anyone who has trained with George knows why he is regarded so highly.” – Bob Fulton (Former Australian Rugby League Captain and Coach).

“A simple formula and a tremendous guide to a healthy lifestyle - this book can change your life.” – Mark Cooper, Mooloolabah, Australia


Dear Friend:

There’s no doubt about it, the fitness game is full of fads and ‘do-dads’.  You only have to watch the infomercials on television to see how ‘plastic’ it has all become.  Don’t get me wrong though, I’m not against what they’re trying to do – get people to be more physically active.  I just don’t like the fact that some of the claims they make are plain outrageous.  “You can get the best total-body workout from product X” you hear the newest celebrity say.  And all you see is an actor/actress doing multiple abdominal exercises on the latest piece of gear.  “You’ll lose inches off your waist in 12 weeks”.  Yeah, right!

Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of all these claims.  Most people know the simple truths about fitness and health.  We know that we should exercise more and eat less.  What we’re concerned about though, is HOW.  How should we exercise?  How should we eat for health?  If I roll the latest ‘abdo-cruncher’ type machine out from under my bed every day and do it for 10 minutes like the pretty actress tells me, will I get fit?  I DON’T THINK SO!

And, what’s more, if you’re over 40 years of age; the problem becomes even more acute.  You might not have been all that active recently and have put on a few pounds.  So what do you do now?  How do you get back into shape?  You’re probably asking yourself questions like,

“What can I do now that will give me the best possible chance of living life to the fullest into the senior years?”

“Are there aspects of diet and fitness that I should be including in my life now that will make a positive difference to my future quality of life?

“What should I be doing that will set me up to be able to kick a ball, run, laugh and play with my grandkids and great-grandkids!”

OK, we ask those questions and we think, ‘Well, the answer is simple.  I just need to exercise more and stop eating junk!  Yep, sounds easy doesn’t it?  The truth is it is much harder than we think.  90% of people who start out on a health program toss it in within 2 months.  I don’t know the stats but if what you see in Garage Sales and in the For Sale columns in newspapers are any indication, there’s lots and lots of people who bought the latest ‘Abdo-cruncher – type do-dad’ from the infomercials only to stop using it after one or two tries.

As a society we need to understand that our lifestyles are killing us.

I read recently that about 70% of all premature deaths are related to our lifestyle – poor eating and exercise patterns.  All these diseases like Diabetes, Coronary Heart disease, stroke, common cancers and many, many more ailments- all caused mainly by the way we live.  We’ve even started to think that always being ‘bone stiff and sore’, becoming too weak to throw a ball with our grandchildren, and getting sick is a ‘normal’ part of aging!

With modern medicine it seems we no longer grow old and die, but we get old and decrepit.  Most people in western countries are living into their 80’s.  Trouble is the latter years are filled with obesity, stiffness, pain and one malady after another.  It doesn’t have to be that way.  We need to start lowering the risk of growing old and decrepit and raise the chances of living long AND enjoying ourselves at the same time!

So, if 70% of disease is preventable and we know this to be true, why aren’t we doing something about it?

I thought I knew it all until I gave up competitive sports and started turning into a ‘beach ball’!

After more than 20 years of competitive sports, a Physical Education Diploma and over 15 years employment in the sport, recreation and fitness industries at the time, you’d reckon that I’d keep in reasonable shape even after retiring from competitive sports.  I certainly had the knowledge about what to do, but like so many people, I fell into a routine of low-activity and discovered within a surprisingly short period of time that I’d put on 7” around my waist.

What really got me was that my chest measurement had dropped about the same amount as I had put on around my waist! It was like my chest had dropped down to my gut!

I couldn’t believe it!  How could this happen?  My self-esteem was as sunken as my chest had become.  OK, I wasn’t training 2-3 times per week, but I was still fairly active – the odd jog around the neighborhood streets, a lot of walking in my job, a fair bit of work mowing the lawn on weekends.  What was going on?

I was finding excuses not to follow a pattern of diet and exercise that I knew was necessary if I wasn’t going to become really overweight.

Excuses were easy to find at my age.  You know, things like, “My joints are sore today, and you shouldn’t exercise with sore joints” (I actually knew that this wasn’t an excuse, but I still used it!), “I don’t have time, I’ve just been given a new project at work and I’ve got to make sure I devote every spare minute to making it a success”, and my favorite:

“I’ve exercised all my life, now’s the time to take it easy and relax for awhile. I’ll start next month after we get through Christmas, (or Easter, my birthday, the kid’s birthdays, Halloween or ….. insert any public holiday or family event here)”.

After putting on a couple more inches around my waist I realized that I needed help!

It was around this time that I started to look for guidance.  I had an extensive library of health and fitness publications from my study and career, however, it was while I was in a bookstore that a publication really caught my eye.

I had first heard of George Daldry as a kid.  He was the man who made the Australian Rugby League team into World Champions.  Little did I realize at the time but George also helped a number of other world-class athletes.  As I thumbed through his book, I realized that George’s story went way beyond training professional athletes.  He had helped literally thousands of people from all walks of life to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

His personal story was motivation in itself - how he’d overcome the horrors of Japanese Prisoner of War camps for instance.  How he was laughed at when he was one of the first people to ever jog in public.  I decided that George might be able to help me out too!

One night in Changi Prison (the notorious WWII Japanese POW camp), George Daldry decided that if he survived, he would go searching for the fountain of youth.  Well, he not only found it, but in the process he became (and still is!) the fittest and strongest person, kilo for kilo, for his age, in the country.

‘STOPPING THE CLOCK’ is a landmark publication in fitness, health and longevity.  It reveals how George Daldry, (at 84 years of age he’s still taking up to 10 training classes per week!) not only survived the absolute despair of Changi Prison, but how he went on to become recognized by the International Olympic Committee as one of it’s ‘Trainers of the Century’.

Now you too can gain access to George’s incredible warehouse of knowledge and learn how to ‘STOP THE CLOCK’ on the aging process.

Over the years George has helped many thousands of people (including the former US President, George Bush Sr., Prince Albert of Monaco and Kerry Packer, Australia’s richest man, as well as many of this country’s greatest sporting champions) to reach their fitness goals.  In the meantime he has tried and tested every conceivable method of achieving maximum health.

George has seen all the ‘fads’ and all the latest devices and training techniques come and go.  He’s tried them all and in ‘Stopping the Clock’ he cuts through all of the ‘hype’, separates the fact from the fiction and gives you the real truth about what it REALLY takes to get and keep fit and healthy ALL your life.

In ‘STOPPING THE CLOCK’ you’ll also learn:

    •    The fitness way of life – including rules on training and diet that you can rely on because George has tested and re-tested them over many years and with many groups of people.  George also reveals his own training program that has helped him achieve and maintain a body of a much younger man;

    •    How to Get Fit Quick - Using the Daldry method you can achieve ultimate health and vitality in a time-efficient manner.  George outlines 7 Case Studies of different people from different backgrounds, levels of fitness and health objectives and details immediate steps to get them on the path to fitness and health.

    •    Fitness in Your Home – what you need to set up your own gym in your home – at very little cost!  George goes through what equipment is necessary and outlines a program to get you started on the way to ultimate health and fitness.

    •    The A to Z of Health and Fitness – in which you get extensive details on all the important aspects of developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle – from Acupuncture to Yoga, you’ll get the ‘low down’ on what works and what doesn’t and why.


Dr Winston Summerhayes remembers sending a sad case to George for treatment – a man so fat he couldn’t tie up his own shoelaces.  “The next time I saw him,” says Dr Summerhayes, “that man was on a golf course looking lean and sinewy and muscular.  I could hardly recognize him.  And the great thing about him was that he was happy.  He had been terribly depressed over his weight problem.”

George has, over the years, trained hundreds of people who have lost two and three stone.  The biggest weight loss he supervised was 12 stone (70 kilos) between two guys in their 40’s.  Despite NEVER JOGGING and NEVER GOING HUNGRY, within 18 months these two had lost 12 stone between them and because it came off in a controlled manner under George’s supervision, they looked fantastic.

But it doesn’t stop there!

Everyone is different and has his or her own special fitness objectives – there are several case studies outlined in ‘Stopping the Clock’ including:

    •    The Mum who’s never been one for exercising.  She’s 13 kilos overweight with cellulite.


    •    The Pregnant Woman.  George has worked with many pregnant women and all of them reported that they had excellent deliveries – no problems at all because of the exercises they’d done!


    •    The young footballer who wants to gain weight.  Several clients have wanted to gain weight and ‘Stopping the Clock’ provides a typical weekly meal and exercise program that produces results.


    •    The Athlete.  Hear about the diet and program used by a professional boxer to make the weight and give him the energy needed to win a World Championship.


    •    The Older Adult.  Joe is 68 years old and hasn’t done any exercise for 20 years.  But as George says, “You’re never too old to start training, and never too unfit!  You just have to learn how to pace yourself.”  In ‘Stopping the Clock’ you learn how.


    •    The 40 year old businessman who smokes and has a beer-belly.


    •    The ‘Fun Runner’ - who wants to win the local derby.


Learn to balance between aerobic, cardio workouts and strength workouts to make your body fit for your purposes.

Come with George as he works through the programs he has used with hundreds of his personal clients and have a detailed look at what he has done with a long-term client who has lost 34lbs in 12 months with no dietary changes whatsoever!!!

George gives his opinions on a range of health matters from new treatments to the latest fitness crazes – and you can be assured he speaks his mind about these! – get to know which one’s are real and which are not from the man who has seen them all come and go!!

If all this sounds like too much to include in one publication then rest assured, ‘Stopping the Clock’ is full of information about getting and keeping a fit and healthy body.  Heck, George even gives you a guaranteed, tried and tested remedy for blisters!!


PLUS:  If you purchase ‘Stopping the Clock’ you’ll also receive for FREE an interview with renowned life-coach and psychologist, Michael N. Fox.  In this interview you’ll discover:

    •    The importance of knowing why you are exercising

    •    Why competing with yourself is good for you

    •    Be aware of negative self-talk

    •    Overcoming ‘flat periods’

    •    Re-wiring your self-talk to maintain motivation

    •    How to get the ‘exercise habit’


There are some easy things you can do to make sure you stick with your program to the point where it becomes part of your natural make-up.  So much so that you actually look forward to each and every work-out.

‘Stopping the Clock’ is only available through this website.  There is no other way to obtain it!  You can either purchase a hard copy version of the book or you can get it in electronic form.  Choose the latter and you can be reading it within the next 5 minutes.  It’s that easy!

So that there is no risk to you, I also offer a 100%, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee.  If you read “Stopping the Clock” and you’re not convinced it will help you, I want you to let me know and I’ll give you your money back, no questions asked.

Remember when you purchase 'Stopping the Clock’ you get a FREE copy of the interview with psychologist and life-coach, Michael N. Fox.  Both of these items for just $12.95US.

So, let’s just re-cap on what’s being offered here


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Please click on the link above to get your copy of this amazing book.  Within minutes you can be getting your questions answered…within minutes you’ll discover all the fitness, diet and health secrets so you can start ‘Stopping the Clock’ on your own life.

Wishing you all the very best

Warm regards

Bill Sankey


PS: If you don’t find ‘Stopping the Clock’ the most inspirational story and the best guidebook on how to keep and stay fit and healthy, then contact us and we’ll give you a full, 100% refund, no questions asked.

PPS:  Health and fitness isn’t about ripping off the weight until you look ‘fashionable’.  It’s about being strong and vital with heaps of energy.  ‘Stopping the Clock’ isn’t about the body beautiful but it is about the body healthy.  It just so happens that once you get your body in top shape using the Daldry method, you’ll also look and feel the best you have ever felt!

[Stopping The Clock Blog](http://www.stoppingtheclock.com.au/blog) | Copyright © 2010

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